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Waifu claiming thread. Previous: >>704235690 Rules: >Claim

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 188
Thread images: 151
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Kyouko (28).jpg
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Waifu claiming thread.


>Claim your Waifu/Husbando
>No Claiming Waifus/Husbandos that have already been claimed
>Only one claim per anon
>No stealing (unless trips or more)
>No oversexualised content
>No RP/ERP of any kind (maybe some on occasion)
>Discussion is welcomed
>Insults must be original
>If you're posting images you're not lurking
>3D is almost always trash
>Joining means a reserved place in hell
>Most importantly, have fun!

Kyouko claimed.
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That's funny, I can't hold a grudge no matter how hard I try

>squishy hugs
Miho claimed
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Bridal waifu a best.
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Happy Eru.png
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Eru Claim
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Back off. Mine.
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Syndra [256].png
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There we go.
>Exactly like that!
Seriously, Eru a cute in all regards.
My money is on the manga. I don't often read mangos though, so I can't really compare it myself.
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Absorutery nuffin'
>bridal thread?
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didn't even notice
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Cooking with shinoa.jpg
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Plunder, loot, and rape?


It's top tier

Say eet again!
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Shit she did was way below dirty sewers a connoisseur
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>Bridal thread
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Fishing Master.jpg
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I started recently, mostly because its much less time consuming and I can do it before/during class when I have extra time.
>We watched House in my anatomy class so I read Btoom and watched House.
It was a good day.
Raping and Pillaging!
>Mostly pillaging
>Only occasional raping.
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So what you up to tonight.
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Syndra [212].jpg
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So did you try it out?
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Best type moon claimed.
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Yeah didn't like it personally
Hey Shiki you're early
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sorry gardy my mic is way to bad to try to record vocaroos. Here's what it sounds like without even saying anything
Don't you mean it's top Spear?

>First thing that came to mind

I hear ya, i used to read them a lot back in high school. Had a collection of some of the mainstream titles.
>Death Note
>Chibi Vampire
>A few of Trigun
>Lucky Star
It really REALLY was mainstream stuff, good god.
It sounds like a god day. Mine was rather good, although mostly in the productive sense.
>Mechanic said new bushings for car would be in excess of $400
>Look online
>$120 or so at most

Hey there Shiki.
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Sleepy shinoa.jpg
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Lmao. Would you find anything of value?

Dammit going to sleep :/
Was spore brawlhalla then spore. Fucked up a lot of shit in spore lol lol. Is the car going to get a new paint?

Damn you and your puns

I'm calling it a night now. Good night everybody. Hope you have sweet dreams of your waifu
>The Rory has infected me to an extent
Night Smugs, sleep well.
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I read them off my tablet, using an app called Manga Reader. ^^
Probably some material, if not some food and stuff
Night ^^
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Nigga wat?
I still got a shitty mic, but here ya go!
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Syndra [106].jpg
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Fair enough, sss.2
You sound like my buddy Sharktopus
Death scream from an anime girl. I like it.
Its obligatrory :^)
>Sharktopus was his screen name.
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Holo is still best
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best chibi claimed~
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kek, it's alright
either way I know I sound like crap
Ah, this was before the days of my having a smart phone.
>While everyone else was on the iPhone 3, I still had an ancient flip phone from the early 2000s.

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where r u
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>Best chibi

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Saya 058.jpg
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Claiming best girl
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Kurwa kampanion? :^)
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Yeah, I probably would've bought them back in the day, but today's tech makes it much easier, thats one of the reasons I love technology ^^
>Also I feel like this is how it would look if she got mad at me.
>Cute as fuck.
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>more squishy hugs
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I do not comprehend!
Yeah planned to meet some classmates around noon to work on an assignment.
Hi Makoto, still grinding in wows?
Technology is pretty damn sweet, as long as it stays where it belongs.
>Bend over
>Pet the Eru
I want to see her go from mad to flustered like this for some reason.

I got my Hiei, I've been far too busy/tired to try my luck at the Ashigara. Plus, I've been having a fuckton more fun in Destroyers than I ever have in a battleship. And I'm only at T5 on them.
>being destroyer scum
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I would love to see that too. It would be so cute!
>Pat pat
>What don't pat me I'm suppose to be mad at you stop.
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Hello, cuties~
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Come on. Puns are practically mandatrory when you start them :^)
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How's it goin'
Hello again. How are you doing tonight? Or this morning?
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>hugs arm
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I know, I'm a cunt.
>But popping out from behind an island and taking out a full health BB at point blank is just so amazing

We need to see this somehow. Know any animation companies that would do this for about $0.78 and half of an R12 to 134r conversion kit?


I remember you. You're the dog fucker, right?
Dog Fucker Man Is Back!
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Shiki 0890.png
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See I prefer doing that via main cannons and multi-citadel barrages.
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Nope. Unfortunately, maybe there's a graphic design artist who'd be willing.
>College kids would probably take that deal.
Oh its Dog!
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always and forever
Yeah. No work today or this weekend, thank god. So I've just been hanging out with my dogs. Trying to keep my poodle from eating the furniture... She should know better by now.
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Nice! Having fun?
>Grinding WoWS
Almost on the New York

>Playing LoL atm
>She should know better by now
Rape her into submission.
Writing skeltalrock chorales are a pain in the ass.
But you see, Shiki, RNGesus hates my guts, and i can never seem to get more than 1 or 2 citadel hits a game, even if I'm point blank. Plus, the entire team seems like to focus me down even if I was fairly far away. I figure, if I'm gunna be focused, I might as well be able to do some sizable damage before then.

Hmmm, I'll need to pull a few strings, but I might be able to convince a friend of mine to draw it up without the animation.

I never understood the appeal of poodles. They seem like really high upkeep doges.
>I say as I have a high upkeep car.
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Even without the animation it would be fine, I just wanna see Eru be cute ^^
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chinese cartoon
Emo 3DPD
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skeletal rock chorales?
Fetal alcoholism
Hey look its a cutie :^)
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thanks it's stolen.jpg
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at least i'm not a nigger
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Oh please. She can do whatever the hell she wants. I don't really dominate them or anything. They just kind of listen to me because I treat them so well. That and jealousy among each other. Always vying for attention more than the others.

They are high upkeep I guess but once you get into the habit of brushing their teeth, grooming them, clipping their nails, feeding them the right foods, and training them it becomes second nature. That goes for any dog really, minus the grooming.

I'm getting better and better at grooming with her.
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You're a best.
can someone please explain why there is literally always one of these threads

like, how do each one of you not realize this massive cringefest? it's like showing off your animu grrl bodypillow collection unironically, only you're all too poor to actually afford them
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Oh haven't gone there yet, just waking up and playing some KanColle.
All I hear is excuses.
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>hugs face
Skeltalrock is a genre I created.
A chorale is a music term which I hate writing
Anyone who wants to marry a vampire is a 14 year old emo girl. Or my mom.
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hqdefault (1).jpg
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i'm WAY too poor to afford a pillow or a large manga collection.
Having more than one anime girls for your daki is heresy
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Oh, I was hoping it related to actual rocks.
obviously all 14 pillows would be of the same girl
Literally kill yourself friend. If you can't Lurk MOAR to figure out why these exist, get out.
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>Anyone who wants to marry a vampire is a 14 year old emo girl. Or my mom.
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>hugs back
here's a salty steak garnished with garlic with a cross-shaped bone
Its a metal-jazz-techno fusion kinda
Phew, I was about to say...
My mom wants to marry Edward
"lonely losers containment club" is not hard to figure out

what i cant wrap my head around is how all of you post these daily and dont seem to know thats what it is
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why hello everybody
We have a dedicated loser making them
Because hello everybody

/b/ is a containment board newfaggot.
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Interesting. Do you do any recording or is it just writing?

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It's just boredom and harmless fun. I got bored of bouncing in and out of my dogs for the past 2 hours so here I am again.
Oh kek. Well hop you have fun.
Tried KanColle today. Finally got it to work but it isn't my cup of tea unfortunately
>Play one game of WoWS
>Literally 3xp away from the New York
>Have to wake up in 3 hours
>New York or sleep
>implying /b/ wasn't made before most boards
>Containment club
Not exactly, nobody is being contained here, we come here and stay here by choice.
>Lonely loser
Lonely is correct for some if not most, but some of them aren't losers, Eru and a few others are in school, and several have jobs. Hell the dog fucker is successful. Its just a social gathering of weebs who enjoy anime and like to talk to each other. Why is that such a bad thing?
>Inb4 go to /a/
Can't, video game/3DPD (see Mavis) waifus.
Actually this, /b/ is a containment board for random shit that doesn't belong on trash.
Is the fake Tats just Tats showing his autism?
It was /a/ and /b/ at first, A is obviously anime and /b/ was Anime/random, now its just random.
yes but i KNOW i am shitposting and i am doing it on purpose

these threads are filled with people WISHING they could be a bodypillow maven
I use this synth app that has a multitrack synth in it
I do "recording" and writing
Is the fake anon just Mai showing his autism?
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>Implying that everyone here wants bodypillows
That's a whole lot of implying coming from a faggot who probably only visits /b/ for porn and ylyl.
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fuck off to your diaper thread. no one cares what ANYONE here thinks. that is the whole point.
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I am not!

Sweet, I'll see if he'll be willing to whip up something for like, $10-$15.
>I make no promises though, s I've yet to see any work on a previous request of Makoto and Maki drifting in an RX7
>Maybe I should just do some photoshopping at this point


>Brushing teeth
This is a thing for doges?

Are you sure that's not your Torpedo warnings? :^)

>I need to get more A E S T H E T I C shots of my car. Maybe if the lights go out and I can sneak out there without activating the motion sensors...
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Ready To Pew.png
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Taiga ^^
Do some hardcore shop man!
>I'd probably bug him constantly about it if I knew him
>Eru and a few others are in school, and several have jobs.
doesn't make it non-cringey

>Why is that such a bad thing?
the bodypillow collectors would ask the same
>Implying that everyone here wants bodypillows

well fuck, you're claiming anime girlfriends because obviously you don't have a real one
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>This is a thing for doges?

Yeah. with enzymatic toothpaste.
is /r/wifuclaiming taken?
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I like following orders

>hugs your butt
I'm married to a real woman.
You're some poster who came in April/May an switched, you fucking mongoloid.
>doesn't make it non-cringy.
Well it doesn't make them losers if they're doing something with their life, they probably just come in here to talk to people since physical social interaction is becoming increasingly more difficult as people lose their daily schedules to things like school and work.
Plus its a good place to vent, nobody REALLY knows you here.
I don't really care about body pillows and their collecters because pillows are fuckin worthless to me, I can't sleep with them near me.
>you're claiming anime girlfriends because obviously you don't have a real one
Or they're using them as an avatar to talk to people. Kek.
Makes sense

How much play with the sound can you get with a synth?
You're married to a futa you retard
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I love it when people feed the shitposters
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finally got some free time. How is everyone?
noone cares
I'm just bored and he's slightly entertaining for being stupid and ignorant.
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i know, i fall for bait waaayyy too often
don't call me a shitposter, Rory.
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Bout to go to bed, it's getting damn late
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Same here
Nico Nico Niii

night holo
She's a Fujo, not a Futa
>opinion discarded
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Anime is overrated honestly.

Post what you want. I did.

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About to, I can still get a few posts in!
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nico nico oh....gif
1013 KB, 480x269

Ah well I hope you sleep well tonight love

That's me! <3

Why hello hello. What's up?
Hmmm, you're new enough. I don't think you've seen any of my shoops yet.
>I made a bumper sticker with Makoto and Maki on it shortly after joining the threads.

Huh, that's probably something my doge could've used... oh well.

It makes for a shitshow that's always fun!

Kiiiiii! I got all the paperwork finally taken care of! Mechanic said he can't do much in terms of the door lock until Monday, so I've got the next 2 days to finally relax and sleep in!
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You seem to know me, but I dont know you.
Who is this again?
I know right. They just ask to be replied to rather than ignored.
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Claiming my precious Kyouko
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Should, weekends are good for that!
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Still don't know why I have this
But here you go
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Oh really? Nice.
>I'm new enough to have not seen it
Yeah, you're probably pretty good though.
>Or not, who knows.
But I have faith ^^
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Heresy (5).jpg
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OP beat ya to it. kek.
>Who is this again
You can call me Titty Salad.
>opinion discarded
You're just a heretic if you know all this stuff, fuck off faggot.
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That's perfect! Get as much relaxing in as you can for me okay?

Perfect :) enjoy the weekend too

Lol I have this one saved already actually! But I love it lmao
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Kek welcome back Angry Marine
I take a lot of bait too
>Especially Edgedeath I eat that shit up
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Good taste.
Kill yourself.
I don't care if a schmuck who doesn't actually love kyouko "claims" her. Because I know in my heart that Kyouko would chose me over OP. Anyway Kyouko is my waifu. I use Tuka as an avatar to piss these cucks off.
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here ya go
Kek welcome back Penny*
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Oh. Has been a while. Hows the painting going?
Tuka a shit :^)
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Oh nevermind, it's you again.
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Hi there. You seem to be into anime. Do you have any suggestions on good anime to watch? Being in this thread makes me a bit curious about it. I tried watching 7 deadly sins on Netflix but it was really bad.
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Beat you fags too it. She's mine.
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Heresy (24).jpg
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A heretic never knows anything except the end of a bolter!
Hows it going? I just woke up. Even though its 1AM, I can't sleep for a bit cause my body is weird and doesn't like to go to back to bed unless its been like, an hour.
Claiming a waifu, and then using another waifu?
Eh, I had to sell em all, wife made me.
"These are taking up too much space and you're spending too much time with them."
She was right. Now I have more room for guns.
I'm not Penny, redheads are heresy. Only blonde bitches for this nigga.
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Thought I would never do this
>hugs boob
Everytime I see this image I think k it's a cropped lewd
I would recommend Code Geass, but it really depends on what kind of genres you like

ok usually i am a complete tool here and all i do is talk shit, but i am dead serious.


is a 10/10 anime you NEED to check it out. first episode is slow.
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forgot pic

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Makoto x Maki v2.png
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>Pic related
Took a few days to get the colors just right, but I like the way it turned out.
>Note: The final version is on my desktop, so this might have been one of my earlier edits.
>I'm good at editing, but creating from scratch is beyond my ability.

I will. Everyone i saw today said I looked terrible, and that my bags were more like suit cases at this point. So I think I'll sleep from sunrise to sundown.

Checking for the Emperor.
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Wait, you're not supposed to hug there!

>tender hugs
I am claiming you as my waifu.
It's 1:20am right now for me
>Need to wake up in 3 hours
Didn't want to sleep anyway

If I stop replying I've passed out lying in bed
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Kyouko (81).jpg
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Nice numbers.
Then thats something Rory and Tuka have in common
Tuka's not my waifu.
I just post as her to make people mad.
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>lays down on stomach
Might sleep soon
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That's beautiful actually. You're pretty good ^^
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Code Geass, Jojos bizarre adventure, lucky star, love live, and blue exorcist are some good ones off the top of my head!

Geez.. that does sound bad.. but haha i wish i could sleep that long, even on my off days.
And hey I made an edit of my waifu and maki too but it's a video lmao
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You guys know Angry Marine is Penny right?
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Thanks. I'll try code geass. What's it about?
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Heresy (3).jpg
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This Get For The Emperor!
Thank you imperial citizens.
That'd be me if my body wasn't like "I will get four hours of sleep, stay up for EXACTLY one hour, and get four more."
I don't know why I do this, I simply do.
A gun holding a gun. That's some gunception right there.
Like I said, not Penny. Quads confirm it. Though I shouldn't even bother replying to a shitposter, I'm bored enough.
Just like you're Mi Liu, Tuka and the 2nd Kyouko right?
Emprah protects with quads. At least theres the possibility of more guns for you.
>saving samples
Have the full pic you sped :^)
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KirinoRuri 09.jpg
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That would be you, silly.
Code Geass is about a kid who gets powers from a invincible witch who helps him restore his country to its former glory after being taken over by Brittania which is basically if England took over every single thing ever using Mechs.
>It sounds weird but I swear its good.
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>code geass, jojo, luckystar, love live, ao no exorcist
Pick one
Shit Penny, numbers don't mean anything. I still know who you really are~
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>Pats your head as you lay down

Get some sleep. Sleep is good for you.
Haha, thanks! Maybe I'll do an Eru sticker next.
>I just need to think of a saying to put on it

Ya, and I probably won't actually sleep that long. But I'd like to get at LEAST 6-7 hours.
You did? Let's see it!
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Oh I see. I'm more into realistic stuff. What's that anime about WW2? I've seen gifs about it before here on 4chan.

Ill still check it out. I really didn't like 7 deadly sins. Extreme autism. I felt stupider watching it.
What did you expect of a Tuka poster
Retarded claim saves retarded images :^)
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smugster 3.jpg
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If i must pick then I pick the 5 i already mentioned. They're good to me and taste is subjective my friend.

Lol what? You mean i need to actually upload a shitty edit i made when testing out adobe vegas? uhm.. idk.. haha
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Heresy (10).jpg
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True, my wife can infringe upon my Warhammer privilege, but the Second Amendment is a right and I'll sue her.
That still sounds like heresy. But its not my business, you do you.
Oh really? Then who am I/is Penny?
Shitposting is fun isn't it? Man thats why I first came in here.
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>Eru is handy in a jam
That would be a good saying, although highly ironic, but still true.
>Gun holding a gun
>That fucking Titan
That is a horrifying beast. Good thing I'm Tau, we have much scarier things. Like the Riptide.
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That chainsaw is the size of 8 land raiders. And it has another smaller chainsaw attached to it that's the size of 4.
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>That would be you, silly
Have you even looked at yourself?
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There is GATE. A combination of modern military and a fantasy land. Psycho-Pass was great. AldnoahZERO was formulaic but well executed. Madoka Magica because ot will always generate a feel. School-Live because its the best mindfuck.
Thats the spirit. But kek on suing the wife.
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Penny/you is a guy who rights fiction about shooting girlfriends.
Yeah shot posting is fun. But sometimes it takes hard work and determination you rock the boat
You have objectively shit tastes
Yes. All edits must be thoroughly roasted when mentioned!

Hmmm, I could make this work. And it'll help keep me awake!
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