So it's become a thing in my city (I'm from the Netherlands) for groups of youngster of second generation Moroccan descent to beat up people biking home at night.
My neighbour getting beat up recently made me reconsider this threat.
What's the best thing to do in a scenario like this? Like 4 guys vs 1? Say they pull you off your bike after biking from the city. I always like to think I would try to get the first punch in and pick one of them and beat him to absolute pulp hoping the other would back down.
What do you guys think is the best thing to do if you HAVE to defend yourself.
Note: weapons not allowed in Netherlands, if you pull out knife in self-defence you will go to jail unless the other guy pulled out a knife first and you have a good reason (not self-defence) for carrying the knife. (I know... but this is the law of the land)
Leave the country. Europe is doomed. That's why I left last summer.
>Note: weapons not allowed in Netherlands, if you pull out knife in self-defence you will go to jail unless the other guy pulled out a knife first and you have a good reason (not self-defence) for carrying the knife. (I know... but this is the law of the land)
oh buddy of course no weapons, you wouldn't want to be like an American and hurt some poor innocent kid that's got a group trying to seriously harm or kill you. someone think of the children life is so precious weapons are only meant to kill. you're way too good to be a killer arnt you champ, maybe you should just not worry about it and take your beating like a good man. wouldnt want people to think your a bad guy now would you?
It's even worse, because most violence happens during party hours in the city (9pm-4am) municipalities made it particularly illegal to carry anything resembling a weapon in those areas of town. Random searches by police mean if you get caught with a weapon you could face a judge. That means you're particularly vulnerable returning home from the city after going out to party.
Yeah that's silly. Really don't know what to tell you the world is kind of nutty about violence self defense is as bad or worse than being a violent criminal starting those problems.
Where did your neighbor get jumped? If it was by his house making it more well lit might scare them off a bit more. Streets are a bit more crowded and smaller but try to keep distance between yourself and other people if possible. There are a lot of little things you can do to inconvenience yourself and maybe possibly lower your risk of stuff but not really.
Waar woon je?
That fucking sucks bro
Short term solution : carry with you a heavy bike chain or bike wrench that you can also use as a weapon. Maybe even wear a metal helmet so you can headbutt them.
You can also take fighting classes and learn how to defend yourself
I didn't know it was that bad in netherlands. You have a beautiful country and women.
God speed nether bro
Move to America so you can defend yourself like a person should be allowed to
I think the problem is the biking alone part, these people have numbers on you and decide to use them. They are coward fucks who wouldn't fight a fair fight ever.
So how do I fight a group of guys? Walking around with a stick is not an option, but is there any way to defend against a group of opponents effectively?
>Note: weapons not allowed in Netherlands
As a cyclist, perhaps they might carry a few spares - like a bike chain....
> if you pull out knife in self-defence
You don't use a knife for self-defense. You will just get cut with it.
Also who gives a fuck whether weapons are allowed or not? Defend yourself.
> Random searches by police mean if you get caught with a weapon you could face a judge
Tell the judge that the reason you're carrying is because him and his idiot cop cronies aren't doing their job properly.
I like the bike chain idea
A police officer in The Netherlands is only allowed to search you for weapons if he has good reason to believe you have one or there is a situation in which extreme caution is needed (such as transport of a VIP).
If you do - carry a link extractor so it can be proven that it's intended use wasn't offensive.
Chances of you going to jail for carrying a knife are far smaller than you getting targeted by a group of muzzie scum. You can just claim it was a knife for Wood work and they have a hard time proving you wrong.
You could also carry one of those big metal flashlights. You can crush skulls with those things. It has the added benefit of illuminating the dark.
OP if I were you I'd post this thread in /k/ and ask them there.
I know it's a "weapons" board but they will give you sound advice on what you can do to defend yourself if you don't have access to one
wear leather gloves and if your riding a bike have enough spare bike chain to wrap around your fist
its not a weapon its a repair kit
Waar woon je? Ede?
Honestly get brass knuckles dude. I'm not that familiar with the laws over there and it sounds like if your caught you'll get fucked buy hey it's worth it if you end up in the whole 4 vs1 ordeal
>defend against a group of opponents effectively?
Yeah don't get into a fight with them to start with or fleeing. I'm not saying it's not possible but chances are you'll get scuffed up good even if you did win or come close to it, and if you don't win they'll just kick/stomp you till they're bored. I'd move if you can afford it.
Extra-long quick release seatposts also make a handy steel bar.
Shoot them to death in self defense. A fe dead niggers will send a powerful message to the others. Go out at night and wait for them to pick a fight, then blow them away. A 45 will put a golf ball sized hole in a head.
The thing is that most areas where you're most likely to get attacked are designated as being a "risk zone /risico zone" by a municipal statement called an "APV - algemene plaatselijke verordening". In these areas police can, and have been known to perform preventive searches. In big cities this is for example the entire center of town and the area around the football stadium.
But I like the idea of connecting something to the bike that could be used as a spare/weapon. In the city you're hanging out with friends anyway, it's the bike ride home when you're most likely to face enemies alone.
Dear euro-bro,
You are now suffering from the brown skin shits and slavtrash that will forever stain the EU.
Move. Fast
Otherwise, don't travel alone, carry a knife at at times (fuck your pussy laws) , a bike chain is a great idea (range extender) , and learn to defend yourself. Additionally, don't ride a good looking bike, don't dress to get attention when riding, etc etc. Appear poor if you have to and carry minimal belongings.
Or quit being a poor fag and get a goddamn car
Stop being a pussy and learn some martial arts.
>bike chain and wrench
Pretty clever tbh
A bike bottle full of bleach can be nasty....
I crushed a head with one of those in Afghanistan. Oh, people don't believe me but I killed a man with the brown spoon you get with MRE. In the eye and in the neck with the pointy end.
Victim blaming
Carry a gun... oh wait... you aren't free
Was just about to suggest this. Any over the counter chemical attack weapon would be good.
I'd honestly find something more damaging.
when facing a group of shitheads remember to incapacitate some of them as quickly as possible so they can't circle around you. a good way is too stab 2 fingers right under the adams apple really hard.
Petrol + a lighter, perhaps?
Get a big dog and train the fucking thing. No body wants to tango with a fucking wolf
Go for the eyes and nostrils man, you can grip a head like a bowling ball. Or ram there noses back into there brains.
This also carry a small tire pump they make ones that are about 2 foot long use it like a club.
move out of the netherlands where you can own a weapon to defend yourself
This, train that fucker to go right for the nutsack.
Stab in neck, pump with air = stroke
small water pistol filled with gasoline.
>spray them
>they will smell the gass
>hold lighter in front of you
and if they don't keep a distance just use it as a flamethrower
Deployment time is too high I think, but 3rd degree burns would be a good reminder they fucked with the wrong guy that night
Perhaps. Either way I sympathize with the OP. When fucking Merkel opened the floodgates, I knew the EU would be wrapped up in a cesspool of trash and filth .
I honestly hope that the bitch gets tossed out of office and ultra harsh austerity measures are put in place to force the immigrant trash back to their shitholes.
The idea that it's illegal to defend yourself is a bizarre concept; that's just Nature. If you are attacked, fight back. Any tools would also double as a weapon. A hammer, a screwdriver, a big wrench. I used to know a guy who carried a pair of pliers in his pocket as defense. Any part of you he grabbed with those could wait to get away.
You're full of shit. It's not that common.
And don't go out during nigger times. Stop being stuck in the lifestyle of a 16 year old.
That said, 1 vs 4 is almost always a doomed scenario, as long as the 4 are actually planning to fight/beat you.
Carry a knife if you somehow can't avoid running (riding) into a situation like that. Despite what your pathetic little mind tells you, you WILL get away with self defense in that situation, as long as you don't utterly butcher them.
Get a taser m8
a sharpened bike wheel spoke pushed hard through sand niggers chest or back through the heart,instant death.this is what we are pushed to.....
>always making fun of America for having guns
>now you cant defend yourself in shit country
Friendly reminder to my fellow Brits - Your vote counts.
>Time to close the gates
Don't go into nigger areas when they're about and about. There's literally no reason for you to be there.
>allowing niggers to take territory
Yes it's bad but it happens all over the world. There are ways to deal with it but not on your own biking around town.
Aren't those plastic?
Found the 12 year old
What you do is hit one after the other right in the chin. Hit hard and hit often. Try to be the first to land hits. It's not impossible to win in a multi person fight just don't let yourself go to the ground. You must become crazy and angry to scare the little shits if they hit you yell that you love it. One way around the law is to carry a roll of quarters. I'm not sure of whatever currency you use but get the biggest kind roll it up as if you where taking it to the bank and keep it in your palm when you strike. It will make your punches a lot stronger plus you can't get arrested for carrying money.
I suppose your shit tier country has glass bottles? Glass bottle.
Alright here's what you should do. All these people talking about not having guns and using improvised mcguyver weapons are probably right.
You need to start studying the real master, Mcgruber. He doesn't use firearms and can come up with some shit to wreck those mother fuckers. I think if you watch it at least 30 times you'll figure out how to rip their throats out with your bare hands, you can probably score a turkey doing it.
If that doesn't work try to distract them. Get butt naked and stick a stalk of celery up your ass
Just to be clear, I'm talking self-defence here, not vigilante interference. My ideal night doesn't involve fighting or torching bad people, I'm not Clint Eastwood.
Pretty sure you've never been in a fight ...ever.
>My ideal night doesn't involve fighting or torching bad people
Form vigilante gangs, like New York's Guardian Angels. If the gov't tells you to stop, sue them for dereliction of duty to protect you.
Either your a coward or your underage. Unless you got something to offer this kid shut your cunt mouth. You don't know shit about being in the streets.
As an amateur MMA fighter, the most you could hope to take at once if you were extremely skilled is 2 or 3, and that is if you are very very good, and they are completely unskilled, as well as having to be pretty weak.
If you are on your bike and 4 dudes pull you off and start trying to beat you down, kick and knee for the groin, elbow for the throat and eyes, scratch and eye poke, if they get really close and try and grapple you, bike there fucking ear off mike tyson style.
This m8. Anything that can be held can be used as a weapon. Carry two if you are dextrous enough not to drop one and get it used against you. A long and a short screwdriver is nearly as scary as a set of knives and probably less visible in the dark. Also this isn't exactly war. If these fuckers are just yanking riders for fun or petty larceny it's not that likely they are going to rush someone that could maim one or two of them before they gain control. Although if they do you're probably fucked. TD:DR move to America where you can just shoot black teens and auction off your gun. Feelsgoodman
I got into a fight kinda like that once, one guy was picking it with me while he was with his buddies. The trick I found out was to make yourself seem too dangerous to approach. When the guy grabbed my collar I bit his hand with the intent to take a finger. He screamed jerked back and I let him back off. He didn't want anymore off of me, and his friends weren't too eager to get bit either. They flung some insults and I stood my ground, eventually they just left.
Animal kingdom man, just make them realize it's not worth the effort.
Hey Nederland cuck. Find a true national socialist political group, join up. Bike everywhere with your new buddies and beat those other ass holes till they leave.
And by ass holes I mean Arab scum and the Jueden....
Also carry a bike chain with a brass lock on it..... swing that into someone's face and you end their night of fun with a broken orbital socket or jaw
I know. Doesn't mean it won't feel shit to avoid areas because there's sandniggers around.
What the fuck are you doing in areas where shit like that is (according to you) common?
Go to not-as-shit places, already, especially if you ever plan on going somewhere with a girl, because the last thing you want is a bunch of sandniggers coming out of nowhere to rape her (which they will, IF there's as much violence going on as you say).
Why not do the opposite, protect lone wanderers from danger and fight off thugs? Attacking a lonely person is cowardice while going aginst impossible odds and win is heroism.
Be heroes, improve the reputation of arabic and arabic descendant people in Europe - it is needed and you can do a difference.
The spoon? Yeah, their not as flimsy as they look. Pretty stiff plastic.
op you are clearly a racistf or suggesting a dark skinned person has ever committed a crime
I like the helmet idea; could save you from a coma...
So, was the dude a prisoner or was the spoon the only weapon you had on hand during some hand to hand fight to the death?
Although it sounds like you enjoyed biting that guys finger entirely a little too much, I think you're right about the animal kingdom stuff. For most of them it won't be worth it to get seriously injured and I think they would be quick to betray their buddies and scare off.
There's also the classic favorite of attaching a padlock to a bandana because it fits in your back pocket and is not that suspect. Do that shit OP.
Yeah but then he has to hang out with Nazis. Those guys are assholes.
Mein Nigga.
Not if you're one...... what's better violent Arab niggers? Or dumb white people who want to get rid of the arab, african, and jew niggers in europe? So white children have a nice white place to grow up
I'll admit, I enjoyed his pain and his fear. It made me feel extremely powerful, even though it wasn't all that impressive. That's the kind of power animals use on a daily basis. Nobody wants to fight something that you're going to lose a part to. That why animals like honey badgers and wolverines exist.
If you are ornery enough, and violent enough, nobody is going to be too keen on picking a fight.
Oh come on, Nazis don't stop being Nazis just because the niggers and Jews are gone. Nazi is an attitude more than political affiliation. Once the Jews and niggers are gone it's everyone who's "tainted" turn.
It's all I had I had my rifle but my new clip got slapped out of my hand. I kept the spoon, hot sauce and other extras we got in the MRE. Brown spoon saved my life.
I don't know if you have noticed a shift in the party over the last 10 years or so. But national socialist and the nazis have sort of hit a divide in the road.
Nazis are still scum bags.
But there is a new group of national socialist that want to deport arabs, raise wages by cutting social welfare programs and lowering the taxes, just generally cool guys.
Thanks for the feedback, I'm taking the following advice from this thread:
- don't be naive and be realistic about areas where you can get attack, avoid them if necessary.
- Carry a padlock at the end of a scarf (during winter) or bandana
- Wear leather gloves and have a spare bike chain at hand
- Safe up for a roll of quarters
- biting peoples hands is lekker
- Torching someone with a gasoline supersoaker will bring balance to europe once more.
Thank you /b
>That's why I left last summer.
Good and don't come back.
>tfw OP is a beta fuckboy
>tfw a few years ago me and another (PTSD suffering) marine commando got in the national news for getting in a fight with 12 mocro's + somali's
>tfw they fucked with us, pulling lights and stopping us in the park at night while we jogging
>tfw buddy grabs a leatherman out of his boot, shanks nigger, fight ensues
>tfw I had bruised knuckles, shins, fucked elbows, fucked wrists, a lot of pain
>tfw 3 niggers had to be hospitalized, they never found out who were the two joggers
kankernegers lopen iig niet meer stoer te doen in ons redelijk klein oostelijk dorp
Says the keyboard warrior.
Shouldn't you be watching cartoons with a big bowl of cereal and wearing footy pajamas?
But I digress, the OP is going to find himself in a vastly changed EU until a huge cultural intolerance forces the immigrant wave to return home.
Since that won't happen, ever, because the current generation of politicians are puss is and the next are guaranteed to be fucking cucks, here's my solid advice to you OP
You want to get away from all this? It's a matter of economic strength in your job skills. You need some skillset that is certifiable and transferrable. Example : electrician, plummer, medical biller, certified medical coder, comp tia A+ , etc.
These shitstain 2nd Gen sandnigger crossbreeds are going to continue to take over the poor parts of your lovely country.
Work hard. Save money. Move someplace safe. Find a beautiful girl, fuck her like mad and have beautiful babies that share your ideology.
Until then, carry the goddamn knife and bike chain, travel in packs when you bike, and save up for a goddamn car
>So it's become a thing in my city (I'm from the Netherlands) for groups of youngster of second generation Moroccan descent to beat up people biking home at night.
What is the police doing about it?
Don't tell me they are doing nothing. I'm not believing that for a second.
No, what I've noticed is the Nazis realizing their shit has pissed everyone off and their political currency was effectively zero, so they've started a campaign to try and dissociate themselves from their less educated fellows but keep all the same ideology.
You can tell me these guys are cool all you want, but a bunch of white guys riding around on bikes looking for trouble don't sound like a solution to me, just another problem.
sounds like a good way to blow your hand off
That includes beating down the damn nazi scum that have started to appear everywhere in europe.
My ancestors were initially friends with the nazis because it was the only country who could send us weapons and help in the fight with the soviets.
After the peace with the soviets (at very hard terms) we repelled the nazis (who burned down everything) over north finland and then north norway until the they layed down ther weapons because hitler commited suicide.
Actually when thinking about it both Hitler and Stalin were monsters, neither had any regard for human life and both took great pleasure in human suffering and they both deserved to answer for their crimes against humanity but one commited suicide and the other were protected by his slaves until the end..
pepper spray isn't illegal right? you should always carry pepper spray. spray it in the face and they are basicly blind and in imense pain. you can then run away or kick them down, whatever.