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Nothing is complex for me. I figured out flat earth when everyone

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 98
Thread images: 15
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Nothing is complex for me. I figured out flat earth when everyone on the planet was either bought into the lie or supporting it. I am a borderline genius as tested at 9 years old. I am right you are wrong, it really is as simple as that. If there are complex things other than biological life systems such as financial systems they have been made purposely so as it really is simple money in money out. All the financial wizards are merely obfuscating the truth with "complex" systems which are really just stealing layered with complexity. There is no reason for the 70 page document on a mortgage as it should read you owe 250,000 in 30 years with 250,000 divided by 30, but no since you are being stolen from in "interest" and other bank before buyer practices, it must be filled with legalese (another false system of SHIT) to explain in very complex terms that you are getting fucked. Shit is everywhere, it may take centuries to have heaven on earth but I will do everything in my power to clean the shit out of this place. You have presented 0 facts. I have presented with each one of my facts ones that completely negate any of your "facts". Flat water, no curve, no ball, debate over. No real pics of earth from space but we put rovers on Mars? Sure. Satellites do not exist or we would have millions of earth "selfies" by now. Moon missions have been thoroughly debunked with EXTREMELY weird antics from ALL astronauts in the Astronaut documentary which included a physical assault from Buzz. No one in their right mind physically attacks someone who is wrong they only do it if the person is right and the person deceiving is found out. The deletion of all moon missions from NASA. Flight paths are always curved and do not match the sphere but do match flat earth map. The pear shaped-ness of earth refers not to photo evidence but to indicate that there is much more land below the equator. 75,000 mile circumference. There is no gravity between objects only a downward pull to earth.
There are multiple reasons they lie about space travel and about the earth being round, try doing some research on it. According to NASA there is a radiation belt that would actually make it impossible for them to travel into outer space.. In reality its not possible for them to pass the firmament. And I'm not saying all science is fake, there is actual science.. But making stuff up to back the earth being round isn't science, its science fiction. If someone said that something called "SKATTER" made grass grow and we read that in science books growing up, when someone asks "How does grass grow?" we would say "SKATTER" not because we actually know, just because thats what we have been told.. Its the same thing with gravity, we ask "How do we not fall off a spinning ball?" and the response is "Gravity".. The horizon always rises to eye level no matter how high you go, and thats not possible on a ball. You can go to mount everest (or higher) and the horizon is still eye level with no curve. And if you still don't realize that the earth being flat is huge a possibly answer these questions.. Why when someone sends a camera up there is no curve? but when nasa does the same thing there is a HUGE curve.. Why when the guy skydived from space and went up side down their fish eye lens curved the earth inwards (Which is impossible if what we were seeing was the actual curve of the earth and not a fish eye lens that curves anything) & like i said before, the horizon is always eye level. The only way the horizon could always stay eye level is if the surface was flat.. According to the earths curvature you wouldn't be able to see the statue of liberty from the far distance people can see it.. So why can we see it from such a far distance, even at the point were its supposed to be blocked by the earths curve? And last but no least.. Why are all the pictures we see of a fully round earth computer generated? Try doing some research on it if you want to know more.
You a fucking genius sir
the earth is round kill yourself
If post is dubs then why cant dubs post
What if the Earth is actually round but just much larger than we have ever expected?

Like our entire visible planet is actually surrounded by an ice sheet but beyond the ice sheet is more lands. The only reason we can't travel that beyond it is because of higher forces keeping us back?
I actually personally know somebody who summitted Everest and you can, in fact, see the curvature of the Earth from that height. Also, how do you explain satellites? Why do the planets move in an orbit without gravity? Where's the "edge" of the Earth since I can travel in any direction of the 360 degrees and return to the same spot?

Obviously you're trolling but interested to see what sort of retardation you can spew out next
/b/ - Random
The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.
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OP is a fag
another copy pasta
OP is definitely a fag.
I'll bite. How is water flat?
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>I will bring peace to the world and eliminate interest rates becuz I am genius
>I run on my sentances lots
>I do>>675933198
esn't know that IQ is a function of age and thus that Childerens scores are disproportionate
Do you sell spiders? I hear it's a hot commodity.
Nothing is complex for me. I figured out this meme . I am a borderline genius as tested at meme years old. I am meme you are memed, it really is as simple as that. If there are memes other than memes such as memes they have been made purposely so as it really is simple meme in meme out. All the meme wizards are merely obfuscating the truth with memes which are really just stealing layered with memes. There is no reason for the 70 page document on a meme as it should read you owe 250,000 in 30 years with 250,000 divided by 30, but no since you are being memed from meme and other memes before memers, it must be filled with legalese (another false system of SHIT) to explain in very complex terms that you are getting memed. Shit is everywhere, it may take centuries to have meme on earth but I will do everything in my power to meme the shit out of this place. You have presented 0 memes. I have presented with each one of my facts ones that completely negate any of your "facts". meme water, no meme, no meme, debate over. No real pics of meme from meme but we put rovers on Meme? Sure. Satellites do not exist or we would have millions of earth memes by now. Meme missions have been thoroughly debunked with EXTREMELY weird antics from ALL memers in the Meme documentary which included a physical assault from Buzz. No one in their right mind physically attacks someone who is wrong they only do it if the person is right and the person deceiving is found out. The deletion of all meme missions from SNASA. Flight paths are always memed and do not match the sphere but do match meme. The pear shaped-ness of meme refers not to photo evidence but to indicate that there is much more meme below the equator. 75,000 mile circumference. There is no meme between objects only a downward pull to meme.
I agree with you 100%. Fight the power!
Do explain how satellites do not exist, but if I look up at the night sky with a telescope I can see them pretty well moving along the night sky?

0/10 copy pasta
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>tfw faganon
>tfw every time someone knows my sexuality on this site ignores me until i deliver boypussy
>tfw im never taken seriously and receiving de hits from a bunch of men whom are mad with the opposite sexuality.
>tfw i never did anything to you
>tfw i have to hide my sexuality at any cost if i want to interact with you

4chan a site for free-speech? I don't think so, everybody here is taking advantage of the anonymity of the site to act like an edgy bully, everyone who doesn't enjoy gore, animal cruelty, pointless raids or being a general asshole are attacked because they're not "behaving" like a "4chaner".

>and4 "boypussy or gtfo attention whore"
>ANDB5 "If you don't want us to bash you about your sexuality, dont say it"

Here is a list of some of the threads that i can't participate because it requires the implicit identification of the general characteristics about the poster:
1.- Greentext threads (Can't say i do gay things or i acted like a fag)
2.-Beg threads (Where they demand the email or linking and online profile with info)
3.-"At your worst, at your best, in your future" threads and every thread alike.

You guys are really hideous sometimes you know
You're making that too easy for him, right? Can't they just be NASA holograms or something? And then he calls you a sheep, I think.
Can you just not be a fag for like 10 minutes? The OP is more than enough for us.
Proof or gtfo
This flat earth bs must be the dadaism version of conspiracy theories, i hope
Please stop raping me.
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Here you go?
>since you are being stolen from in "interest"
> just stealing layered with complexity

You're getting fucked, but there's nothing complex about borrowing money with interest, so you're an idiot.

>flat earth

Why are other planets clearly observable as being spherical? Why is it so hard to believe Earth is too? If the Earth is flat, then why are shadows cast by the sun different lengths at different parts of the Earth? Shouldn't they all be the same if it's flat? How come you can see a boat disappear over a horizon? Should it not be visible forever with a telescope? Why am I falling for this bait?

Is this even the right thread buddy?
Ask yourself: at what level of personal witness do you consider an idea to be "knowledge" to you? Because you, in fact, do not know any of those things to be true.

Not retarded flat-earthist, but the sky around it is black?
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The sun revolves around the earth
primary sources of testimony together with scientific experiments prove that the earth is round. Where are your scientific experiments that prove the earth is flat?
Explain how your phone works then. Top to bottom and leave nothing out.
If I put a ball in the ground, it doesnt roll away. If the earth was round, the ball would roll around
Space? I don't understand your point?
>not understanding complexity of differential equations governing economics
>lyuaponov stability or the like
>being this confident
This shit honestly sounds like schizophrenia
it's not a scientific experiment if you don't have a peer reviewed whitepaper.
This is pretty obviously photo shopped. Look at the inner edges of the proposed "sphere". Also check the unnatural and oddly shaped cloud formations and how they are dispersed
What kind of hypothetical is that? I could set a ball on the ground and it could certainly roll or not roll. What the fuck?

Unless you actually meant inside the ground. In which case, it would have no place to roll if it's surrounded by dirt?

I'm either confused or you are a lousy troll.
>>>Implying the gravitational pull of the sun on the earth would allow said ball to roll
>your words are emptier than trumps
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you are an idiot.
I don't really see how your opinion factors into it not being a form of proof. I mean, to be fair, It probably was edited in Photoshop. Do you think they took a picture of a humongous geoid with a solitary hand-held camera? I don't see your point, here.
When i look out at the landscape i can see all the way back to me, if the earth was a sphere i wouldnt be able to.
Looks pretty flat to me.
At least I'm safe from cheap b8 in my own phaneron.
Hey OP

>YFW your flat Earth is missing Europe in that photo.
That's not scientific evidence. Scientific evidence doesn't work by mere observation.
Your eyes aren't open. I'm not going to pry them
Do you even gravity
This is more than your average troll thread, OP has bats in the belfry.
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Its a politically correct earth
Yet here you are. Which is it?
Are you blind?
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2 things

After a certain point in size, things in space get crushed into a sphere by gravity. Since earth is big enough to have an atmosphere, it fits this category.
If Earth were flat, though, why aren't the other planets?
I agree, you don't even need to be a genius to figure this out. We are not moving 1000+ mph, oceans are not 1000 mile long humps of water, there are not people standing upside down 2900 miles below you
Provide proof of any of those statements.
good read OP, we are among the few, be patient with fools when educating them, who knows, they may wake up from their lies
what is the purpose of lying about the shape of the earth? how does this benefit any group?
worst photoshopped clouds I have ever seen
your senses
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humility at its finest
Your senses lie all the time (I.e. Optical illusions)
Senses =/= proof, and you know that. Could you please be better at trolling so it's more fun taking the bait?
Well since you think the earth is flat you fail at physics soi your retarded as fuck.
I already said it's probably Photoshopped. I don't even think NASA would deny that. They don't need to. They likely had to take the imagine with multiple cameras snapping multiple photos from very far away. They are capturing a giant geoid that is being blasted with a light so bright it would blind you if stared into it for too long. Why is this hard to comprehend?
the way ppl figured out the earth was round was when a boat went in front of them they noticed as the hull of the boat disappeared the mast would stand erect still therefore leading them to determine that the boat was going off a spherical horizon op is faggot low quality b8
Mfw rounders are this stupid
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Nah guys the earth isn't flat or round. It's a fucking triangle.
>not being able to tell the difference between stationary and non-stationary
>assuming one phenomena is an analogy for another

>Senses =/= proof
why not? you use them for everyday decisions

no they are taking photos from about 10 mile in the air, compiling them together and photoshopping the rest to try to make it appear as one seamless photo. look at the cloud formation to the left of south america, it looks like someone got a little carried away with the smudge tool also what about the cloud formation left of the bottom tip of mexico? It spells out sex backwards (subliminal occult mind games), this has all the hallmarks of a hoax
if the earth was flat then id be able to see the sun and the moon at the same time also how would you explain things such as the Mariana's trench which is believed to be the deepest part of the earths ocean and if i climbed a skyscraper i would be able to see fucking russia from new york
>and if I climbed a skyscraper I would be able to see fucking Russia from new york
No counter argument to this? There goes your flat earth theory.
Too much bait not enough fish in the sea....
Fun facts...
Flights paths are curved on a flat displayed map because the earth is curved and it's the fastest direct route.

FYI The moon is actually a satellite
In the words of Sharon den Adel,

"Where is the edge?"
Did someone forget to go to their AA meeting? (Autisum Anonymous)
Flat Earth Society - We got supporters all around the globe.
You can sometimes see the sun and the moon at the same time..... The earth orbits the sun the moon orbits earth. Solar eclipse is when the moon is in between the earth and sun
So is this some bullshit to make "conspiracy theorists" look bad or what?

I know no one actually believes this shit
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The earth is not round and it's not flat either. It is a dodecahedrom. You fucking piece of shit. You can't deny the fact that you are always standing on one of its 12 sides. Our eye sight adjusts automatically every single time that we cross from one of its twelve sides to the next, that way we do NOT perceive the angular change. The moon light and the sun light are the same things disguised in different color, they're both there to push us towards the dodecahedrom with their light force. Pic related is what you can observe when you look at one of NASA's several mirrors outside the dodecahedrom. All telescopes point towards the curved mirrors that make the earth appear round.

Everyone knows that, I don't need to be a genius. OP, you stupid piece of shit.
ok look, a retard.
Why do senses not equal proof? Are you actually asking that? If I, based on my senses, conclude that the earth is round and you based on yours can conclude that it is flat, then how have our senses proved anything?

They aren't trying to pass it off like they took it in one shot, they are trying to make it appear as accurate as they can. Depending on the level of exposure, shutter speed, etc, an image can become really warped when you take it. It works the same way ON earth as above it. It's a camera.

The funny part is, I don't even have to go as far as to defend the photo. In regards to refuting it, you have nothing substantial other than your opinion (or your senses, as you would say) as to what it SHOULD look like. Guess what? This is what it looks like.
If you beg to differ, I would really love to see your photo, and hear an explanation of how it was taken and by whom.

Why do you people keep posting in a b8 thread?
Yes I do, one time I got in a private jet (my friend's Dad's a rich CEO) and we flew in a straight line and arrived back in the same spot. Try harder faggot
I'm doing it because I like arguing
Kill yourself

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This is ridiculous. I thought maybe finally people would realize the truth but everyone is so stupid these days fed by what social media gives them in their news feed... The earth is TRIANGLE. You want evidence? There's life, and there's death. Two triangles. What do two triangles put together equal? The symbolic Star of David used by the Jews, who control almost everything. Wake up people. The time is now.
He definitely needs to try harder. You could spit his own question right back at him and he'd have no answer for it himself. That's ignoring the fact that it's a ridiculous, impractical question to begin with.
Every thread is a bait thread dumbass. Why are you reading it?
You're an idiot.

The Coriolis effect alone disproves everything you posted.

Don't know what that is? Not much of a genius are you.
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>"I am a genius"
>I am right, you are wrong, if really is as simple as that"

Fuck you and your weak-ass grammar, gigafag.
one thing i am convinced of is that the NASA shit is all lies

I still can't really tell for sure whether the earth is flat or round, because I can't trust anything from space, the maths and science for both theories checks out, and there is no smoking gun evidence for either theory

this is as useful as debating whether god exists or not, anyone who takes a solid stance is kekking themselves hard, and needs to untangle their ass hairs
wow thank you anon you have opened mmy eyes to the truth .You are right the earth is indeed a triangle , we have to spread the truth to everyone
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Thread images: 15

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