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The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 120
Thread images: 103
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yiff in hell furfags

no wait, yiff in my butt please.
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Brussels can't hand down laws to EEA members, though.
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no, fuck you!


yes, fuck you!
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cute boys only tho
Yes they can
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We exchanged images of ourselves a long while ago.
Don't worry; I've deleted yours.
I just felt clean.
It was just an experiment. I'd like to try it for a longer period.
I do most exercise except I quit cardio, which made me gain weight.
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1000 calories a day is a MASSIVE deficit if you're running. that's like, malnutrition levels of deficit.
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Cardio is the worst though
Oh yeah you're right. Fewer, though. Man, what a cucked region Europe is.

I'd only move to switzerland and even then under protest.
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We can say no for any reason.

Being told you have to have an automatic rifle in your house is horrible, isn't it?
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I actually love cardio and leg day most. I just convinced myself that cardio hurt too much two months back. I've come back to my senses now though.
As I said, I quit cardio, which made me gain weight. My normal day during that 1000 cal thing was oatmeal with milk and fruit, chicken breast x2, veggies, and a potato.
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Guess I wasnt attractive enough to be kept for the fap folder.
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dont worry, even though ive never seen you, youre still more attractive than i am
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I can fap to neither headshots nor humans. I just delete everyone's personal images that they send me out of common courtesy.
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Well then it's not really being DICTATED to is it. I feel like your position on the topic just changed repeatedly.

No the problem with switzerland is they're less enthusiastic about actually letting you carry your arms.

>As I said, I quit cardio, which made me gain weight.
I'm pretty sure you gained weight because you binge ate way too much
I decided to get back into swimming, but I'm waiting for the local pool to do their annual 50% off yearly subscription sale
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Which didn't really affect my weight because I was running nine miles three times a week.
I have access to treadmills for free, so I'll continue with that. I'll only run outside in select situations.
My position on the EU is that it should quit it's goddamn political ambition and just go back to being a fucking trade union like it was intended to be

There's hunting season for something all year round, it's wolf season here now.
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later gonna go kill myself
I'd rather use one of them exercise bikes to be honest
come on steam some time shitlord
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Yeah what the other guy said.
I've thought about biking, but that's a literal pain in the ass. Seat comfort sucks.
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better seats on the exercise bikes to be honest, regular bikes just murder my balls
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Never tried exercise bikes. Never tried anything in a gym besides the treadmill. I just use dumbbells on my own for other stuff.
Anyways I'm out. I feel like I'm going to get arrested if I stay for these images.
Gimme some of dat red panda yiff, you faggots.
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>Wildcritters, e621, Furafinitty,,, U18-Chan, Inkbunny, Pixiv, Sofurry, Weasyl, Ychan
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actually kill yourself
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But that would make you happy, and that's not what I want!
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came here to ruin thread. saw there is cub in it. am satisfied of thread already ruined.
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Plz something other than cub. Its such a turn off :(
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Thread replies: 120
Thread images: 103

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