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No draw thread edition.

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 304
Thread images: 150
No draw thread edition.
File: eh.jpg (183 KB, 530x750) Image search: [Google]
183 KB, 530x750
Thank you so much, I'll put these in good use.
>my bad fam, shoulda said this is a page in the middle of the whole thing.
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a n g e r.png
538 KB, 1356x1356

Streaming bowl shit.
Is the thred dead?
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366 KB, 1611x1318
Requesting this color.
Drawfags are busy.
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2 MB, 1253x721
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That's pretty gay, bra.
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Any requests?
Except for the fart fetish guy I'm posting the bayonetta thing so stop.
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Nuevo Lienzoa.jpg
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I only have a mouse but this is what I got
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If I had to redo this page, that's the plan I would follow

I am by no mean an expert tho
It's only gay if you stare at it for more than a minute
I like that, I'll use it as reference.
Well, how long does the thread live? I guess the image is stuck nao. woopsies.~ヨ

If I can help you by any means, or if you have more questions dont hesitate
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Hello, I'm back to complain about the lack of people here, even tough I know it's still work hours in the great US and A.

Anything fun happened today?
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Namnlös för helvete.png
6 KB, 507x252
H-hey guys.

I still miss my face...
>US of A
Only semi significant thing today is swords birthday
A useless holiday
Today my tail got squished
And you ?
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73 KB, 711x1123
not mine, but that´s what you want
work hours passed. Their asses are on the way.
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shut up, french boi.

Whhaaat, really?

SB birthday?
St Patrick's day
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You're one of those animal guys?
>Shamrock Shakes
Not pointless
Absolutely pointless
Yup no reason... At all
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Oh no, who got your tail?

Too bad America is so big, in my country we just walk across the field and we're home.

>St Patrick's day
Oh no, it was get way too drunk day and I didn't even know...
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30 KB, 700x525
Yet we Australians are just waking up.

Good morning friends
>work hours in US
LOL most of people here are life failure neets drawing porn till 10am then going to sleep
Skittles did
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Yo, fought any cangaroos?
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Calfri 3.png
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/r/ you tell me your name.
You look adorable.
the dream life

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most of them are college students actually
I was born in Australia
Then we moved to this god forsaken icefield
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I request you make the fun happen by lifting this unecessary shirt, as I'm horny.
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Hi mate, or cunt, whichever is the least offensive.

What time is it down under?

>neets drawing porn till 10am
living the life~

oh.. you want me to talk to them?
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7 KB, 507x252
Any aryans here?
draw porn.
No, I'm fine like this, thanks
What do you use for body references? Also any tips for quickly drawing environments? How do you do your backgrounds in the case?
I fucking hate Australians out of the fact that by some strange coincidence every single boss I've worked for has been an Australian.
Do Australians have some huge stake in the machining industries? Is that why?
Sup. Taking orders.
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sup /b/ro I´m Shadry.
And yo are?
rev up those fryers
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pAsst me.png
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Hey fish man, draw me before...

I shot myself...
Backgrounds are a big problem to me. But it's always the same. Photos, photos, and more photos.

Each time you approach a topic you don't know, use real life. This goes for anatomy, this goes for backgrounds.

If you are going manga style, only one background is required for each scene, namely the situational pannel. Else you will have to draw a lot of them (and learn in the process)
>a mint shake you could make at home
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But you don't have enough draw-badges to train me?

k, cool.
or someoe's ass got smashed, one or the other.
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I'd prefer ice fields over humidity any day
Both are equally as friendly. Currently 9AM
damn, its kirby megaton punch all over again
i got all the badges i need, now draw yourself you slut, while you wait for Muricans
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Provo has fucked a bee today, master.
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That's a good time, eh? So, have you ever diddled a kangaroos pouch or seen another dangerous animal?

you need to show me.
have you signed the currency name petition yet?
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a bee, or a bae?
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60 KB, 600x501
i wanna draw requests and circlejerk
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5 KB, 269x252
That... That looks nothing like me
draw a circle jerk.
draw a circle, jerk
please draw a watermelon girl wearing a tank top and striped panties
Requesting Templar Pin
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Girl I don't want to train you, I want to see you naked. What the hell is a world in which you need skills to see boobs, certainly not this place
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3 MB, 855x1016
Is it coming along ok?
Did you ever create your tumblr?
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wow lame
whats a templar?
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Draw me when I shot myself
your butt in panties next to a boybutt in briefs with "KNOW THE DIFFERENCE"
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taking requests
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Templar ref for ya, Pin.
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File: Templar Prayer.jpg (807 KB, 1280x1024) Image search: [Google]
Templar Prayer.jpg
807 KB, 1280x1024
Requesting alien babes squishing their boobs together.
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>diddled a kangaroo's pouch?
>or seen another dangerous animal?
I've fed a dingo while camping once, as well as some crocodiles. Also had a brown snake dash between my feet, shit was scary

I have signed it but our government is no fun.
Howdy ma"am
Thanks, I find your stuff charming. Doubly so for your old lewds.
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hard like mike diamond.jpg
216 KB, 1080x1080
Fuuuuck Pinis, why are you so cute and fudgable.
>I wanna impregnate you to death
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Calfri 4.png
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Bee girls? Hoo boy I remember I got with a bee girl once. Burnt her hole shut by accident. . .>>674460999
Why did you shoot yourself mate and how are you even functioning. I thought physical creatures cease movement once too much damage has occured.
You are quite the pink one.
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shitty and took longer than it should but here you go.
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No idea.png
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No idea, I shot myself then I woke up like this.

And why? I posted on a drawthread.
fuck you
File: pinis.png (13 KB, 600x501) Image search: [Google]
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oh i dont like drawing armor tho...
sup satan
woah guy take it easy
Bayonetta ripping a huge fart please.
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hey /b/
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you had me until boy butt
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I like your cap, reminds me of castro.
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933 KB, 950x922

No big deal, was just trying to provide a visual ref. How's your day going? I think I'm FINALLY starting to ward off this friggin cold I caught last week. Head still feels a bit woozy, though.
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371 KB, 1056x403
Let me complete it
draw your butt in panties and your butt in boy briefs (like tighty whities, not boybriefs the panty style) with "KNOW THE DIFFERNECE"
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6 KB, 287x254
Daw, I look.
Cute. Thanks, dude.
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These boobs are now exclusive~

Wooooooow, bet all the nasty animals treat you nicely because you are fucking Satan!!

I'm happy for you, did you enjoy it?

That's probably a pretty accurate depiction of the distribution of badges around here.
>That's probably a pretty accurate depiction of the distribution of badges around here.

now draw porn.
Special needs forces.
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>Sup satan
Why does this keep happening. my fucking god.

Been good tho. Hbu?
Well none have attacked me so you're not wrong....
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thats good to hear
ive been feeling kind of garbage lately
pass for now
been alright. i finally was gonna get my snack wrap....but mcdonalds gave me nuggets in my bag..

Im like...really disappointed...
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947 KB, 1600x900
>using a drawing to try and beat the real fucking thing
Posing pleb
next time, order a salad. I think they'll get it right that way. Or you could end up with a fillet o' fish,
one or the other.
McDonald's, in all honestly, is putrid trash nowadays. I remember, back when I was a kid, their food was actually decent.
>The wild Cancer-chan ran away!
My booty is blocked to those who aren't able to slay the Shagaru Magala
>McDonalds Salad
>just as bad for you as a Big Mac
mcdonald's has never failed to fuck up my very simple order
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22 KB, 500x500

One time I found a McNugget in my fries. It was a good day.
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Requesting Camilla from Fire Emblem looking cool
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better be dead.
the blood of a virgin is not a valid order, satan.
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Do Pearl & Diamond still count ?
I feel like garbage too
Let's be garbage together
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Requesting Fugue cosplaying as She Hulk
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127 KB, 1000x1414
Sup m8
Yes, my servant. She sees that I have all the badges and that I am worthy. Give to me the titties, so that I might enjoy their forbidden beauty
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It was beery good.
Much frustrate, very lenrning.
Seconding this
My lord you are so muscled I wold be scared to fuck you...
Or more like I would be scared that you will fuck me...
File: pinis.png (47 KB, 600x501) Image search: [Google]
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thats so sad
thats cos they could get away with injecting meat into the fries when you were a kid

you dont get excited for mcdonalds when you're old. you it. i really had my heart set on that damn snack wrap tho
mcdonalds salads are the devil. like you feel like dying after eating one
whats your order satan?
of course you would. good things happen to you.
Do not be sad Pin. We are here for you.
True horror story: Back in 2000, when they had their 20 nuggets for $2.99 deal, I bought a box of nuggets. Bit into one & there was a solid, grey chunk in it. I stopped going to McDonald's after that.
U got pokemon? U tryna fite?
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Muscle girls are best girls
Number 1 on my list
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sounds like cartilage
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Sepia Skit.jpg
142 KB, 500x1292
Im looking for a rare Trinket card, here, take my sepia Skittles one
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>I stopped
What a fucking quitter.
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Man do they have something against you or some shit? I swear you've had this issue more than once.

Requesting you snatch your wrap as you stare them down with a disgusted expression.
>hand has 6 fingers.
Question: Should I avoid the threads so I actually get stuff done or toss stuff here as I finish them?
fucking plain double bacon cheeseburger
bread bacon cheese burger burger bread how hard is that
I found better food. I still eat at Wendy's from time to time, but Five Guys will forever be my preferred burger joint now.
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>Should I avoid the threads

Thanks pin
File: pinis.png (33 KB, 600x501) Image search: [Google]
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its just...not meant to be. im trash.
maybe its the way you say it?
/r/ more kawaii kitty EHG

don't listen to this faggot, we are very nice community and we like new people.
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42 KB, 518x446
>you saw nothing

one off... why...
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>I still eat at Wendy's from time to time
>I'm slammin on a Classic double right meow

My niggah
> Five Guys will forever be my preferred
I love how absolutly reckless they are with the fry portions. It's fucking madness.
>Hey dude have like a whole sack of potatoes
>Like you'll literally have to dig your burger out of the fries

>one off... why...
Because it was a fucking LIE.
"double bacon cheeseburger, plain, no lettuce, no tomato, no onions etc"
i make sure to make it extra clear and they still fuck it up
wendy's is objectively better than mcdonald's
five guys burgers are nothing too special, a bit too greasy but their fries are god-tier
ehg do you have any tips for foreshortening

i need anything i can get on this grind
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>we are very nice community
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irish daki.png
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Nib say, happy paddy day :v
many dizzy waters for all.
>I'm trash
>Gets double

Pin ffs
Do you have any tips on improving expressions?
File: demonz.png (39 KB, 700x600) Image search: [Google]
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>wendy's is objectively better than mcdonald's

Yes. Whenever I eat McDonald's I always feel like I just wasted my fucking time.

Unless it's Beffast.

>ehg do you have any tips for foreshortening
Eehhhhhh depends. What issues are you having. Post fucked up drawings.
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55 KB, 620x670
>we like new people
You like mccgriddles
File: pinis.png (49 KB, 600x501) Image search: [Google]
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by being so clear you're actually making it confusing
i know
im sorry i suck
meme's dead, jim
do american mcdonalds have that create your own burger thing or is that just australia
so basically people are stupid, got it

you can pretty much customize any burger and they'll do it, but they suck at getting orders right

thoughts on sonic drive throughs?
File: demonz.png (38 KB, 700x600) Image search: [Google]
38 KB, 700x600
>You like mccgriddles

But my preffered sandwich is the Steak, Egg, and Cheese Bagel, with a Floppy square egg being substituted for the round egg they put on Egg mcmuffins and shit.

It's also called.

"The Suicide Attempt"

>thoughts on sonic drive throughs?
Only been like once...wasn't...really impressed...
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Here's an idea I wanted to do for a long time, but never really had the balls to do it. Is it ok by u guys to make a class photo of every active drawfag? I can either draw it, or I can make a blank canvas and u guys can add onto it. what do u guys say

itll include all the drawfags, new or old, hated or not hated.
File: kahl85823.png (106 KB, 1000x1000) Image search: [Google]
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yeah but what about burger king

Requests please
File: image.jpg (45 KB, 420x560) Image search: [Google]
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In America, every burger is your made your own
>im sorry i suck

You suck at sucking and now you are just fishing for pity, from /b/tards


You can take the red pill and tell us what the problem is, or the blue pill and try to have fun regardless of the problem, but you're going to take one of those pills
Draw me a Wyvern
I heard you're good with that type of stuff
sonic is p gud, their slushes and lime-ades are great

>burger king
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52 KB, 600x600
Meat is bad
File: fucking trash.jpg (61 KB, 800x449) Image search: [Google]
fucking trash.jpg
61 KB, 800x449
>post fucked up drawings


its mostly hands, im too stupid and looking for shortcuts instead of just fucking Doing It

th-thanks anyway im going back in my hole
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>"The Suicide Attempt"
There is no proven correlation between egg consumption and coronary heart disease in humans.
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not stupid. but working in a fast paced environment like that makes them hear faster and it makes it harder for them to pay attention longer. they're doing a lot of shit at once. so the quicker the order the better.
you cant make me take any pills
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131 KB, 1620x1080
yeah but do you have this thing
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American "meat", plus red and processed, probably is, but organic, farm raised is a part of a healthy diet.
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yea go for it fam
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C'mon this is where you belong
Its tastes good
get outta here
Chimera cat girl with cute snek tail pls
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204 KB, 1344x1044
I'd also like to add that your Hotcakes are expensive as shit

>no stylus fml
File: kahl85823.png (118 KB, 1000x1000) Image search: [Google]
118 KB, 1000x1000
>I heard you're good with that type of stuff
haha who told you that??
but...but you get the crown
you lost kahl at "cat"
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File: homosexual sandiwich.jpg (82 KB, 512x512) Image search: [Google]
homosexual sandiwich.jpg
82 KB, 512x512
can u post a pic of ur avatar and tell me his height?

anyone who wants in just post a pic of avatar and height pls
>you cant make me take any pills

I also have the suppository solution at disposal. Open wide.
i've never paid attention to the price of hotcakes, either here or in other places, but i'm not surprised
I think you need some cheering up, Pin. Not everybody that visits the drawthreads here think you're trash. I certainly don't think so. :)
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God fucking DAMN IT
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About 3-4 bigs
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height 6' 1"
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I feel like a slut

Hey now good things don't ALWAYS happen to me. One time I almost got two of my fingers cut off.

It's okay, I prefer cuddling.
File: bones.png (64 KB, 700x700) Image search: [Google]
64 KB, 700x700
Shut Up

Honestly...I havent gone to mcdonalds in a hot minute..I'm spoiled on beef sandwhiches and specialty salads from work I have forgotten to appreciate the little things..
top wiff
[the audience goes "aww"]
Requesting you draw another armor set that you like
File: hips.png (62 KB, 600x600) Image search: [Google]
62 KB, 600x600
no meat is bad
Sluts wear nothing...I mean, if you want to wear nothing, go ahead.
File: pinis.png (48 KB, 600x501) Image search: [Google]
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you did ur best
I don't care if it causes cancer! Leave my meat alone! (Also, don't fantasize about my penis) :p
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that is my avatar tho lol
idk put him at about 5-6ft or sumthin idc
>what is a filename
File: demonz.png (41 KB, 700x600) Image search: [Google]
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>a stick figure

This has....always pissed me I don't know what it is but I always think stick figures should be like 2-3 feet TOPS and they're always like

Basketball players and shit
File: bones.png (56 KB, 700x700) Image search: [Google]
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That's why theres no meat on those bones!! how are you gonna get a gf??
Shh? I'm trying to make you smile, Pin. :p
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ok got it
ty uh no offense but is that char a boy or girl just making sure
k ty fam
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I'm only human, anon!!!
Eric is a boy, yo
why does this trigger me so much
now fug.
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>5-6 ft
>basketball player
File: hips.png (83 KB, 600x600) Image search: [Google]
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I'll find someone who loves my bones as they are

McDonalds is bad
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137 KB, 640x480
Upper left and upper right are the best way to put it, between 2 and 6ft
>que es un "forward"
File: draw project.png (82 KB, 1193x453) Image search: [Google]
draw project.png
82 KB, 1193x453
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..for you
Entity has been around less lately.
it's pretty nice tbh
File: skittles.png (87 KB, 900x800) Image search: [Google]
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around 5'3
ask if you want color ref

guys i got question, is this specimen >>674470070
a boy or a girl? there was a picture posted that was supposed to be him/her and i somehow ain't buying it.
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idk maybe
i just never realy cared enough about th height to giv specifics
around 5 seems fine tho

yw fam
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That style

Is that just me or we met
A long time ago ?

I have troubled memories of a little ageless demon girl.
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>Everyone tall...

Hips is a damn girl. She's just a virgin.
how tall are you my hairy friend
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>between 2 and 6 ft

Thats a fucking POWER GAP if I ever saw one

Hips is Hot And Nice

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I dont got referonces, all I got is silly faces.
Can you do, me, ? Height is normal person.
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Sure, why not

>Everyone tall...
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hips i only eat carrots date me i'll love your bones the RIGHT way
I'm 6'2". :p
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>the average height of an average american woman is 5 feet five inches tall
I ain't gonna be a tiny dragon
At least 3 bigs, if not 4
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What colors you want?
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>how tall are you my hairy friend

Hey man. She's the one who opened her moth about it.

Ain't my fault thats all she's opening.

Finally I'm taller than SOMEONE.
Black and red, nigga
Looks badass
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got it
u want in on this fam just tell height
short man syndome

it all makes sense
>I've got a fever, and the only cure...
Requesting all drawfags play the cowbell
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Sure it's not jealousy about you being so short?

I don't think I've ever been an ageless little demon girl, unfortunately.
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Bones are good for skeleton army.
yer tumblr dead friendo?~
>4 ft
You're a fairy, a 4 ft fairy is a fucking giant.
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Do you have a tumblr? I love your artwork <3
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I just don't kiss people like a neanderthal

who this
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I Will Open You If You Do Not Shut

im 48'5"
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Well, it is just his avatar.
I doubt he's shorter than 5'8" IRL
im not talking about him irl dork

its why his character is a bully
It's a huge gap, tends to be up to interpretation of the artist but in relation to consistent size tagalongs he is about there
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I have a whole world set up and the fairy race isn't like Earth fairies entirely, they're just another diminutive race like a hobbit or dwarf would be. That said, they do have a "fairy soul" which is basically a six-ish inch version of themselves. The bigger bodies are grown by their mother tree and piloted like some organic mecha.
Gonna throw up all the donuts i ate
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It's a joke I don't capitalize on nearly enough.

There is nothing wrong with being a virgin Hips. When you grow up you'll realize swapping fluids is fun.

>I just don't kiss people
We know.

>I Will Open You

If you were good at opening things..well...we wouldn't be talking about this now would we?
So you've kissed people with your LOWER mouth but not the other?
add kris
his height is 1 smol
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Yeah, I know.
I just figured that there's no way a guy could be shorter than like 5'8" and still have not killed themselves by their mid-twenties
If you're under 6' tall, you should kill yourself to save the gene pool from manlets.
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Open your eyes binch!

I've heard 6 ft, tho there might be an anatomical shortage elsewhere.
Are you Vegeta?
Because there's no way you're not Vegeta
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draw project.png
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sorry got it
can you post an avatar top to bottom pls
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2 MB, 1600x1200
Has sticknig come back yet
I miss my memeking
dead meme
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Pleas don't inquire about my sexual history you are not ready

Make me Bigger and Smellier
OOH make me slightly taller than sticknegro.
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too late she's with me now
Found the manlet
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>Are you Vegeta?
>Because there's no way you're not Vegeta

I fukkin WISH
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is this meme still going oh gee
New thread
Body shape: pear
you're early
>this close to image limit
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>148 images

Do you have a comprehension of the numeric system, sir?
>not hit
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I want to be tied, spread eagle style to my bed. My lover (either a feminine trap or an actual female, doesn't particularly matter) would then insert a nice plug into my ass, put on a tight elastic cock ring on my dick near the base, and firmly tie up my balls. My lover would then ride my throbbing swollen cock....hard. As hard as they could stand until I cum inside (with the cock ring this could take some time), then they keep riding (with me in post-orgasm agony, unable to get soft because that cock ring) until I go limp or until they are satisfied.
Once they finish they bring DAT ass over and make me swallow my own cum, all while sucking my cock clean (69 position with me either hard or soft).
This is where things get interesting. My lover would now gently insert a sounding rod into my urethra and attach a vibrator to it with another cock ring (pic related). From here any number of things can happen (hopefully all). My lover can play with the sounding rod and suck on my cock, force me to pleasure them orally (either eat-out or deep throat depending), or they just fuck me in the ass.
tombstone what the fuck
And I thought swordbro was bad just having a futa fetish and a waifu
I'm kinda hammerd

And horny.

And high.
>i thought futa was bad
that's relatively tame compared to lots of shit people on the internet jack off to
Thread replies: 304
Thread images: 150

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