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Trumpanzees: Explain why you believe Trump's "Pocahontas"

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
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Explain why you believe Trump's "Pocahontas" comment should not be seen as proof that he's unfit or unable to carry out the basic ceremonial responsibilities of a President.

the fact that he has openly said about raping and beating women makes me terrified even more for this country

where the fuck is antifa when we need them
No one ever needs the basement-dwelling commies who do nothing but call people nazis and fascists because of their incessant snowflake-complex.

As for Trump, you do realize none of his comments on women came from during the presidency, right? All of them are very old. It's pretty pathetic that he's so irreproachable and yet all you fucking retards keep counting on his "inevitable" impeachment but he hasn't done that much wrong during and after winning the campaign. You have NOTHING, so you pry into old comments from the 70's and 80's, it's pathetic.
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Hate Trump but

what is antifa going to do? Disrupt traffic and yell at anyone who disagrees with them?

what are you going to do? probably nothing but post liberal shit on facebook.

You don't matter. Your opinion doesn't matter. For fuck sakes, look at how undiplomatic Trump has been. His action's don't matter. Your every day life isn't effected.

Fuckin can't stand you uncritical illogical thinkers. He aint runnin' in 2020. Guy figured he'd be President because America was sick of the SJW ultra left wing PC correctness pussies ostracizing anyone who doesn't agree with him. Turns out a good portion of America agrees with him and the guy wins running for president for fun. Tells you the state of politics these days and how fucked up our system is. How do more people not realize their incessant whining doesn't matter.
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omg please tell me your fucking joking

drumpkins thinking more jobs will be available lmao nope

drumpkins thinking he will remove obamacare lmao nope

as for antifa they are actually helping black lives matter from your fucking patriarchy and fascism, you disgusting swine.

you yet to provide fucking proof lmao

this is why we support punch a Nazi after all the berating and merciless killings trumpanzees have caused

I'm not going to bother explaining and giving you the endulgance of an answer.

Here's a video of Ben Shapiro who isn't a Trump supporter, explaining why his comment was a joke and not racist.
expecting me to watch a nazi defend hitler

lmao kid gtfo
>the open minded thinking of the left

sage indeed. either troll or unhelpable
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Ben Shapiro is jewish you dumb fuck.
this picture is funny. its so clearly b8. you can tell when it has shit like "BUILD THE WALL" or "what a cuck" like terms that have nothing to do with being alt right. ez b8 debunk is ez.
An actual descendant of Pocahontas came forward in support of Trump. Seems actual American Indians aren't real happy with Elizabeth Warren and people like her claiming to be Indians when they're not. Imagine that.
excpecitng me to reason with someones supporters who support racism and discrimination of others

honesty you are all disgusting im not even going to call you people

he confessed on camera to raping women and beating them and you guys let this rapist into the white house/ what an absolute fucking joke this country is

he has not even fixed any problems just making everything worse

kicking all Muslims and Mexicans out of USA
with a wall

welcome to Auschwitz
Gr8 B8 M8. I R8 8/8

check up on the news if your calling me a liar
>excpecitng me to reason with someones supporters who support racism and discrimination of others

I cited Ben Shapiro because he explained everything about the situation and answered your questions.

>he confessed on camera to raping women and beating them and you guys let this rapist into the white house/ what an absolute fucking joke this country is


>kicking all Muslims and Mexicans out of USA
Wrong, illegals. And the wall has already started construction. You do realize that Mexico has a wall on it's southern border?
Where should I go? Buzzfeed, Salon, or Huffington Post? Maybe Shareblue?
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great b8

not even going to bother debunking those claims

have fun in troll land/social justiceville (whichever one you are in)
And how was Trump being racist? Elizabeth Warren faked her native cherokee ancestry to get into harvard law school (affirmative action benefits). Yet Trump is the racist here? You're amazingly delusional.
They're all getting buttfucked by some Jew who chops their dicks off and convinces them it's the new trend.
grabbed her by the pussy

obama care still here

no help with people getting jobs

forcing people to stay in there own country

usa land of the free lmao
stop feeding the troll its obviously some 19 year old who is high and bored and thought this would be a better use of his time than hitting on girls
listen here you fuck i am mexican and he wants to deport the illegal or undocumented or whatever the fuck word you choose immigrants. he never said all of them, he never said he wants to gas Mexicans, and I don't know if you even now any jewish people but I do and these liberals jews get pissed off as fuck when people compare trump to hitler
What's funny is that 28% of hispanic voters, voted for Trump. Yet apparently, liberals think that Trump is racist.
>grabbed her by the pussy
You always leave out the "and they let you" part.

>obama care still here
Individual mandate was just struck down.

>no help with people getting jobs
Unemployment rate lowest in 10 years

>forcing people to stay in there own country
Legal immigration has not changed.

>usa land of the free, dammit
what about Warren pretending to be native american? just calling out her bs
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The stupid is strong in this one.
Trump is racist. Why else would he deny housing to black people?

She didn't go to Harvard School of Law. She attended Rutgers University, Newark School of Law for her degree.

Years later, she was recruited by Harvard School of Law for employment. She did not apply nor list any affirmative action information.
Just stopped by to say that picture is hilarious. I love smoothface Trump babbys.
lmao so funny and pathetic aren't they oh

forcing your kids to support and become nazi youth

what a world
>omg please tell me your fucking joking
Nice one, dude.

>as for antifa they are actually helping black lives matter from your fucking patriarchy and fascism
Antifa are a bunch of angry millenials with nothing better to do who stand against "enemies" that don't actually exist, so they instead demonize and misconstrue people who disagree as their would-be enemies, aka Nazis and Hitler.

Also, about the BLM: it's okay to be white dude. And that's not a racist comment, it's a message of acceptance and love. A call to end this segregation you idiots are attempting because "muh anti-segregation."

What a sad life you guys have, getting riled up over nothing.

>excpecitng me to reason with someones supporters who support racism and discrimination of others

Honestly, that's not how this works. I can support a clothing company because I really like their designs, but that doesn't mean I support 100% of their business practices or the personalities of the people who own it.

I'm Canadian. And though I don't really "support" Trump (I would have abstained from voting for either of the two clowns had I lived in the US) - I do think he hasn't done an awful job and all the hate he gets from beta-faggots such as yourself is so out-dated and gratuitous that, truth be told, you guys are so retarded you don't deserve to be called people.

Fear mongering, your main tactic at protests, combined with violence, just proves my point about how truly sad you are.

I genuinely feel sorry for you. You can't prove anything Trump's done wrong or illegally, at least. If it's within the confines of the law, don't your amendments protect everyone? Or does the 1st amendment just apply to anyone that agrees with you? :)
And goes his credibility. I am not listening to a kike.

Having said that, I blows my mind how left think the president actually controls the country. Important decisions are made jointly with states, and blue states already have a track records of opposing all orders from Washington DC simply out of spite. The president cannot challenge that, and if you live in a blue state then you got nothing to worry about.
He can do no wrong. He was chosen by God, and commies who deny this are straight up satanists.
all hail emperor Trump!
All the best nazis were jewish. Still are.
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do i need to say anymore
>actual descendant of Pocahontas
You mean a descendant of Sir John Rolfe?

She crossed the sea to London Town
And must have found it queer,
To be Lady Rebecca
And the toast of the year.

"La Belle Sauvage! La Belle Sauvage!
Our nonpareil is she!"
But Princess Pochahontas
Gazed sadly toward the sea.

They gave her silk and furbelows.
She pined, as wild things do
And, when she died at Gravesend
She was only twenty-two.

– "Pocohontas [1595? - 1617]" by Rosemary and Stephen Vincent Benet
>>752709016 deny the holocaust? That makes you a nazi supporter actually, do you understand the hypocrisy in that statement?

The Jews were the ones put in concentration camps and have suffered at the hands of the German nazis. You are trying to now shift history to your liking by saying that the Jews were in fact the Nazis and all this contradictory bullshit.
There's a difference between "heil" and "hail," you illiterate fuck.
>he doesn't know that the difference is language
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Antifa is a domestic terrorist group. They destroy public and private propety. We do not need antifa. I do not want antifa.
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What would you say to the 90 year old Jewish holocaust survivors who were tortured and branded with a number on their arm? Who have had family that had died at those concentration camps?

Would you call those holocaust survivors the "real nazis?" Do you understand how fucking stupid you sound right now? You are utterly the most garbage human being to have the audacity to switch and flip history to fit your political agenda. Fucking pile of shit.
Look at the definitions for both of those words on a credible site and show me where "hail" means to do a nazi salute.
Heil is German for hail, retard
>You do realize that Mexico has a wall on it's southern border?
And it's (or should I say "its" in deference to you) harder than you think to build a wall in the Grijalva River. Damned thing keeps sinking into the silt.

>And the wall has already started construction.
Those of us who actually live on the border know just how full of shit you are. You're just parroting what hatemongering buffoons like Alex Jones are saying and what they've been yapping about are four Zionist-style prototypes that just went up east of San Diego where parts of the existing wall need repair. Educate yourself and stop spewing nonsense all over the internet. A history of America’s wall along the U.S.-Mexico border, with beaucoup statistics:
No, dumbass.

Hail translated from German to English, is salvation, which means "preservation or deliverance from harm, ruin, or loss."

Hail translated from English to German, is hagel.

Again, two completely different words. Congratulations on making yourself look like more of a dumb fuck than you already are.
Terrible troll is terribly trolling
Heil translated from German to English, is salvation*
>I'm so retarded that I translate the weather
Do you know what homonyms are?
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>i am mexican and he wants to deport the illegal or undocumented or whatever
Yeah, except like when he told Jorge Ramos to go back where he came from. Or when he said that judge who was born in Ohio is prejudiced because he's really Mexican.
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Lmfao. He stopped replying because he knows that he's a fucking moron.

>hail and heil are the exact same words

Her grandparents told her they (and she) had Native American ancestors.
Two different languages, two different words.

If you want to continue on with this argument that you lost, PLEASE, verify and show me where in any dictionary, the two words mean the same thing.
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Okay, I'll hold your hand
>Usually, the person offering the salute would say "Heil Hitler!" (Hail Hitler!), "Heil, mein Führer!" (Hail, my leader!), or "Sieg Heil!" (Hail victory!).
>the fact that he has openly said about raping and beating women
Citation needed.
And no I'm not a trump supporter, I've just never seen him being in favor of rape and violence towards women.
Because, shut up you dumb nigger.
Trump is a useless cunt and everyone knows it but seriously,

Six million victims with only a five-digit tattoo. That's some strong Zohar magic there.
Wikipedia articles can be edited and changed. "Hail Hitler" is correct only in context, the word "hail" used outside of the "nazi" context doesn't relate to nazism in any way shape or form.
Trump's childish insults are not the problem.

The problems are massive tax cut for the rich and corporations, the end of net neutrality, worsening income inequality, packing courts with right-wing judges, more expensive health care, more Americans falling out of the middle class, and lifetimes of debt, drudgery, and poverty for millenials. A system that works only for the rich, and a boot in the face for everyone else.
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This is some gold standard b8 right here folks. Good job
That's completely irrelevant. Hail and heil are the same word in different languages
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>[Trump's] comments ... are very old. You have NOTHING, so you pry into old comments from the 70's and 80's,

Retard, here's the shit he got caught saying in 2005:

>I moved on her like a bitch.
>Look at you. You are a pussy.
>I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. I just kiss. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything.
>Grab them by the pussy. You can do anything.

In 2005, he was married to Melania, so he was undoubtedly cheating on her.
How convenient. Blame her grandparents....
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>JIDF detected
>where the fuck is antifa when we need them

asking permission to their mommies to go out
Wrong, they can be used in the same contexts "Hail Hitler/Heil Hitler" but it's still incorrect that they are the same word. They only have similar meanings when used in that way, but outside of that they are still different words with different definitions.
English is a Germanic language. Hail literally came from heil. It's the same word, literally
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Hail is a cry of greeting/salutations.

Heil was used to call Nazis to attention and to honor Adolf Hitler
you're a piece of shit. that was real human suffering.

tattoos were only assigned at Auschwitz, here's the info you need:
Similar meanings, but used for completely different contexts.
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Pay no attention to the shill behind the ugly nose, anon.
>denying the holocaust happened
The makes YOU the nazi.


"blame" is the wrong word. She was only repeating what she thought to be true.
I don't know how explain this to you any clearer. They are the same word
found one
No, son, that's not how definitions work. That's "ipse dixit", a favorite fallacy of sneaky zionists.
Right, it's not her fault. It's her grandparents fault. Sounds like blame to me.
In the US, they are very different. Heil is almost always associated with Hitler and Nazi imagery.

Context matters.
(You're arguing with a troll who has distracted you into sliding this thread.)
The context is that one is German. Are you retarded?
No they are not. Heil was USED and said in exclamation for support to the nazis. Heil is very rarely used out of that context because it has a very different meaning in history.

Hail, used in the context "all hail" is a term of welcomeness and salutations. Heil translated directly from german to english, is not hail. It's salvation.
It's an explanation, not an assignment of blame.

What are you hung up on?
We just did this

clearly you don't understand economics. first you measure economic value by how much money it makes for the ultra-wealthy, then you rig the system in their favor. typical libtard
Yeah, she's explaining who is to blame...
In the US, the German word "heil" is associated with Hitler and Nazi imagery.

Fact, not retarded.
Heil is associated with the history and culture of the german Nazis while hail is not. Hail can be used in nazi context, but you're missing the point that hail can be used in ANY context. The English word "hail" does not hold the same meaning behind it as "heil."
She's explaining why she claimed Native American ancestry. Blame is irrelevant.
So instead of debating on the topic, the conversation is now about two words...
actually 17 million people died in the holocaust, almost all of them white although i think some gypsies got killed too
It's associated with Nazis world 'round and that's completely irrelevant. They are literally the same word with the same meaning and the same origin. The only difference is that "heill" from Old Norse became "heil" in German, and "heil" from German became "hail" in English.

The word dates back to c.1200 for Christ's sake
OP's thread has already been ripped apart by Ben Shapiro. What President Trump said was not in fact racist, the only racist here is Elizabeth Warren pretending to have cherokee blood in her when she did not. She faked having native ancestry for affirmative action benefits. The media is pushing hard for the narrative that Trump's comments were racist, when he didn't attack anyone besides Elizabeth Warren.

If you believe that he was attacking Native Americans and being racist, give me a direct quote of what he said and we can analyse it and go further from that.
Trump's Pocahontas comment was slightly funny. It was intended as a joke, and I thought it was funny. Humor almost always centers around someone being insulted or hurt or embarrassed or fucking up in some way. A joke that can't possibly offend anyone anywhere just isn't going to be funny.

The Pocahontas joke is also kind of stale, which is just something you get from guys Trump's age. The part that made me chuckle was that he was saying this to an old Navajo guy.

People seem to be so busy analyzing whether or not stuff should be considered offensive. That's gotta suck the humor out of their lives.
She's explaining that it's not her fault her grandparents told her she "has" native blood in her. That's placing blame.
well actually in the torah the jews exalt their genocidal campaign to steal canaan from the canaanites. gotta have that lebensraum
>Ben Shapiro
It's a big fag playing the shit out of you like Milo
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>A joke that can't possibly offend anyone anywhere just isn't going to be funny.
don't oversimplify comedy
They can't though.
The cultural and historical meanings behind the words are still different, the words in and out of themselves are different and used for different contexts. Most Germans don't say "heil (x)" anymore because it is associated with nazi paraphernalia.

Again, the English word "hail" is used for anything but Nazi salutes. The correct context between "all hail (x)" and "heil (x)" are different and you are still failing to see that.
>ben shapiro and milo yiannopoulos are liars and everything they say is false, don't listen to them!!

They speak with facts, statistical data, and logic. Every argument from the left (white privledge, >two genders, wage gap, oppression of women, etc) has been analysed by them and debunked. They destroy anyone from the left that debate them not by name calling, but with reasonable arguments that speak the truth. You don't like them because the hurt your petty feelings.
Most English speakers don't say "hail (x)" anymore either, dipshit. The context you're referring too is irrelevant
>where the fuck is antifa when we need them
Sucking nigger dick.
Agreed, the left argue their feelings and twist facts to support their "argument".
No one says "all hail (x)" are you retarded? People can still say "all hail (x)" because it isn't associated with nazism or authoritarianism.

This is why saying "all hail Jesus" is completely fine and is said today. Nobody associates that with "heil Jesus." Do you see the broad contextual differences between those two statements?
What I love about Ben Shapiro and Milo is that they have never lost a debate to a leftist. Reason why is because they are right and know what they are talking about. If you have statistics and facts on your side then you cannot lose. Liberals only have feelings which isn't working out for them at all.

Consider this for a moment.

Donald Trump, the president, made a disparaging remark about a senator at an event honoring Navajo codetalkers. As you said, it was intended to insult and humiliate her.

Does he have no decency? This is an event about men who were willing to give up everything to help us win the war. And you take that opportunity to make a shitty joke about your political rivals? Who the fuck cares if it was funny or not, it was not the right time or place. One could argue that its never the right time or place for the PRESIDENT to make a schoolyard jab at anybody. This isn't even getting into the racial connotations.
>She faked having native ancestry for affirmative action benefits.

She repeated a claim from her grandparents that is probably not accurate. "She faked" implies intent to deceive, and that's not proven.

She didn't receive any benefits from college while attaining her degree because she didn't identify as Native American then.

Years later, she was recruited for employment at Harvard. All of the hiring personnel have stated on record that they had no idea she claimed Native American ancestry, and it didn't factor into any hiring decisions.

I don't know what you're getting at.
Oops, I fucked up my quotations. I meant to say

>nobody says "all hail (x)"
are you retarded?
>being this retarded
Hail is associated with monarchs who are notably authoritarian, so according to your own post they share the same context that predates the Nazis
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So, when people say "all hail Jesus," they are referring to jesus as an authoritarian?
Yes. They are appealing to Jesus's Devine Authority.
Well he is touted to be the son of the ultimate authoritarian, God.
Whether either of them deserve that authority, were they real, is up to debate though.
Making a racially charged joke as a good old boy is pretty racist, Anon.
Does the left even debate anymore? All they do is throw tantrums and name call.
My grandparents likewise told us we had a progenitor from the Lanape tribe of the Delaware nation and that we were kicked out of our socially proper British family as a result. My grandfather was very clever with his plausibility but, as we continued to investigate, the cause of our disgrace within the family shifted to a similarly anonymous Irish servant-girl. It's unlikely that we'll ever know the real truth.
I can sympathize with Elizabeth Warren. It is just as plausible that someone born where the Trail of Tears ended would believe, just as my own family has, that a little autochthonous blood had got mixed into her line.
>It was intended as a joke
Which is why it was delivered in front of the portrait of Andrew "Indian-Killer" Jackson. Ay-yup, score another one for the Gipper.
There is still a difference between "Heil Jesus" and "all hail jesus." You are profoundly illiterate if you cannot see that. "All hail (x)" and "Heil (x)" are different words used for different contexts. You can associate "hail" with anything but nazism, and you can only associate "heil" with nazi virtues and salutes.

If they were the same word, then they would be able to be used in the same contexts and would hold the same historical meanings. And the argument that English is a Germanic language therefore "Hail" is the same as" Heil" is not an argument. English is different and cut off from the German language. There are many Germanic languages, but they are all different and sound different.
You are attempting to make it seem that his joke held any racist implications when it did in fact not. If you believe that it did, explain how Trump was directly insulting Native Americans.
>inb4 another broad general statement
Yeah I call bullshit. She was still claiming it in a time where it's easily verifiable. Only when she got called out is when she hinted that it may not be true. She still hasn't come out and said she isn't and I don't expect her to apologize anytime soon for it either.
I was told I had Indian ancestors as well, and never claimed shit because 1) I couldn't prove it, and 2) I have ethics. Warren is scum.
More and more people are acknowledging Trumplethinskin's advancing senility. By allowing him to remain in office, they are validating our suspicion that the presidency is entirely ornamental.
>doubling down on retardation
The only difference is that one is German so "Heil Jesus" would be out of place outside of Germany or a German setting. It's not different just because you want it to be.
White liberals should just stfu. You cause the biggest outrage about race when the race in question isn't even that offended.
I'm a white liberal, but I'm not an sjw.
I'm rather tired of authoritarian fear mongers taking a patent on being liberal.
There's usually exceptions to every rule.
Why tf would anyone want to pay for section 8 housing out of their taxes? Most people in section 8 housing are perfectly capable of providing for themselves, they end up not working because then they don't get housing for cheap. The welfare system is a cancer that allows lazy fucks to live the easy life
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>Actually being this retarded
You must be trolling homeboy
It doesn't help that the people I partially agree with lump all liberals into one snow hill group of special snowflakes.
Hail: An exclamation of respectful or reverent salutation, or, occasionally, of familiar greeting.

Heil: Was used to call Nazis to attention and to honor Adolf Hitler

You seem to be missing an important factor here that I've said before. Hail can be used in a nazi context, but it is used in any other context as well. Heil however, is only used in Nazi contexts. Using the word "heil" outside of nazi salutes is not used and is incorrect. For this reason is why the word "hail" is used instead.

So no, they still don't hold the same meanings. Even without the language barrier, they still are able to be differentiated and used in different contexts.
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>She was still claiming
Let us see the claims so that they might be evaluated. Her claims are not jumping out of Google at the moment. MuriKKKans often have fanciful family origins.
Fearless Leader God-Emperor told Scotland that he's Scottish and they roundly told him to sod off. Then it turns out one of his great-grandmothers was an Ashkenazi jew -- whoops! -- schtumpf! schtumpf!
>implying Trump ever owned section 8 housing
>implying they weren't as well-off as their white counterparts
Are you ignorant or just stupid?
You're making that up. You don't even sound MuriKKKan. What country are you posting from?
No, wait, stay on this thread long enough for me to trace your IP address.
>If I ignore the facts and define the words myself then I can win the argument
What is your obsession with this?
He wasn't wrong, that judge was a racist cunt. If you can't maintain neutrality as a judge you shouldn't be a judge.
I stabbed an Anti-Fascist girl in her thighs yesterday. hehehehehe

Yeah that's why Trump paid a 25 million dollar settlement over Trump University. Because it was all bias and there wasn't a shred of truth to any of it.
I'm simply explaining the historical and contextual meanings between the two words so I can clear up your vague confusion.
I've never met a single decent gypsie in my life. Scam artists every single one. Its a lifestyle based on deception and mysticism. Find one single decent person who is a gypsie.
>implying they weren't as well-off as their white counterparts
So fucking dumb
You have no basis for such a conclusion.
Freddy Mercury.
You know what, you're right. I broad stroked that statement and I take it back.
You realize that they can also hold the same and similar meaning? Words aren't all restricted to one definition.
My "vague confusion" has 800 years of history behind it. You're claiming that a little more than a century ago the Nazis altered the word by giving it the authoritarian connotation that it already had.

Your every point about context reaffirms how idiotic you are.
That's decent of you anon, thank you.
>post nov 4th 2017
>still thinks antifa is anything other than incels larping as revolutionaries
fuck you jew
It was a school offering real estate classes. Most real estate agents aren't successful, anyone paying to get into classes should realize that just because you went to school doesn't automatically guarantee success. He settled out of the kindness of his heart to those who were unable to profit due to a lack of their own ability. He didn't even have to settle, he could have easily fought back and won.
They absolutely were, as evidenced by the rental applications that had been stored with a big "C" written on it to denote "colored".

The city busted him on it by sending a black couple and a white couple that were identical in every other way to apply for an apartment. The black couple was told they were full up and the white couple was told they could move in as soon as they got the deposit.
The fact that the judge is racist, or the fact that you are a racist apologist simply because something doesn't fit your narrative?
Just like with all those workers he tried to stiff, right?
Holy shit the level of denial is unreal. Trump is an idiot and a criminal. The only place he excels is bankruptcy court that is literally it. Stop finding excuses for the man holy shit what a dumbfuck.
half a century*
god damn who gives a fuck about polotics why argue for 2 hours about this crap?

>he settled out of the kindness of his heart


Really anon? You think he's gonna give you a few million too for being such a great pal? Will he give you a reach around and a kiss if you ask nicely?
In the name of trump. The most merciful, most compassionate.
These people are so delusional they have projected their own image of trump into the world.
Freddy Mercury wasn't even raised as a gypsie. Also he participated in orgies and was classic drug abuser,not exactly a good person having spread his AIDS to other people.
"All hail (x)" in German is "Alles Gute (x)." The devastating events that took place in WW2 have shifted the meaning of the German word "heil."
Reguardless of what the word meant before the holocaust, "heil" is related to nazi salutes and even you have achnowledged it's nazi ties with your comment at >>752709135 .

I find it very preposterous that you claim now that "heil" is not related to nazism and the definition of it "didn't" change during WW2.

They may have derived from their Germanic roots, but that doesn't mean they still hold the same meanings as they did 100 or 200 years ago.

Hail is cut off and different from the word "heil." If it were not, then believers of God who exclaim "all hail Jesus" would be referring to Nazi paraphernalia. They clearly are not because the words hold different contextual meanings.

Seriously man why are you arguing semantics with an actual nazi? Here's a quote about nazis.

"Never believe that anti-Semites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The anti-Semites have the right to play. They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors. They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert. If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall silent, loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument is past.”

Jean Paul-Sartre
What is your point? Are you implying that I support nazism?
>I find it very preposterous that you claim now that "heil" is not related to nazism
I never made that claim

>and the definition of it "didn't" change during WW2.
It didn't. Even you're saying that only the context changed, which it did not, the context was merely expanded slightly.

>They may have derived from their Germanic roots
That is literally what makes them the same word. That's like saying that "speak" and "sprechen" are different words

Did you even read? You can't win an argument about something as frivolous as semantics with nazis. It's just not possible, the whole point of the discussion is to make you look silly. They don't care what words mean, they've already made up their mind.
I'm arguing about the fact that "heil" and "hail" are different words and used for different contexts.
They are the same word in two different languages. How are you this thick?
By the way, I'm actually a semite. I'm not going to state my country of origin, but I can assure you that I'm of semitic roots so whatever argument you're making that I support nazis, is invalid.
One is used in a German context and the other is used in an English context. Which part of this is giving you trouble?
why is she scum? because she's a democrat?

They hold different contextual meanings, I've explained this. They don't mean the exact same thing. I've also gave instances where if you take both words into account in the same context (in which isn't referring to nazism) then you will find the the use of the word "heil" in that sentence is grammatically incorrect.

If the two words were the same and held the same contextual meanings, you would be able to use them in every single sentence possible in which each occur, and the sentence would mean the same thing every time. That argument however is invalid.
One is used in a context in which supports nazi values, and the other is used in all other instances. Heil cannot be used in every other instance without referring to nazism.
They do hold the same contextual meaning as you were forced to admit here

Why don't you link me to an etymology website that backs up your claims that the connotation has been so drastically changed that its now a different word?
That means nothing, Dmitry.
"Heil" does not inherently support any Nazi ideal, you mong. You're aware that some Germans saw "heil thisorthat" about non-Nazi related things to this day, right?
should be still
You seem to have misinterpreted what I said. No where in that post did I say that they held the same contextual meaning. Can you quote where in the post I said what you've claimed?

And, it is evident that the meaning of the word "Heil" has changed after WW2. If you believe that the word heil is not associated with nazi paraphernalia, then you wouldn't have made this post >>752709135 .

Heil is associated with nazim in society, hail is not.
>Can you quote where in the post I said what you've claimed?
It's implied that you accepted that when you said "there is still a difference"

I don't see any links to any etymology websites, nor any credentials that qualify you as a legitimate source of information on this topic. If you had a valid point then surely it wouldn't be hard to find a valid source that agrees with your claims.

"Pochahontas" is ironic because Elizabeth Warren isn't native American and refuses to submit to a DNA test to prove her absurd assertions.

She's used Affirmative Action to benefit her career by perverting your sides intent. Trump is trolling her. Everyone should call her Pochahontas. If that rustles your jimmy's, too fucking bad.

He hasn't talked about raping women. The stupid Billy Bush quote was him asserting that he could touch girls pussies, and they were cool with it. How is that rape?

God you Leftists beclown yourselves with your massive butthurt. You're fun to watch meltdown, though. Keep up the good work.
He's our president, normal laws dont apply to him fuck off with your hate.
Trump is a joke and I can tell you why ama

Well, that assumes he's broken any laws, which he hasn't.

Calling someone names isn't a crime in the United States.
> Trump said something dumb, and my feels got hurt.
Hillery mistook a girl handing her flowers as sniper fire. When the lie came out, she said, its how it FEELS to HER, not how reality is.
Obama murdered Americas, no judge, no trial, no reasonable evidence, just fuck 'em and shoot.
Bush - we don't need an example here.
Clinton fucked the army and delta over, left delta operatives to die, because he "didn't want a shitty tittle in the news paper, so just cover up the whole operation as a national (disaster) secret. also raped, molested, and abused women, also murder.

How far back do you want me to go with this?
> Trump hasn't killed anyone in cold blood for no reason at all yet, he's beating a lot of other presidents that no one gave to shits about the blood on their hands.
Thank you, every time I start to question his morality someone like you steps in and interprets his actions for what they truly are. I feel better now.
>Obama murdered Americas, no judge, no trial, no reasonable evidence, just fuck 'em and shoot.

Well, it was a drone strike actually, and on a 16 year old Muslim Arab kid, actually.
I'm just saying even if he did it wouldn't matter. Why can't the people respect our President is all i'm asking.

>He settled out of the kindness of his heart
Settlement is a great way of avoiding a conviction of Guilty. This is not new, this is not a massive conspiracy against poor widdle Trump. He's been a shady presence on the business scene since the get go. At some point, one has to decide whether a man has the whole world against him, or he happens to be in constant legal hot water because of his actions.
Indians are the very definition, losers. A strange people came to their land and took it by force which was hardly exerted. The best outcome is that their daughters gave birth to mutt offspring, the more common outcome was annihilation. We honkey yankees give some reverence to the Indian life as a show of respect for an enemy bested, but that's already enough. That anyone even knows who Pocahontas was speaks volumes to white magnimity there's no need to debase ourselves further.
You're seriously say our Presidency should follow the Nixon model?
Because she's a back handed racist hypocrite.
>Affirmative Action to benefit her career by perverting your sides intent
Unproven. She did indeed indentify as a Native, but that doesn't prove what the College did.

>he could touch girls pussies, and they were cool with it. How is that rape?
No, he asserted that if you're rich, you can "do anything". Why a man that's already had several sexual harassment lawsuits in the past is saying such inane macho garbage in 2005 should be indicative enough.
>reaching this much
I was being consistent with my argument there and haven't implied anything. You obviously misinterpreted what I said.

Again, "Heil (x)" is associated with nazism. For example, when Richard Spencer said "Heil Trump, Heil victory," the media ostracized him for the nazi/fuhrer implications.

In Germany today, the use of the statement "Heil (x)" is seen as inappropriate even if you aren't referring to Hitler or the nazis. For example, if someone were to say "Heil Merkel" that wouldn't be acceptable, because "heil" is associated with nazism in society.

The definition of Heil has changed just like the definition of Feminism has changed. You don't need to have a PhD in English to see that.
What's the Nixon model? Just leave the man alone and let him do his job instead of all this partisan politics blocking him at every step.
I don't know why you need me to spoonfeed you

These three pages prove me right and you wrong. Find a legitimate source that contradicts my case or accept that you don't know what you're talking about.
Why should I care?

Trump's Pocahontas comments made me laugh and my entire family. All you White people love to get offended for minorities or persons of color, but there's nothing offensive at all about his remark itself.

Every White family has a Cherokee princess in it and every White person claims native american DNA and heritage.

The woman got a free education on the backs of real native americans.

How about you get upset over her disrespecting the Native peoples of this country?

White people have nothing better to do but get offended 24/7.
>.04 Gold has been added to your ShareBlue account.
Fuck off shill, Cheeto Elvis is still the lesser of two evils and it's great to see CommiLiberals get so triggered.
>What's the Nixon model?
>hurr durr if the President does something, it's not illegal

>do his job instead of all this partisan politics blocking him at every step
Well it's too fucking bad we have government that operates under checks and balances, isn't it? Do you honestly believe all of Trump's policies and ambitions are perfect in intent and in practice? Because this is exactly what I predicated his Presidency would reap. Lack of shit getting done, be it out of hung congress, congress blocking him, or the rest of the legal system blocking. Because he's an ill mannered loud mouth douchebag who doesn't have the slightest idea of how the US Government works. And the reason he has defenders like you making retarded arguments like this is because he cultivated a propaganda movement of the world against him.
>>hurr durr if the President does something, it's not illegal

Not the Anon that you're arguing with, but that made me think. Were you just as vocal when Obama was committing crimes as the President of the United States of America?
Do you believe that the german word "heil" is associated with nazism?

If not, why does your post here >>752709135 contradict that?

Since you believe that the word "heil" is associated with nazism from that post, are christians nazis for for saying "all hail Jesus?"

Was Richard Spencer making nazi implications when saying "Hail Trump, Hail victory?"

Do you think that Merkel would be fine with people saying "Heil Merkel?"
>hitting on girls

Bet you kiss girls too you faggot
What about the surname Hitler?

Germany themselves gave people free name changes after WWII because Hitler became synonymous with Nazism.

You're arguing with a retard by the way. The persons just going to dig in deeper to their wrong beliefs.
First of all, that's not my post. Second, being associated with Nazism doesn't change the definition nor does it alter the connotation significantly. Third, you still have not posted ANY source, nor have you qualified yourself as a source.

Can you at least try with your next post?
If Obama did something illegal, and managed to snake his way out of a court ruling, I would condemn him. I was disappointed in his Presidency, thought I wasn't surprised. What I could count on him to do, however, was maintain the prestige and uphold the responsibility that we ask of our President.

Trump does not give the slightest fuck beyond waving his dick with President tattooed on it. He's Cheapening and diminishing the seat of the Presidency. He's not interested in pursuing the US's traditional role as leader of the free world, trying a purely selfish policy. While that might open opportunities for our own nation building in the short term, that also may eliminate any potential opportunities for future long term collaborations with other nations in the long term, some of which could yield a net positive.

He's not the first politician with this idea, but at the same time he's really not doing much in the way of pursuing the job either. He's left a great deal of the work to his underlings, and appointed a cabinet full of members unqualified or disinterested towards their respective positions (or both).
I was thinking the exact same thing. double standards with those retardo liberals.

He's a business man not a politician, it's the reason we voted for him. To drain the swamp of corrupt politicians, which he is doing, and yet your "system" of checks and balances is desperately trying to prevent him from making real change and progress. Basically you retards love the corrupt govt taking all your money and paying corrupt politicians.
>wrong beliefs
That's why the etymology websites back me up, right?
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>The woman got a free education on the backs of real native americans.
Now you're just talking through your hat, you obvious foreigner.
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Idi Amin Don-John killed the sixteen-year-old's eight-year-old sister during his first week as prezzidunt. The same week that he issued an order for the women in the White House to look "more feminine". MAGA!
The use of the word "Heil (x)" in Germany has changed after WW2. As of now, it is illegal to deny the holocaust in Germany, do nazi salutes, or support the nazis. There is show for that if you look at all the news articles about both tourists and German citizens being charged and/or arrested for doing these activities.

What is inferred from this evidence, is the fact that the use of "heil (x)" (when not referring to nazis) is seen as inappropriate because the context of that word has changed.

You are being willingly ignorant to the catastrophe of WW2 and the context that "heil" now holds.

The word feminism in the current day and age, claims to be for the economic, political, and social equality between the sexes. However despite that being true in the early 1900s, third wave feminism has changed that definition of feminism into a man hating, vindictive, spiteful ideology.

Words are social constructs and what they mean to humanity can change in a matter of decades from the events prior.
>No source
>No credentials
Into the trash it goes
>it's the reason we voted for him. To drain the swamp of corrupt politicians, which he is doing
So a corrupt business man who pathologically seeks attention to himself, who appointed nobody but entrenched coporate bankers and republican Yes men whores is better because....?

> desperately trying to prevent him from making real change and progress
Adding one more thing:

If you do not claim to make that post and believe that "heil" is not associated with nazism in any way, shape, or form; then is the media wrong for ostracizing Richard Spencer for his "Heil Trump, Heil victory" comments?

Saying "All hail Trump" vs "Heil Trump" hold different contextual meanings. "Heil Trump" is referring to Trump as the leader of a Nazi state while "all hail Trump" is a welcoming greeting showing your support for the President. Even if you say the two comments out loud, you will notice the contextual difference.
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I'm a nigger even though I'm white that's a racist slur if you bring that up also fuck Obama he got us into this mess, Trump was a deep state plant to make Hillary win but she's so unlikeable he got elected and now he doesn't want to get canned by the American people so the fucker fell in line, y u mad tho?

Also, I never made the claim that it wasn't associated.




You should get out of your English books and go talk to someone, only austist care about one letter difference protip: heil is getting for hail so you are a racist islomophobic pig for not liking the German language
All of those have context outside of "heil" that link the statements to Nazism.

At least you tried
I guess by that logic, Iraq and Iran are the exact same country and have the exact same culture because hey, it's one letter, who fuckings cares right?
>a corrupt business man who pathologically seeks attention to himself

Don't we all, we are all attention whores, who gives a fuck.

>who appointed nobody but entrenched coporate bankers and republican Yes men

Actual legit people who know what they are doing as opposed to the standard run of the mill bureaucrat.




Which is why everyone is so upset,... Because he's not your typical conservative or liberal. Partisan politics are destroying this country. Wake up America.
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Yo American politics are fucked up
I mean at one time they were the same country soooo and Germany is full of Muslims Soo they are all the same
Nice trips, it's the dirty pedofiles at the top trying to cover their child diddling trafficking asses from their collapsing system
Obama signed us into the Paris agreement without Congressional approval which is a treasonous misuse of power, stop fantasizing about Trump's dick and ego and how much respect he gets from foreign be leaders and ,research the gay-lord you worship
You can and will be arrested and go to jail in Germany if you deny the holocaust. Nazism is condemned to a high extent by both the government and the citizens. The government takes strong measures to ban and silence anything or anyone that supports nazism. This is a fact.

And you are telling me that if I were to say "Heil Merkel" in germany, nobody would find that highly inappropriate or wrong to say? You seem to think that textbook definitions fit and define the societal and contextual definitions and are the ultimate authority in determining what a word means to society.

If a feminist in this day and age were to make the argument that feminism is about equality, not female superiority whenever someone criticizes feminism about it's man hating philosophy, that person would be right. The meanings of words change over time based on the actions of a government or group of people.
>All completely irrelevant
No they aren't, dumbass. They have different cultures and everything. If you study both the countries you will see that.
Not an argument.
>we are all attention whores, who gives a fuck.
I don't think myself as such. There's a complete difference between someone who wants to be President to actually change the country for the better and a mentally ill egomaniac who's obsessed with more power.

>Actual legit people who know what they are doing
Oh yeah, Betsy Devos who bought her way in despite having not experience in Public education, wanting all of the country to be under the curiculum of shitty christian charter schools. Or Rick Perry for Department of Energy, who had a 2.0 GPA in "Animal science". Or Ben Carson, a Neurosurgeon in charge of Urban Development. That's just the tip.

If it wasn't CNN, it would be Fox. Or shall I remind you of Obama "being a Muslim", or him "being a Kenyan". Isn't it just a grand coincidence Trump jumped on the birther movement to get himself in the political conversation?

>Because he's not your typical conservative or liberal
Name 3 policies he promotes or has attempted to do that are outside of the Republican mantra. Furthermore, explain your evidence that anything he proposes to do will actually work in the short term or the long term. Or maybe you're another pseudo revolutionary that allowed P.T. Barnum to seduce you.
Exactly. Everything you just posted is entirely irrelevant to the word "heil" and is therefore not an argument.

You've also failed to qualify any of it with a source
When did I ever mention Obama's climate change policies? When did I ever say the Paris accord was perfect? I will however take the word of actual scientists instead of Oil lobbyists.
I explained all of my logic and gave numerous sources about the condemnation of nazism by the german government. I've gave multiple arguments of which you haven't replied with.

It seems that now what you are doing is skimming through my argument looking for a link and crying "muh sources" without bothering to read any of it. Sorry but you've already lost from how unproductive you are in answering and replying to what I've said.
would rather be a trumpanzee than a literal pacifist beta faggot
And absolutely none of it contradicts my case or my sources. I'm sorry you don't understand how a debate works, but I'm not going to argue semantics anymore.
Yeah sure, keep believing that. Heil and Hail still don't mean the same thing because context matters and I've explained that context with numerous examples in numerous posts.
They all eat kababs, are brown, have unobrows and eat with their shit hand??? Atleast one inherited their language from whites
Then why can't you back it up with any source whatsoever?
Why do I need a source to explain the inferred contextual difference between "heil" and "hail?"
It proves that trump has not fucked anything up yet, I mean unless you count the media as the president's responsibility them he completely wrecked that ship
Because I have a source that demonstrates that they are the same word despite the Nazis using it in their salute.
I've already tested that argument and it doesn't work.

Here: >>752714227 and >>752715155 and >>752716787

I explained why "Heil" is interpreted to be relating to nazism here >>752719906 and here >>752722106 and >>752722707
gave sources here >>752722697
Gave sources here*** >>752722707
Nein. It proves Trump can't negotiate bipartisan lines, Trump can't be trusted in a National crisis, Trump can only expected to be ill mannered and macho in terms of potential military conflict. That is not a completely terribly thing in of itself, sometimes an era calls for that. However, Trump is completely new to this, and has a lot to prove. It's like a middle school chess player who wants to take down Garry Kasporov.
Again, all of those sources have context linking them to Nazism outside of the word "heil" which means that they do not prove your point, nor do they disprove mine. That means they are not valid evidence for your argument.

Furthermore, you have not demonstrated any etymological change in the word relating to the Nazis.

Those are really your only options here (as far as I can tell) if you want to either disprove my position or prove yours
The perceived meaning of the world as interpreted by German society today has changed. Again, I've explained that here >>752716787 and >>752722106 .

I don't know why exactly you think that German citizens and the German government doesn't strongly condemn nazi culture. "Heil Hitler" was used exuberantly during Nazi Germany to show support for Fuhrer Hitler and nazi ideals.
Today in Germany, what you can very clearly infer from the strong condemnation and extents that the government goes to separate itself from nazism, is that saying "Heil (x)" is seen as a nazi-like term of which the person you are referring to, is a dictator.
Then it shouldn't be hard to find a source confirming your opinion
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>I don't know why exactly you think that German citizens and the German government doesn't strongly condemn nazi culture
Also, I have no idea where you got that from. I never made any such claim. The Germans don't condemn the word "heil" though, they condemn Nazism and the Nazi saute "Seig Heil", or "Heil Hitler", or "Heil der Furer". I'm pretty sure that distinction is going to over your head, though
If you disagree with my facts, then explain why and I can answer your questions and debunk your points. I also gave many sources and examples of the german government shutting down anyone who denies the holocaust, supports nazism, or even preforms a nazi salute.

You are running dry and can't be bothered to stay consistent with your arguments, which is why you beg me for sources otherwise "I'm wrong." The only sources you've provided are textbook definitions of "heil" and "hail" which isn't even what I am talking about.
Because I'm tired of explaining to you why all of your unsourced opinions don't conflict with anything that I've said
Then why aren't you facing every one of my factual arguments I've said in my posts instead of crying for a source which I've already gave?
Really makes you think. I've debunked all of your opinions, why aren't you debunking my facts? It obvious that every single one of your arguments is dependant on a dictionary definition.
I must have missed that source you posted, unless you meant "opinion"
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