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Dicks out for...... fapping

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Thread replies: 204
Thread images: 151
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Dicks out for......

Harambe deserved to die
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Mine is out
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That's all I had for now
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Good good
Sorry... I'll get it out somewhere else
May I deepthroat that?
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Now that's one thicc dude
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im going out to grab some crisps
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Have fun with that
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Do you realize how small a gorilla penis really is? Fucking small.
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This is inaccurate, gorillas have notoriously small dicks.
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Fucking this. Haven't you faggots ever seen a gorilla penis before? Jeez
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Dicks out
Lol are you implying furry porn has realistic proportions for cocks on most characters? They usually try to make them human proportioned because anthro, but then some make them fucking massive because they supa gay lmao.
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anyone here play PoE?
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Level 90 ranger right now in Essence
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Like how do I get into the game? I levelled 1 character and had no idea what I was doing so Im levelling another following a skill path
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Dick out babes ;p
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Basically you should play a little bit, find a skill you like and then find an online build that follows the build. this is the one I'm currently doing
My first character was a shrapnel shot archer now Im leveling up a tornado shot with

I like these types of games I just have no real direction that im sure to go with building items and getting good items
Also do I do anything with all these rings and such? (I got some popular loot filter)
As you progress you need to link support gems with your skills, greater multiple projectiles and faster attacks makes anything insane.
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I know like the core aspects of PoE. I've watch like 50 hours of Kripp playing it

Im just not sure about things like hideouts and doing things to a piece of gear to make it good
Biologically inaccurate. Male gorillas have very small genitalia due to their harem-style alpha male structure. Since they compete for access to sex, rather than within the act of sex itself, sexual performance is not factored into physical fitness.

tl;dr gorillas have tiny dicks
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Ah well I just started playing path again so I don't know that much about the hideouts and crafting, it's all pretty new. If you're playing on standard I can just give you some low level gear if you want
Nah im playing on essence league. As I said before I know like how to play the game, its just the higher level junk im not sure about
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Same, the only stuff I really know are necro witches, otherwise I just follow popular builds.
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Hey Luc.
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What's new?
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Hunnibuns is sad.
Why's that?
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Why's that?

Also what happened with his work and getting arrested?
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He said the wrong shit to the cops yesterday while dealing with the bullshit at the airport, so he's now hospitalized at in a mental hospital until tomorrow.
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it's ok to be a zoophile, soon all of our unattainable fetishes will become reality

all you will have to do is believe
MENTAL hospital? Wtf did those cops do to him?
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After their investigation, the FBI asked if he was feeling like he was going to hurt himself or anyone else, standard for shit like this. Hunnibuns made a sarcastic quip about going home and forgetting about all this with a bottle of booze and pills.
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What was this investigation about? I've never had to deal with that at any airport... Not that I'd know how airports n shit work
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>investigated by the FBI


just jumping into this exchange, uninvited, but do you really consider that to be 'standard' behavior?
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A co-worker of his made up a story that he was going to come in on his last day and shoot up the place, since he works at the airport. Instead of following procedure and actually seeing if this shit was true, his manager went straight to the FBI and reported it as if it was actually going to happen.
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hug him for me please
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They had to do a psych exam as part of the investigation. Its pretty standard in judging the mental state of someone to determine if they are suicidal or homicidal.

As bad as this is for hunnibuns, I think his manager did the right choice regardless. Things like that should never be treated as a joke
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I went up to see him in the evening and had him on my lap for cuddles the whole time. Unless he does something stupid, they'll get him out tomorrow, since he's not a threat, he doesn't have good insurance, and he's taking up a bed.

My sister used to work there as a social worker, so she was walking him through the process.
what going to happen to the person who told the lie?
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I can't imagine the FBI likes being lied to.
i know hunnibun is going to press charges. they will probably be arrested and or fined up the ass hard.
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There's procedure for these things. By skipping them, she violated his rights.

I know they're out of a job, at least. Hunnibuns is also going to take him to court to pay for the medical costs.
im so pissed about this whole thing. god fucking damnit
Well to be honest I don't really know how that stuff works either, so probably didn't she
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Target's also being an ass, so he may not have his new job when he gets out.
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I hate how these big stores seem to have their shit together until it comes to the human resources part.
target sometimes has some fucking retarded people running the show i wouldnt doubt that they be super sized asses about this.
tfw I was probably one of those retards while interning :U
somebody help me out - theres a comic where a couple of young anthropomorphs are playing videogames and the young fox loses - as part of a bet he has to get dressed up in girls clothing and his buddies are overwhelmed with lust and wind up screwing him good.,

it got me into both fur (sometimes) but more importantly, traps. what's it called?
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She should, its her job. What was supposed to happen is she reports it to security and let them determine if there's a threat. She skipped right over them an to the FBI. No one even bothered to contact him or anyone else to see if the story was true.

Its a seasonal position while they were renovating the store, so we don't know if he has any protection for his job.
Ah alright

I hope it gets better for him.
i hope he gets to keep the job
fucking kek
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but I mean they were still investigated by the Federal Bureau of Investigation. It's standard, but it's a standard of the fucking FBI, an apparatus that holds more power than the states ever could.

wtf, man?
I'll be a parrot and hope it gets better for him as well... I'm sorry but I suck at these topics :P Sup with you otherwise?
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He's going to be in a shitty mood for the next week or so, but I hope he uses the time job hunting to also relax. Its been rough for him lately, he needs a break.

I'll let him know you guys are thinking of him when I talk to him tomorrow.

Its a standard for all psych exams. Its surprising how easy it can be to get people to divulge stuff just by asking.
give him my love~
I told him you were concerned earlier. You texted me while I was on the way up to see him.
What Katten said

right, a <u>psychiatrist</u> has to be certified by a federal psychological association to practice. But still... a direct investigation by the FBI.

I'm an not an outsider to this shit but don't color me surprised.
Where's katten?
I miss that cheetah
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Hey katten. How you been?
been sleepy. how you do tiggerbutt?
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It cold and rainy here and I can go for a run. Instead I bought some new games to Play.
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Head 1.jpg
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Whoa, that's when you fall
Whoa, whoa, whoa, that's when you fall
Yeah, that's when you fall
When you fall into a trance
what games?! :D
i got a new seat for my bike today so i am excite to use it tomorrow

"Tigerbutt", yeah now I know which tiger this is :P Sup?
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Head 2.jpg
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Going to bed. Goodnight, fags.
Goodnight perv
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Offworld trading company and stellaris.
Is it like one of those bike seats that save your cock from being limp?
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it saves my arse. h-how would seat make dick hard?
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Hello bananas.
No I mean dies it have a groove to prevent pressure on the taint and thus a cause for ED after prolonged exposure.
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i-is that really a thing that makes you go limp?....

and yeah it has a large air vent/groove/hole in it
Right, forget me stupidly asking what's up right after you told me :P I'd ask what games you bought but Katten already did
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Hey thyploshiin.
Yeah but were talking years of sitting. But if it's got the groove you are fine.
Don't be so hard on yourself man.
You ride around today?
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how spoopy ;~;
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Wish I could but I had to guard the house all day, it's so hot we HAD to keep a door open, and there's this orange idiot cat that thinks he lives in our house
Hi thyploshiin. How you been? Name your Kitty?
Soupy? Like that Red Fox fag from the United cucklands?
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That's not how you spell it.

And yeah I did.
no spoopy
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Don't you have a fly screen? Why not open a window?
Yeah it's how my mobile phone is spelling it now :)
What's her name?
*pets katten
It's ok to be silly.
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We don't, and it's just as easy to get in through the windows. We had them open too, for the record
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Holly the kitty. Nice ring to it.
Got a picture?
For the record how hot is hot?
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None on my PC
About 26 degrees
It feels like we always end up talking about me and my life, let's talk about something else
Katten, do you like Van Morrison?
Awww i wanna see holly.
26°C is a fucking nice day here. Add 10 before it gets "hot"
I for one wish it could always be 18, that's the perfect temberature. What's the coldest you've experienced where you live?
yeah he not bad~
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Thread images: 151

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