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Dollfag here Going shopping today for some clothes for her,

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 251
Thread images: 83
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Dollfag here

Going shopping today for some clothes for her, any suggestions? (other than "kill yourself")
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Just to get the questions out of the way:
Cost me $520 from Aliexpress from Touch Trading Co. It's 3'2" weighs 25lbs wears 3/4t clothes, it's hard to clean but feels amazing, has 3 holes, mouth ass and pussy. Shipped to the US in 1 week no problem. Did I forget anything?

Link to where I bought it
kill yourself
where do you store her that you know your gf won't find her?
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eh i just keep it in my closet in my computer room, she never goes in there. if she finds it, whatever
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lets see the goods
Are you the samefag that has been posting the fucking doll the past week? Go post this shit onigger tumblr or someshit you fucking pedo
how difficult was it to put the head on the body and do you shower her?
What about a photo of the doll fully nude?
This is fucking disgusting, but I know OP gets off on being made fun of for his weird fetish, so I'm not gonna help him there.

So, OP, how you planning to buy clothes without looking like a fucking creep ya fucking creep?

please insert a bullet in your brain
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welcome to 4chan, newfriend

i lul'd thank you

it just screws on, and no

soon my friend...

adults can go in to a store and buy stuff for kids... cashiers dont think it through that much

i need suggestions for clothes!
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Halloween costume?
Are you gonna fuck it?
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The internet was a mistake.

I've seen so much, but this, this is getting to me.

OP you need help, the casual way you approach this whole thing is fucking disgusting, I sincerely think that you will one day get tired of the doll and advance to real children.

there's a lot of people like you that use tools like lolicon to satisfy their urges, but with the amount of money you spent and the amount of time you're going out of your way...

Yeah, you have a real problem man. You're gonna end up a sex offender one day.
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friendly reminder.
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yea, i was thinking alice in wonderland outfit

when did anyone ever say anything about kids? it's a doll, it has no age you fucking autist
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Just admit you are a closet pedofag and go to therapy you fucking loner
please fuck her???
I'm actually really intrigued to actually talk to you 1 on 1 in PMs. Is there any way to do this?
>One day

He said in another thread it had a skeleton. He never specified it was metal.
It sure as hell looks like a lolli doll you fucking autist.
>That moment when you know your fetish is disgusting so you lie to yourself
dont piss people off and then find out your kid was raped cause YOU treated him like an animal. fucking ma se bloed poes
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sure let me just post my email address, name, phonenumber, skype lol

no, you can talk to me here though

i sure did say it was metal lol

>has breast
>has wide hips

This ones for the footfags
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so did you take my suggestion of taking creepics for outfit ideas?
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>when did anyone ever say anything about kids? it's a doll, it has no age you fucking autist

Do you honestly think you're fooling anyone but yourself with this? Denial is the first step to getting help.

I know you're defensive about this but you seriously need help dude. I hope you get it.
And what if I posted a brand new e-mail I'll sign up here? Would people be able to trace my IP? I'm a newfag.
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lol no, i did not, its a funny concept though
more like an undercover fag hahaaaa
>and lolli fag shit doesn't have breasts?

Keep lying to yourself Anon. Just remember that if any woman found out you had this shit she would dump your wierd ass so fast you'd get whiplash

Why do you have child rape fantasies?
No. You can trust me. I wouldn't ask for any requests/names and all. I'd just have conversation with you about it. But if you don't that's okay. I understand. I'm a girl if that makes you more comfortable. Normally girls don't like girls and guys don't like guys.
OH tmw when you're not even OP responding to me
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you're free to leave the thread any time instead of bumping it for me and giving it more attention if you really don't like it. You are HELPING bring more people to this thread.

it's just a doll newfriends, go watch sonic and calm your autism

>i'm a grill
why are you on 4chan?
why do you live?
why are you so stupid?
why is water wet?
why cant you go fackoff
Ha >///< I'll stop asking then. I wasn't saying that to get attention but get you comfortable.
What does it feel like when you fugg her?
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Is this you OP?
Aren't you afraid of dying unexpectedly and having your legacy tainted by being a doll fucker when someone finds you dead
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provide timestamp and maybe something could be worked out

Does she blow you too?
Cute see through panties and matching bralette. Somethibg with polka dots for example.

Slutty short dress, garters, and high rise boots, denim jacket and flower hairband.
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lol oh god... no, i'm not that cringy, despite the doll thing. that guys face looks like a fucking potato, I however am actually attractive
This is actually pathetic. You've posted on here every single night for a week you fucking pedo. As always, I'll report you. Smarten up /b/, don't encourage a pedophile.
Fun fact: these are a extremely illegal in Canada.
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I'm trying to hurry before this thread is deleted. Here is my semi-proof.
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>Gets off to lolli doll

Why keep it hidden from your gf? Because you know you're a disgusting freak and she'll leave you?
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it can, but the face looks retarded when you do it

not gonna be able to find see-through stuff or garters. etc in this size, thats the main drawback to a doll this size, cant find sluttier items

nah i didnt post for several days

yup, and australia

nah she'd probably deal with it

make a fake email i guess, if you want to chat
Tits or gtfo you fuck
Post spread pussy
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so are you a fempedo or just a curious little twilek?
Ahh okay. Not gonna lie I'm shivering/shaking and my heart hurts and my face is all red cause I'm scared of being tracked down. Making an e-mail now.
I'm a curious girl.
It's basically a really fancy fleshlight isn't it?
>she'd probably deal with it

Then show her you fucking freak. Go fuck your girlfriend instead of a silicone child.
Buy her a real school uniform.
[email protected] Okay it's a disposable e-mail.
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this is someone elses doll, and it's fake cum FYI

unless you live in cananada or australia you havent done anything wrong and a throw away email doesnt do shit... just dont reply to all the spam emails you're going to get. wait for me to respond to you with a timestamp

yea basically

thinking about it
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his girlfriend doesn't look like an 8 year old thought.

Seriously man, GET HELP. There's still time before you slip up and get yourself sent to fucking jail. You know what those people do to people like you?
Blow up dolls have been around for decades yet this is somehow shocking? Shiiiit I wouldn't mind a mini silicone girl to share the bed with.
Okay but the e-mail will be deleted soon or until I exit the tab, I think. I still feel like vomiting over being so scared qq
You facial your one yet?
4chan is only tracked by the report button assuming a mod bothers to forward to the FBI. You're fine unless you're Canada or Aus.
Learn how to sew.
You may not able able to create underwears before a year of practice but you can shorten dresses in no time.

For garters, take a woman's tights and use an elastic band for the holder. You can also create fishnet easily if you create small patterns with thread and knots.

And... bondage. Kitchen thread replaces rope for such size and voila.
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i have not, sir, but this guy did
So what's it like?
Yeah. I'm not in those places.
Its shocking because the doll is clearly modelled after a younge girl. OP is also a sick fuck because he dresses it, puts diapers on it, and also posts his experience on internet looking for attention - which is a common thing for kiddie fuckers to do.
You cum inside?

How can you clean that?
Go away if it bothers you normie.
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that's a nice idea
they're often easily available second hand

tell us about your curiosity
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This is like borderline CP
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I legit have a diaper fetish, for adult women

its pretty hard... have a bottle cleaner and then i air it out lol

once again thanks for bumping my thread and bringing more attention to it

nope, sure isn't
Well I'm not doing anything, he is. I just want to talk to him about it. Hundreds have viewed the photos by now and asked questions too. So even if you did report me as well I wont get in trouble. I'm more worried about the tracking and people harassing me. I don't like it. Bad past.
I thought that was the doll....

I don't want to. Sorry. I'm already scurred.
There were multiple legit CP threads here every fucking day here before 2010. Hide and ignore if you don't like it.
I disagree. How is it "clearly" modeled after a child? You seem to just be a self righteous fag trying to prove your moral superiority, on the Internet...on an anonymous site... Bravo grandpa.
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nope sure isnt
lmao autistic kid. sex dolls are legal the country OP lives

tumblr is leaking
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>Smarten up /b/, don't encourage a pedophile.
>Smarten up /b/
>don't encourage a pedophile

You really would've hated this place about 9 years ago. Luckily for you it's all the same trap threads and weak forced memes nowadays.
no chance seeing you doing stuff with her, right?

for how twisted is, dolls are cute.
Pigtails anon, pigtails.
post maor
That doll looks baked af
Get her a chastity belt , she's been cheating on you , You stupid fuck !! I've done her twice and she likes it
No kidding. This is fucking bleached and white washed to all hell.
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i dont have new material yet, sorry, thats part of why i want to go shopping, any suggestions?

lol as if people are freaking out enough... but yea, i'll probably do that
Brush her hair you fucking savage.
I assume you did the schoolgirl outfit already?
Dunno, hoped you had some video or gif of tender love
Body paint ?
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>Denial is the first step to getting help.
nigga what its admitting you have a fucking problem you retard. Everyone needs a way to vent and relieve stress. If you didn't do XY or Z to relieve stress then you would freak out and do something bad too. Well what if maybe just maybe this is the way that he gets off without having to diddle children.
Also op its fine if it keeps you from diddlin little kids more power to ya
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haha i need to buy a brush, just dont it with my fingers and the wig came all fucked up

yea the eyes move out of place pretty easily

not yet, havent decided what kind i want

>that fucking hair
god damn it
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You are the one who is all buthurt about it, so who has the problem?
Stay mad fag
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OP don't 4 get
Can't go wrong with generic catholic schoolgirl. Thigh highs, unf.
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she already has some thigh highs!

i know, chill out
looks tight as fuck
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it is, very lol
Notice is hereby given to the moderators of the website that if this thread is not taken down or removed within the next 10 minutes, this thread will be reported to the relevant authorities for illegal content
No pics of fucking?
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Do you own any dolls femanon?
May we see your tits? (with timestamp of course)
>>705479028 (you)
What if you're big, can you still fugg easily?
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>illegal content
there is none here, my friend. unless you live in CA or AUS, then you are viewing illegal content right now and you will be prosecuted
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No not at all omg.

No to the doll too.
last week you said your gf already knows and she plays with it too

So you blackmailed them to give in to your demands that which is not a clear violation of the ToS? Enjoy being completely ignored.
then report it its not illegal you piece of shit :;D
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no you tard, that was someone else posting pretending to be me
All I have to say is thanks, now I know where to get a decently priced look sex doll for myself
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Well, that's enough horseshit for me for now, I'm gonna go watch Space Runaway Ideon.
Stay crazy /b/
Then what's not to say you're pretending
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Love that anime
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>that picture quality
and people say i have problems

no one knows!

in reality, that is more illegal than what I am posting

fuck yea! I love spiderman threads
Dont mind those autistic posters, OP. Do you like maid costume?
the fuck is wrong with you
go fak iurself
bend it over , let's see all holes
With halloween coming up it ahould be no problem for you to find lots of costumes. Maybe Elsa or a little devil would be fun to fool around with.
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>scroll up

eh i'm 50/50 on that, i kind of do but dunno if i want to buy one

*this is OP posting, but someone elses doll
post video of buttfucking action and cuming on feet
Elsa!!!!!! I hate you OP, more out of jealousy.
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for reference, this is the same doll i have, just with tits that are gross lol

so buy one?
Is it weird that I wanna buy 2 so I can have a threesome?
>"This was a huge mistake."
>Dat face to overwhelming dildo stopping power
>dat bombshells at 7
where i can buy this
How the fuck this is not a child doll?
I don't care if you are a closet pedo but admit at least that the doll is a fucking child
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>I can see in to infinity
lol yea it cracks me up

this dolls face is different than mine, however.. but body is the same mold

aliexpress still
or there's some place that claims to be in the US and sells them, idk what it is though
Kill yourself
i remember only
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those giant tits is why i went flat... they're too much lol
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somebody save this thread
a doll is a doll
I personally find cool to have a talking and moving doll, with some kind of sex spirit inside. A mature mind, pervy and kinky sex spirit.
This will never happen tho
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I cringed disappointingly at that pony photo.
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>i'm not that cringy

I got bad news for you, buddy
you stole these images from another chan
Does it come with any clothes at all?
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yea it came with some shitty "slutty" clothes that didnt fit lol... though the fishnets fit

*once again, not me or my doll
You claim that you are a girl, yet you dont know the most basic of rules?, TITS and TIMESTAMP or GTFO, seriously

>all these retards actually believing that shit
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>those clowntits
You dont need to make a thread everyday faggot
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i havent made one for 2 or 3 days. but i made them for like 3 days straight earlier lol

is it heavy?
Dude. Are you always on the clock?
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no, maybe we have similar hours though

its over 25lbs.... which is fun but can be annoying lol
OP I'm getting sleepy :(

Is dah gurl
get a life
I would really like to watch you fuck the doll
your's has a differnt looking face than in auction link
just wierd lighting?
Okay so like. OP. I can't reply with that e-mail but I'll respond to yours with my real one.
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lets see dem feets senpai
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fucking footfags
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Eat a bag of shit.
why don't you just talk here? u strange
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hi dollbro

my girls are tiny
but after seeing your's I'm seriously thinking of a big one too for the fucking capability

did you get a custom face or something? looks really different from the one on the aliexpress page

I've only had sex with one actual child, but there are complexities with that. They cry.
What sucks is there will never be a live doll fucking websites
So where did you get her and what price?
that's op and he isn'ta grill idiot
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all of the chinese manufacturers make their dolls a little different, though the overall mold is the same for the body. i rather enjoy the face i got, so i feel lucky

not op


hello dollfriend
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the fuck am i fapping at
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Go back to your church basement cult recheck swine.

Wtf do you care what some guy does alone in his house with a piece of plastic?

Seriously. Anyone who gives a solid shot is a total mental defective end of discussion.
>>705476548 #
>>705475377 #
posting loli doll then a real pedo just came in

More art
Yea like playing gta makes you a closet serial spree killer.
how long have you had her now?
any worries about long term cracking or tearing of the skin especially at the joints?

saw a few vids of similar 100cm dolls on xhamster, looked like one poor girl had her vag torn from having her legs spread too often -yikes!
Do us all a favor and go back to 9gag faggot.
I've honestly considered getting one of these, since the problem I see with the full sized ones is storage. This would fit inside my tiny closet easily.

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Is this op?
kill yourself
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a little over a week, she has a small tear on her vag alread, i need to fix it asap, it's keeping me from using it.

it will fail eventually.. sadly lol

so buy this one!

kind of lol "I was just here to eat!" or whatever he said
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ignore the red marks, it was dye from clothing that stained the doll
Hanging out with a fuck doll is bad enough, but this is 4chan, so I'll allow it.

Hanging out with a fuck doll that looks like a child? You're a pedo, aren't you?
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doll clearly has breast
And is the size of a toddler.
Overreaction much?
i want thisssss
look at her face, look at it!
those pale nipps
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functions the same as a full size doll and only cost $400. why pay more money for the same function

THIS doll, however IS modeled to look like a real girl
So you're not fucking something that looks like a child?

That one looks even more child-like than OP's.

Pedos. Bunch of fucking pedos.
are her nipples painted on? or mouled in a different colored material

if it was me, I'd be sucking on them so much that I'd be concerned about losing the color...

Does she smell like plastic/rubber in any bad way? I've had some pocket pussies that were really unpleasant in that respect
naturally that would be a major setback in a doll meant for holding close...
its still better than fucking real kids. fuck outta here
Femanon says that if I walk into a dude's house and see one of these dolls, I will fucking run the other way. Maybe hit you with something on the way out.
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smelled really bad first week, its almost gone now. in retrospect, i could have cleaned her first to help get rid of it

nips must be painted, probably air brushed?
So are there any videos of someone fucking one of these things? you know, for science
I might look for something with a bit more durability. I mean, if yours is starting to rip after a week it strikes me as poor quality.
m-muh outraeg ... muh MORALZ !!

all the vids on xhamster are for the big titty version though
wtf we got a trollerino there
Obviously you have bought her some clothes but what you should buy her as an early christmas present is a gun with a magazine full of bullets. Now you also have to buy her some kind of remote control mechanism or one with some kind of cord what attaches to her hand which will pull her finger. So what you then have to do is attach the mechanism to her hand and place the gun in her hand. You then make sure you have the remote control or keep a hold of the cord whichever one it is and then you stand in front of her and press pull on the remote or pull the cord. The gun will then obviously fire a bullet or bullets into your direction and then you drop down dead and then she will not have to put up with your pedo antics and your anal rape of her any more and she can fuckoff somewhere and meet a nice toy boy round about her own age. She will have to get an aids test first though which is understandable.
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..... what calm down wtf
can read?

I wonder how long it'll be before guys start doll threads, then post pics of real girls here and there without anyone noticing?

Those things are getting damn close to looking real.
hmmh, google says TPE is supposedly odorless
maybe the fading smell you had was a mold release chemical or something
eat a bullet.
Did read. You're still a pedo.
you are like borderline retarded,
except over the borderline
Serious question OP, how do you clean this doll?
>Denial is the first step to getting help.
No, it's the first step in Grief and Loss.
Lrn2step fgt pls
Nice Pillow
must be tough finding decent outfits in her size

like, who makes lingerie for 4 year olds right?

how about a micro-bikini? after cutting down the straps might come out as looking normal-sized for her
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>what's not to say you're a faggot
... then you're a faggot, Q.E.D.
Femanon here. If I saw this on a guys house i would have him fuck the doll while he ate my pussy. I would see if me or the doll could make him cum more while I called him daddy and shit because I'm a sick cunt.
What would you fuck the doll with, your lady cock?
spending that much time to record your
psychotic thoughts ... you pervert
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Thats a fucking kewl doll you got there m8.

>Going shopping today for some clothes for her, any suggestions?

I'd post pictures, but I'm to lazy to restart my router. You know Candydoll Models? They're always kawaii af.
you are a naughty, naughty girl
Cuz it's fookin hawt m8
you have a xhamster account?
Obvious b8 is obvious .
Holy shit that is so weird you say that as my psychiatrist diagnosed me psychotic along with several other mental illnesses. Fuck !!
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Thats the spirit.
Thanks daddy!
go back to hebe
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I got bad news for ya normie, this sit ain't going away. The doll industry is constantly being revised and improved, in 10 years they will be almost human (at least for fucking)
I've got good vid of some amazing robot fuck dolls but they are too large to post
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obligatory tits or gtfo.
nice fantasy you have there though. interesting that you choose to identify as the girl.
If you walk into a dudes house you probably weren't invited you troll doll looking skank, tits or GTFO
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Try a bathing suit op, they usually stretch a little so better fit.
The eyes on pic make it look like it's been smoking weed.
Fucking weirdo

Do you have any videos of cumming in the doll? I've been collecting your work.
Also been seriously considering buying one of these if I ever breakup with my girlfriend. I wouldn't get one presently becauae hiding it would be impossible.
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why not save up even more money and buy real loli?
Hey OP would you consider making a full length video of you fucking the doll in bed (not from your pov) I want to see your whole body fucking the doll

love your threads btw xx
Sounds like you want to blackmail OP.
no op can keep his face out of the video
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