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Waifu Claiming Thread LEWD AS FUCK EDITION >Where your waifu

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 190
Thread images: 151
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Waifu Claiming Thread
>Where your waifu is shit and your opinion doesn't matter

The rules are simple:
>Claim your waifu or whatever abomination you want.
>Pretend to be normal and discuss stuff.
>Don't be gay.
>Be decent. You're in public.
>Insult other Waifu. Especially Dio.
>Drink beer.
>ERP if you're a faggot, but take it to /trash/
>Keep your clothes on
>Everyone is a faggot, faggot so stop being such a faggot.

Most important: It's just a thread.
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Cirno claim, btw
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Syndra [62].png
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Nothing can go wrong :^)
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Hello again.
>no life
>Juvia claimed
>just happy to be here
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I claim Marie.
Callie is SQUIT!
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My love for Alice has reached it's peak~

Time to go spend some waifu time and go to bed...
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Akitsushima [9].png
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Hello, first time here?
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Akiko claimed

Hello best blush
What's good friend?

At least there's no uncensored hand holding

Nice loli
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You know Gasai (270).jpg
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I usually just claim Lady Satsuki
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It'd be fine.
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Not much. Preparing myself for the hour long ride to LA to meet up with Iowa and probably Ika.
How are ya?
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>At least there's no uncensored hand holding
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Got my lil bapsta
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TheWonderfulNui (42).png
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Ah, well it's nice to see another KLK claim every now and then.
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Not even close, but hello.

Yeah, she would kill you. I'm still happy with my choice. Take care now, comrade. I'll see you later.

Again, thanks for not scolding me. You're awesome.
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ooo, 69?

hmmm, I don't specifically have THAT...
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AA [15].jpg
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>uncensored hand holding
Now you got me interested
I usually wake up at around 12 30 so don't expect an instant reply at an earlier time but still do if you need to.
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That's fine, me and Iowa will probably stop and see the Iowa before we head your way.
>Go to bed Squid!
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My boy, I'm equally (if not worse) a heretic

Good night!
>My secondary waifu claim
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You keep saying that, but you're the only one acting like you're going to heresy soon.
Are you sure about that?
Marie is a disrespectful asshole. At least Callie is nice.
My beautiful waifu.
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Ok, have fun and whatnot.
>the thread's threads have me bound to the thread.
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SS [84].jpg
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Im not doing anything like that
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Will do.
>You're just wanking it a second time, don't lie to me.
So how does this work?
Do I just claim my waifu?
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Marie isn't a whore like callie is
I guarantee you that Callie sucked a lot of dicks to win all of those splatfests!
What's going on in this thread
>Wew fucking lad
you're just salty that marie didn't win any splatfests until the end
>I swear I'm not. I'm saving them for a future wank though.
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>Never talking about your waifu
>Posting pictures of not-your-waifu

It all checks out.
You'll be a heretic soon.
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yeah then you can sit around and talk or something
i dont know i woke up and it was like this
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I just got back from doing an exam and I realized I might have a drinking problem. I'm ready to get into a game and get drunk now

Yea man nothing gets me off like some hardcore hand holding

Hold up i just noticed in that screenshot Kurusu is standing right behind her to the left, yet he should be standing several metres further pushing Mero's wheelchair


There's no hand holding pics so it's not out of control
Also I'm back from my walk
How js everyone?
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You Know Gasai (138).jpg
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O you're back

Right when Ima go sleep

Ight time to pass the yuno torch
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AA [27].jpg
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First one is not true, i just don't talk about it to you
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Not our problem.png
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She did too.
She won Cats vs Dogs and Autobots vs Decepticons before she won Pokemon Red vs Blue.
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It's something
How are you doing tomoko?
You were saying?
Yay, I'll make you proud
Good night man
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TheWonderfulNui (67).jpg
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I'm still here.
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woke up a bit ago. just sort of sitting
Ehh i'll just blindly accept that. Don't really care if you get a new waifu or not.
It still doesn't change that fact that she's a huge bitch.
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CV [85].jpg
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Your going to have to wait
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>Yea man nothing gets me off like some hardcore hand holding
Mixing up your music, I like it
Ive never really listened to any brawl music first time hearing this
Oh that's basically the same for me
Sleep well?
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Still mad that you guys didn't win the last splatfest, huh?

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well enough. may decide to do something. not sure what
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He actually went and did it, the absolute madman

And what might you know about this?
Anyway, it kinda hit me in the face when I went to the store earlier to buy tp and garbage bags and ended up buying 3 bottles, exceeding my intended purchase in both quantity and cost. Again

You sick fuck
Xion is mine
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images (1).jpg
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Alright then thanks
Chino from is the order a rabbit claimed
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Quit fighting over make believe squids.
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>Do something.
Good job being vague, going to play a game?
I know I'm pretty crazy
>Seems like the alcohol didnt leave my blood just yet
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Absolutely nothing at all. I just had a feeling.
>Go to buy TP and trash bags
>Come home with 3 bottles
Akiko fucking how?!
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Kirino [317].jpg
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I enjoy brawl the most out of all the smash games, but that might be because i have fun playing the mods people make for it.

Brawl has a lot of it's own remixs of other game tracks and i love the Kirby ones

I love this one a lot.
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You come a lot just to post this picture heh?
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welcome aboard. got anything you like to do?
well yeah but which one
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I just said i don't really care though...
Your waifu is your business.
I'll tease you, but that's just in fun.
A cute
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Think I'ma take a nap now...
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For Yui (6).png
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What's so cute about shit?
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Oh that's a cute one
I remember someone else claiming Chino before but I haven't seen him lately

Yea wew. I expected some shit but not this
>implying the alcohol should ever leave your blood
Sometimes I feel like I function better after a few drinks

>Absolutely lewd

Give Ika and Iowa my regards when you see them
>I just had a feeling.
So that's the kind of vibe I give huh?
>Akiko fucking how?!
There was lychee wine on sale

This sad fucking faggot
Yea you're probably right, all about sentiment
>For me it melee
That sure is a good Kirby remix though
Pretty much up to you
>Early morning witcher seems fun
I've been in here!
You've been ignoring me
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Kirino [292].png
2 MB, 1355x997

Seriously, you tell me.
They've been doing it for a while now.

Fuck off you Belgium cunt with your shit trips.
Didn't even get quads.
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Akitsushima [101].png
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What do you mean? Its my first time posting.
I just have more reasons to post it
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Hello Yui

>calls my get shit trips
>can't even get dubs
Go fuck a kangaroo you fucking inmate austist
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oh yeah. I think one just this thing...
Make me Belgian Waffles
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RJ (3).png
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Your first time posting it today?
>I just have more reasons to post it
Like what?
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no. i think ill just sit around for a bit
>Did someone say lewd edition
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Will do!
And nah, mostly since you talked about mead with me, I assumed you drank a lot.
>The hell is lychee?

Oh wow, so you have.
>I'm in a bit of pain with my back being sore, and I wasn't paying attention to closely to the thread... sorry cutie~
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installing vlc.gif
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>lewd edition
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>You're from Belgium?
I feel the same tbh but I'm quite the light weight so I go from a few drinks to really drunk real quick
That's fine too
Not going to eat? I'm always so hungry in the morning
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I'm so sorry ;-;

>Please let me make it up to you
Mizore is a whore
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TheWonderfulNui (90).png
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Melee is pretty great as well, all of them are good.

Though the love for Kirby in brawl may have also been a part of why i like that one so much.
Lychee looks like a peeled testicle but are sweet and a little tart.
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ohhhhh yeahhhh, you know?
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Homura (35).png
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Still posting same tumblr GIFs every thread?
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I'm so sorry ;-;

>please, please forgive me
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no im not that hungry
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Seriously beginning to think why you weren't killed in that Brussles bullshit last yeat.

Fucking Karen told them not to kill you, didn't he.
Fuck off elitist
Seriously, don't get mad over the picture someone posts. The fucking quality doesn't matter you autist. Fucking kill yourself
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GumGum claimed, also stop lewding your waifus you sick fucks
(Turbo Cute)
I don't think he can use anything else until he gets his hands on a better device.
Elitism is the cancer killing /waifu/
No (You)
I just calling a cute
Some other cunt is stealing my thing
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What else?
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Is pretending you're a newfag boat an in-joke i missed?
Well that's precisely it's goal so they are doing a good job at it.
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I think I killed Akiko with that intense uncensored handholding
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Homura (50).jpg
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>don't get mad
>gets mad

It's more than dead, I don't see any waifu discussion at all, but it can still get worse.
Tell me how is 'elitism' a bad thing.
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Akitsushima [33].png
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ok, cy'all
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You want brusselse, zandwafels, Lierse, Luikse, sugar waffles, Jachtwafels or beer waffles?

>I assumed you drank a lot
By most other people's standards, you would be right
>The hell is lychee?

>You're from Belgium?
Yes. How is this still new to anyone?
>I'm quite the light weight
I actually envy you for that. I wish I could get hammered faster

Kek, no way I'll ever show my face in the capitol
Mostly other muslims got killed in that attack because Brussels is a muslim immigrant infested shithole
>Karen told them not to kill you, didn't he
Wasn't it Karen who blew up?
>read the filename
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True, though I have never played the N64 version

Yea they suddenly introduced a lot of Kirby characters, and they were very cool to play too
Ehhhh can't put it better than>>699720430
I don't really care that you are such a sad person
Your loss
>Just ate a Pb&jelly sandwich
That shit is so good
Tell me what good things it has done.
Hmmm, looks like it'd taste interesting.

I dunno, some people down here drink beer like it was fucking water.
See above.
oh ur still there.
Did you catch:
(bottom left)

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Kirino [70].png
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Fuck I forgot that was why he's not on thread anymore

Sandy fag will kinda be missed
>>read the filename

Here I'll give you a guide
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didnt really like pb and j anyways
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Eh I don't read up on other conversations that much
>We haven't really talked before
I'm from the Netherlands so I was glad to hear you're my neighbour

Nah man being a lightweight sucks
Last time I did a drinking game with friends I had one bottle of Bacardi and I was wasted
Anyone who uses 'elitism' unironically is an idiot.
Elitism made all the oldfags leave and go to their fucking ts3, discourse, and telegram
Also they act like there's any quality on /b/
Quit complaining about quality if you're on /b/. Literally moot made this board to hold all the shitposting.
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RJ (4).png
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I'm raising awareness.

>sees your HQ lvl
How can you spend so much time in this game without getting bored, pretty much everyone passes me.
Yeah she is a real cutie
I like to watch anime sometimes.
I imagine everyone else here does as well?
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Akitsushima [130].jpg
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Whats yours?
Atleast its not 90 something after just a month of playing :^)
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>Not liking pb and j
Are you even American?
I recently watched the order is a rabbit, it is really cute
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Homura (23).jpg
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Eh, do you have unlimited bandwidth? If you can post 60Kb GIFs you could be posting decent quality JPGs.

>I don't really care that you are such a sad person
Where did this come from and how does this matter?

>Elitism made all the oldfags leave
The thread gets too fast paced at times anyway, if it wasn't for this groups no discussion would be allowed. They have other purposes like holding voice calls for vidya, your point being?

>Also they act like there's any quality on /b/
I've seen quality on this thread and I want to keep it.

>Literally moot made this board to hold all the shitposting.
If you want to shitpost go ahead, but don't try to make arguments if you're just shitposting and not posting quality.

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nope anime is detested around here
i just dont like it. im not sure why really
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TheWonderfulNui (96).jpg
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So wait, i assume you only played melee and Wii U/3ds based on what you said so far, right?

Speaking of Kirby and the new smash i was upset to find out that the Yoshi stage was at some point a Epic Yarn stage but they changed it to advertise the new game.

But i guess they thought GCO would be fine for us, despite being very annoying and kinda bland in music.
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RJ (30).jpg
4 MB, 2591x3624
40 currently. But I was on a long hiatus since last event, just doing an LSC once in a while, picked up on it again two days ago.

>Atleast its not 90 something after just a month of playing :^)
Gee I wonder who could this be directed to.
I should not train with the MWO unit while drunk.
There is no quality posts on /b/, you autist. Anyone who expects quality post from everyone and gets all pissy when they don't are sad people. Also when someone burns you you get all the active elitist to gang up on them. Which according to elitist they only try to defend their right to stay in /waifu/ because they helped create it. Just because you get rekt doesn't mean you have to leave forever
Thanks Homura
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>Being an elitist on /waifu/
>Not seeing on sad you are being
I'm just going to be quoting yesterday's rules
>Being an elitist on /waifu/ is like winning in the special Olympics, you're still retarded
I think I know why
>Play ace attorney music
You're not a real American!
I've played brawl once or twice, my sister has it
But I mostly play those yea

Why were you disappointed? Epic yarn was pretty cool looking right?
It is a lot more fun though
>There is no quality posts on /b/, you autist
wew and i tough the summer was already over
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i can live with that
> people down here drink beer like it was fucking water
Got much problems with drunks?
I was always more into sweet stuff but I can appreciate a nice pint
Belgium is kinda known for it's beers. We got 130 breweries in our country, whom make a combined total of about 1000 kinds of beer. I have yet to try most of them but it's hard since some kinds are super rare and are only brewed in limited quantities and such

I'm always here
Yeah I caught all that but replying to each and every one seemed tedious
Go take a nap you

Yeah, rip the little blonde daughteru claiming terrorist
Went out with a bang

>We haven't really talked before
>I'm from the Netherlands
Hey vriend
Is dit een andere Yuno dan de Yuno die ik ken? ik dacht dat die amerikaans was maar ik volg de verschillende claimers niet zo goed. Hoelang hangt ge hier al rond?
> I had one bottle of Bacardi and I was wasted
Fucking rip. Having it the other way sucks as well. Being the only guy still standing at the end of the night despite having drank as much as everyone else, or having to drink so much before you get drunk that you throw up from the sheer volume. Also gotta spend more on booze if I'm down to get fucked up

Aye, that she is. I have yet to watch her anime though
I'm not Homura.

Also, just because /b/ doesn't have standards doesn't mean this thread can't have standards.

Elitism is a stupid term, coined by a shitposter with the intention of dividing the community. You using it means he succeeded
File: Homura (75).jpg (648 KB, 1457x2064) Image search: [Google]
Homura (75).jpg
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Ok I wanted to help you but it seems like you're an avatarfag coming here for a facebook tier chat.
You don't even realize that rule is a joke made to poke fun at people like you.
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TheWonderfulNui (70).png
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Epic Yarn stage was cut in favor of the similar Yoshi's Wolly World stage.

I'm disappointed because we got less Kirby this time around in favor of advertising.
That's sarcasm right?
You should watch it, it's really good
Ehhh, not a problem per say, but it is rather apparent.
I don't really like non-sweet things at all.
>Hell, even that really good mead was JUST good enough to make me like it. I tried a less sweet kind, and forced myself to drink it only to show up my friend who was sipping it like a wimp, so I downed the entire cup in one go.
Most of the beers here are Mexican brand, at least, that's the most common. And outright, it's piss water.
I don't see Minons anywhere.
But if Im learning stuff being drunk is bad.
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Forgot pic
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Homura (91).jpg
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Syndra threw em all away.
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i admit it was a poor joke
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Now that's what I call a patriot
You and galil really are different you know?
Kek gaan we nederlands of Engels praten?
Ik hang hier nu ongeveer 2 weken rond en ja ik ben een andere
>You know gasai
>Discount tsundre chan
Ik moet mn filenames nog veranderen maar mn PC is kapot
>Spend more on booze if I want to get fucked up
Hah yea I guess that's pretty bad as well.
I guess we're just the worst of each way.
Isnt it more fun seeing your friends fuck up than you instead?
Okay I'm fine with you ignoring me
Oh I see, yea that kinda sucks I guess
The 3ds version doesn't have a lot of stages anyway so that kinda sucked
I feel like this new smash was way too much oriented towards fire emblem
>Akagi claimed
Heya /waifu/, how is everyone
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Oh joy... the elitism non-sense is back in full swing i see.

If you really think there's elitism in the waifu threads, you're a fool. Sorry.
Nobody has any more power than anybody else here.
Best you can say is that waifu has cliques, and that has fuck all to do with elitism.
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Syndra [69].jpg
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Wait what
>defending elitists this much
Never mind, im slow
It's literally august which is in the summer, Homura. From all the threads on /b/ there is no quality. Furry threads are fucking disgusting and therefore low quality posts. Trap threads have low quality posts. Fluffy threads are low quality. I could go on but I'll assume a slow-minded individual like you got the point.
We are /b/, you fucking retard.
We are a part of /b/. The rule: "This is not /b/, this is /waifu/" is autistic because last time I checked "/waifu/" is on /b/. There is no quality here or anywhere else on /b/
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Claimed. Lewdz?
>there is no quality here
Keep believing that
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Discount Megumeme~
So furry, trap and fluffy is all of /b/?
Where is the quality, then? Because I sure as hell don't see any
That's just naming a few examples
You excited for the village full of megumemes?
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i never really noticed until now
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TheWonderfulNui (59).jpg
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Not sure exactly why they did all that for Fire Emblem, even of the last Dlc characters it was someone from that series, though already got Shulk and all the Kirby characters remained but i would have liked Magolor.
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HomuMad (64).jpg
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I can do that if it's what you want, but I never said I would. You keep inserting things I don't say into my posts.

>promoting shitposting
>hating on elitists this much

330 move speed is sort of slow, but being able to cast Q on the move makes up for that quite well.
Hey there
Then leave, there is quality in discussion and there is quality in sharing artwork.

>I don't have to improve myself because other people aren't
That's a shitty attitude to have
Yeah posting the same pics every thread sure makes for great sharing of artworks.
>not knowing what elitism means
>calling anything against elitism "shitposting"
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