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The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 324
Thread images: 110
File: SkarnerR63-PinkGatorPress.png (326 KB, 609x697) Image search: [Google]
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>a summoning

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30 KB, 300x339
You made that? If so, got a name I can find you for?
It ain't me, and the artist is PinkGatorPress.
File: Erik.jpg (126 KB, 551x786) Image search: [Google]
126 KB, 551x786
Good evening, thread!
How's it going?
File: descarga.jpg (6 KB, 259x194) Image search: [Google]
6 KB, 259x194
can you draw the "Yee" dinosaur for me please? for some reason it makes me happy... i need help

>tfw that artist was pushed off of my request by threats of spam
oh the sorrow
File: image.jpg (27 KB, 600x600) Image search: [Google]
27 KB, 600x600
That's true
Don't pretend like you don't love it
File: RobotDragon.jpg (2 MB, 3000x2100) Image search: [Google]
2 MB, 3000x2100
Taking requests
Yo erik, looking good fam, whatcha up too?
File: cowtothemoon.jpg (43 KB, 1280x720) Image search: [Google]
43 KB, 1280x720
yeah thats true about good shit on here. ill probably never be as good as some most of the people on here but ill never get better if i stop drawing because of it. besides its fun. >>673319743 like this dude. damn i wish i could do that but eh oh well ill stick with drawing silly shit and whatever im in the mode for.

also heres that cow thing
Requesting a Hypno doing something creepy
File: Heretic.jpg (43 KB, 500x487) Image search: [Google]
43 KB, 500x487
If single, i stay
you cant win
gtf out double nigger.
Eh, just got back from work.
Thought I'd drop by the thread, while I hit the books before I go to sleep.
File: ayy lmaoooooo hah.png (92 KB, 600x652) Image search: [Google]
ayy lmaoooooo hah.png
92 KB, 600x652
Us fighting.
not much, someone requested an entry from a newer artist, really hype Mightyena one
File: image.jpg (33 KB, 540x304) Image search: [Google]
33 KB, 540x304
All righty then, thanks /b/ro!
Draw Millenia from Grandia II. She needs more fanart, poor neglected girl...
No problem.
File: image.jpg (29 KB, 600x600) Image search: [Google]
29 KB, 600x600
Get out fagit
Sounds like it's bound to be a cool delivery!
That got done? Repost it for me, thanks for not minding me requesting it.
File: sticknig.png (38 KB, 1000x800) Image search: [Google]
38 KB, 1000x800
still takin requests

ayy fam whatup

get out
File: Heretic.jpg (21 KB, 500x487) Image search: [Google]
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Hey, sticknig!
It's been a while, how are you?
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262 (7).png
703 KB, 1400x1000
you got it
nice get while checking another get
it really was, heres a repost of it for the OR
Doing what? Great game by the way.
that was me, already delivered before last thread went 404.

It was some fun shit, the OR asked me to add swordbro there and it unleashed a real shitstorm. Want me to upload it again?
dude beated me to it
does anybody have a ref of grin?
I got you covered>>673322713
Glad the OR came back to see it
File: image.jpg (185 KB, 2048x1356) Image search: [Google]
185 KB, 2048x1356
Watching arguments like
File: Knightni.jpg (105 KB, 500x276) Image search: [Google]
105 KB, 500x276
Draw me...
Hot damn, that IS a cool delivery!
My compliments to the artist!
File: image.jpg (1 MB, 2048x1470) Image search: [Google]
1 MB, 2048x1470
My response to OP pic
Sword uploaded it but damn man you really did a good job on my bro, all 3 look really well done. You also did a good job on the anime face, no problems I can see at all.
File: sticknig.png (44 KB, 1000x800) Image search: [Google]
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yea im doin aight mayne how bout u

yea u better fuckin get out
Please don't say it
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And he was never seen again
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172 KB, 1000x750
same dude who drew the spider-man
The hair can be better but other than that how is this?
I'm doing well, thank you for asking.
A bit groggy from work, but nothing that a good night's rest can't cure.
Has the thread been more/less active than usual today?
Did I miss any events or milestones?
File: sadaharu.jpg (6 KB, 225x225) Image search: [Google]
6 KB, 225x225
I'm gonna say it...
File: HypnoIGuess.png (3 MB, 5100x3300) Image search: [Google]
3 MB, 5100x3300
here you go
File: PmpgXHW.jpg (22 KB, 404x462) Image search: [Google]
22 KB, 404x462
I'd fuck that.
thank you very much
>Skype Request
i think i finally nailed it, and thanks, i thought you would not return to see it
thanks mate

>also if anyone wants to make a better background for it you can do it

kek, i thought i said an hyppo
doing any requests?
Umbreon next?
File: sticknig.png (45 KB, 1000x800) Image search: [Google]
45 KB, 1000x800
thats good to hear fam
i dont think u missed anything
File: image.jpg (53 KB, 600x600) Image search: [Google]
53 KB, 600x600
I absolutely love it
File: theknightswhosay.png (95 KB, 348x314) Image search: [Google]
95 KB, 348x314
here goes...
working on one already, might take another one if i don't take too long on this one
I'll see if a friend of mine is interested in coloring it if that's cool, i have it uploaded as just lineart but if the color comes out good i'll have it uploaded in full color
I can also post it for you after if he does it
>I dont think u missed anything
Well that's a relief.
Now I can rest easy tonight.
yeah go for it, that would be nice
File: 1457598877781.jpg (69 KB, 520x678) Image search: [Google]
69 KB, 520x678
Oh god
work on proportions and draw from a reference
id recommend a book on basic human proportions if you really want to get better. you can get a good one for like 10$ on amazon.
alright i'll contact him asap
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3 MB, 498x370
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you down for more trap tomoko rape?
File: wyndre wip 3_20160311_025114.jpg (99 KB, 700x802) Image search: [Google]
wyndre wip 3_20160311_025114.jpg
99 KB, 700x802
Work in progress
I like this version better
I dont know, generic pose #37?
that's one of the canon fantrolls isn't it

Also working on

This is my OC fantroll named Wyndre
drawfags post your brushes please, lost everything in a faulty HDD
>r63 herm skarner
File: thing.png (107 KB, 1000x1000) Image search: [Google]
107 KB, 1000x1000
that looks amazing
just getting started
do you have more like that? i was looking for that kind of ref yesterday
not really mate, sorry, want to rest from anime for tonight
File: freebee 2_20160311_025423.jpg (82 KB, 477x569) Image search: [Google]
freebee 2_20160311_025423.jpg
82 KB, 477x569

Also working on a friend's OC too
i meant a ref of your character
>not really mate, sorry, want to rest from anime for tonight
It's cool, I'll ask you tomorrow if I see you around. Thanks again for that great pic before.
File: shrugga chuggah.jpg (157 KB, 1080x1080) Image search: [Google]
shrugga chuggah.jpg
157 KB, 1080x1080
You know who this is. ;p
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361 KB, 1080x1920
I got one...

Thanks, I like your pose so far. Already even though there isn't much detail I'm freaking out because damn look at those fingers. Ahhhhh I wish I could draw hands like you
File: this.jpg (105 KB, 1857x1080) Image search: [Google]
105 KB, 1857x1080
any one wana tell me what they think?
the one on the right looks rapey
Yeah, i know who you are. Just never looked into detail of your character. Not trying to be mean.
the right one looks like his face slid over a little
so, no ref?

like do you have any colors at all?
also whats that patch on your shoulder look like?
is the antennae based off of anything in particular?

questions like these make your ref
File: MxTN1gY.png (183 KB, 1830x1688) Image search: [Google]
183 KB, 1830x1688
Could someone draw a more refined version of this?
also maskless is a good idea to include
File: more detail.jpg (209 KB, 1000x750) Image search: [Google]
more detail.jpg
209 KB, 1000x750
I have added more detail and shading.
does pen and pencil mix look okay?
Yes you skinned Kermit and wearing him now you psycho.
Who needs refs

Also has anyone ever drawn friendfic of your friends getting fucked? I'm working on this piece trying to get a friend flustered. It's working.
File: nool.jpg (77 KB, 1920x1080) Image search: [Google]
77 KB, 1920x1080
>who needs refs.
Wise god damn words right there.
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File: tohma.png (65 KB, 600x600) Image search: [Google]
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>being this retarded on purpose
File: thing.png (289 KB, 1000x1000) Image search: [Google]
289 KB, 1000x1000
nice, it was fun to do
the secret is that i'm awful at hands and feet, i just draw them again and again until they are kind of acceptable
i like where this is going
every day we drift further from the light of god...
From memory
File: Umbreon Colorized 2.png (3 MB, 3000x2100) Image search: [Google]
Umbreon Colorized 2.png
3 MB, 3000x2100
I like where this is going.
you seem to look worse and worse everytime I see this character.
explain why and i can work on it
but when is enough enough?
Would anybody like a little request before 4 o'clock?
File: coolwhip.jpg (15 KB, 480x360) Image search: [Google]
15 KB, 480x360
sad last bump
requesting a beautifly
File: sketch1457684326508.png (748 KB, 1080x1920) Image search: [Google]
748 KB, 1080x1920
Doggie walk
On it
Still taking requests btw
Requesting a fat nerdy girl with hairy legs riding a large muscular lion man while playing the guitar
you willing to do something a tinsy bit more complicated for a pokemon?
File: sketch1457684512083.png (412 KB, 1080x1920) Image search: [Google]
412 KB, 1080x1920
Goodnight everyone
Draw me like one of your french memes
I might, what do you have in mind?
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4 KB, 258x195
Two Electabuzz powering a large generator/power plant type thing?
File: 20160310_213213.jpg (498 KB, 1152x2048) Image search: [Google]
498 KB, 1152x2048
How is everyone tonight.

I'll take some requests.
a zombie Magmar
>tits has zero votes
when did we all become niggers?
Requesting Ruby Rose from RWBY hanging with three anons (generic green suit anon)
File: here.png (366 KB, 1200x1300) Image search: [Google]
366 KB, 1200x1300
sorry mate im drunk asf and I'm lost
File: chingchongnipnong.png (49 KB, 320x640) Image search: [Google]
49 KB, 320x640
Taking a stupid request

no lewds for now

or triangle guy requests because i like drawing that little fuck
This seem about the right time when the threads die down
requesting a male nidoran
Gibe me moar bill.
that's fine, i'm not that drawfag so there's no need to rush it if you haven't done it before

just want to keep one handy if you want your character drawn as you want it to be
File: Anons_Beutifly.jpg (180 KB, 1000x750) Image search: [Google]
180 KB, 1000x750
Here you are good sir, or would you like a black pen outline?
I would if you're willing, thank you
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511 KB, 1152x2048
I'm inking it right now, here's another shitpost.
File: filename.png (158 KB, 1536x768) Image search: [Google]
158 KB, 1536x768
if thats his other name thats news to me
no, fuck you
>fuck you
a little harsh but ok
okay. i was going to redo it anyways because i had left a pattern out of the back wings
Futa vers. of Skarner.

Holy fuck, lel
guy has maybe 30 or 40 pictures of it
Why does dominos taste like shit?
File: muh freedome.png (167 KB, 1472x1024) Image search: [Google]
muh freedome.png
167 KB, 1472x1024
only because thats not stupid

File: BZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ.png (1 MB, 3000x2100) Image search: [Google]
1 MB, 3000x2100
Here you go, kinda cheaty since i just flipped my first electabuzz horizontally for the second one but ehh...I got lazy.
hi leather
Fuck you leatherman
it's wonderful thank you
File: DragonHead3.png (3 MB, 3000x2100) Image search: [Google]
3 MB, 3000x2100
Any non Pokemon related requests? I'm getting kinda bored of drawing Pokemon.
File: Authoritah.jpg (144 KB, 1680x1050) Image search: [Google]
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how about a dragon composed of crystals, sapphire if you're doing color
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389 KB, 1152x2048

hmmm, ok i'll give it a go.
File: tohma.png (173 KB, 600x600) Image search: [Google]
173 KB, 600x600
Grandia II Millenia WIP update.
File: I Took A Pill.png (220 KB, 1000x800) Image search: [Google]
I Took A Pill.png
220 KB, 1000x800
Draw me in your style.
File: thing.png (217 KB, 1000x1000) Image search: [Google]
217 KB, 1000x1000
work so far
I don't think that's how dicks work
a cactus dragon, like mostly covered in thick cacti layer or just entirely made of it
File: An Anonimi Appears!.png (115 KB, 447x448) Image search: [Google]
An Anonimi Appears!.png
115 KB, 447x448
thats cute
remake the /tg/ thread fgt
now that i see it, you are right, will see what i can do about it
File: Anons_Beutifly2.jpg (202 KB, 1000x750) Image search: [Google]
202 KB, 1000x750
Here is your drawing, sir.
File: Entity.png (32 KB, 700x500) Image search: [Google]
32 KB, 700x500
>when you just need a buck.
Kill fucking me.
for what
No ones was interested in it enough to supply more content or even discuss the things I was putting up there. After seven consecutive bumps by one or two other Anon's I figured let it die.
resurrect it during the day
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2 MB, 1280x720
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23 KB, 750x750
Or just post on /b/
File: Entity.png (26 KB, 700x500) Image search: [Google]
26 KB, 700x500
Call of cthulhu dark corners of the earth.
should i go to bed or do one more?
sounds awful to be so close yet so far
Go to sleep you earned it faggot
Draw my penis please
File: Heretic.jpg (177 KB, 500x487) Image search: [Google]
177 KB, 500x487
Go to bed
requesting seaking
File: Kai148.png (412 KB, 900x950) Image search: [Google]
412 KB, 900x950
eyes burn

taking some quests before i pass out
File: grrrrreeeeeeeeeyyyyyy.png (113 KB, 1000x800) Image search: [Google]
113 KB, 1000x800
Got a steam account, I'd send you a dollar through paypal.
Sit on my face
The last thread was posted at noon and lasted 3 days without anything significant coming from it but fine, I'll try again later today maybe, tomorrow at the latest.
May I request lewd things?
File: Rimming.jpg (160 KB, 1500x1000) Image search: [Google]
160 KB, 1500x1000
I'm drawing gay porn, go away
>no homo
ight, sweet dreams niggers
Draw that cutie being cute
Greeeeeeeyyyyyyy!!!! c:
>has to ask every single time they show up
what part of no do you not understand?
File: Entity.png (39 KB, 700x500) Image search: [Google]
39 KB, 700x500
I am mad.

do it after nohomogay
From Robbaz, Nice
fix the d, finish, and i'll touch myself for your art
Her flashing!
File: kammandos.png (435 KB, 1203x615) Image search: [Google]
435 KB, 1203x615
Have another then!
I actually didn't know that it was from I got it form /v/
Oh, Well it's from a Swedish you tuber called Robbaz, He makes some funny shit, you should check him out
>Call of cthulhu
wow nerd
File: tohma.png (189 KB, 600x600) Image search: [Google]
189 KB, 600x600
Final Version if you're still here
removed the d for now, will leave it for the last

>anyone got suggestions about how the dick should look in this position?
File: Headless Faggot.png (142 KB, 1000x800) Image search: [Google]
Headless Faggot.png
142 KB, 1000x800
Hello person!
File: thing.png (291 KB, 1000x1000) Image search: [Google]
291 KB, 1000x1000
forgot pic
File: SapphireDragonWip.png (2 MB, 2100x3000) Image search: [Google]
2 MB, 2100x3000
Here's what I got so far, I'm gonna try and play around with some new brushes I got and paint this thing, though I'll upload a version with only the linework in-case I can't get it to look right.
should be lying up against the stomach or raised a little
alright, it looks great so far i will be lurkin
Looks very nice.
pls no dick
the OR asked for dick
I finished it, and thanks. I don't really care for it though. You're not my OR, are you?
straight forward, at an angle toward the viewpoint
I believe it should be lying on the stomach.
File: 1457586740644.jpg (118 KB, 1080x1080) Image search: [Google]
118 KB, 1080x1080
Extra sausage :)))))))
the /r/ was futa, but don't worry mate, i always make 2 versions
let's see how that turns out
didn't understood that (my english level decreases over time when i have been here for long)
was thinking about something like that
You are a saint
File: DSC_0032.jpg (3 MB, 3104x1746) Image search: [Google]
3 MB, 3104x1746
You look totally different from the last time I saw you. How have you been?
File: Kai149.png (477 KB, 900x950) Image search: [Google]
477 KB, 900x950

Tried to do em both, idk.
File: DSC_0033.jpg (3 MB, 3104x1746) Image search: [Google]
3 MB, 3104x1746
File: image.jpg (516 KB, 1920x1124) Image search: [Google]
516 KB, 1920x1124
Here only in her helmet getting cummed on her helmet?
This is amazing! Thanks!
File: SapphireDragonLinework.png (3 MB, 2100x3000) Image search: [Google]
3 MB, 2100x3000
Here's the linework I got goin' now I think I'll start applying color.
:^) skitty?
looking great, can't wait to see what you do with it
Whoa this looks cool
Requesting a fat girl sucking a big ogre dick
woah alright sorry there
bawble isn't coming home friend
what kind of porn should i draw
Request, Can you draw it so it looks like allot of guys came all over here? ( Allot of Cumbria all over here)
File: shadow86.jpg (170 KB, 695x476) Image search: [Google]
170 KB, 695x476

sometimes you just gotta wonder why i still wake this hour
File: 1457245975320.png (243 KB, 1000x1000) Image search: [Google]
243 KB, 1000x1000
shortstack cactus girl being lewd
You should make a cat girl with cum all over here with her mouth open
is this english
Kahl is based
futa rukia

Requesting a picture of gumball machine with cubed gumballs in it.
/tg/ thread?
Actually no sorry better luck next time anon
Furry porn, straight, hardcore.
File: Feeling pretty moist komrade.png (247 KB, 658x632) Image search: [Google]
Feeling pretty moist komrade.png
247 KB, 658x632
Its from a project I'm working on... I wont say much more.
Fair enough
File: thing.png (304 KB, 1000x1000) Image search: [Google]
304 KB, 1000x1000
how does the face looks? got fed up trying to get the anime face right so i made another one
It looks quite odd, try a more anime-looking face
too chink, maybe too filipine?
File: 1457619907655.jpg (26 KB, 511x340) Image search: [Google]
26 KB, 511x340
Post some music
trying, but for some reason i can't get it right. Also she looks angry
looks lewd and sexy to me
Requesting a fat cat girl napping in the sun
I don't like her nose but maybe that's just me
for the love of god, zeus, cthulhu, etc... , if it's still a work in progress, fix these knees. Especially her left one.
It's just painful to watch.
just go on pixiv find some artist u really like and study and copy how they do it
File: SaphDragonColorWIP.png (4 MB, 2100x3000) Image search: [Google]
4 MB, 2100x3000
here are the colors so far, I used colors picked from images of raw sapphires for my palette
the colors are very appealing, you're doing a great job
I recommend just going for an anime-looking face, it doesn't have to be exactly like the ref.
I've never listened to tool that's pretty good
i think that's it
i think i should try simpler features, they might look better on this
sounds like a plan

Anyway guys, i'm sorry but i must leave now, will have to finish this later
they can't be the only one to draw BBW stuff
have a good night, Unconvenient, have a good night
Alright, see you tomorrow.
Hi tumblr bawble isn't here anymore he she whatever was the only that drew fat chicks
File: Kai150.png (286 KB, 900x950) Image search: [Google]
286 KB, 900x950
I'm too tired for that detailed helm, hope this is good enough lol.
File: thing.png (305 KB, 1000x1000) Image search: [Google]
305 KB, 1000x1000
last one before i leave, does this nose looks better? also made the face thiner
yeah definitely on the right track, hope i can slip in a request tomorrow
They all use the same broken English.
Thank you soooo much it looks amazing! Do you have a tumblr?
So fucking cute.
The nose looks better, but the eyes seem strange.
File: sticknig.png (39 KB, 1000x800) Image search: [Google]
39 KB, 1000x800
>I've never listened to tool
nigga u missin out
nice music btw foo fighters are bretty gud
Nope sorry, glad you like it pal.
eyes are strange, they should probably be bigger
thanks, the feedback is much welcomed
File: shadow86.jpg (129 KB, 1057x806) Image search: [Google]
129 KB, 1057x806
i think the worst part for me is that once i imagine a scene i don't really feel like putting it to tangibility, like why do that when you already have this amazing thing in your head, why try to draw it when you can just cherish that
File: image.jpg (195 KB, 1280x1920) Image search: [Google]
195 KB, 1280x1920
/r/ futa Rey
not sure why i quoted you but i didn't mean to do that
You like system of a down, mate?
No, sorry.
Is there any other way to see your art?
Sary mew
What do you want me to draw guys
Nah, just threads.

sorry again, feel bad.
Requesting a chubby ghost girl
Draw a sandwich that is also a homosexual
a cascoon
It's Mary Sue, and no.
File: 1457615392159.jpg (4 KB, 199x254) Image search: [Google]
4 KB, 199x254
What's so funny, famalamadingdong?
Wtf is that
File: sticknig.png (52 KB, 1000x800) Image search: [Google]
52 KB, 1000x800
i like u anon u got som good tastes my man

u lookin to throw hands nigge
It's cool! I think your art is great so keep up the amazing work!
Sure im on my phone so lets see how this will be
It's pokerman
google fam
o looks like the thread might be nearing it's limit, is someone going to start a new one?
Who are you?
be the hero we need anon
File: guayo.png (14 KB, 750x750) Image search: [Google]
14 KB, 750x750
Sticking with SAI for lineart I thinks.

Ya'll want me to stream?

Also taking requests.
even though you quoted me by mistake i understand how that feels
File: shadow86.jpg (184 KB, 1051x851) Image search: [Google]
184 KB, 1051x851

and now

the final fight for artistic dominance
is myself
File: image.jpg (37 KB, 640x480) Image search: [Google]
37 KB, 640x480
Lewd of yui from k-on
other one was first
Is gud
Oh my appologies
check next thread
Here you go!
Thank you so much
Uhm.. Blu?
Thread replies: 324
Thread images: 110

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