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The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 168
Thread images: 151
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Thurd :3
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Not to sound like a depressed cynical fuck, but anyone who isn't a hipster working in IT surrounded by cheerful media tech echo chambers where they post about non existing breakthroughs daily, knows that almost everything these days looks like old crap. Nuclear reactors which are nothing but simplistic steam machines, batteries which are still something from 1920's, airplanes and rockets which are built using 1960's schematics and materials, AIDS and cancer haven't been cured in 30+ years.

I love watching those videos and getting inspired by lurking on tech websites, but it gets tiresome to read about "Scientists managed to destroy 99% of cancer cells in a patient" or "A new battery which can hold 500% more charge was created by [literally who]" or "We gonna live in Virtual Reality in a few years!" for like 20 years non stop, only to see that we are still at the same place we were years ago.

Enjoy those futuristic pictures, and definitely keep in touch with the new stuff, because those are the only things worth being obsessed with these days, but don't get your hopes up and accept the fact that it probably won't happen in our lifetime.
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That is true. Of course, one should ALWAYS sit on a bike, and should test ride it before buying. There are many things to consider.
this is nice
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Not as nice as you.
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need to reboot, brb
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but none of that is true

if you really think most of technology is resting on the laurels of advances made in the 50's you are just objectively incorrect

I have close friends and family members that work in chip design, neuroscience, and aerospace engineering, and all of them are of the opinion that their fields are advancing at a never before seen pace, largely due to the increased use/integration of computers/robotics
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Delicious puffy vulva.
>such a big pussy for such a little body
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and back
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>puffy vulva
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Strawberry bubble gum
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Having to reboot to make computer compute is technology's way of saying it needs to go
aaw, my roommate just came back home and I can't draw anymore.
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It's just the fastest way to get rid of unwanted processes that were left behind after closing the program.
But yeah, the computer is pretty old.
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Aww :/
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Anecdotal evidence isn't reality. I'll believe it when i see it. So far people are mostly obsessed with old stuff rebranded as The Next Thing.

It's actually both amazing and sad that mobile phones had more advancement in the last decade than aerospace, medicine and military tech combined. Electronics are the only things which can keep a romantic alive, otherwise there would be nothing in this world that is worth looking at. Air conditioning, refrigerators, car engines, commercial aviation, even textile industries are all the same as they were half a century ago. Some are worse in fact, like the lack of ultrasonic planes for public use, or the fact that stuff these days is outdated and breaks in 5 years, while the classics can last for 30 years easily.
Would describe these "nice"
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>fastest way to get rid of unwanted processes
>what is task manager
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I think you are confusing deliberate planned obsolescent with the general state of technological advancement

the reason mobile phones seem to have advanced so quickly is because they are a fusion of several distinct technologies - battery, chip, display - that have all individually made major breakthroughs

as far as medicine goes, you are just wrong, look into robotic surgery and telepresence in medicine, to say nothing of the many advances in both designing, testing, and manufacturing pharmaceuticals, AND the computer driven diagnostic techniques

most novel aerospace engineering is done on black projects, but in the public sphere a lot of advances have been made on both the efficiency of engines and the durability of the alloys used to build air-frames, again just in the last 10 years
>car engines
>still the same as 50 years ago
dude, just because you don't understand them doesn't mean nothing changed
Those differences are huge. We are talking single-camshaft, NA all mechanical with a carburetor versus fully variable drivetrains, electronically controlled fuel injection capable of sending up to 10 pulses of fuel per ignition in to the cylinder in such a way that the pressure gradient doesn't get too harsh, equipped with exhaust gas treatment systems that make the air that comes out hardly worse than what came in. Those engines are coupled with turbos that reach 100k to 300k RPM at temperatures up to 900°C and reliably deliver 3bar of intake pressure for diesels. Not to forget that there are functional hybrids as well now.
A lot has changed in that field, just not much that the average customer would notice.
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many consumer products seem inferior to their counterparts made in decades past because they are designed to be - it makes you much more money to make a cheaper product that breaks in five years and has to be replaced than an expensive to manufacture product that the consumer can keep repaired and functioning for a lifetime
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It was refusing to close that one. Instead of fighting it, this was much quicker.
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What was it anyway?
Assumed it was smth browser-related that had crashed again
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VPN client refused to fully disappear, and Nemo was taking up more RAM than I liked anyways.
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You're upset at the glacial pace of that technology reaching your consumer hands faggot. My fucking car has a CVT which was meme technology until the late 90s and now the shit is standard.
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Well, you can bring up a million examples from behind the scenes, but if a consumer can't buy it, then we can safely assume it doesn't exist. It's almost like if someone in the 50's said that you can post naked animals on the ARPANET. You couldn't, but now you can, so at the time if someone said that, he would be put into mental institution. By the time your wet dreams become a reality, we would be 6 feet below the ground.
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>I can't afford it so it doesn't exist
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Even billionaires die from cancer, have to use eyeglasses, and they sure as hell can't fuck cartoon animals.
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>but if a consumer can't buy it
You can buy it, in fact you can hardly not buy it anymore, if you wish to buy a newish vehicle. The amount of cars currently sold that doesn't have turbos and direct injection is declining rapidly, down to the cheapest city-cars.
The average customer simply doesn't SEE it, because they don't understand all that "black magic" happening under the hood.
The only area where not much positive happend is simple appliances, because, honestly, there's not much to improve about a toaster.
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>simple appliances cankn't be "improved"
Wrong: IoT
> there's not much to improve about a toaster

There's so much to improve it hurts. It smells, it's almost impossible to clean inside, it's super hot and dangerous.

Black magic means jack shit, it's the results that matter. Last month my washing machine has died after 20 years of service. After opening it i saw a concrete brick attached to the metal centrifuge. And this simplistic shit worked for 2 decades. The guy who came to repair it said that he really loves working with those, because these days 90% of his job is taking out the cracked plastic and filling a paper to the company so they send a new part.
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cancer treatments have been and are getting increasingly more effective

we haven't "cured" it yet because it isn't a single disease to be cured, it's many thousands of different pathologies that affect different organs and have to be treated differently

You'll find most billionaires who get sick actually have very positive outcomes because they can afford cutting edge and experimental treatment that the general public doesn't have access to. This of course doesn't include morons like steve jobs who think juice cures cancer.

I really don't think we'll see (good) consumer companion robots for at least 30 years (and they are going to cost as much as a car, or more), but if anything I've heard about lockheed skunkworks is true, we might have cortical modems and vr waifus even before then
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> don't think we'll see (good) consumer companion robots for at least 30 years

And robots are way easier than genetic engineering. So no furry bf\gf for us. Better luck next time.
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that looks cozy

yeah I am a little obsessed with some of the stuff the government works on behind closed doors

my dad used to work for lockheed, he helped to designed the chips that went into a lot of the modern fighter jets, he took me to where he worked on 'take you daughter to work day' and it left a big impression on me, very cool facility, absolutely massive, golf carts and bunny suits everywhere
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I'd probably rather have a robofur anyway

less chance of them shedding everywhere
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>you will never a dog that big
Nah, it's the breathing, warmness and pulsations that matter. Ya know, one of the reasons why people own cats more often than snakes.
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eh if you can get a humanoid robot walking and talking I don't think it's too much of a stretch to have it be warm and fake breathe
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Hydraulics and a dynamic are already available. A fleshlight and dildo which would be just as good as real meat - nope.
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doesn't hafta be purrfect

just needs to be better than crushing loneliness
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I see what you did there
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oh look, it's this guy
My nigga
Someone with, let's say, 30 grand in the bank to buy are robo-pussy, can easily get a real one. More like a hundred, really.
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>what is a dog
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This faggot
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How's life?

real girls aren't floofy enough
(and courtship takes work)

real dogs aren't sexy enough
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It's okay, got unbanned and jerking off everyday all day.
How about yall, what did I miss while I was gone?
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> real girls aren't floofy enough

You can always try dating an arab
Looking at this thread to help me get through nofap, fucking disgusting.
well that's not the worst thing ever
I hope things continue to improve

Not much new on my end at least
read some books, working on learning some new software

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>he doesn't like big fluffy butts
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Dogs are the definition of sexy
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for you maybe
I think they're cute for sure, but they need a little more t&a to be sexy
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It's the breeding assets that matter
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Heading off to see a film.
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Have a good time! later
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Agreed where is my jet pack and hover car also self strapping shoes
Now that's just cute as hell- huskies are great.
I wouldn't put my dick near that... bitches eat people
Thread replies: 168
Thread images: 151

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