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hey anon, why aren't you happy ?

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 309
Thread images: 75
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hey anon,
why aren't you happy ?
because it's been too long since i got that.
because I'm a antisocial faggot who masturbates all day and I hate myself for that
alone and everyone is a beta fag
but i am happy
I've been married for about 5 years and our sex life is dead to her depression and anxiety. We are both heroin addicts, however i am a highly functioning addict with a good job, while she sits at home and sleeps all day every day. My main complaint is that i have to share the drugs i buy with her and she does absolutely nothing to hold up her end of things. She doesn't cook or clean, or fuck me. She just sits around with that stupid fucking look on her face day in and day out. Unfortunately i am still in love with her and see no way out of any of this.
y'all happy because I gave you some sauce...
Utterly broke.
Got sauce on hot suds guy?
no fucking way lmaooooo
is that skiddler?
Yeap, I share you're pain
>>672881534 anyone check it
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I have a headache right now.
Explain to her that she's an adult who either gets her shit together or gets the fuck out.
living in the usa with a expired visa, work as a janitor making 7.50 a hour with some really weird hours. live in the middle of fucking no where usa. have girlfriend she lives with her mom and comes over about once a week. live by myself at rental. im very unhappy. thinking very seriously about going back to europe.
Because I don't have a dick in my hands
I've been suicidal for 21 years. I'm just waiting for my parents to die before I kill myself.
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edgy teenager, being alone is the best thing ever, faggots need to socialize or people to feel happy
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how far away is the closest one to you?
money and a girl, what else?
>be me
>saturday two weeks ago
>anon I need to talk to you
>gf in tears
>tells me she dosent feel happy in our relationship
>tells me she dosent want to lose me
>tells she still cant go on like this
>i feel like i need to be alone more (she has that fequently)
>anon I feel like I cant have a relationship at the moment
>ask if its about me
>get slapped in the face as answer
>tell her again and again we can make it work
>we keep on trying until today
> nothing changed so far
>feel like shit but wont show anyone
Can someone Photoshop banana guy in there
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Beta cucks, this is your only chance to redeem yourselves.
>women can't gear stick
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I am.
my girlfriend gives terrible blowjobs. otherwise im okay
The girl I like, the one who might be THE one, a strict Christian qt says she's not yet ready for a boyfriend and I myself said the same and that I wouldn't be until the end of college (this time next year, basically).
But what if she meets someone else in that time? Fuckkkkkkk. I really want her now.

brotip from an old anon: she's cheating on you
nigger be happy you had a gf :(
Because nothing is ever good enough for me

same here

but the handjobs are god tier(uncut)
unhappily in love

Come on Anon, get out of that shit and pick yourself up. It'll only get worse.
yeah I saw that coming Im not 12 but the answer is no.
source : I basically know where she is 24/7. kinda creepy saying that but its true
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Are you me?

I've tried teaching her, but it feels like I stuck my Wang in a shoe box
High five!

She gives out a good handjob. (uncut aswell)
Yeah, as an adult she should buy her own heroine.
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Good for you for being a functional addict. I'm a strong believer that people can do drugs safely and still be worth something to society
Also just ditch the bitch you deserve way better from the sound of it man cmon
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she was scared because she prob fucked another dude, and was super guilty because of it. You got slapped cause she thinks you're a bitch compared to the dude she fucked, but she remembers that you two are a thing. Dig? anyway i dont really care that much about the shit, but that feel fam
>no friends
>no job
>lives with parents
>only thing i hear is how the world is about to end

underage virgin fag
Anxious that i probably just fucked up my entire future
Me too anon
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Heres is more like a cheese grater on mine

Because Nothing ultimately matters.

Also, we have to share this limited space and limited time existing with a horde of egocentric assholes.
She cheated move on
>gf won't give me a blowjob because my precum is salty and smelly
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Hey, I have seen that one!
I have considered getting rid of her, but it hasn't always been like this. when we first go together we had sex constantly, where ever and when ever we wanted. She has acknowledged there is a problem and she is seeking counseling so i owe it to myself to see what happens. She is the only woman i have ever loved like this. She is, for all intents and purposes, the only thing that has ever made me happy.
Stop being a BETA fag and ALPHA that bitch! Take what you want be a man you can do it
Yeah. The baggie that holds dog shit while people walk their dogs in a park contributes to society. Aim for the stars junkie.
Pics of the look
For science
Because this girl is banging but i don't know how i should open up the convo
But HOW, friend?!
>get noticed by another human
Because no matter how hard I fight, nothing gets better
Stay strong, brother <3
I am a junkie and probably will be for the rest of my life. It has nothing to do with the car accident i was in that almost took my life, and did take the life of the girl i was with at the time. It has nothing to do with the crippling pain i feel on a daily basis, it has nothing to do with my inability to hold a job without drugs. It has everything to do with me being an addict, however i make the best of the life i have by being a productive member of society. Instead of taking the easy road and going on disability and allowing tax payers to pay my way, i instead struggle every day to get out of bed and go to a job that most people would kill for. So yeah I am a junkie, what's your excuse for being the shit inside that contributing bag?
good movie
>drink pineapple juice
Go fuck yourself anon!
Well that answers that. You seem like you really do care about her. And she you. You know it's possible that her doses are lowering her sex drive. Maybe she can cut her intake down slightly?

i did. Didnt work

How much do i need?
ask her if she knows any vegan recipes because you want to make something for your mom.
I'm not a junkie at all nor have I ever been, but that doesn't mean I have to assume all junkies HAVE to be homeless loser scum. I've had several friends start using and one does really well for himself. I think people should do whatever makes them happy, but self control is key and is possible I believe
They are working on experimenting with different combinations and lower doses. All i can do is hold on and hope. It sounds lame and corny as hell but she really is my soulmate. I felt incomplete until we got together. Oh yeah and she it legit way the fuck out of my league lol
Married for 8 years.
We have sex once or twice a week.
We argue with the same frequency, but it just works most times, so we stick together.

I've had 5 affairs since we have been together. She knows of two of them, and the longest (and current) has been 3 years.

I'm a sysadmin, earning enough to not have to worry about money.
My pecker is 17cm erect. My car is 8 years old, does a maximum of 160kmh/h with a tailwind, and I wouldn't swap it for anything else.

I exercise 4 times a week, and on top of that, I do krav maga 3 times a week.

I'm pretty sociable, and have a handful of close friends I trust.

Yet everyday, I wake up feeling that I wouldn't mind if a truck hit me.

I have no idea why I am not happy.
you're a fucking piece of shit
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I live in a new country, I have few friends here and there but nothing like the friends I have back in my homeland, so I'm rather lonely.
I've never met a girl who I could really connect with so I have no relationship experiences and I don't know how am I supposed to find someone worth my time, which doesn't help the loneliness.
I'm go to some german language courses so I can get into a decent school eventually, but my life is boring as hell and the only way I have fun is by smoking weed and going to concerts a few times a month.
I don't know what the fuck am I going to do, I just hope that I will end up with a decent job and a few activities that keep me happy, like a band or something.
Because i dont get handjobs while a hot girl is driving
Tits or gtfo
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I like this guy
Holy shit are you me? This is the exact thing that happened to me about a month and a bit ago...
Eventually your dopamine and serotonin production will stop. You will only enjoy life when getting high.
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i go*
Because I have no money, tons of student debt, overweight, and have a 4 inch dick.
I'm old. I miss being young with no responsibilities.
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Come back when you're 18
Thanks /b/ro
anon with gf who gives shitty blowjobs and shitty handjobs here.
how to improve life?
Oh good I'm sure that will work, really. Hang in there anon and keep doing what you do I think your all good. Nah it ain't gay you got something a lot of people don't get to have. It's cool you are actually TRYING to work it out
BTW stay safe anon your not someone who deserves to get locked up
>come back when you're 18
>posts 9gag
Regrow your foreskin.
Do a search for blowing techniques on a couple porn sites, save the best ones, share them with her.
I Kekd like a mofo at that
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Being this new
Good thing I don't do opiates then huh?
Thank you man, i usually just lurk on here but i felt like i had to post ITT. Actually just typing it out and sharing it with others has helped a bit today. I try to be as safe as possible and just keep on keeping on.
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Ofcourse I know what a pipe bomb is
what am I a faggot?
Don't ever start then, not that you would. I wish i had refused opiates after my accident, but hindsight and all that
Np man we can't be sociopaths on here all the time, sometimes we got to lend a hand to anon
No money
Because my gf is contemplating suicide and she doesn't accept my help
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Because I feel nothing, no love, no desire to do anything, nothing
Amy Macdonald exists and she isnt my wife
Newfag here, these threads "why .... you ...." does it mean I have to act like I am, in this case, not happy? Or do I just reply if it is relevant for me?
Do whatever makes you happy
New fag niggers aren't welcome round these parts
There is no such thing as being happy.
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>hurr durr 4chan's community is integrated and valuable, no one is allowed!

There's always got to be people like you huh?
you gtfo
holy shit checked!

Because I'm not even 30 and I'm having some pretty serious heart issues. No I won't elaborate.
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I am upset but I shouldn't be. Things are getting better.
>be me
>college student, but other than that I'm a recluse
>but I relish talking with new people and socializing
>I have gone an entire week without talking to a single soul
>I dont have a job
>I don't have a car
>I didn't even have a driver's license
>like a month's experience working at a pizza place
>I have to rely on friends and family to get to places
Things are getting better though
>I got my license and a cheap ass car insured
>the car just needs a tune-up
>once I get a car I can get to and from places
Things are pretty great tbh
>I have a qt 3.14 gf
>I'm making 98s in my classes
Things are definitely coming up
>last year I had to skip a semester to save up
>rarely left my house
>fell into a depression
>barely ate
>sleepless nights and groggy days
I'm definitely sad but I feel like I shouldn't be.
I feel like things will get better
I'm gonna kill myself now
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i hate you
i think i have major depression but too lazy/embarassed/expectant on self-therapy to get myself diagnosed
Sextuplets speak the truth
double trips,
sextuplets have spoken
you too, mister
Fuck you then
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them extra dubs
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best get ever
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With lack of better words; I'm 'scared' of seeking help
I'm sorry if it's a long post I just needed to let someone know that I'm upset. I'm not usually the person who vents to others. I'm usually the one who has to listen to everyone's troubles. Every funny guy has a serious side.
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Sextuplets confirm no point in living
my credit score is only 700
car just broke, im in a shitty job with no prospects. that car was my ticket out of said job as i was learning in it. bad times
Holy shit!
I'm too hard with myself, trying to do all the things to be the better one, but instead of achieving something, I usually feel depress and feel like shit.

And I have the feeling that I'm not going to success in anything in this life.
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Well I've had cancer for the last 8 months and they're giving me a make a wish. I've done my research and just because they're giving me one doesn't mean in going to die. But I'm getting poison pumped in me often and my life is horrible. If you felt like I did then you would not want to live. It hurts to be alive. I may volunteer for euthanasia but what if everyone is right and I burn in hell for eternity? Would god want me to suffer like this?

It hurts
u need gf bro
You're fucking clueless move on from her dude she's fucking someone else and thus doesn't respect you any more.
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What do your parent think about you?
Do you like them?
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Hate my gf, hate my class on college (electrical engineer)
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I've hated myself for a long time now. I'm okay.
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because I'm alone
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You look fine mate
Because I'm on here right now instead of working toward what I'd love to be doing.
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I'm so sorry. I'm not trying to pity you but I do empathize with you. I'm sure you've heard everything about staying strong and taking it one day at a time. As a Christian, even if God is right in sure you'll end up in paradise. He is merciful and just, if you're not a Christian I just wanted to ease your mind about this.
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>Dream girl broke up with me after 1.5 year
>Leads me on into thinking we can be together again
>Hooks up with best friend, only other person who I went to with problems
>Tell her it doesn't matter as long as we could get back together
>Starts dating one of her best friends
>It's a girl
Because I want to find truth in this ridiculous and deluded world.
because I don't have a hot chick jackin me right now. (did someone already make that joke, don't feel like reading thread)

>Implying you need drugs to cope
Check em
Father have canser... gonna die soon and we suddenly got the news... he was truly my biggesy idol
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>the people who cared about me are dead
>family has nothing to do with me, my own brothers don't care if I live or die, they won't even talk to me on the phone
>I live in the middle of nowhere, have no friends or even neighbors to talk to
>lost my job
>no wife or gf
>no kids
>serious health problems
>a mountain of debt and medical bills
>health problems mean I can't drive anymore and I hate to ask someone for a lift, so I don't leave the house
>health problems mean I can't drink, smoke or enjoy my favorite foods
>have nothing to look forward to and nothing to live for but I'm too much of a coward to end it

Other than that, life is great
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I'm just hanging about on autopilot while I build up enough courage to either seek help or jump off a bridge.
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Holy fuck!
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This thread needs to cheer up.

My gf is a fat slob, I'm gonna lose my job in about four months and on top of that I'm 140k€ in debt
pic? Anatomy of a beta male?
get through buddy, we are all in pain here. Just keep on fighting, one day you will laugh about the pain
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I was at that point not too long ago. Hell in nit even sure I've left it yet. Aye in just laughing louder to mask it, but definitely seek help. If not from a loved one then from some stranger who can give you unbiased advice. Change your route to. Get off of autopilot and do something different even if it's just trying a new type of food or coffee and work from there. Drive a different way to work. Buy a new cologne. Talk to folk off the road.
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>Most people are shit, and the older we grow the shittier they become.
>If not shit, they're fucking idiots. Most people are retarded. And boring dupes.
>Tired of relationships going nowhere and making people hurt.
>I have to work 40hr/week to get a living, which means I waste most of my life in survival, even though I lack any stress.
>Those who are at the top in capitalism are the best merchants. Society is shit.
>Just being alive has always felt painful to me. I relieve it by living slow, good food and wine, little pleasures at least are something.

Plenty of reasons actually
Because I installed the newest drivers from nvidia and it locked my pc and the only way to get it running again was doing a clean install.
is that true? Because then I would feel much better already :)
you are a kindred spirit. May you find more peace and happiness
i feel lonely sometimes. not like i am lonely, i have enough contact with other people. but i miss someone who is really understanding me.

that was my gf years ago. but she fucked me a bit up (bipolar girls...) and leaved me. right now i have an good friend and i loved her, but she enjoys fucking with anyone. it's not like i want her as gf, but i would like to have more sex (we just had a few times and wasn't that good because too excited, she has that effect on me, because i'm not that experienced and she is very) and i would like to have more loyality. but she is always flirting with other guys too. it's not cuck like, but i would like to have someone just for me ... a loyal supporter/ teammate, which understand my emotions and has found sth special in me. someone you don't have to impress whole time. or to act in a special way. someone who likes to surprise you and don't wants sth back when he gives you sth.
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Step back everybody
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because i'm 30k in debt and i can't find a decent job. also becoming estranged from friends and family.
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I feel like I just need a night to cry and watch anime.
Hey pal theres is something to help you out, if you didnt know one of the greatest invention ever creates, something called SOOAAAP!
Try using that my friend. (thumbs up)
What's the point of human interaction if they aren't sucking your dick?
because i work too much and still can't save any money!
Ya just push the soap down your urethra and clean the precum up from the source. Don't forget to follow with a wire pipe cleaner.
try going months without talking to someone then ask again
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I may be autistic and antisocial but I have a job so I can't, friend. I have to talk to someone or else I'll get fired. I have gone a couple months only talking to my coworkers though.
Can somebody please help me and my friend over here?
Haha so for you saying that, it means you used that method with yourself but it didnt work as well, and you couldnt accomplish being a gay as well, theres always fluffy love for your kind my friend. Have fun (thumbs up)
Because my girlfriend's not a trap
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because every time i play the choke fetish game with my gfs, they die
We'll you have plenty of opportunities to achieve something. Do it for yourself if you're trying to achieve anything. Finish a video game an get all the trophies, collect vinyl records, read a book that's specific to your interests, find a group of nerods online and compete with them, find your competitive soul mate.
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>can't stand anymore bullshit of my gf
>she has small boobs
>Sex getting boring
>Hate my classmates
>Since I moved to collegeI dont have any real friend
Pretty much it. I just want to leave everything behinde and start new. But my family won't suport me, and I need their money
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my man
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nice dubs
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>be me
>bug exterminator
>old lady who lives alone has bug problem
>Inspect the house
>mfw theres huge brown recluse egg-sacks running up the foundation of her house
>go back upstairs
>huge bubbles in paint over foundation wall
>pull out knife
>may I? You're going to need to have it re-painted anyways
>old lady nods
>cut open buble of dried paid expecting spider sacks
> a large mud dauber wasp is laying ontop of nasty looking eggs
>Queen mud dauber immediately takes flight
>stings old lady several times before dying
>Go out to car to get phone to call ambulance
>come inside
>Old lady dead
>Quit job
>Go home
thats not helping....

except with my on again off again.
My circle of friends have started a very succesfu, fun, and awesome company. They throw parties and make a lot of money doing it

They all wanted me on board but I had to finish school. Now that I finish I missed that train, and they are having the best god damn time, and though I party with them, i will never be a part of the "crew"

It fucking sucks
Find a job loser and start a new life. I did the same and know what i'm talking about. I was 18yo when i left home and now, when i'm 24 i can say that it was right choice, cus now i leave life of my dream (but still sitting on 4ch /pepe frog/)
my god Young Reef was here
>games are boring nowadays
>cba with reliving old games
>am i getting old
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yey sauceman
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I guess I'll just settle with quiet contentedness.
because I'm not on reddit
Witnessed sextuplets don't lie
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You saved my life.
Amy Macdonald exists and she isnt my wife

>Giving advice while being a closeted, antisocial weirdo.
I believe I have enough talent to be in a band. But no one in bumfuck, country-ass Iowa wants to hear or play Alternative Metal.
>have friends
>going to school
>have own place with wife
>have dogbro
I'm unhappy because of my marriage. We don't get along like we used to. We go through good times and then it turns into horrible long lasting periods of time. She works a lot and I study hard so I can provide for her. We are both trying real hard but she's admitted that she isn't in love with me anymore. No, she hasn't cheated on me. We have an open relationship (as in we both allow each other to use each other's phones and tell each other what we do everyday). She depends on me for transportation to and from work so she has no other way of getting around. When she isn't at work she's at home. We still do everything together, yet we're not the same as we were.
Try for punk or thrash.

I may not be from Iowa but still.
Weed/tobacco/alcohol addiction, I feel unworthy I suck at school, have no energy, always feel like I'm a failure and that I will never find a job I like that pays well and that my mom will not always repeat «you can do better»
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>So yeah I am a junkie, what's your excuse for being the shit inside that contributing bag?
Becaus I'm lonely as long I can remember, and it sucks to be lonely.
keep doing you anon
my gf has been making friends lately and theyre only guys, which i know is a red flag. on top of that she recently developed ultra left wing views, like pro affirmative action views that ruin every conversation we have together. we lost all things in common. i hate her pets that she has. we live together and its just us. i have til sept-oct before our lease is up. on the up side life is super comfy living with her. she cleans up mostly, and i dont. she handles most finances, can download any movie, really good with computers. but the guy thing is ridiculous. i dont want to tell her to fuck off just yet because i still have to live with her til oct. meanwhile i feel like a trapped cuck and it makes it hard for me to enjoy anything. also moving out means talking to people i dont want to talk to to find a room. ive burned a lot of brisges lately because my friends all kind of suck.
But it's not the kind of music I'm into, so why the fuck would I want to write that kind of music?
Those aren't dubs.

They're trap-dubz
i am happy. getting samsung galaxy s7 edge :)
Make compromises with people, combine genres. It sounds weird now, but try it.

Just find a buddy you can jam with and keep adding onto each other's stuff.
Because my right eye hurts after checking out these dubs
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>find a buddy you can jam with

that's the hard part.
You don't have an addiction. You're just retarded. You can quit weed easily and work on the alcohol problem. Do that and your life will improve. Once you're ready you can return to weed but in moderation. Night time after you have finished all of your work for the day and weekends when you have no responsibilities left to fulfill.
Crazy debt, and my father isnt helping.
Dude I know exactly what you're saying. I admitted to the girl of my dreams that I have feelings for her but she is a christian and can't deal with a relationship right now. So I just decided it wasn't meant to be and moved on. I've started dating someone else now but damn would I like to have my perfect woman.
Literally ask anyone you know who plays an instrument if you two can get together and play.
lol k
best friends gf keeps flirting with me, indirectly told me she got off to me (might just be being dumb with this bit), i want to tell him but i don't know how to do it, plus i have no proof of her flirting with me
You are poor only
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Get proof and tell him. You can get pussy any other time with any other bitch. Your bro is who matters in this situation. Be his friend not the asshole that fucked his bitch.

No shit, who would want to play with a close minded pick like you?

>protip: those who limit themselves to only one or two genres never get very far
looks like it hurts
she will learn
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why aren't i happy? slowly but surly, my friends and stupid ass girlfriend decide to leave me for dead, but stupid me decides to chase after them and trys to make everyone on earth happy, so i end up fucking up everything. Glad you asked anon, cause i needed to let this off my chest
im single thats all
I sure as shit am not playing fucking country.
other woman, more of one woman; one is sick
People always say to me that I need to win matches to get self-confidence . Like, not trying to pass all the courses, at least the easy ones. Step by step.
But that's what people say to me, I'm still depressed

It's time to assert your dominance.
Sorry, bad response
Agreed. Beat her.
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too demanding, more humility
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wow, just wow
You did good, anon.
They are wrong, not you.
Bad response
So many people killed themselves because of this post alone, gg good get.
trips + 9/11 check
the six heights have spoken, so is the truth
double trips of checking : checked
hahaha, brilliant

> be me
> cheat on my gf
> tell her im not happy in the relationship
> this cant go on.jpg
> asks what she can do
> she still wants to make it work

Do you see wtf is happening here?
You get hit in the face for no reason, and then apologize??? The fuck is wrong with you? Grow a set of balls.

No one said you have to. Hell just DIY the whole band if you're so fed up with your local scene (or lack of).

Or move to a city with a good scene if you're serious about doing music.
My friend killed himself
I had to kill my rapist
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if you cant beat them join them
fuck. sad dude
I want REAL BAD finish school dude. I know I can make this shit work you know. I'm trying real hard, but nothing seems to work out.
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These numbers speak truth.
poo pee fart dick barf bum
I'm unattractive and will never get a hot girl to do anything like this. I can't escape basic biological urges.
poor probly. always the same
go live in the forests. become a mountain man that kidnaps women for his pleasures.
even better, become the king of bears. you will have a veritable army of powerful furred warriors. women will want you. men will want to be you.
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Do it man leave, it's going downhill out here
yes, typical
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Michaela Issizzu
Holy shit that guys joke was funny, don't fucking cry about it
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I didn't need this.
that's the Supreme Truth!
>i feel lonely sometimes. not like i am lonely, i have enough contact with other people. but i miss someone who is really understanding me.
better to forget expect to find somebody
i am under the misguided yet heavily embedded belief that money, social status, security, sex, power and fame will bring me lasting joy and happiness. In fact everything i do in my life is in some way conscious or other wise to draw some kind of pleasure to myself. Even writing this is some kind of cathartic expression to articulate the human condition, thus bring relating, thus make myself feel secure and recognized, again under the illusion that this will bring happiness to me.
I have it hardwired in me to seek short term action which stimulate dopamine releases, that inevitably make me feel good for 30 seconds to 30 minutes.

i think feeling good and happiness are the same thing.

I do not take the time to clearly see that i am not the workings of my mind, that my thoughts are not actual solid things, but observable phenomena.

in short i am deluded and confused, my motivations and intentions are based of falsehoods which only bring more unhappiness. i bounce around life like a ping pong ball between pain and pleasure.

the end

And where in my post was i crying?

Thanks man

I thought it was rather clever myself
Thats retarded, you're so fucking retarded
Your physical accomplishments will never gratify your soul assface
so go talk to some people faggot. literally there are hundreds of them within walking distance of you at this very second. fucking go, quit being a dumb beta. you are awesome and everyone wants to be around you. everything you say is exactly what they want to hear. go give it to them
it means you need to man up.
she's trying to make you her bitch, not because so wants to, but as a test. so far y're failing
> married for 8 years

no idea why i am not happy

>had 5 affairs

still no idea why i am not happy

>care about my dick size like a teenager, and my bank balance like trump.

really cannot figure out why i am not happy
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disconnected from reality ? Too much time behind a screen, not enough in nature or else, feeling really alive ?
I talk to you and myself at the same time, even if I've not the same probs or point of view on life...
Because I'm still in love with my Ex, and I have to see her everyday.
this thread

> money, not enough

>money, love it

>sex, not enough

>sex, love it

> friends, not enough

> friends, have loads

>job, have a shitty one

>job, love my job

Honestly what is happiness anyway, why is their so much emphasis on an ephemeral state which we cannot even uniformly define.

if anything can be gained from this thread its that all of the things we attempt to gain happiness from are based entirely on self gratification.

put a buncha lonely broke sad sex starved people in a room and all they will do is talk about themselves.

not a jab, just an insight.
That was a fucking waste
I'm a busboy
I'm poor
I have 3 more years of university
I'm fat, ugly, and balding
Yes you are a faggot. As this is NOT a fucking pipe bomb, shit for brains. It is a fuse igniter. May I suggest that you put YOUR "det cord" in one end and pull the ring on the other end. fucking kek'd.
Also to add, the only reason we broke up was that we no longer had time for eachother. That stupid of a reason
Interesting how fucking casually you say "heroin addicts".
Dont you realize that you are less than a human being? Your life, your joy, your health, your imagination, is completely dictated by a substance?
Dont you hate yourself beyond reason? Why live as a slave?
Most shocking part is how you talk about it. Like if it were a minor thing.
If one day i wake up a heroin addict, id fucking instakill myself.
Aw shit me too!
Are you me?
I dont wish to live, or die causing pain to my parents. They deserve a son to be proud of.
Because I don't really want anything out of life and that is not OK
>A pleasant sunday like any other
>Mom goes to aunt and Dad to fish
>Have bf come over home alone and not on period
>Dad comes home car breaks down
>Walks in on me giving bf bj
>He goes mental and throws bf out
>Crying bottomless wearing a long T
>Dad chokes me and holds me down
>Trying to breath when I feel him poke me from behind
>This cant be hapoening...What?...No its my dad...What is going on?
>Cant breath cuz im terrified
>Feel the utmost excruciating pain thrust itself up my rectum
>He isnt choking me anymore but he is hurting me alot
>Cry and cry hear only a handful of words
>"This is what you want?" "You are no daughter of mine" "slut" "whore"
>Feel him standing up zipping his jeans
>Am able to move but feel absolutely no willingness
>Lie there crying, what happened?
>He chokes me and slaps me threatning my very life
>Throws me to the ground and orders me into my room
>Evening, mom is home, dad comes to my room sits next to me
>I want to hate him but I still cant belive it happened
>He explains its for my own good and not to speak a word or my mother gets killed.

This happened two Sundays ago and I still can't belive it
Searching for peace of mind. Happiness... is a transient state, appreciable but not an end in itself
Have you got a local hub centre? UK high functioning heroin addict too man. My situation was and partly is identical with the wife, love her too much tho. Get her to try hub/drug program even Na but u might lose her to that god shit.

Hate sharing my shit too but fucked if i'm doing it alone
I'm in constant pain. My life other than that is in my own hands and suffering with all the sadness I chose cos I get to see my kids everyday as opposed to .. well u mostly men so u know
neither do I.
but If true, go to police. Don't think, go to fucking police.
GF only gives BJs cause she wants to make sure I'm the one she wants to spend the rest of her life with. fuck that noise
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