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Waifu claiming thread: Road to 72h Edition The rules are very

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 185
Thread images: 151
Waifu claiming thread: Road to 72h Edition

The rules are very simple:
>Claim your 2D waifu
>Post pics of your waifu
>Insult other waifus
>Discuss stuff
>post fitting, not over-sexualised content
>only 1 claim/Anon
>Most important: Have fun!

We are like a hydra. Strike us down and we return twofold.
Best suitgirl claimed.
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Fastest waifu on no legs claimed
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emperor of mankind claimed.
how is everyone doing today?
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Syndra (53).jpg
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taken down in 3... 2..... 1...

> just in case
Miho claimed again
How do I use chatango? link doesnt work so I guess I gotta log in or something?
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I am hallow
> claimed
Bottom right
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It seems like Mods love Emi and don't want her claimed.
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Tsubaki claimed
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Sanya Claimed

How about no
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Well shit is best girl.
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Syndra (56).jpg
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Chatango is just in case mods get buthurt again, we have been sitting there for a bit.
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Am i late?
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sad emi.png
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>Heart status: broken
Es culpa mía :((((((
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Internet claimed
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Fucking hell I'm gonna kill myself now I meant she but I shitpost too much its just muscle memory.
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Solo están celosos, Emi.
No pueden quitartela de las manos sólo por ser Mods.
Recuerda que debes de luchar por ella.
>Hazlo por ella!
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Sad Emi.png
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>Heart status: Broken into little pieces and stepped on
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maxresdefault (3).jpg
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Milinda claimed
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Graf (12).jpg
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>Best German cv claimed

to mods
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Syndra (3).gif
4 MB, 330x185
If this keeps on we will never get to 72
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I didn't need these feels, I blame the mods.
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Welcome to the club buddy
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ebola chan27.jpg
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Ebola Chan claimed, so the mods are dicks again?

Do you need a hug?
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Vote for syndra 2.jpg
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Top kek
Jup, 3-4 threads killed
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hey hi claimed, is the thread dead??
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We seem to be fine now. Can't say it wasnt annoying though.
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Once again, only waifu worth claiming.
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We already have a place where to go if that happens.
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Holo claimed
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ebola chan.jpg
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Jesus fucking christ, someone call Hitler we need some people gassed.

I can imagine.
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>Hazlo por ella
De eso puedes estar seguro, nadie me va a quitar a Emi

The mods won't stump us. You are still bestbro


We are living sad times...
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Asuna claimed
What if the mods where the Spider-Man poster's?

I don't want to die.
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>Cant stump
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Best Tsundere Waifuu Claimed
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You're waifus handwriting a shit.
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2 MB, 1920x1080
You just angry because the best waifu is claimed

Welcome to the /waifu/ thread.

Oh, I can kill you in diffrent ways.
File: Graf (31).jpg (102 KB, 497x837) Image search: [Google]
Graf (31).jpg
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At least ist working
>so far
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Thanks bestbro.
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Emi Scout.jpg
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>trip-dubs 3 times in a row

Let's also keep the mods on the other side when we build the wall
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Your English is shit

Lenin Claimed
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donny the sasquatch claimed
Your taste is shit
I'd take her on a date. To the pound.
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>best goth waifu claimed
>Ruri is 2nd

What did I miss?
You're waifus English is shit as well. :^)
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cat waifu.jpg
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what was going on with the mod?
I missed something big clearly
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Headed out to Pizza and Beer night soon.


Why is that Anon?
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stefu claimed
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Vote for syndra.jpg
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Lenin is shit
Stalin is top tier
Buthurt mods
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Red Dick claimed.
Just a couple thread prunings.
hey Ruby, whats up
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ebola chan2.jpg
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Hey there Ruby.
They where deleting threads for no reason.
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Claim Marisa
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Glad I came back to get banned

Do you think they've stopped?
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Obligatory claim.
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Did someone say purging?
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Syndra (41).jpg
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Hey Ruby
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You're back!
>Not much really, threads have been consistently deleted recently.

I guess your week was awfully slow, Stocking.
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Hey Ruby pizza and brews sound like a great time, I have to get my ass ready for work :(
huh, thats fucking stupid
kinda glad I missed it
when you give a mod power they're bound to abuse it I guess

there's so many new faces to me right now,
hey strangers
Heyo Ruby !
>just mods hate us
>Hug ?
Guten Tag Girl !
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Mods killed a few threads a few minutes ago

>You idiot, you didn't appear yesterday!
>People might've been worried
>Not me, a friend
>Shut up

Hi Ruby! I'll fangirl in a sec
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Because Waifu threads have lost that old charm. They are nothing now.
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Avatarfagging probably.
Because we're doing that.
Fuck the modlice.
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Hey Stocking! What's up?

Not much man. Fucking around on PC for a bit then headed out. Yourself?

Hey Ebola Chan! How are you?

That sucks dude. I just came back from work. Good luck!

Seems like mods were cucks earlier huh?
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Graf (1).jpg
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>forget pic
Ok I'm getting out of bed now. I have grown up things to do like pay the bills.

Damn you soft pillows!
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It seems like it. They were doing it less than two minutes into each thread and this one's been going near 20 minutes now.
pretty much the same, but replace "then headed out" with "then going to bed"
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hitler claimed
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ebola chan33.png
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Doing kind of fine, apparently my hugs could kill, who knew?
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Hey Emi! No problem! I might be slow to respond soon but i'll be excited to read it!


I wish I could go to bed soon. My schedule is fucked
>Fell asleep at 2am
>Woke up at 7
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I'm so not looking forward to it, I'm still recovering from my past 2 days.
I got too wasted
and dropped acid for the first time, and btw, love it
and now I have to wooooork
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What if I'm a negro?
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I still appear to be fine, by the way.
well lemme tell you now, it's 6am and it's not this early because I woke up now. woke up 5pm yesterday.
funny, i was meant to drop acid for the first time today but I couldn't get on from anybody.
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Shiki 0722.jpg
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Time for Takeda hammer and anvil
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I wasn't gone for too long!
But yeah, my week has been slower than the rate of black people being released from prison.
Just gonna relax and have a few drinks

Hi there Graf!
How are you?

Psht, nobody was worried about me

Hi ruby!
I'm alright, long day.

Maybe they realised it wasn't going to stop heh
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Syndra (44).jpg
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Deadly hugs are the best hugs
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LoL games take way too much time, missed the rest of the last thread.

Shiro claimed.
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1 MB, 1936x2592
Welcome back.
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ebola chan3.jpg
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Ebola bears are a great idea and should be a thing

Well that is good to hear.

But that means less hugs.

Welcome back.
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fucking ebola.jpg
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President Red has returned.
>dropped acid
Why! I want to kick your bf ass now.
I still need Alters Stocking figure.
But I'm kinda scared of buying it. They didn't pay enough attention to her hair..
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I've seen the whole Vol.3 today.
And, well, HOLY SHIT MAN. It got kinda serious from the beginning but the last 3 episodes were abolutely crazy! I was not prepared! I mean, what the hell man? It was a massive change, 3 episodes were worth 3 volumes of action and actual plot!
>Poor Penny

>Psht, nobody was worried about me
There were some people
>I'm not saying I was
>Just pointing out a fact
>Maybe I was
H-how's your day going?
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Syndra (31).jpg
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Looks like you need more hugs
File: Stocking09.jpg (46 KB, 500x640) Image search: [Google]
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Oh god yes!
I'm going to buy that as soon as I get paid, I love it.
I'd prefer a figure with her regular clothes though...
Most are either chibi or poorly made
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ebola chan4.jpg
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Well that is a bit rude.
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>some people
I don't believe you.
Glad you missed me though <3
It's good to see you
My day has been just working so it's been fairly boring.
How was yours?
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Where the shit is Neo hiding?
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Vigil - 58.jpg
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>Road to 72h Edition
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I win.
> dat picture quality
... Now I know why mods take these threads down
not cancerous at all
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It's her best one - although some of the chibies are awesome and super rare.
Kneesocks will remain my favorite, though.
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>I got too wasted
>and dropped acid for the first time
Sounds like you had a killer night dude

Damn, we all have bad sleep schedules here kek

I'm good Stocking! Work sucked but tonight will be fun!

Dude, Vol.3 ruined me emotionally. I loved it so goddamn much, but damn.. What's worse is that it was planned YEARS ago!
>RT did a photoshoot of Pyrrha and Cinder 3 years ago

Vol.4 is gun b gud

Yeah, Mods hate kindness. They'd rather rape puppies and stomp on flowerbeds
>Fite me mods

I'm gonna be headed out now, but i'll lurk on mobile a bit! See you guys in a few!

>Enjoy some music

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Syndra (1).jpg
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>The ride never ends
>They are nothing now.
It's true.
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Thanks man, I try not to be.
>not choosing horus-chan
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533 KB, 256x281
>I wasn't gone for too long!
You know I still missed you.

Hey, nice taste there, bud.
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My WAIFU .jpg
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your doing an amazing job so far friend :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
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2 MB, 1936x2592
Seems like the mods are sure trying.
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Because they're against the rules, or is there something else?
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Vigil - 54.jpg
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Yes it does.

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2 MB, 1320x1295
Rami Hikari claimed.

How's life treating you, /b/?
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Darjeeling claimed, so how are you Anons doing?
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Completely agree.
Personally not a huge fan of chibis but I don't mind them.
That figure is damn good though.
>kneesocks will remain my favourite
She's definitely the best of the demon sisters

A party or something with friends right?
Have fun!

Awh, I missed you too Ruri!
Glad I can talk to you again
July 2 for volume 4. I'm both excited and extremely worried.
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779 KB, 1000x1414
I browse while waiting for time to pass in CK2 so i can get stuff done so aight I guess.
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and there's my second mistake.
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1 MB, 1936x2592
Nope, they're just against the rules. Not really any other way of sugar coating it.

They're just doing their jobs.
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A for effort?
Because it's a weird community that does not even accept others. It's like a bubble of shit.
of course you can have an A!!!!
You can even have my first born daughter and lick out my wifes shitty butthole :-----DDDDDDD
Wait how are /waifu/ threads breaking the rules?
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216 KB, 800x600
>I don't believe you.
Well, don't then
But see this >>674777015 Told ya
>I always win, ya know?
Hope it wasn't too exhausting. I've spent the whole day watching RWBY, so I can't complain

>Vol.4 is gun b gud
I can't wait! July 2nd is too far away
>See you guys in a few!
cya Ruby!
That's draw threads. You're more than welcome to join.
Community's actually pretty normal and I've never seen a case of us being unaccepting. Even stalin and hitler are valid.
File: Farewell.gif (2 MB, 853x386) Image search: [Google]
2 MB, 853x386
>does not even accept others
Wrong. We do that all of the time, I think you're talking about Drawthreads.
I'm a little too loyal to my waifu, thanks anyways.
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79 KB, 600x619
>does not even accept others
I don't know, I haven't really seen that much elitism, so I'd say there's plenty of acceptance.
Isn't the entirety of /b/ a bubble of shit, though?
File: Syndra (9).jpg (138 KB, 709x638) Image search: [Google]
Syndra (9).jpg
138 KB, 709x638
Wait, since when?
Rule 13. if im not mistaken
>Do not use avatars or attach signatures to your posts.
I have tried on a few threads and every time it's the same community doing the same stuff.
File: Question.png (42 KB, 238x207) Image search: [Google]
42 KB, 238x207
So the entire website?
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Except we're not using avatars, just representative pictures of our waifus that we often use to address each other.
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2 MB, 2592x1936
Avatar fagging.

People are using their waifus as personas. Breaks the whole idea of anonymity.
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Vigil - 57.jpg
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>that does not even accept others
There are some cliquey whiners around. They're half-assed. Be persistent and they'll give up if you want to stay.
Does anyone know why that rule is there? It doesn't seem to be harmful or anything.
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>see this
That's you and Ruri, I knew you'd miss me hehe~
I'm glad you worry though, thank you <3
It wasn't too exhausting, just a little boring.
Good to hear your day was alright
Not at all, I post my waifu and get ignored. Post replies, get ignored, do anything, get ignored. Every time. This is the 5th thread this has happened.
Thanks Hand-kun.
Fug why cant i be part of the elite obviously superior waifu clique?
I bet they are so cool and dont sound like overweight middle aged men with heart conditions
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Breaks the whole Anonymus thing
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>just representative pictures of our waifus that we often use to address each other.
That's what you'd call an "avatar".
witness me!!
i will respond to you if you want :)
I have only entered the past few threads but have been watching for a while.
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2 MB, 1936x2592
One of the larger points of this website is anonymity. Avatar fagging throws that out of the window.

I didn't do anything.
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8 KB, 267x189
Well the same was with me if I am to be honest, people might ignore you as they don't quiet know what kind of person you are.
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Make some conversation, ask everyone some questions. I'm betting any time this happens to you you're just posting things that nobody wants to or can reply to.
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Vigil - 55.jpg
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Isn't this just life, though?

If you're not interesting, no-one will talk to you.

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Ok post your waifu and be judged.
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Maybe because you're waifu a shit?
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such a spoiled brat

you should be banned for dat stoooopid girl

MODS!!! she's underaged!!

gross and gay

she's a psyco... good luck,guy!

OMG, another underaed


so you are a failed musician, eh?

gross and fake

such a whore

Tsubaki was already claimed, dude!

enter another anorexicphiliac

watch out, it's a trap

in the last episode her hair is even shorter

watch out, she'll shoot at you

again with this useless slut
Its my waifu not yours, why should we care about what others think huh? Me and my waifu are a team and not so vain to care about petty things like that eat shit you are the crick in my dick.
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1 MB, 1936x2592
Obligatory (you)
My waifu was posted and ignored. Maybe I'll try again later and see what happens. For now I'm not convinced these threads are worth it.
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Outta the way fuccbois best girl coming through
Literally the only prerequisite to being accepted is post an animu girl what the fuck are you talking about
File: Yume01.gif (3 MB, 500x281) Image search: [Google]
3 MB, 500x281
Just here for claiming then go back playing FFXIV

>claiming yume
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I find that hard to believe. Who's your waifu?

>I knew you'd miss me hehe~
Great, you knew it... *pout*
>Is your job particularly boring or it depends on the day?
You don't sound like an attention whore at all.
Post your waifu next thread and see what happens, aight?
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>watch out, she'll shoot at you

With a tank gun.
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i didnt get a response? alrighty then.
hey soraka, whats up
doesnt even have to be anime technically at this point.
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Seem to be getting plenty of attention right now, okay.

We're not really out to impress anyone, people don't always want to reply to a specific post. Get over it.
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ebola chan26.jpg
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Ebola chan is the best waifu.
Ebola chan is a dead meme and a dead disease
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>i didnt get a response?
Our waifus are flawless
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>such a spoiled brat
What? Ruri is actually poor and works hard for her imoutos
its super fun, you shouldn't give up the search
he wasn't with me
but why kick his ass
it was a killer 48 hours, you don't even know

sorry for late reply, i had to shower

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