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Waifu claiming thread. Previous:>>708855151 >Claim

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 161
Thread images: 151
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Waifu claiming thread.


>Claim your Waifu/Husbando
>No oversexualised content
>chain lurk pics
>No RP/ERP, go be a faggot elsewhere
>Naps good idea
>Being an Elitist in the /waifu/ Community is like winning a gold medal in the special Olympics. You're still retarded.
>Most importantly, Remember to get enough sleep!
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Jeez, how long are your hours?

Yeah but it's generic and there is no actual bukakke
8 hours a day, 5 days a week. I am, in fact, insanely bored unless something serious happens, or something nice happens here.
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What do you do that's so lackluster you can post on /b/ during your shift? Some sort of security guard type thing?
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your wrong
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mandatory uta claim

I know what would get you to pay attention :^)
So multiple me gather round just to bust nuts on the girls?
this is my waifu. you cant have her. you may admire her perfection from afar.
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channel got taken down
just now
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Hello toy.
How are you?
succ <3
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You can have Uta. You have good taste in shows, but you don't seem to have my taste in waifus.
Aha! I figured as much. No other job is that slow paced or lax with their rules.
Well goodnight m8s. I actually have to wake up for the first time in forever
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its alright it was only a 24 hour ban
ill stream again tomorrow night
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you mean husbando's
And what would that be?

I'm the toy now? Well, as long as I'm your toy, I suppose I don't mind.
I'm in an odd melancholic mood to be honest. How about yourself?

If only, they're really about to come cracking down on everything. Me and the the guy on the shift before mine are thinking of switching sites at the same time due to the shit that just happened today.
>We have to stay inside at the desk to monitor the elevators and who comes in and out
>Morning/noon shift has a second guard that does the outside and makes homeless people leave
>They're bitching how we have no reports, while he has a bunch
Like, no shit? The guy that is outside dealing with homeless people all day has more reports than the guards that you EXPLICITLY TELL not to leave the lobby area? What a fucking damn shock!
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At least the pay is well, right?
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Rei-chan is still in there somewhere.
>Minimum wage
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My nighttime dealie
You gotta get them 07s.
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almost gone, give it another 8 odd arcs
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Almost only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades; not a factor in waifu escapades.
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i guess, but the general community regards juuzou male. and i agree.
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Jesus man, get out of there!
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Woke up just a bit ago.
Not sure how to spend rhe day.
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He is indeed. Doesn't make him any less cute to me though.
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If only there were other job options right now. It took me 6 months to land even this one, and until I start getting mechanical certs, I'm SOL.

No plans, and the day off I assume?


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elaborate on why reducing the amount of human reproduction is bad. considering our overpopulation an all.

you could think a turd was cute and it wouldn't bother me.
i wanna know, what made you interested in tokyo ghoul?
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Ah, I see. Well good luck to you, man
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I thought it would be similar to Blood+ when I heard about it, and a lot of forums were hyping up the anime. So I read the manga and waited for the anime adaptation. Nothing special, just what I do for most productions. How about you?
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Thats right.
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i used to follow everything that was coming out in manga and in anime, the cover art of the first volume caught my attention, the story and the multiple references made me stay.

and uh... the anime doesn't exist. its so shit that i have to dismiss its existence.
Thanks, I'ma need it. No clue how hard the certs are to get.

I like it when she gets the Mad Catz controller.

It sounds like you've got a comfy day ahead of you then~ Although it could also end up being boring if you've got nothing to do...
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Wow, you're much more dedicated than I. And yeah, the anime's only redeeming quality is giving the characters animation. They butchered everything else concerning the story, plot, and even character development. Pretty gross. I wish another studio picked it up and redid it correctly.
Tokyo Ghoul: Brotherhood when?
So I dont like the new dailies in MWO. Halloween themed but on a hot map. I like my hot mechs.
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yes it is, we get less cancee being born

don't turn her into a mad cat, make her a happy one
>thing certs can be hard to get
wew lad

>dismissing its existence
>not destroying its existence
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heh, if another studio picked it up and done it properly that would be amazing, but thats not gonna happen to to the industry being all about money rn. no studio is treating it as an art form.
everything is adaptations because they know it will sell, and they are throwing fan service when ever they can.
give it 6-10 years and then we can hope for a good adaptation.

kinda hard to destroy something that doesn't exist
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I heard that a season 3 was announced but its not going to follow the manga either. Its supposed to more about touka.

I watched the anime first then went to go read the manga. And boy was there a ton of stuff that they left out. And root A was complete garbage.

Well I'll be rooting for yah~
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the animated root a made no sense, they were jumping from one place to the next with no explanation hoping people would eat up the fight scenes.
and they did.
thats true, but by you not believing it exists less will know it's not as good as what it was adapted from because you won't be able to tell them it's bad because you thought it doesn't exist so your opinion on it becomes invalid

i heard that was its main problem other than edgy
I have absolutely no idea how to even go about getting them yet, let alone what kind of test it takes to get them either!
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I'll make my own Tokyo Ghoul. With blackjack. And hookers!
Or just cry for the next 6 years and hope we get a decent adaptation once my tear ducts dry out.
God damn it. Why's it gotta focus on Touka? Tsunderes a shit.
On second thought, why the hell make an adaptation of anything if you don't plan on following the manga? The source material is there for a reason. Use it! ;_;
What do you mean? There's absolutely nothing edgy about the Tokyo Ghoul anime. Not one thing. Even remotely.
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Im sure i can find some things to play around with.
Its confirmed.
Tuka / Touka a shits.
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it takes an autistic person to not look for source materiel.

and yea, root a was the edgiest thing to come out that year due to them just throwing fight scenes together and censoring everything.

>scratch on face
>now black shadow over face

tokyo ghoul already has hookers, just not the prostitution kind.
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you can usually look it up online and find places where they can provide the test and shit
i could go and get my networking certs if i could find my notes and remember half the shit i learned

nope nothing even remotely edgy

>it takes an autistic person to not look for source material
yes and it also takes an autist to not review the source material
>censoring everything
that makes any scene look like shit
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i would write reviews but no one would read them.

>that makes any scene look like shit
something we agree on.
it's good to at least have a critical opinion on things so when one asks for your opinion on it so they don't hear fangirling or pandering to the series

something something shading/lighting and how red the red should be along with how big or what pallette is used apparently matters when adapting a series
pic kinda related
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I really dont know, but do you have any suggestions?
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>woke up again edition
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i do, and i could write 5-7 pages on the series critically analysing it easily, because believe me it has its flaws. but as i don't on here because it just gets deleted, and i don't on other forms of media because as i stated before no one reads it.
i would rather save the effort and stick to what i'm doing.

that's just animation, don't get drawn in by pretty colours.

sit down, get a drink, and enjoy the flood of shit coming your way
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Go back to sleep.
And what would it be?
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Alice 51.jpg
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Why do I have a flood of sit coming my way?
It was you who aren't me that list of music the other day, yeah?
Not yet :(
What could it be indeed~ Perhaps you're looking at it already~?
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cuz this is channel 4.

and do you have a brain?
you know who i is.
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Now now, its just a rumor. We dont know if its true yet.

Morning. Are you feeling ok?

Yeah I couldn't understand the need for so much censoring.
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well im gonna go now

thats true but one shouldn't give feedback if they're not gonna give critical feed back

even without pretty colors some use just bad colors or tweak the designs enough to make them either unappealing or bad in a way where they don't look like they should

he's canadian
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Contrary to popular belief, I do not actually have a brain.
Good morning/afternoon/evening
Eh, no more so than usual. Why do you ask?
What's wrong with Canadian :(
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Comin thru!
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Do it now.
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trying to make it pg.

no, i may want to give ironic feedback to express the disgust i have for the piece.

creative liberties.

its too early and i am not nearly high enough to deal with a sleepy black rabbit.
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You know you don't actually want me too ;)
I like that image
Ouch, I'm hurt bby :(
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im just saying wait another 40 mins an i can mess around with you properly.
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Nope, not yet. Tis' a weekend. I was playing dark souls 3 with the guys from /dsg/.
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Gee, that looks a little heavy for a Makoto to be lifting with ease.
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Aww. I loved it because of "muh knights and monsters".
>hugs makoto

Howya been?
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Happy Karen 100.png
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Snackbar! What's up?

Hey Alice, what's been happening?
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Just showing concern that's all.
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Alice 85.jpg
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Waking up because I don't sleep well, and school. How did you do on that assignment?
I appreciate the concern! How are you doing this day?
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Didn't finish it, still haven't. Lost the time on it and ended up just working on other projects.
I'll be working on it later today or tomorrow though, deadline is close.
What time is it for you?
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Alice 31.jpg
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What project is that? I'm assuming not another stocks thing
7:20. I also woke up around 3:15 then again about an hour later
Not at all! She's rather athletic.

I'm not sure why I didn't like it, but I have 2 for the PC.

Kinda on the downside tonight, but I've been cheering up a little.

Not much, just hanging around here really.
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Athletic doesnt mean strong. You should know this.
Eh I'm doing fine. I had to run through a thunderstorm to get to work. On top of that, I was 40 minutes late, and I have to stay an extra 4 hours. But aside from work, everything before that was fine. I bought some games from steam, maybe I'll get to play them if they finished installing.
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Aww, why are you down? Need some comfort? Of course you didn't like it, 2 was the worst one.
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4 hours ? What the fuck
Which games did you get? I just started Trine last night
Good afternoon Yuno

I might fall asleep soon. If I don't reply, that's why
I suppose. It is a mic though, so it's probably not a fully functional chainsaw.


Nah, just gotta kinda let it work itself out. emotions are a bitch.
And I also played 1. I refuse to keep playing that one until I can successfully punch the first boss to death.
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Oh right, the stocks thing is the one I told you about.
Yeah fniished it, but couldn't wake up for the class I was supposed to hand it in to, ironic.
No it's a research paper with an annoying topic and I'm limited to the school library which is extremely shit.

Eh, same as me then, just playing a few games of starcraft in between.
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Hey Alice, how are you?
Other than exhausted
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Yech. Research projects are shit tier. Especially when the resources at hand are not sufficient
You okay starcraft? Mikura just got the free version the other day
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Probably falling asleep again in the next couple minutes. That's really all I got right now since I'm in bed
Ayyyyy, snackbar has a bit of Korea in ya?

I am as original as a modern day AAA title.
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Oh okay then, just know. I'm always up for listening to anything. Oh, I didn't know you played 1. Why would you do that to yourself though?
Well, it's kinda private stuff as well, or stuff that I'd just feel would cause plenty of cringe admitting in the open...
My first and favorite
its 4 a.m. and im living tbe meme
who is this?
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Oh alright goodnight then
Sweet dreams
Shots fired I guess
I got nothing clever this early
yukina from girls bravo
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Castle crashers, l4d2, nekopara, and gmod. At least works almost over
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ok, im high, im full of food.
time to figure out some shit.
someone throw a question at me.
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Oh boy. Of its something private and you don't wanna share it here because it's embarrassing then I get it. But feel free to pm me though.

Is that fat dude a roomie?

>feel asleep
PM you? On what?

I sure hope not.

>RIP Nonon
It's late yo, you should sleep.
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Nighty makoto! Hopefully I won't as tired later!
>bear hugs makoto
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Could you ever love another industry?
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both yes and no.

yes because versatility is vital to attain knowledge.

no because i have made a strong connection with my industry and i don't think it can be broken.
Fair enough
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Yeah, nothing to do but suck it up and go for it though.
I'm alright, not a good player in multiplayer but I play really well in co-op.
Mikura plays with me. I bullied him till he got it.
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best gurl.jpg
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I-it's not like I'm playing it for you. Baka. Should have bullied me sooner.
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>How can every religion claim to be the only one
This is the biggest reason that keeps me agnostic. Cool video too.
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Cirno claimu
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Short hair and flat chest lover.
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Bliss n Eso are probably our better hip hop artists.
If this is the Japanese Cirno, would you be able to translate this?
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Nekopara I played that once didn't finish it though. It wasn't any bad, I just didn't pick it up again
Oh, you're the one who got him to play it!
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All 3 volumes were on sale for 20 bucks so I decided 'why not?'
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Ryuuko claimed
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one two three four
im a fucking attention whore
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I'm not actually Japanese. I'm just interested in learning it.

I can try to find the answer though.
But it's a bit hard to read b/c of the angles.
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five six seven eight
all i do is garner hate
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Alice 81.jpg
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I hope your friends on steam are very understanding people kek
You can change how bouncy breasts are in the settings, 100% it's gross imo but just tweak it until you get something you like
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nine ten eleven twelve
that last number is my mental age lmao
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Alice 87.jpg
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I like Chen :(
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Piracy's a crime and crime doesn't pay
And we go home poor at the end of the day
But I'd rather live my life in rags
Than be taped to a desk with a wife that's a hag

We live each day like there's nothing to lose
But a man has needs and that need is booze
They say all the best things in life are free
So give all your beer and your rum to me
That pic looks like Alice/Kyouko mashup.

It does? I never really thought of it like that before. I guess it sort of does
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Sorry dude, it's a no-go. I can't even figure out what some of the radicals are by looking at them

Who exactly is your claim? I can pass the pic to Suika when I see her next. She might be able to translate it
Both are cute.
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nice rhyme, but i'm keeping my rum.
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Photograph Alice.jpg
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Thank you anonymous!
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Its Rory. Figured Id ask the thread anyway, thanks heaps anyway.
Joined at the soul with a pair of headphones
We need nobody to let ourselves go
Always on my side as we rock a stage show
In an ocean of music we move with the flow

Her hand in my hand I don't wanna let go
A partner in life on this mean old road
We got the wind on our back that blows
We can't drift apart, we just move with the flow
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Happy OPPR8.jpg
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I laughed tbh
The time has come
The time for a drink
But I don't want vodka or mead
None of these drinks will quench my thirst
Rum is the drink that I need

Questing the oceans and questing the seas
Searching for ultimate booze
On our mission to get totally drunk
We have got nothing to lose

Rum is the power
Rum is the key
Rum is the thing that will set us free!
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He's done.
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35s, how to make hardstyle kick
File: erxtrfyguyhi.png (40 KB, 310x386) Image search: [Google]
40 KB, 310x386
First cartoon meme shit that made me Kek alil
Thread replies: 161
Thread images: 151

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