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Waifu claiming thread. Previous: >>703408602 Rules: >Claim

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 176
Thread images: 151
File: Kyouko (54).jpg (525 KB, 960x960) Image search: [Google]
Kyouko (54).jpg
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Waifu claiming thread.


>Claim your Waifu/Husbando
>No Claiming Waifus/Husbandos that have already been claimed
>Only one claim per anon
>No stealing (unless trips or more)
>No oversexualised content
>No RP/ERP of any kind (maybe some on occasion)
>Discussion is welcomed
>Insults must be original
>If you're posting images you're not lurking
>3D is almost always trash
>Joining means a reserved place in hell
>Most importantly, have fun!

Kyouko claimed.
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The Waifu Machine.jpg
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Alice 28.jpg
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I didn't know :/

Asian things. Lion dance. What else should I clarify?
>it shouldn't have been too far if you're in Arlington. It's like in Rosedale

I like chocolate pizza, frozen pizza, pepperoni pizza, barbecue pizza, cheese pizza, and some others I will not list.
Rolling for trips and late night lewds
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kurome are you messing with me?
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Yuuki (0).png
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Claiming Yuuki, how's everyone?
>chocolate pizza
Please mean desert pizza
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no lewds for you
discount lucina
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Kyouko (12).jpg
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Well I mean, it's japan after all.

>Chocolate pizza

Wait, what.
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No, why?
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Not like it would matter.

Rolled trips earlier and no one posted lewds.
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bask in her kawaii-ness.gif
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I'm pretty good. Maybe should listen to some music. How about you?
He is, don't trust him denying it.
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Yuuki (111).jpg
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>No oversexualised content
kind of an odd request for a thread on /b/
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Yuuki! I'm good, how're you?
>Mfw spray down 3 enemys with Mac-11
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Mako claimed
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Homura (2).jpg
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Can you really count frozen/cheese pizza as a favourite one? There's a million frozen pizzas and pretty much any half decent pizza will have cheese on it.
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there you go senpai
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Yeah, but we generally follow it.

Currently trying to make these sluts post lewds by rolling trips tho.
/b/ isn't /h/, /d/, /e/, /s/ or /gif/ yo
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A Kiss .png
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I don't know what an Asian lion dance even is.
>Not in Arlington
I would post them, but I don't have any lewds, my raifu is pure
/waifu/ is not a porn thread.
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Noodle claimed.
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Yuuki (13).jpg
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I'm good, just got back from racing go karts.
>I'm the best at go kart racing

I'm great! What game is that from, I'm guessing CSGO?
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posting a lewd in hopes tomoko will be nicer to me
Now why would I mess with dearly beloved, esdese?
I'd slurp her noodles
Miho claimed
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You Know Gasai (24).gif
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Wuz gud nigga??
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I like Sausage and Ricotta on my pizza.
But generally I like almost any kind that doesn't have weird shit on it or too many vegetables.

>Not sure why I still have this pic.
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Cutie slutty maid.
>raifu is pure
Everyone has a price.

That is pretty tame compared to what you've posted in the past. And I think I've been less aggressive today.
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actually kagami.png
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Supreme, but also put some jalapenos on it.
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I literally mean chocolate pizza. The kind you get at PieFive's

Read the reply above

Tired and sweaty

Tombstone and Totino's frozen pizza

Lion dance is when you have this large fluffy lion head like thing and you need two people to operate it. Head and tail. Tail is most vital since they are the core of most tricks, just look up on Wikipedia and look up some videos for this.

Headless Horseman
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Yuuki (73).jpg
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Nothing interesting. I'm about to do some homework. On a Saturday. At the beach.
>kill me now senpai
In response to your pissposting last thread.
A drought is going to occur in every version of Earth in the Multiverse.
They will all begin at precisely the same time, and, at that same time, every version of Esdeath in the Multiverse will have just finished reading Dune and get struck by a bolt of lightning that traveled through a passing cloud of radioactive plasma.
Becuase of this complicated coincedence, the entire Multiverse will become Esdeath's bladder, and she will piss, and hundreds of quadrillions of new Universes will be born.
The 666,666,666,121,127,700th Universe that she pisses will be pissed out at exactly the 45th second of pissing, and every person in this thread will enter that Universe and be placed inside of a deadly booby-trapped maze with a jar of Esdeath's piss at the end.
Now, let me explain why all of this is really important.
The first person to get to the piss and drink it...
...will have wasted their time.
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Mah babe! Thought you left for the night...was sad.
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You Know Gasai (15).gif
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Yes kohai, would you like it quick and painless or slow and painful?
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Yuuki (100).jpg
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>Tired and sweaty

Man, every time I think I can hang out for a bit I end up leaving! How are you doing mate?
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Nope, playin Rainbow Six Siege, though I use to play GO too, I lost interest.
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Do It For Her.png
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I don't. Not even Felix gets Galil lewds.
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Kyouko (17).png
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Not sure what that is since I don't live in US.

We don't have a lot of those weird pizzas here.
The closest thing to weird I've ever had is cone pizza.
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Yuuki (70).jpg
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Quick and painless pls

Gotcha. That game looked really interesting, and I rarely play CSGO either. Not really a fan of the actual game, I just played jail or TTT
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You mean these?
I honestly don't know if I should be embarrassed or impressed.

Is it because she is unpopular? Or is it because it's implied that when you jam your mag into her and make her combustion chamber get hot... well you get the idea.
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Doing good! I was feeling kind of sick earlier, but now I'm fine.
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Ill agree with that

me like

I wanna be in esdeaths bladder
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You Know Gasai (91).jpg
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Very well
*Slices through neck like butter with superior nippon steel*
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Galil is not unpopular
>Combustion chamber
What the fuck

Hello other kitty
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Don't get the wrong idea
I was behind someone, switched, switched again, changed who I was with, got hot, almost burnt.

It's a place where you customize your own pizza
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I dunno lol. Just trying to make firing a gun sound lewd.
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Cute Eru.png
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TTT and jailbreak are fun but I play those in Gmod usually or CSS
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Good job.

Face reveal?

ello Miho
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Yuuki (14).jpg
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Good to hear!

I appreciate it

Didn't mean anything by it lol.

A lot of the maps I played in those got ported to CSGO, and a lot of my friends play it so I just got used to playing it on that.
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KyoukoPizza (2).jpg
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Yes, I'm a pizza.
I never got on the Jailbreak GO train, I played Jailbreak TF2 a lot though.
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A combustion chamber is not a gun part.You might be thinking of the chamber.
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You Know Gasai (28).jpg
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Give my regards to Yuuki will ya.
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Hi Miho.
Haven't seen you on here in a while.
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Holy Maid.png
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>Forgot image
Sure. Again I was just trying to make firing a gun sound lewd.
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chibi (2.1).jpg
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Hey there. It's been a little while.
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Hello ship girl.


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Yuuki (17).jpg
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I imagine it worked the same way

Roger that friendo
>tfw the sweet release of death means no homework
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Taiga 65.png
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Yeah! But now I'm hungry as hell.
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You're beautiful.

I was in hiding.

Hi Shiro; yeah, it's been over a week.
I'm doing fine right now, how about you?
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Yuuki (74).png
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Oh dude, I had some pizza earlier that was fantastic
>pepperoni, sausage, green peppers, onion
Last attempt. If trips post lewd
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You Know Gasai (13).gif
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Homeworks like "na nigga you stayin alive to do me"
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I wouldn't have even if you had gotten trips.
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Super Fishing Master!.png
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Eru is a heavy gun, she has big boobs ^^
Yeah, pretty fun, I liked being Scout because I could Sandman the guards.
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shiro in chains 2.0.jpg
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I'm doing pretty good. Just adding some albums
to my ever expanding backlog of music. Pretty excited too. Got Jason Aldean's 'Old Boots, New Dirt' downloading, pretty hyped for that one.
Naaah. Sometimes people will. I mean, look at Mugi. Just say lewd and she's shining coal.
I know
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Yuuki (87).jpg
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I'm just so done with it. Three assignments due Tuesday, and I'm on vacation. Screw that

Yep, I just ran from the guards and tried killing them all myself.
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>best fox claimed
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im still alive
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2 MB, 540x420
What's up?
If you say so.
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A gift for your trips
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I liked following orders occasionally, except if they were dumb orders.
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You Know Gasai (18).jpg
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Better to get it over with and enjoy the rest of your vacation
Nothing much just sitting in the stream and chatting in discord. What you up to?
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I want a real esdeath collar like the one in that gif soo freaking bad
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I see, that's interesting. I never really get around to exploring music for some reason. It took me two days to listen through 3 CDs.

oh wait
100% ERECT
Don't worry I won't fap to Eru though
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Yuuki (63).png
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Yep, on the server I was on if you were the last alive you could have a last request and make the guards do whatever they wanted

I'm leaving tomorrow morning, so no point in rushing to get it done.
I still have them cheese pizza
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You Know Gasai (53).gif
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As long as you get it done I suppose
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Thanks ^^
>I don't fap to her either.
>She's too cute.
Last Request: MELEE BATTLE!
>Swarmed by 3 heavies beating me viciously.
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actually kyubey.jpg
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I gotta admit, I'm only listening to that album because it's a meme on /mu/. I don't even like country.
You should. The music world is a beautiful one.
I'm full.
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Nothing really. I'm bored is all.
Oi. Pervert.
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Have some more
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Here fap to M16 instead.
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Yuuki (128).png
2 MB, 1350x1080
Yep. I haven't been able to play any WoW because of all of these assignments. I'm going through withdrawals!

I always did shot 4 shot with the desert eagle
>each person takes a turn firing at each other
>last one alive wins
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I live in california, pizza here fucking sucks.
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You Know Gasai (55).gif
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Sour man, hang in there
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KyoukoSleep (5).jpg
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A name of files.jpg
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But there's nothing there to fap to
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Hangin with the crew.jpg
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Nice, sounds like a lotta fun, I wanna get back into TTT soon
>Probably during Thanksgiving break.
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Melee matches in TF2 were pretty fun.

Especially if you could get an entire server doing it.

But there would always be one doucher tryhard using a gun.

BUT then it was amazing when the entire team would literally let you kill them and go back to the melee. Gamers have some kind of understanding about these shits, you know?
But I don't want to disrespect him...
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Want to join?
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Sandy Hook Squad.png
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Alright, guys. i think it's about time I tell you lot the story of how my fabulous ass got shot with an arrow

>be me
>thousands of years ago
>was once a knight, held in high regard across the lands
>member of the best of the very best
>me and band of fellow knights were sent on a mission to reclaim a village on an island that was taken over by some faggot fishermen
>did not know at the time that they were being protected by 3 wizards, and when i say wizards i mean best of the fucking best
>faggots were names bozar or something like that
>did not know how powerful they were at the time
>upon arriving on the island, our ship mysteriously vanished, within the span of an hour. no scrap wood or anything.
>me and 6 of the best knights of our land were stranded on this mysterious land that has been secluded for centuries
>we soon find out after venturing for firewood that the island was inhabited by monsters one would see in a childrens story
>dead men walking, giant scorpions, and even demons
>being the fearsome and well known knights that we were, we laughed in the face of these dangers
>but then the wizards came…
>camping out next to a fire cooking boar
>two of my men suddenly burst into flame
>with only 5 of us left, we spot out the evil wizards
>about 50 yards away
>we survive their onslaught for 6 hours before the unthinkable happened
>burnt 2 more of my men to the bone
>i can still remember the smell in my mind that haunts me every day
>two of the wizards also perish as well
>but we were spared
>the dragon flew away, ignoring the rest of us
>in a moment of fury over his fallen brethren, the last wizard uses his magic to turn me and my last two men into grotesque, deformed, giant sub-human creatures
>the wizard vanishes after this unspeakable act

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I'm so sorry to hear
>tfw when mods were ready to fap first, ban later
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Nothing wrong with some skinship, this is Japan.

Good night, sentient humanoid pizza.
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Yuuki (18).jpg
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Ever play prop hunt? That's another fun game mode
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Give the TL;DR
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You lucky bastard~
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You know Gasai (17).gif
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Damnit, heard that in patrick's voice
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>tfw no waifu
Oh, this is you.Alright then, thanks.
Disgusting paws.

Yiff in hell furfag
Fuck, those are nice feetsies
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Read more manga, watch more anime. She will find you.
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Yuuki (76).jpg
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Why so autist.
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Prop hunt is pretty fun, I usually only play it with friends though, playing with randoms isn't as fun as it is in TTT or Jailbreak, in TTT you can kinda just betray everyone and have no qualms about doing it.
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Nope im a different anon.
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You know Gasai (17).png
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I am NOT a Krusty Krab...
Nice feet
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Time for boats.
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Nah. I'm ok. Thanks though.
This is?
M16 Actual has better file names.
>me and my other two knights realize that even if we were able to build a new ship from the very plant life and bones of the dead walking these lands, we could never return home
>we could never return to our loved ones and king
>we are doomed to walk this dreaded island
>3 weeks pass, we come to find out that the entire village those wretched wizards were protecting were all wiped out by the dragon
>we are completely alone now, only us, dead men and monsters.
>we learn to live off the island, eating anything that we come across, plants, animals, anything to sustain ourselves.
>through all of this, we managed to not lose our humane spirit and morals though…
FF 2000 years
>we have now lived far longer than any man should
>through the ages, our very flesh has succumbed to the earth, with years of being infected by the evergrowing plants, and the very dirt itself
>we have literally become a living being who is one with the earth
>dirt, mud, fungus and moss covers our entire body.
>the first few centuries made it hard to even move, to even breathe
>but eventually we became used to it
>we soon realized that our not-so-new bodies live more off the land than our own human flesh which was once taken over
>we realize that as long as there is earth around, we are immortal
>we began to breed over the years, but what came out was too horrifying for words.
>it was not human
>it was one of us, a mold covered abomination that should not be
>but it doesn't matter, because it is now our society, our world…
>we soon take the side of the mountain with our population, we grew like wildfire.
and when a society of its very own forms, attention is drawn, no matter how far away
>they came for us
>in our unrecognizable state, the very humans we once used to be, came to slay us for being the monsters we were
>while we still cared for them, we could not properly communicate in the language of the humans, for our very mouths and jaws were tethered by moss and weeds.

I hope I find one half as nice as you, Tomoko
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Ok. If you change your mind you need only ask.
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Yuuki (33).jpg
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Jailbreak with a friend is a lot of fun because you can work together to kill the guards.

I can't see my forehead...
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Well my name is Rick
Harris and this is my pawn shop
Is she putting that sock on, or taking it off?
Let me hypothosize.
Taiga got upset at Anon because he kept replying to himself, so she knocked his bitch ass out with a baseball bat and chained him up in her room.
She wouldn't feed him unless he did feetstuff.
If dubs, my hypothesis is correct.
They have been posting for longer than you've been in these topics. You probably have zero impact on making nice feet stop.
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You know Gasai (191).jpg
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There was once an ugly barnacle, he was so ugly that everyone died, THE END
To late I'm counting it.
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same. sorta
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Yuuki (89).jpg
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I work here with my old man and my son, Big Hoss

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Vigil - 297.jpg
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Don't believe in the boats.
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Maid Eru-Chan.png
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Yeah, true, especially when its just you and your friends dicking around.
>"Guys today lets do some soccer!"
>Proceed to beat warden to death with baseball bats
>All shouting PLAY BALL for effect.
404, dubs not found.
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You know Gasai (16).jpg
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half dead is ok aswell
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fuck yeah six arcanines.png
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Is this RP? This better not be RP.
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after the booty.jpg
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It feels a bit empty without Tsumugi trying to pomf me

Everything in here has a story...and a price
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Yuuki (102).jpg
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>''Everyone shift walk to climb"
>run other way and find way into armory

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Can any of you weebs tell me what movie this is from?
I for one, welcome our new gun overlords.
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You know Gasai (40).png
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Nope, we COULD RP if you want
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yeah.. I'm still feeling very down but at least I'm not going nuts anymore. I think
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Yuuki (131).jpg
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If I've learned anything in 23 years...
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You know Gasai (5).jpg
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Whats up waifu /b/ros? How's your night going?
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Yuuki (21).jpg
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You know, I wumbo, you wumbo, he, she, me, wumbo??
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evil shiro (8).png
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My night's going well, should head to sleep soon.
How about yours?
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Columbine Carbine.jpg
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I'm sick of people trying to define Anonymous, sick of hearing about new operations that will garner no support, produce no lulz, and, more importantly, produce no results aside from a couple of retweets on twitter and a self congratulary slap on the back from those that retweeted it. What the very fuck is going on? Anonymous has turned into a bunch of pussy SJW faggots who wear stupid mask last time i checked we the people from the chans were the real anonymous and anonymous is a internet hate machine not a force for good and so to the V For Vendetta faggots i say please do us a favor and kill yourselves You do not understand the culture from which Anonymous was born, and you are doing more damage than good to our title as The Final Boss of The Internet.
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Pew Pew.png
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>"Can we get one day where pure anarchy doesn't hap-"
>Face caved in by a bat, 3 scouts shout NO
Its gud, got some Rainbow Six Siege going.
16 goin full pasta.
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You aren't mugi

You never know what is going to come through that door
I got a head cold and cant sleep tbh
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