Waifu claiming thread.
>Claim your Waifu/Husbando
>No Claiming Waifus/Husbandos that have already been claimed
>Only one claim per anon
>No stealing (unless trips or more)
>No oversexualised content
>No RP/ERP of any kind (maybe some on occasion)
>Discussion is welcomed
>Insults must be original
>If you're posting images you're not lurking
>3D is almost always trash
>Joining means a reserved place in hell
>Most importantly, have fun!
I am The Dazzling Cosmic Enormous Almighty Inter-Galactic Trans-Universal Pan-Dimensional Emporer-Of-Reality King-Of-Existence Omnipotent Omniscient Omnipresent Amazing Ultimate Super Incredible Holy Sacred Almighty Robotic Undead Vampire Mummy Dragon Succubus Kraken Werewolf Zebra Dinosaur Cat Dog Satanic Pirate Lord Absolute Infinite Godly Ultra Giga Mega Omega Great Waifu Machine of Space, Time, and Life.
I have Blessed this Thread with My Incomprehensible Wisdom and Untold Powers of Waifu Justice.
All Posters shall Love their Waifu forever.
Reply to this Post if you wish to recieve Truth!
Learn to save an image properly you drooling waste of oxygen.
hey dr.manhattan wasup?
>Tohsaka Rin OP
I'm getting too old for this shit.
come watch konosuba
(light kek)
Fuck you
Just don't talk to me filthu shiki scum
>4 image prebake
>thread on mobile
lol k mr skeltal
Go learn how to save an image first.
Rather ironic that I then pick a sample myself, though that's because the full version if 14mb
Wheres megumeme im pretty sure she trolled me yesterday
>claiming yume
QOTT: What is in your opinion your cutest pic of your waifu?
We hold ourselves to a standard, Tohsaka.
We fill our threads before making new ones, that way /b/ isn't littered with our unfinished business.
We attempt to post high quality images to adhere to 4chan's request.
This is why Elitism is a good thing.
Too many 11/10 cuteness pics but this one is a good contender.
>shiny, shiny dolphins...
do you faggots even own a life?
Good night Taiga.
I'm filtering you, shikifag
It is why you're a fag and should go kill yourself
Also why you're getting filtered
Every image is a repost as well, retard
>rattle rattle
Guys why are you fighting?
Fish are Friends.
Kek, top butthurt.
That is a hard question.
Even if it is an opinion I am finding it difficult to pick just one.
Here, this was my favorite image for a long time.
Because samplesaving shitheads like him have tanked the standards of this place enough.
it's be hard to choose
she's just kinda cute in any pic
but here it is
because we have heretics like >>694746246
here :^)
Literally don't communicate with me.
I do NOT want to talk with an autistic newfag if all he's going to say is "kek learn to save image properly"
Shiki, this is why you have no friends
You're almost Esdeath level of autism.
>Every image is a repost as well, retard
Well, yeah. I use a lot of the same images because I like them.
There are other images I don't post because they are either small, manga panels, manga pages, or are lewd.
>people taking this theard too seriously
You have saved me the effort of having to spell it out for people.
plenty of horny anime real girls of your city on 4changirl.jimdo.com
Or at least we are on decent terms. WE don't go out of our way to be assholes to each other, and generally we have similar attitudes.
Have you met Shiki IRL
do you know his real name?
If not you're not actually friends
>people not taking Chen seriously when he is actually serious
▲ ▲
We have a similar attitude of having actual standards for proper behavior and images, newfags like Rin who then shit it up are called faggots.
Is this a cringe thread?
Waifus is srs business
I thought being able to count on someone was the requirement to call him a friend, not knowing their name and meeting them IRL.
What do I do to shit it up eh?
We are still watching Konosuba
All are welcome.
flying cabbage
Someone should tell the Captcha that the Commercial trucks puzzle is probably gonna trigger some ppl too soon captcha too soon.
Actually, I'm pretty sure this is the cringe thread.
besides homu wearing thigh heigh instead of tights this is fuckin great
It sure is now that you're here.
General behavior of a child, especially when you're defensive along with posting samples.
just...posting more pics...
i guess...
Oh, my heart.
How it stings.
I like FP
Saber claim
Kek did I miss something?
The Dazzling Cosmic Enormous Almighty Inter-Galactic Trans-Universal Pan-Dimensional Emporer-Of-Reality King-Of-Existence Omnipotent Omniscient Omnipresent Amazing Ultimate Super Incredible Holy Sacred Almighty Robotic Undead Vampire Mummy Dragon Succubus Kraken Werewolf Zebra Dinosaur Cat Dog Satanic Pirate Lord Absolute Infinite Godly Ultra Giga Mega Omega Great Waifu Machine of Space, Time, and Life advises you all to calm down.
i mean
there really isn't a reason not to
love you too <3
Shes a sweetheart. But burns everything. Don't make her mad
Does it?
You're the only one who thinks that pointing out people "taking the thread too seriously" is his day job.
What is the thread anyways? Conversation
What kind of mongrol doesn't take discussion "seriously"?
And stop taking yourself so seriously while you're at it.
I caught a weedle today
I smoked some weedle today.
but that makes her really awesome too
and im a pyromaniac
so that might be part of the reason of why i like her
lol is Chen spamming a loli thread?
Shit was I really like this a month ago?>>694747492
Explain my childish behaviour
I sure am loved these days
Yes, yes you were
Kaga Kouko claimed
Good one senpai
Shit I accidentally replied to
Hey, buddy, seems like you're a bit too frustrated about this stuff.
Not showing your identity makes it kinda
embarrassing, don't you think?
Okay, I see.
You seem to take me too seriously by taking the time to write such long reply which shows your vexation about all of this.
I mean, aren't you taking this a bit too seriously?
claiming taytay
Sometimes but you at least didn't get this defensive when called it, contrast your reaction when I told you to save images properly with this.
The fuck nigger thats my IRL wife
a very loved heretic
you're my IRL wife :v)
should have claimed her then ( '_>' )
I am, because you are annoying.
Am I supposed to ignore when you are blatantly calling upon "the thread" as if it's some sort of scape goat, and people take it seriously only when you say so?
Is there a standard for "seriousness" that you hold power over? Or is it whatever you feel like at the moment?
>aren't you taking this a bit too seriously?
I'll take as seriously as I want to.
Tsunade's my semen demon
Post who you are fagget or save your breath
Pic is shiro's pocket pussy anus side
Here's an idea how about you just lurk the fuck more?
Were u the other megumeme poster in the thread roll 55 has to rap the thread?
You should show your waifu for people to take your opinion seriously.
Oh my.
from wet anime
Does Shiro have the remote?
Kongou claimed just to join the cancer, desu!
I'm not even in the room. You know what we'd be looking at if I had the remote anyways.
>I am, because you are annyoing.
That sums it up for me.
Annoying imbeciles like you is why I am in this thread.
Seems like you're just a newfag or some mad, then.
Vry true I dont post without a waifu pic its like whats the point
Boku no Pico
You are they cancer.
Go back to telegram.
I want in on this.
Well thanks for setting me right
Some mad anon*
No he does not. As i dont wanna watch porn with minors.
So, you attention whore then?
That seems about right.
>You are they cancer
Did you enjoy doing what you did? Was there any other motive besides for the lulz?
You care too much.
What a lucky heretic
I are they cancer. Seems legit, desu.
I don't even remember what I did to be completely honest.
I really do.
tell me
The Dazzling Cosmic Enormous Almighty Inter-Galactic Trans-Universal Pan-Dimensional Emporer-Of-Reality King-Of-Existence Omnipotent Omniscient Omnipresent Amazing Ultimate Super Incredible Holy Sacred Almighty Robotic Undead Vampire Mummy Dragon Succubus Kraken Werewolf Zebra Dinosaur Cat Dog Satanic Pirate Lord Absolute Infinite Godly Ultra Giga Mega Omega Great Waifu Machine of Space, Time, and Life is leaving this Thread because of Cancer.
Now fuck off please.
>caring this mucH
Now now children, there's no need to fight
nah its unlucky to be a heretic so that kinda cancels it out
Asuka claimed
Best Eva pilot is here
How is everyone?
What is this drama?
That's how you learn you do something wrong and then get called a retard until you start doing it right. That's why hug boxes and this "omg be nixe" mentality is shit.
Hey Iowa
Don't be mad. Just love boats, desu.
Ay yo
Shut the fuck up faggot
I bet you dont even have your own house
Be nice*
I do love boats though ;-;
a lot of real anime sluts of your city on 4changirl.jimdo.com
Fuxk off shiki
Back to claim my waifu Juvia
>Not using emoticons
No u
So not kawaii
Neutral bote then
what anime
Best part is its obvious Shiki posted this
>Censoring yourself
>On /b/
Shut the fuck up faggot
I bet you don't even have your own boat waifu, desu.
Emoticons and Emoji have been unpopular on 4chan for as long as I know.
Please refrain from using them.
>its obvious Shiki posted this
Is this some sort of meme?
go away slav heretic snek
Legs don't rescue you from the heresy you commited
i prefer calling it Rape bote
Nah it's not, several people started doing it after I did.
Please do not spoon feed the babies.
4chan has built in reverse image searches. SEARCHES.
If he cannot find them using these build in features, he doesn't need to know.
>he doesn't know of the codes that moot implemented that were spammed to death
Chen is a meme.
Only been on /b/ for 9 years. Not like I'm trying to impress anyone.
I just know that emoji and emoticons are not well received.
Can't you fuck off to eightchan already?
>Those legs
here have this kawaii image I just found
Why would I go on discount Reddit?
Stop being retarded. I know where you're coming from.
The things were stupid anyways.
Like the fortunes they were quickly run to the ground.
I want to hold rem chans hands
No, you don't.
Hi Kyouko, I've started drama apparantly.
I'm sure I do.
Let me off the hook please?
Whatever floats your boat
Where am I from then?
If you're guessing anywhere that is 8gag, you are wrong.
7chan and here is where I spend most of my time.
Yeah I'm reading through the thread.
No more legs and lewds or I cook and eat ya
I dunno, I liked the fortunes when they had them. Granted I only got to use them for like a week before they got removed.
Been around for a few word filters, newfags can't SINEP and all that shit.
Seems like a lot of stuff is removed because people abuse them into proving how long and how much you lurk.
I swear I learned to SINEP the day I found out I could not SINEP because some guy was posting how to SINEP.
But I can triforce so the I have a good oldfag alibi.
Legs are great
Wasn't trying to start a competition
Hey Kyuoko.
*pets and loves*
I do disagree with the designation that two people flinging shit at each other is drama though, it's just a standard 4chan discussion
Alter is cheating.
>*pets and loves*
See this, that's what I'm talking about.
Gotta amputate her?
Well, we're on /b/ after all.
You're just a shitposter.
Basically people suck and destroy good shit.
Like the fortunes and the codes. People just suck.
You /i/nsurgent?
That's not a shot in the dark.
That's the part of the charm in general, you can have a proper discussion with thought out arguments and fling insults. One doesn't eliminate the other unless you're a thin skinned fag.
Haha. Not that old.
I do remember the old >>>/z/ board for shits and giggles, and I do miss /l/
But I was never one to raid.
Hey Shiki.
*kisses your cheek*
Shut up fag, desu.
dot is my waifu.
i like to dress up as yakko (my 3rd fav warner)
not everybody thinks that its cool, but i finally met a girl who thinks im a 10/10 would bang like bam in my yakko suit.
she'd come over sometimes while her boyfriend was away after school.
once the door would close she'd almost instantly get naked. most times she'd put on her favorite song and start sucking. then she would cry. her tears and makeup would drip down her face onto my dick. its surprising how cold tears are. eventually i finally asked her what was wrong. in between licks she told me that her favorite song was also her bfs favorite song. so even though she loved hearing it and it totally got her pussy wet, it also made her think about the fact that she was cheating on her boyfriend. i dont think i ever came harder down somebodies throat then right after she told me that. she was beautiful. we dont hang out anymore. wanna get lunch?
this was the song:
Im from 420chan the most trollable place on earth
Interesting argument, if I may offer a rebuttal: How about you go back to jail and get mindbroken by dropping the soap you cuck?
Don't tempt me, desu~
Stop making drama you spic
Not sure what's more gay, this shit, or shemale threads
/l/ needs to come back.
/z/ was also fun, got removed quickly though.
7chan's /i/ was based, if you hung around there.
I would be posting pics, but I have non right now and I didn't think to google drive my pics.
You poor sod.
I get Catie Wayne.
a lot of things float my bote
Srsly I dare any anon here to go to their /b/ and post a tomoko image report back here with how fast they perma ban u
What isssssssssssss going onnnnnnnnn
> implying he's a spic
> also thinking he's starting drama
What you don't know is I suck Shiki off every night as we cower in fear from zombies, desu.
The almighty cock claims another victim.
A shemale thread, because that thread is literally full of homosexual men that masturebate to transvestites that are men but identify as women.
This thread is not gay however, as the main theme of it shouldn't attract homosexuals.
There you go.
*pets and loves*
Just accept it
fuck off
and you already lost
I don't care if I get them
You were the one trying to ruin a job interview with 4 words.
>enjoying other websites
Best German CV Claimed
I bet
Aye sir ma'am
I miss your voice
Fuck, you're back, desu.
>Tsunade's my semen demon
Take my upvote, you know how to pick'em my good sir.