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The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 156
Thread images: 151
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Furr hurr durr

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Howdy, Mew. I just mentioned you last thread. Or rather, my stalker did.
How's it going?
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>when you tune your guitar down to drop A with 12 gauge strings and it's still not tight enough
Think I should really consider a 7 string.
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Hoy Dash!

>How's it going?
I'm alright I guess. I wasn't feeling well lately, tired all the time while still having a fuckload of stress. Only living for workstuffs... Man I miss just spending a whole day here, but what can you do.

>Or rather, my stalker did.
Wow you have a stalker now? You must feel famous, or something.

So how are you doing fuzzy one?
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last one for me, too lazy to keep doing captchas
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>my stalker
I remember that one dude. Still the same guy?
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I know some of these words.

>last one for me, too lazy to keep doing captchas
Sounds like you need to up your degeneracy level and get a pass.
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Did that last year, not super keen to toss more money at this site
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I like goth sloth.
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>I'm alright I guess. I wasn't feeling well lately, tired all the time while still having a fuckload of stress. Only living for workstuffs... Man I miss just spending a whole day here, but what can you do.
I feel yeah. It's so much better here.

>Wow you have a stalker now? You must feel famous, or something.
He's actually been around a while. He shows up about once a week. Dude isn't even a furry, just some faggot that comes here to harass me. He keeps saying some shit like how "a fursona saved my life", and now he says shit about you being my boyfriend because I mentioned how I connected with you better than anyone else here. I don't know what his deal is, I just ignore him.

>So how are you doing fuzzy one?
Tired as fuck. Had a busy day. Worked in the garage to clean some shit out. Also drug out my grandpa's old amps and the fucking massive 2 x 15" bass amp which he made himself. The first one I used was the newer one and it's 600W. I tried using the old one but I blew it out and it was smoking and shit, kek. That was neat.

I have a couple. There's herm faggot, and this other guy who is basically telling me to kill myself in his condescending tone.

Basically, I got the heaviest strings I could find, but they're mostly for playing 2 or 3 steps down; I'm currently tuned 3 steps down on the top five strings, and 4 on the lowest string.

Thank you, anon. Most people seem to dislike it and call her ugly, but I like it.
Also, daily reminder to pray to your Goddess.
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Evenin' again guys.
>not super keen to toss more money at this site
Fair enough. Now with hiroshimoot things are really unstable anyway. He may even kill 4chins off one day when he's bored of it.

Dang and that 2MB limit seems here to stay as well.
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Heya, Mighty.
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>Thank you, anon. Most people seem to dislike it and call her ugly, but I like it.

I know. Most of the time when I come in here I see some anon shitting on the pic and that doesn't sit well with me, because it's a perfectly good piece of artwork.
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I've never followed the politics of this place that closely, but that's a part of it. I'm also just not here more than maybe once a week when I'm bored as all fuck
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Whoops, that's not /s/. Stupid tiny thumbnails
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Not a bad pic though.
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>Dude isn't even a furry, just some faggot that comes here to harass me.
Lol! Guess he'll become a fur sooner or later anyway. I mean I'm a quite new one and in that short time I've seen it happen 2-3 times already. Dude will lust for fur in no-time.

>because I mentioned how I connected with you better than anyone else here
Aww :3, but yup I can say the same for you.

>Tired as fuck. Had a busy day. Worked in the garage to clean some shit out.
Sounds productive as fuck!

>I tried using the old one but I blew it out and it was smoking and shit
Damn, shit. That happens a lot to really old audio equipment tho, dried caps and whatnot.

>he first one I used was the newer one and it's 600W
WTF, like 600W RMS? That's a whole lot of power. Lucky dude, I couldn't even drive some 60W without annoying the shit out of my neighbors.

>I have a couple.
I have none yet, that means I'm not around enough I guess.
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Hey dude!
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Yeh. I'm picky as hell with what I save.
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What's goin' on guys?
Yeah, I've got my own tastes too, probably reflected with my staggeringly low variety in pictures. Been trying to remedy that lately.
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>What's goin' on guys?
Not much, just procrastinating a bit. Fur is perfect for that.

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Providing further re-enforcement to my horrendous sleeping habits, and listening to the jurassic park trespasser LP.
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>Damn, shit. That happens a lot to really old audio equipment tho, dried caps and whatnot.
I thought it was actually pretty fucking metal. Was neat, I liked the smell.

>WTF, like 600W RMS? That's a whole lot of power. Lucky dude, I couldn't even drive some 60W without annoying the shit out of my neighbors.
Yeah, thing is fucking massive. It's meant for bass though which needs much more power than a guitar, so it's the equivalent of about a 200W guitar amp. He used it for touring, he played his whole life, and even with a pretty well known country singer. He was also invited to play with Elvis every year for either a New Year's Eve party or Christmas party. So yeah, he was the real fuckin deal.

>I have none yet, that means I'm not around enough I guess.
It happens when you come here just about all day every day for 4 years. Everyone starts to know the name. I'm like the new Dani, though not know for being batshit insane.

Just tired, playing a bit on guitar. May sleep soon. How about you two?
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My tastes aren't super specific, I just have a pretty high minimum bar for quality before bothering to save something.
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>Providing further re-enforcement to my horrendous sleeping habits
Heh, that sounds way too familiar.

>I thought it was actually pretty fucking metal.
Lol! The perfect way for an amp to die, metal as fuck.

>He used it for touring, he played his whole life
Aww, any chance you can get it repaired? Would be sad to just throw it away or let it rot.

>It happens when you come here just about all day every day for 4 years.

It's a little weird, there's not many times I came here when you weren't there already. And I don't have any defined sleep cycle or work times or whatever. Right now it's 9:30 in the morning here. Yet when I come early in the evening you're here as well. It feels ..unusual if you're not here for once.
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Well, that was a simile I could have done without "gat damn he's bleeding like a french whore on Bastille day"
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>Aww, any chance you can get it repaired? Would be sad to just throw it away or let it rot.
Oh, the cabinet itself with the 2x15" works perfect. He had two separate amp heads, and the 600W amp worked, but I blew out the old one. The "new" one was already about 15 years old, and the old one was fucking ancient, at least 30.

>Yet when I come early in the evening you're here as well. It feels ..unusual if you're not here for once.
Yep. I'm here pretty much all the time. And we both have pretty fucked sleep schedules, so that does contribute to you and I usually being here at the same time.
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And yeah, you can bet your ass I'm going to rock the neighborhood once I get a distortion pedal and one of these beauties for Christmas.

Jesus Christ, I can only imagine what that guitar sounds like through a killer distortion pedal and fucking 600W amp with a 2x15" cabinet.
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>He had two separate amp heads, and the 600W amp worked, but I blew out the old one.
Ah now I get it! Aight.

>And we both have pretty fucked sleep schedules, so that does contribute to you and I usually being here at the same time.
Sounds about right yeah.

Fucked up sleep schedules ftw! I'll never get used to a normal one, although I'll most probably have regular work hours in a few months. Don't know yet tho.
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>Fucked up sleep schedules ftw! I'll never get used to a normal one
I hear that, man. Having such crazy sleep has made my life hell. Couldn't even finish school because I was so far behind from the fucked up sleep.
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>>Jesus Christ, I can only imagine what that guitar sounds like through a killer distortion pedal and fucking 600W amp with a 2x15" cabinet.
Friggin' amazing it'll sound! There's just no other option.
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Damn right. But I wouldn't be playing it anywhere near full volume in this neighborhood. Now if I lived in a secluded area on a farm and/or in the mountains, then I'd be waking the dead.
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All right, gonna give up and go to sleep.
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Night, dude.
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>Having such crazy sleep has made my life hell.
True, it fucked me over a whole lot as well. And I tried for years to get on a normal schedule. Nuh-uh, not gonna happen. I'm close to 30 now and there's no way I could adapt to that now anyway.

I can only do jobs which don't force me to get up in the morning. What sucks is that people who don't have that don't understand at all and react real fucking negative. They just tell you that you're a lazy fucked and stuff like that. Doesn't have anything to do with laziness tho.

I'll never get why it's such an no-go for society when your day is just a little shifted. Like you're a better person when you get up at 6 instead of 11. Fucked up if you ask me.
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Gn8 dude!
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>people who don't have that don't understand at all and react real fucking negative. They just tell you that you're a lazy fucked and stuff like that.
People hate what they don't understand. They don't get that not everyone is the same, and that not everyone can function at the same time.

>I'll never get why it's such an no-go for society when your day is just a little shifted. Like you're a better person when you get up at 6 instead of 11. Fucked up if you ask me.
I agree. It's retarded, but society as a whole is if you ask me.
nothing much, just playing some games
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Cool, man.
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KYS faggot
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>They don't get that not everyone is the same, and that not everyone can function at the same time.
True that.

>It's retarded, but society as a whole is if you ask me.
Can't deny that. There's just so much stuff that doesn't make any sense at all.

But yah, "normal" people also don't seem very happy with their lives.

Some just live for work, for others the most important thing is that their car is bigger than the neighbors. Some spend most energy on keeping up a perfect facade so everyone thinks they're perfect. But most of these people aren't happy either. Difference is that these things are accepted by society, while you're the degenerate when you like to get up late. The fuck.
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>Some just live for work, for others the most important thing is that their car is bigger than the neighbors. Some spend most energy on keeping up a perfect facade so everyone thinks they're perfect. But most of these people aren't happy either.
That's a pretty wise statement, and definitely true. People wonder about the meaning of life, and think that having money is the definition of success. The true meaning of life is being happy regardless of what you have or don't have, or how rich or poor you are.
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>The true meaning of life is being happy regardless of what you have or don't have, or how rich or poor you are.
Yup. Money doesn't equal happiness at all, tho having a little (just enough) sure helps. I don't even mind being poor as fuck most of the time. The only thing bugging me is that I'm not able to travel from time to time. But other than that it doesn't make a difference. I'm actually happier now than back when I had a whole lot more money. Achieving things is much more rewarding when you can't just solve your problems by throwing money on them. I may regret that when I'm older tho, but not yet.
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>Achieving things is much more rewarding when you can't just solve your problems by throwing money on them.
Absolutely. There's no challenge to life if you can just buy everything. It's not fun. That's why I'm okay with having gone through and still having to go through so much shit. It will pay off in the end.
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Anyway, I need to get to sleep, so I'm out when this thread caps.
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But I can imagine having no money when you get older and need to pay hospital bills and shit will suck balls.

While others will have their house and first class healthcare and stuff you'll get fucked over all the time. I mean it all may get real tiring later on. I don't even want to think about what I'll do at that point. But eh, why worry now anyway. I'll see that when I get there.
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>While others will have their house and first class healthcare and stuff you'll get fucked over all the time.
Yeah, that is true. It's fucked up that the U.S. doesn't have free healthcare too.
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>Anyway, I need to get to sleep, so I'm out when this thread caps.

Aight, sounds like a plan. Was nice reading you again! Lol now I actually will get shit done today. If you were staying I'd stay as well and procrastinate a little more
File: 1367298250258.jpg (126 KB, 640x1280) Image search: [Google]
126 KB, 640x1280
Night, dude.

>Night, dude.

Well then, have a good night fuzzy one. Sleep well, and see you soon.
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