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Loli Thread 2

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
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Thread replies: 213
Thread images: 145
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Loli Thread 2
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I refer you to
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Happy sex?
More feets please!
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Butts are better
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can we just make this into a loli feet thread? OuO
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Point it away from yourself.
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This please, under table is awesome
>> just for you my freinds
requesting for incest. Escpecially for brother/sister
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I remember a month or two back I noticed that loli seems to have a LOT of overlap with other odd fetishes like feet and piss, and couldn't for the life of me figure it out. I think I understand a little better. Feet are because, well, let's face it, even those of us with smaller cocks are going to seriously injure a loli with an ordinary fucking. Suspension of disbelief only goes so far, and most of us don't need bloody, bruised, crying loli in our fantasies. So people go for the feet- a safe alternative, plus their feet are small and soft, and, along with piss, it kind of lends more of a feeling of the loli being on top and having initiated things into the fantasy, which certainly feels a lot better than the idea of forcing it. Of course, I'm also really tired and a little drunk, plus seeing it from my own perspective where my reason for enjoying loli revolves very heavily on the idea of being unconditionally loved. Thoughts?
hmmmm this looks like lisa's pussy except this one is not yellow. does apostle (that's his pic, right?) just copypaste pussies?
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Don't let it die.
no idea found it on sankaku
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Bumping with personal favorite loli.
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I don't think the feet thing is correct. In a loli doujin, how often does the loli bleed a lot or appear to be in pain after a fucking (apart from rape ones ofc)? That's where most of us base our fantasies off of, I would assume. Sure, normal little girls would, but if we were all into actual little girls then we would be looking for actual pizza, not drawn.
How is watching a horse getting jerked off illegal and this okay?
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does anyone have foot massage ones?
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I think loli may be an alternative outlet for pedophiles who don't want to contribute to the nasty exploitation and harm involved in real cheese pizza. And again, even anime and manga have certain limits on suspension of disbelief, although porn of any kind stretches it.
I want to have sex with Mari.
because its animated retard. Nobody is being hurt by drawn pictures.
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Nice anon, anymore?
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Love my kabato
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Don't 404 on me
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Bump with non lewd
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Come on, come on.
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checked and i think i was wrong.
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bookie loli.jpg
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bump with lewd. betcha didn't see that coming, didja?
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Have a gif
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Best one here Pandemoniumking
I'm sure some people use it as an alternative, I myself don't have any interest in the loli that looks young or to realistic. I like the ones that look more animeish and I guess around pre-teen to teen age age personally. Not into the real shit other than I can admit to the bodies sometimes. I like girls with thinner bodies and smaller boobs and I have seen some early teens that I was attracted to their bodies
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Cute and innocent plays a big role for me. I think it's because I'm honestly a little emotionally stunted myself. My vision of a perfect relationship is heavy on physical affection more than talking and I kind of have a deep-seated fear of being left. Lolis are perfect.
Then do it you beast
is this an actual flash game?
Thats my build up of over the past couple of months, but sadly thats all of it.
source of this?
I'm the opposite anon. But lolis are still perfect
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why give you candy, toys, video games, dolls and ice cream
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and orgasms. don't forget the orgasms.
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I think that, as a bit of a bondage dom, I like the level of power and control that would inherently come with a relationship with a younger girl. But really, the stereotypical loli has the same ideal relationship I do, more or less.
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>he saves the thumbnail
not that i could find seems to be made by an artist
todoroki gou
I want a brown loli to bully my dick
man this guys great! wheres the van?
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Right this way, if you will follow me please.
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there are not enough darkie lolis on the internet its a damn shame
She looks like a dirty girl
Hey, anyone know the name of that game that uses anime versions of the candydoll girls?
thank you very much good sir.
whats this
It's like a text based thing.
why? any lolis that way?
Sause on artist?
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Saria makes a surprisingly good loli, waifu claimed
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Saira 2.jpg
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so good
Iris would be the PERFECT brownie to bully my dick.
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This copypasta
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Is of mahotama series
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You weeaboo's mirin my loli gf?

She's just like real life anime girl.

How many of you are virgins? I bet you nevr even got to have sex with a virgin loli before...

You can have whats left of her when shes 18 and I send her back and get a new loli.

Later faggots!~
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Does anyone else still jack off to regular porn, but keep coming back to loli? Loli just feels so much better for some reason
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wow shes perfect. aryan loli princess... the fairest maiden in the land... i want to be the one to deflower her!
just reported this to the FBI on the off chance that its real

Everyone wants to be.
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>She sees my dick
depends on my mood honestly
No, it really is an actual flash game. I've seen it posted on /f/ several times, though unfortunately I don't recall the name. It's got a bit of voice acting and sound effects in it.
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thats not unteralterbach you fuckwad
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>ITT beta male virgin neckbeards jacking off with filthy cheetoh fingers to drawings of little girls

Wow you guys make me feel so good about myself. I work an average job and have my own family. Thats right faggots, this is my daughter and she loves her daddy.

You cant imagine how happy she makes me. Every second of life for me is heaven. I'm so glad I kept at it, hard work really pays off.
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oh SHIT NIGGAH time to put google to the test
well i dunno i couldn't find a source anywhere just the artist
Bold move, putting a picture of your daughter for us to jack off to, anon
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I wanna lick it
Damn she's hot. How old is she? I'd stick my dick in her mouth and make her swallow my cum.
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Ha! you call that a bold move? Pussy.

With those values you will never make it to my level. You gotta take risks to get anywhere in life. Playing it safe keeps you stuck. Healthy peopel learn this in their teens but you retards were too slow and clearly not fit to breed.
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I have returned with the source of the game, well a source
>>674509660 here again.

I found it on swfchan for those wanting a better source.
You're a credit to your nation Anon.
Wow. She's adorable. I hope my daughter would turn out cute too.
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would you risk posting some pizza, anon?
Post her butt in pajama
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Nice contrast
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welp i'm done goodnight
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I just almost had a fucking heart attack guys, i filled out the other survey (with a joke nothing remotely pedoy) didnt include any info either. And MINUTES lateri get this email. FUUUCK, thank god i checked it out before going onto it
Bunch of sick fucks
Night anon
Well hello. How do you like your visit on 4chan?
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Yes, sir, they sure are
Discussion is the best
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I got this chums
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Butt loving master race
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Moar like this?
What was that artist's name?
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Not even into the whole foot fetish thing but that is pretty hot.
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even 2d niggers are inferior lol
Possible candidate
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I wanna nigger loli to bully my cock
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Any one got Webm or gif?
Are you by any chance from /hebe/?
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yu mad wit boi
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I want a loli to practice being a dungeon master. I wanna tie her up and blindfold her then run my hand along her body and thighs and listen to her squeel and giggle.

She'll be too young to know im getting off on the control and the blindfold will keep her from knowing my dick is out and rubbing aginst her thighs and stomach.

Then when shes older she wont know she was molested yet will have a close intimate bond with me because I gave her feelings she neevr felt before :3
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Makes sense but the fact is piss is just an obsession with fucking something till I erupts I guess idk. I feel like a retard for even trying to understand this shit. I think you're about spot on with feet though.
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I'm out for now. I'll be back later.
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Yuno is still best.
I know that animation but what was it called again?
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....I'm a dude and I used to do this in elementary school. Never quite like that but I push my junk up against the corner of the desk, never understood at the time why it felt good but it did
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New Updated 2016 Tor/Deepweb Links!
damm daniel
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v& time
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holy shit, this thread is still alive? thanks spiderman for keeping loli threads alive.
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Discussion is the best
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Instead of buying children , buy a motherfucking NUKE pedophile
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Next loli is posted is mine
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Here's a loli you faggot.
kek fucking bots
Thread replies: 213
Thread images: 145

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