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The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 235
Thread images: 151
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cute nature soul.gif
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kavinsky is actually flames

song with the weeknd man mmmmm~!
it's the only song by them i remember ever listening to
my aunt gave me some Mescal from Mexico
la Reliquia, whatever that means
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>not listening to this every single morning
i actually have listened to this at least once a day since the 8th

i am 24. i have been living at least 1500 miles away from my family for three years. i am uninterested in humans and human ideas, for the most part. so many of them are unfiltered detritus. i wish i had anything else to study but humans and what humans think, but there is nothing else. the most hope i've ever felt is rooted in the podesta emails, when Mitchell referenced eti in a contiguous universe.
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>when Mitchell referenced eti in a contiguous universe.
what's this?

fucking fire
it's okay
i'd listen to a version without lyrics more
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>not being enraptured by abel's perfect voice
I hate you and you can go die

what the actual fuck

it's very cool, even if it isn't real.
some things they're in can be good
just not that
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I don't think I've ever wanted to believe as hard as this.

If we fought a war with aliens I would sign up, day 1.
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Your opinion is WRONG and I am TRIGGERED
I'm also a fan of
the pedo ring is real at least
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could be confirmation bias honestly, once the idea was in your head and you wanted it to be true it was very easy to read it into the coded language of the emails

not only is it extremely likely that eti with capabilities of visiting earth could destroy us with minimal effort, but that they already would have if they wanted to.


yea, fuck the clinton foundation
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You have no way of knowing that that's not exactly as likely as all other possibilities. It's also possible that eti with the capacity to visit earth could have extremely minimal militaristic capabilities. You have no idea how other things evolved.
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confirmation bias does not warrant the alarming and aggressive steps taken to try and bury this information. It's real. And in the next few years it'll all unravel. And I'll say I told you so
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dude I'd be pretty down with that if it was true but the evidence is objectively very thin

do you need a safe space/therapy doggo
have some faith. It'll happen. This entire election cycle consisted of the impossible becoming possible
>you're dead or in shock but let me fondle your genitals while you die.
yes that would be excellent.
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in retrospect, it actually makes a ton of sense. The fact that the entirety of leftist media couldn't believe it doesn't mean magic happened, it means they're idiots.

I have two doggos and only one of them is therapeutic

the other one drives me to drink

i have no way of knowing anything, but i am willing to say that i think it is nearly unforgivably retarded to believe that a civilization that has survived long enough to have interstellar and intergalactic travel would not have weapons of any sort.

but this is a dumb point of contention and you are being contrarian again FOR NO REASON and im going to the store to get my mom a birthday card
I know, quite bizarre isn't it?
>implying meme magic isn't real
i'd never envisioned fox and cnn were leftist media.

shit i am still here.
the entire election cycle is the general american public taking a shit on the living room floor because they're getting enough of the pie.
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I'm not saying they wouldn't, I'm saying you couldn't know. It's a complete guess as to whether extraterrestrials would follow an evolutionary path approximating our own (understanding tool use as essentially an evolutionary development, obviously).

>i'd never envisioned fox and cnn were leftist media.

I believe only a little bit
that is okay, i'll pass
i'm already over it
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I ordered pizza. Hooray.
This literally makes zero sense. Like, it's not even coherent. Reword it
Oh, believe it. Through the power of memes, we've shaped reality
We doctor strange now
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better recovery time than lbis that's for sure

at the moment, the evidence is more that trump is very smart
i'm not sure who lbis is but thank you
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I typed libs
it's an allegory, i can't help that you don't get it, but ill try. basically wage earnings have been flat and poeple are throwing a shit fest by electing the most "anti-establishment politics" rep they could. thus the donald is now our "god-king" of memes

i'm still not sure what you mean by that

i've literally, the literal definition of literally, never watched cnn or fox. i did not even seek out any sort of national or international news until maybe two years ago.
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There we go, that was a better wording
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that logic doesn't hold water when you realize trump lost the popular vote and still won the lion's share of well to do voters, as republicans are wont to do

he actually won the election because he targeted vulnerable blue states really fucking hard and hillary didn't show up there

fair enough
oh, normally people just say liberals when i talk to them about it.
i hate liberals, they're so abundant around here and it's awful
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daily reminder that I live in philadelphia and students were literally crying in my first class on the 9th
I live in MA, the salt is amazing
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the best part was I was at work after class and a professor came in (I am an it guy for geriatric faculty, basically) and literally sat down at a computer, turned to me and started yelling about how racist america was

it was amazing
free your mind and your ass will follow
cnn is pro-corporate, socially-liberal news, but its fairly moderate as far as its politics go. the right wing politics have just gotten so extreme with their retoric that anything that doesn't advocate for the return of the atomic family and the regessive culture that existed fourty years ago. you know where whites were alright and everyone else was suspect.
if i actually had Facebook still i think i'd have seen what my old classmates thought of on that day
i'm sure it would have been a good time to be on to see all their posts about it
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One of my professors organized an anti Trump protest
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what in the actual fuck are you talking about

the american right has tacitly accepted every single leftist policy imaginable once that policy actually succeeded. Trump had a gay dude talk at the RNC. Meanwhile, CNN and similar news outlets push the envelop as far as physically possible with left wing agenda items.

On my now-dead laptup I had a folder of that shit.
I drew a Christmas elf.
im just giving my experience to the admittedly limited exposure i've had to cnn. what specifically are you talking about
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I mean, you're right in describing CNN as pro corporate and socially liberal, but that's basically all you really need to guarantee that they're entirely on the left anyway. It's more the idea that right wing politics has become more extreme in America as opposed to taking a mad dash to the center that I'm objecting to.

CNN pushes the envelope on things like trans rights, pushes the victimhood narratives that are essential to the american left, etc. These are social issues but they're exceedingly important.
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Ha Ha
it's a shame it died
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It's retrievable in all likelihood, I just need to do some work to pull my shit off of there
yeah but is it worth it?
socially liberal doesn't guarantee they'll pander to the far left, that'd require them to expose the evils of other corporate actors, which they wont do because they're potential advertising customers.
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that computer had ALL my old avatar folders

Far left socially, not far left fiscally. Fiscal leftism is dead; bernie sanders temporarily reanimated the corpse.
why haven't you done it then
just do it
hi julian
>trans rights
if gay aren't a problem for right-wing americans, why are trans?
trans rights is usually referring to shit like female-to-male people using mens bathrooms, male-to-female people using womens bathrooms.
other than that it's just non-discrimination shit which is practically already illegal.
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I think the delusion that you can become a women with carcinogenic hormones and/or cosmetic castration is probably an issue for everyone, however that's not really the point: it's a leftist social issue. Gay rights have already been successfully pushed to the mainstream and conservatives no longer reject them because they lost the battle.

conservatives a Sisyphus.
next they will be resisting legal bestiality because they're just bigots don't use your bad logic slippery slope arguments.
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sisyphus would be a more apt analogy if every time the boulder rolled down, the mountain got higher
more like he's just trying to hold it, cause pushing it up the hill is just pure bigotry, resisting it is also bigotry.
so he doesn't push, fucking cuck.
trump hats are shaped weird
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you mean all other hats are shaped WRONG
trans will never be a "real" woman, they should know this from the beginning. what's the issue with treating people the way they look or feel or dress? isnt that what right-wingers already do with black kids? they dress like criminals (gangster rappers) and are treated that way.
it doesn't look right on my head

i can't wear this
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You're asking a dishonest question, not to mention changing the subject. The problem with trans rights pushes is not the social expectation that someone be polite to trannies. The problem is that as with all things leftist, these issues become codified into law, which is why in new york it's literally a criminal offense to use the incorrect pronoun to refer to someone with.
I think the disagreement is more 'you must change your actions and morality for the benefit of a minority within a minority' that they don't take kindly to.
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Why did I smoke that stuff? What is fucking wrong with me?
wait that's illegal now?
youll cowards dont even smoke crack
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Tsk tsk.
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in new york

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Can't say I've ever smoked anything.
Ahh, stupid trip.
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So uncool.
ooh it's dotter
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Oh hai there
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you got me excited, I thought it was the return of darwin
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I never pretended to be cool, though.

It is I!
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how's it
This drunk homeless mother fucker came into my store earlier and started rambling loudly at me about nothing while holding up the line.
I asked him to order or sit down, he then yelled at me and laid down next to the garbage cans.
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Hey you. How are you doing?

Sorry to disappoint you (not really).
he was definitely on crack or something
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It's been better, but eh. Work's been really shit lately and I'm on the jobhunt.

How about you?
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I'm doing ga-great, just sitting here and enjoying myself.
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why you gotta be so inferior

actually you're kinda uncommon too thinking about ti
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Good to hear.
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Yeah, I still lurk from time to time, but got bored of posting for the most part.
I mostly stick to steam/discord these days.
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Fry 02287.png
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you still work at the IT place?

getting ready to go to a radio station meeting, listening to a beach boys album
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I'm still in IT support, yeah.
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Are you doing overall alright?
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a different one?
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Lately, not really. But eh, I muddle along.
I've got this week off of work, so that's nice.

I've been at this one for 4yrs now, so probably the same one, though it's changed a lot with layoffs and new management in the past year.
I love that gayass goat.
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That's something good then, I think. I got my first ever actual day off today.

Yeah me too
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Yeah? What are you up to these days?
I tend to take single days off unless I have someone visiting - that was going to happen this week, but the plan fell through.

So, what's this radio station meeting thing?
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I'm on the video team so i do stuff for the youtube channel. I'm pretty much their best editor

We just meet every week to fuck around and brainstorm some awful content that I have to edit
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mornin sunshines
I'm just going back and forth from uni to work. And in between playing games and smoking a bit of (medicinal, of course) tetrahydrocannabinol.
And sorry to hear that didn't work out.
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Oh, nice.
Man, I remember when you were young and didn't have a job.

Hey starshine.
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Howya doing luv?
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I'm just glad to be having a week off, to be honest.

So so, I guess. You?
I'd cut your dick off if I thought doing it would actually impede your sex life

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It's actually a volunteer position, so I'm not getting paid at all for it. Just stuff for my resume

I have an actual paid wagecuck job though
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are you trying to turn me on
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So so, I guess. You?

Experience is always good.
What's your wagecuck job? Retail stuff?
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Nah but it's more or less the same level of constant customer interaction. Really wears me out.

Not nearly enough hours per week to be liveable too
also this conversation happened in canon
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So so, as well. Poor thing, you're getting bombarded with howareyou questions. Sad that your meet up fell through eh?
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Still crippled, otherwise not bad. In an hour I'm going to go get some HEALTHY FOOD to feel like I am making an effort.

God their armor looks so fucking goofy.
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Do you have the qualifications to go for something better?

It's okay.
And yeah, it's a shame. I would say it frees me up for interviews, but I haven't had any of those this week either, annoyingly.
Then again, it means I don't have to do the 1hr by train commute into the city this week. I'm also catching up on my sleep which is nice.

Didn't know you were crippled, man. What happened?
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>spend 15$ on 3 day shipping
>i-it was a truck
>criminal offense to use wrong pronoun
we both agree that's fucked up, not to mention there's no established norms for third gender pronouns. i would have preferred public education spending rather than additional load on the legal system. the problem with that is people think anything the government does is inherently evil yet praise people who help them specifically.

>you're asking a dishonest question
claims like this is why people have a hard time being civil to one another. im not advocating that people codify social norms into law, that's horrid. yet at the same time i find people's inability to be civil with others also horrid and its only gotten worse with the rise of social media bubbles and fake news.
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Yeah, I guess that's nicer than most things.
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In another year or so once I gather up enough experience to have a decent video reel, I could probably apply for something better in my field. Don't think I'm at that point yet
>tfw you buy a new monitor on Friday, go for next working day delivery and it arrives on Saturday
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endless urgh.png
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Spine disc problem
Not healing.

>paying for faster shipping
haha what a looser
it was a 105$ order so..
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Good timing too, considering how much I hate my new boss and all the changes he's making. He only started last week and he's already annoying the fuck out of me.

Ahh, that sucks.
fuck youuuuuuu
gotta go
these fucking avatarfags cannot even begin to imagine sustaining their own thread without WE, the furry porn posters.
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I couldn't believe it either.
Got a pretty good deal on it since Black Friday is becoming a thing in the UK now as well.
I know, it's awful.
dont feed them.
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Are you paying more for the fucking shipping than you are for the thing itself?

It's a bit of a pain

in the back

Get outta here fluffinstuff
no the order was 105%
the shipping was 15.
Dotter, why you no like my Christmas elf?
$ not %
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You must really hate your job. And you've been job hunting for quite a while now I think.
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One must always enjoy all the little things that make things less unbearable.
To keep my mind off my own issues I've been writing literary analysis later. I put this up next to my bed to help me with all the connected concepts.
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Waddup, homos?
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Very Very Tired Kass.png
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Sorry I missed the 5 at the end
You and your damned... joysticks.

Aboriginal crime, probably
>[email protected]

Go back to your porn sites
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I'm sure it is.

I dunno if I've ever seen it.

I've hated it to some degree or another for a while and I've been semi-seriously looking for another job for months. Now the manager I like has been fired and I have some micromanager who wants to make processes for absolutely everything, I'm more serious on the jobhunt.

Yeah, I need to find more little things.

I need the controller for my video games.
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It just helps you have a fun time is all
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Is joysticks a new/old euphemism for BD toys?
I mean, it's probably pretty old.
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hey dash want some hash huehuehue

Godspeed then, I suppose.
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I bought some shit on amazon, some disks and a shotglass and a few other things that were discounted.
Are they brown? If so then yes.
I literally just fucking listened to that song before going on 4chan and now its the first thing i see. Spooky
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Yeah, thanks.

Ah, nice.
I think I have a Jagermeister shotgless somewhere. I never use it.
yeah the shotglass I got is black and red
and it has a dragon on the side
Sounds kinda tacky.
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>Dash is gay
>rainbows are an icon for gays
>rainbow dash kills the thread
literally the worst pone
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i like this music thanks OP
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Looks good to me.
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nidoking ventura?
ah, now that the thread is dead i may post
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I guess so.
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>what's this?

You of all people didn't read the podesta emails?
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1 MB, 821x1200
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1 MB, 821x1200
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1 MB, 839x1200
h-how.. what is going on here?
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1 MB, 839x1200
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1 MB, 1200x879
Cock tongue. Don't question it.
File: 1458843094724.png (688 KB, 1280x960) Image search: [Google]
688 KB, 1280x960
I mean I guess...
Why won't you accept my love?!
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1 MB, 810x1000
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I like sharp teeth and claws.
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1 MB, 1260x1260
Even on dick? o.o
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2 MB, 1375x938
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You all need to wake up. Your children need you.
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1 MB, 860x1074

was mudguy okay though
I definitely didn't care. I didn't think they mattered to the election result, it was more or less a pro trump circlejerk, feat. a few politically neutral internet denizens.
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