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Waifu claiming thread. Previous: >>700523799 Rules: >Claim

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 168
Thread images: 151
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Muppo (25).jpg
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Waifu claiming thread.


>Claim your Waifu/Husbando
>No Claiming Waifus/Husbandos that have already been claimed
>Only one claim per anon
>No stealing (unless trips or more)
>No oversexualised content
>No RP/ERP of any kind (maybe some on occasion)
>Discussion is welcomed
>Insults must be original
>If you're posting images you're not lurking
>3D is almost always trash
>Joining means a reserved place in hell
>Most importantly, have fun!
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Kyouko (21).png
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Syndra [110].jpg
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No huh. You're the slutty maid. I'm the master bully.
Come on, now.
Not saying she did.
Just lewd.
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Yeah i'd say so.

I don't think she would have done anything if people hadn't ran or father defend against with a mop. Probably a lot his fault. Looking back on my past it looks like he was cheating and she was panicking about everything and everyone as a result, but i'll never get confirmation

Space balls of love
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Can I be the dominant slutty maid?
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smile 3.jpg
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Penny (13).png
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Penny Claim~
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Syndra [212].jpg
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You where just thinking lewd things.
Slut boat.
Bug of something
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sigh just why why do people enjoy others pain
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>all the times he ever yelled at me where just him being loud
>god I know the pitch that scares the shit out of me this certain tone that makes me a kid again
Oh fuck I just revisited that yell in my head and now I'm feeling really uncomfortable. Fuck I wish I wasn't such a manbaby with daddy issues. It fucking sucks and anytime a watch a series where the dad is really nice I cry out loud because I remember when I was little and I would sit on my dads lap playing a space merchant RPG. He was like a different person back then.
Not at all, he was pretty much the school jock during highschool, and even though he had a huge change in college from what I've been told we're very different people. I'm sure some of my interests were influenced by him, but we're not very similar.

He's egotistical, loud, big and strong, and pretty oblivious to other people, whereas I'm small, quiet, self deprecating and I'm never not aware of people due to my own insecurity.
I wonder if my dad ever cheated on my mom. I'm nothing like either of my parents, I'm more like my grandfather. He dropped out of highschool after being a delinquent for years, and was forced into the army where he serveed as a medic/sniper in korea. After that he was always quiet and troubled. I didn't get to know him very well because he died when I was very young but I felt more of a connection to both my grandparents than either of my parents.

don't you enjoy animals pain?
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Shiro claimed.
What's with the Esudesu?
This coming from fucking you of all people?
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It's not him. How are you today?
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You'd have to earn that one.
Nah. That imagery was obvious enough that any adult would notice.
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Well that really sucks

Hey Penny

I don't think he is the one spamming

Pls Dom
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ruby rose sad.png
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But aren't you a sadist? Don't you have a fetish for crushing squirrels?
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Penny (10).png
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Heyo Fran ^^ whats up?
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yeah my dad has two versions nice dad and angry dad my mom was depressed and hated touch so she never comforted me just said he loves me in his own way

just shows im not the only one

just stop please
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Embarrassed Yuuko - 6.jpg
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Good morning, everyone!
Well, it's almost noon, but I'm just getting up.
>>700530072 (You) (You)
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how do i earn that?
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im a masochist around women but a sadist around others and my fetish for crushing small animals is more the love of seeing female domination. I guess im just as bad
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Not much, playing snake oil on tabletop simulator

But only if penis
Couldn't tell you. You figure it out.
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Syndra [241].jpg
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You just have dirty thoughts :^)
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I am awake now, good morning/afternoon

Claiming felix
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The Waifu Machine.jpg
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If this post ends in a 5, The Flash is the best superhero.
You'll either have to say that The Flash is, indeed, the best superhero, or you'll have to post Waifu legs.
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Penny (10).jpg
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>Mfw being an adult means I can no longer sleep in past 9am.
Fugg. Heyo~
Nice, I like playing Cards Against Humanity on Tabletop simulator
>Once I played 40k
>It devolved into us smashing the models together for shits and giggles at 4 in the morning
>Good times.
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adorable Ruby.gif
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I think my dads shift in work situation around 2000 is what made him change so drastically. I don't think here is the place to talk about it though.
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Mostly no, though.
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Hello new Yuuko again

Everyone here is here for one reason or another.

At what point did it come to an end?
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Waifu Machine - Magic Beneath.jpg
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OK, I didn't get it, but The Flash is still the best superhero.
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kyouko screams for icecream.jpg
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Morning Felix

Abend Shiro
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Syndra [196].jpg
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I dare you to find Fran hentai

Flash is pretty good

Sounds good.

I also should play some 40k there soon

Hey there bae
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but i need to know
>almost out of kyouko maid pics
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TheWonderfulNui (14).png
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Did i miss something?
No, you arrived just in time to check these dubs.
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people and thier maids
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Happy Yuuko - 4.gif
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Hey there! How goes it?
Should I be posting Yuuko if you've already claimed her?

I think it's a bit better to be productive than to sleep all day, honestly!
Hey, how are you?
File: Penny (3).jpg (5 KB, 222x227) Image search: [Google]
Penny (3).jpg
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Flash is pretty rad tbh
>He go fast.
Yeah, at the time we weren't sure a 40k mod existed (I'm sure one does now) so we just imported models from Regicide, which is basically warhammer but in chess form
>By that I mean some units move in the chess piece style on a chess board.
>For example an assault moves like a Knight
>But thats where the similarities end.
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heya Fran
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But i don't know what you need to do. Assert dominance! or something.
Then post Sachi.
I like Sachi.

I'm not a pure angel, but those pictures were obvious.
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Penny (1).gif
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Pretty good.
>and thats true
>but its nice to have the option.
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TheWonderfulNui (41).jpg
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I don't see any but i prefer subs anyway.
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>At what point did it come to an end?
His personality or his post-change abuse?

His personality changed almost immediately when we moved to our current house, when I was 8. My mom already had been hitting me for a long time and he had probably spanked me before, but I don't remember?

He stopped going full on whipping me around the begin inning of highschool, and he hasn't hit me since I broke his wrist a year or two ago defending myself from him. I had kicked at his hand when pushed me to the ground and started stepping on my head.

As I wrote that I realized how ridiculous it is, and it's even stranger to em that it actually happened. It's like a weird dream when I remember it.
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>mfw squirrel on boot.
Just lewds

Cute gif

Oh, I'll check in a little bit

How are you today?
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Maids are good
I will
Once i run out of kyouko maid pics
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7 (2).jpg
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you gonna catch these blades.jpg
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>crushed squirrel under boot
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I think he would get off to this
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at least its femdom I prefer when the girl rapes a women who doesn't want it or kills someone

oh thats actually very good

ill never get it what is the appeal?

im saving these
is there one with esdeath being dominated?
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Well i'm not going to stop just because you do.

The rules don't have to be 100% enforced in every situation. This isn't America~

Good, you at least got to break his hold over you. I think making that decision helps a lot.
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how about ntr for the next one?
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Yeah, he pretty much avoids me now. Now there's only a huge gape between us.
>begin inning
Fuck me and my shitty hand coordination.
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Hey new Yuuko.
Doing good?
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it just looks really nice
Very Good
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Shhh don't disrespect me

Yes, how are you?
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Do you work or something?

Oh, thanks. Yuuko is a good waifu for cute gifs~.
What's yours from?

Ah, okay, thank you!
Finally got to organizing my waifu pictures when I got enough to make a few folders. Pretty fun stuff.
What have you been up to?
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hi Penny

Great~ just wasting time by watching Shokugeki no Soma

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oop and you lost me hentai never gets it right cant esdeath just kill him with passion

god no im abandon thread

what is ntr?
Post lewds of the other waifus, except Fran because she's some weird zombie shit.
Franken Fran

I feel like this is a different yuuko

Oh, what's that about?
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netorare, it's cuckold porn where the girl fucks some other guys
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ill do megumin next
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I start working again on Tuesday
>I work for a school as an IT Manager
>Sweet $50/hr
>Good job too
Whats gud? :>
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>what is ntr?
Netorare, guy is forced to watch the one he loves fuck some other guy he hates or some shit.
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I spent my morning in the hospital. Just for boring stuff.
I like your original filenames
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no cuckold is nasty esdeath is my mama
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Hmm.. I'll wait for the lewd dump to finish first.
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Cooking. I read the Manga and am watching the anime a bit so I know how much I can talk about without spoilering my friends

You're gud!
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>what is ntr?
Oh fuck no I don't like where this is going.
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Holy christ, do you just pick the most poorly drawn ones you can find?
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I can't blame you for that

Looks like there is

Might give it a watch then
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i just choose randomly
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Cute Yuuko - 1.jpg
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Oh, you're probably right about that. There's two or three other Yuukos, I believe.

Oh, wow! That's pretty good pay. What do you actually do, like fix computers and stuff?

Hospital? Are you sick or something?
Mmm, thank you~.
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Kyouko (11).png
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Oh the art on this one is terrible, I've seen it before.
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Pick up the Manga then. It's better executed and has more bang in it than the Anime.
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sorry i don't really read the doujinshi myself i just choose one that has a character in it and post it
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Skeptical Ruby.png
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Get it right you idiot. You're such a fucking dumbass.

But don't think I can't insert as anyone and anything because my extensive imagination coupled with mental gymnastics on a cosmic, literally and figuratively, render almost any attempts to bother me meaningless.
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Kek. You're gud too.
Oh, awesome!
>I recently found out that Starbound has workshop now
>Found a 40k mod with armor n stuff
>Its pretty wicked.
Me and Angry Marine Anon love 40k
>He has that one model though so he's more into it.
I fix any problems I come across, develop the security system and upgrade it as needed, send out upgrades over an automated system, and manage the staff who also do these things
>I just sorta review a lot of stuff and answer emails
>I really enjoy messing with the servers though
The majority of my time during the afternoon is dedicated to messing around with nerdy kids who come to the IT area to be my "Aids."
>I really just use them to run laptops, spare batteries, and other shit to students
>I also teach them how to bypass security to play games and stuff.
They're good kids.
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still mine
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Just a thing i do occasionally.

You figure out what thread is all about yet?
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>on a cosmic
*cosmic scale
Never mind, I'm so stupid you couldn't get me to even comprehend ntr anyway.
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Obviously he wouldn't share his girl's nudes like this. It must be her angry ex-claimer!
She sure looked happy when she was with this guy.

I would like to tell you to fuck off, but this is actually a really nice picture.

Ahoy! Wie geht's denn heute so?

>>700530472 (Du auch)
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Well, i've gotta go.
Later, /waifu/
cya bully
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shiros definately cute as far as lolis go
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True dat, I am.
What are you up to?

Recht gut, meine Eltern sind endlich in den Urlaub geflogen, also hab ich die Hütte für mich allein und kann in Ruhe lernen und zocken ohne dass mir wer am Arsch geht
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chibi (3).png
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You up to anything?
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I wouldn't share her nudes or post this normal porn with disgusting blowjobs and non femdom themes
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Ok, I'll get in that eventually

Necrons are the way to go

Well, I don't know much about esdeath as a character, but wouldn't she like to dominate an autistic loser?

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witty file name 11.png
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Fucking lost it. '14 year-old's smooth handsies!'.
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As one anon leaves, another shows up.
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Just the two with you here now

It's only been me for like 8 months.
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Thread replies: 168
Thread images: 151

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