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panda breeding program thread

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 223
Thread images: 151
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panda breeding program thread
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It doesn't work well. They're too lazy
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I know right? stupid pandas don't even realize they're going extinct
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everyone is gone?
not everyone.

not yet.
not everyone

why do I make you feel unsafe :(
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mein bitch.jpg
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I've never seen you before.

Because no one would just volunteer to do that for me. There are motives.
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heroism is dead
(ナイロビ)― 南スーダン南部の街イェイの内部と周辺ではこの数ヶ月間、南スーダン政府軍と反政府勢力による民間人への深刻な人権侵害が起きていると、ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチは本日述べた。具体的には、政府軍による殺害やレイプ、恣意的拘禁、また反政府軍による拉致などだ。ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチが今回イェイで確認した人権侵害は、現在の紛争で両勢力が行ってきた一連の民間人攻撃の最も最近の事件といえる。

スーダン人民解放軍(SPLA)と反政府勢力との戦闘、および両勢力による民間人攻撃が同国南部で激しくなったのは、2016年7月初めの首都ジュバでの一連の衝突後。民間人数十万人が南部のエクアトリア地域(Greater Equatoria)から逃れている。

surprising honestly, i've been here a while.
tiger had a similar reaction. which also, had me similarly surprised.
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I knew it.

Do you know me?


perhaps i just don't come to enough threads.
not personally of course.
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someone translate it could be japanese moot making an announcement !
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Yuki makes me feel unsafe.
They're terrifying

and a ching chong nip nong to you too, young lady
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I will refrain from saving you anymore yuki
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It's just OP is a fag over and over. Trust me.

I mean have you seen me in a thread. I've never seen you so you probably haven't seen me which means it shouldn't be surprising that I don't know you
i guess im easily surprised then.
i have seen you before. multiple times.
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I should remember more from my highschool japanese classes

though when I close my eyes watching subbed anime sometimes I barely follow whats going on. kind of a weird feeling
Qreen is officially an oldfag
darn. i've been had.
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I'm one person though.

Nibi will save me out of kindness I'm sure.
You can't prove that
i really don't know what you would expect me to say that doesn't warrant a sarcastic answer/comment. but alright.
hell i've been in and out of "relationships" with people on here.
نكتب إليكم، نحن المنظمات غير الحكومية الموقعة أدناه، لنحثكم على دعم دعوة المفوض السامي إلى تحقيق دولي مستقل في الوفيات والإصابات المدنية في اليمن. هذه الدعوة قامت بها مرارا منظمات المجتمع المدني المحلية والإقليمية والدولية.

خلال فترة النزاع، فوّت المجلس فرصا حاسمة لمعاجلة الانتهاكات المزعومة للقانون الدولي لحقوق الإنسان والقانون الإنساني الدولي في اليمن. في 2 أكتوبر/تشرين الأول 2015، تبنى مجلس حقوق الإنسان القرار 30/18. إنه قرار تشوبه عيوب كبيرة، صاغته السعودية التي هي طرف في النزاع. تجاهل هذا القرار دعوات سابقة إلى إجراء تحقيق دولي، وأيد بدلا من ذلك إنشاء لجنة وطنية يمنية. بعد ذلك بعام، خلص المفوض السامي لحقوق الإنسان إلى أن اللجنة الوطنية "غير
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Everyone is one person for the most part.
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You poor thing
نكتب إليكم، نحن المنظمات غير الحكومية الموقعة أدناه، لنحثكم على دعم دعوة المفوض السامي إلى تحقيق دولي مستقل في الوفيات والإصابات المدنية في اليمن. هذه الدعوة قامت بها مرارا منظمات المجتمع المدني المحلية والإقليمية والدولية.
Get out isis
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What is this creature you keep posting? Ive been seeing it around for the past month so im guessing its relatively new...

And why does it always look suggestive???
i should start taking my sertraline again.

suggestion is in the eyes of the beholder.

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Starts with a S ends with a T
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It's a pokemon from the new games

Salandit and Salazzle.

The females can make pheromones which attract males of all species, including humans. They can control their lured in victims with the pheromone too. Only female Salandits evolve, and Salazzles build a harem out of male Salandits

Yeah thats right. Pokemon added a canon mind-control orgy Pokemon
you dont realize how often you swallow your own spittle until every movement of your throat is agony
except that's pretty close to what actual lizards do
aw, sorry, I just got over a pretty harsh cold. i feel you on that.
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Actual lizards build mind control harems?

Hell, they probably lure in males of other species to eat, since they can control those too and it specifies the harem is made of Salandit.
saved just to post at katia
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I'm a whiny bitch when I'm sick
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He's seen it before. The idea of being eaten and just not caring scared him.

Here, have a Salandit who is totally not controlling the world economy from behind the scenes.
vore is terrifiying this is true
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Well at least you don't mind when the lizard eats you. I'm sure other pokemon aren't so kind.
uh yeah I would mind
Not if your brain is toasted with mind-control pheromones.

Look at the Vaporeon, he's totally okay with the situation
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yes, exactly
Do it ya fag
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remember when pokemon was wholesome and we just craved that sweet Arcanine knotting
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>remember when pokemon was wholesome
No. Pokemon has always been a bit messed up.
It's no wonder they hate me.



Calm down grayfox
>ywn travel across China
>ywn milk pandas cum to use in breeding programs
para are you okay?
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Eh, I'll draw stuff if people want a doodle. Anyone want something smutty? Nothing too crazy.
this is true some of the old RBY pokedex entries are pretty disturbing
draw a cute st bernard wagging his tail happy and drooling

What body type?
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Yeah, things like a pokemon that literally wears its mothers skull.
well they're giant breed dogs so I'd imagine either really hefty or muscular or both
"It remembers every dream it eats. It rarely eats the dreams of adults because children's are much tastier." - Drowsee

I was kicked out of sunday school multiple times for bringing pokemon cards
haha no
I'm here if you want to talk, you can add me on steam or discord if you'd prefer to keep private
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Ah yes, the pedo pokemon.

Pokemon at my school was banned during school hours. This was bad for the kids because my mother got addicted to anime. She fell for Pokemon cards hard. So when she came to pick us up at the end of the day she'd trade cards with all the kids.

Thing is, she is an intelligent adult and they were dumb kids. She ripped them off incredibly badly and left them feeling like they'd had a good trade.

Even now, she has a full set of every card from the first three sets (both shiny and normal). She also has a stack of shiny cards as big as your hand left over.
wtf you have a coolass mom
I'm currently out of antidepressants and I think I have bronchitis. So I'm feeling terrible both mentally and physically
my mother played legend of zelda but for some reason she was unable to really grasp 3D gaming and when Ocarina of Time came out she instead was obsessed about watching me play and giving me hints

I tried so many damn times to make her play it but she just insisted she couldn't grasp it even though she 100%'d the second quest in the original.
depending on the anti-depressant, that's a serious medical emergency Para. What prevents you?
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Gonna go have dinner. Back later.

She had a manga collection worth about $20k
I'm waiting for them to be delivered
you must have had a very interesting childhood
How long have you been off them?
How long do you have to wait?
Since like last week. I need to wait a week or more to receive new ones.
strange medical system but okay

would you consider calling emergency services if you felt it was too much?
my neighbor has a stupid loud squeaky engine in his car, and he just went out and started it. I legitimately thought my GPU was about to pop every single capacitor on it.
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stunt or die
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what's good nigga
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Not much. Eating dinner and watching dumb shit

Worked the last two days, called in sick today. Just making do with weekends
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thank god 4 being gainfully employed in this exploitative capitalist system

im finna buy a new gun, something subcompact for summer n shit, idk if u got thoughts since australia but im taking suggestions
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buy one that goes "bang" when you pull the trigger
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Get a Hi-Point, obviously.
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ngl I was gonna buy one that moaned like a slut every time you shot it instead but that's good advice too

im not nearly broke or black enough

also does hi point even have subcompacts? all the guns is fucking obese

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The first and last time I try to draw hefty people.

I cannot stand it lol.
Wait a minute, Honey Badger doesn't give a shit.
Don't you have finals soon?
Mine start today.
wait they killed akraptor and prince in the same comic

and the panel after hoaqin says he ate prince koon brings baam something to eat

that's some dark shit siu what the fuck fam

yeah eventually idk when
oh wait, are you the one that was doin' the fox and whatever else?
Man you should probably know that.
What if they start today and you don't even know?
If I hadn't already read it I would be pissed about you spoiling it like a cunt

You're the one moaning like a slut every time you shoot it, not the gun

I know they don't start today since I know what we are doing today

I'll know when we have finals because whatever we'll be doing will be something else

finals are scheduled differently so if I have a normal schedule finals didn't start yet

I actually figured you would've read it already, I was like 900% sure of that. Seriously, what the fuck though. They haven't killed off any important characters since like part 1.
I can't remember what else I had said, just wondering. You ever get any more progress on it?

the footjob picture? I got bored and went on to draw other crap.
If Rachel doesn't meet her cunt quota she withers away to nothing

Need to balance out Androssi being maximum waifu

>I actually figured you would've read it already,
Never assume
I often wake up late or forget cause I'm busy
I don't blame you
Well, my finals start today, and that's all that really matters.
Time for hell.
good luck friend.
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I'll be careful next time, but you're usually reliable about reading comics, especially when you're broken and shit.

I'm still tryna figure out what the fuck rachel actually DOES. Like baam is badass af and shit but rachel just seems to coast through without having any actual skills. Also, what was that weapon she murdered akraptor with?

I feel bad for you son, 99 problems, etc
yeah thats kinda obvious

but thank you anyway
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>'m still tryna figure out what the fuck rachel actually DOES. Like baam is badass af and shit but rachel just seems to coast through without having any actual skills
No that's her thing. She completely relies on everyone else.

Baam has a knack for learning things extremely quickly. He's a "natural genius" in manga/manwha terms.

Rachel has a knack for finding people who can help her, and convincing them to do so.

Pretty sure Rachel is also an Irregular like Baam, so there is probably a lot of people interested in her.

>what was that weapon she murdered akraptor with?
She killed him with his own weapon, the one that looks like a lance or folded up umbrella.
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Yeah, they're definitely both irregulars, that's confirmed, and her ability to persuade is self evident. It's just that we never really see her doing it. It's very opaque, that's all.

Weapon design in ToG is also very bizarre.
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Well, we saw her convince Hoaquin

Most of the time she probably doesn't really need it, because it's obvious someone higher up is helping her for their own needs.

It'll be funny if they turn her into a Thorn like they wanted to do with Baam.
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I don't think they're fucking with rachel for a long while. Apparently siu considers her the female protagonist.
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Oh no, not any time soon. She's like the major antagonist. FUG and Rachel are the source of all of Baams woes

Oh also Androssi being ultra-thirsty tsundere but that is neither here nor there.
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fug isn't exclusively antagonistic to baam, ha jinsung seems like he's sincerely on his side

rachel's goal is too arcane and not explicitly selfish enough that if I had to bet she's either going to actually succeed by the end of the story, or she's going to be redeemed at some point if she dies
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At least I can get the most important one over with on the first day.
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really, that's all that matters
let me know how it goes

later lads
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fare thee well subby
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Hopefully I'll be in the mood to talk about it.
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>ha jinsung seems like he's sincerely on his side
One good apple in a basket of rotting fruit isn't great.

Hwa Ryun is pretty gud too. Her and Androssi can build a harem for Baam. No Rachels allowed.

>rachel's goal is too arcane and not explicitly selfish enough
Her goal was never selfish, it was entirely her methods to reach it. She wanted to reach the top, like every other Regular.

But unlike most of them she has an uncontrollable fetish for placing knives in backs and being a general cunt for the sole purpose of being a cunt.

Gotta say though, the best line in the entire series so far is from the end of the first part, when she tells Hwa Ryun that she is afraid of the night.

That's right bitch be afraid
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hi badj
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hyello, sup?
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posting crap feeling terrible
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Listening to old playlists, playing Magic Duels. Contemplating smoking some weed.
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yay weed I was about to load up a bowl myself
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Nice, you do that and I'll roll myself a phat one.
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never figured out how to roll worth a shit
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I'm only rolling cause I have no other method.
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vaporizers man

I cannot tell you just how worth the investment they are. even if you're just a casual smoker, the savings, taste, and experience of something like the Arizer Solo or DaBuddha are irreplaceable
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would love having a horse fucking wife
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I just realized that bear is stoned as fuck and laughed
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Well, rolling has worked well so far for me.
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hey there how are you?
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i'm okay, a little sick but otherwise fine i guess, got some green and i'm deciding whether I want to stay home today and get baked this morning or go to school and get baked later today, how about yourself?

huller, how you doing?
how are you?
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quick reply bugged out
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schooling is important, but if you're sick take that into account

I am also horribly sick for some stupid reason
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I can't tell if it would be a good idea to smoke while having a sore throat and cough.
What a strange fucking thread
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I'm kinda bummed out guys
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It's the season to be sick and depressed.
Why not just not smoke?
I did with cigarettes and it seemed to actually help. Just hard to get the first few breaths down.
(Thanks burnt nerve endings.)
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its generally a bad idea if you do do it lightly

vaporizing though hardly a problem so third bowl of the night here I go
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i know it is, but my class pretty much lets you work at your own pace so i think a day wouldn't be a problem

a lot of factors can play into why or how you're sick
what's on your mind, friend?
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Lonely Christmas again, John.
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I'm like 80% sure I've got strep because some stupid nigger bitch at work had it and she's literally the most gross bitch I've ever seen in my life
Never fun.
Because apparently some freeloading microorganisms decided it would be a fun prank to infect my respiratory tract.

I don't smoke much though.

Yeah, well, ya see.. I don't have a vaporizer.
that's pretty lame, hopefully it doesn't last too long.
What do you guys do when you're bored?
think, nothing, drink coffee in a desperate attempt to become un-bored.
Pretty good, I guess. Just a little confused about the weekend I had. Also stoned. What about you?

pls go
maybe santa will bring you one for christmas
enjoy my pleasant family life with my loving wife and children
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