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Human grill waifu claiming thread! Rules: >Claim your Waifu/Husbando

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 180
Thread images: 151
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Human grill waifu claiming thread!

>Claim your Waifu/Husbando
>No Claiming Waifus/Husbandos that have already been claimed
>No stealing (unless trips or more)
>Oversexualised content is encouraged
>No RP/ERP of any kind (maybe some on occasion)
>Discussion is welcomed
>Insults must be original
>If you're posting images you're not lurking
>3D is almost always trash
>Joining means a reserved place in hell
>This is /Jenny/ not /b/
>Most importantly, Feminine penises are still penises. You are still gay if you jerk off to them

Best robot claimed
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Cirno again
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well if it works well and the UI is better than Tumblr's mess then I'm down to use it.
>having your employer's be dependent on your skills
No wonder they pay you well.
confused? good.
Gaming, sketching, watching anime or making music. why?
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still here
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fucking shit...
it was worth a shot, tho
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I need to rest, see ya all later.
>>698799202 (Anonon)
You're already putting a lot of effort into it, as long as you have fun doing it that's all that matters though.
Oh shit I'm sorry, I'm too lazy to reread the thread.
That's good I guess and if you don't mind telling it twice
Doing anything now that you can see again? Work or something?
>Prefer going until I need to
I'm afraid I don't follow
My dog just got so excited it jumped on my and spilled all my coffee over me so I'm gonna clean real quick
>It burns
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I'm out for the day

Good night thread and remember, you have a heart of gold, dont let them take it from you
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to sleep. nice mess
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Thanks. Glad to hear!

Yeah, Tumblr is WAY too slow to load because it's way too overdone.

And Facebook is just shit.
I see you deleted your earlier bake.
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Dude you keep missing all the good gets. What the fuck is wrong with you.
>confused? Good
Fuck you nig

I made a burger earlier today and it should be in fridge as long as nobody ate it.

Can't you update your drivers while you sleep or something?
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Waaahaaa! But losing a bunch of matches in row isn't fun! I'm just kidding, it's all fun and no harm.

Oh, nighty then Nui
Waters taking forever to boil.
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Still still here.
Penny Time
>I spent almost a month and a half just fixing the servers and stuff they use to store info and grades and stuff
>When he asked me why I had spent so much time and effort on all of their servers I basically said.
>"I had fun doing it really, plus I'm trying to make us more efficient. That way we can focus on kids learning more about stuff instead of having the servers overloading and stuff."
>He replied "You have fun doing this? This shit to me is like rocket science. Without you this school might be dead, so take the next month and a half off. Until the 22nd of August, thats when we start back up anyway."
>Mfw half of my vacation was paid vacation.
I love my job.
>I actually took a few days off last September before I hired the rest of my crew
>Shit went south very quickly on the day I was gone.
I got 3 people fired for incompetence
>These motherfuckers couldn't even replace a server hard drive.
Yeah but I have to update them individually for some reason so its easier to do while I'm awake
>My graphics card auto updates which is nice.
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Kelly Hart, claimed.
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that sounds good
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get that fucking 3DPD outta here.
facebooks UI is fucking cancer.
i made it when the replies were at 150 instead of the images. and besides, it would've died before we hit the limit anyway.
i once got quints. i guess it was just a one off deal.
fuck, i really want to work as an IT now.
>coudn't replace a server hard drive
My class literally helped our school replace them when the whole block went down. how hard can it be?
no u
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>facebooks UI is fucking cancer.
yeah, and they just keep making it worse and worse.

Have you seen the new chatboxes? they look like very fucking messenger out there, and the green light is now more difficult to see because of the hue/shade/whatever they changed it to on the blue.
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Yea that was pretty bad, he is so clumsy
What are you making?
Hey there shizuru, how are you?
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oh, forgot a pic
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Its not hard, I mean, you back up the stuff, pull the old one out, insert the new one, and refresh it with the backup.
>These idiots used a crowbar to open up the top part of the server
>I made them pay for another one.
An IT manager like myself can earn (median) about 120,000 a year
>I earn about 125,000 tho
>Its a comfy life style now
>I just want moarguns.
But first I need to get a new car
>My old car starts shaking at 60mph.
Oh no it wasn't this thread
>What was it you said a couple days ago? Lazy shit? Something like that.
It was yesterday's thread. I remember I said something along the lines of I'm glad it's finally over, I can finally see after 2 weeks of blindness. Or something like that. Here's a pic.


How do you repair a server hard drive?

Aw damn that blows. Why aren't you updating one right now.

Yup. Burgers all day everyday.

Don't make me cri

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Chicken carbonara. Pastas being a bitch.
Well... at least I don't have to worry about that front fender problem anymore....
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well they are a good dog though right
i want one now
You hit something didnt you
Now you have to worry about hospital fees

Sadly I'm not hungry right now.
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i rarely use facebook now. it's just a bunch of "share 4 this, ingore 4 aids" or something like and bunch of stolen quotes. i have no idea how much worse it's gotten. even Myspace had a better UI. and that site is fucking dead
Fucking maniacs.
but i already cri DDDD:
oh shit its you boi
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I'm alright. Just don't really have anything i want to do tonight. You?
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>Lazy shit
Well I wasnt wrong at the time right?
Besides back then I didn't know you were practically blind so I'm sorry
I guess you can watch the Olympic games now
Oh shit that's so good, I'm guessing it's dinner time where you at
You better show that pasta who's boss
Yea he is great and also very sorry now but it doesn't change that he is a lose cannon
Currently updating my firewall
>then my motherboard, then my hard drive, and then I need to update my bluetooth adapter so it'll sync with my phone again
Such is life.
>I need to do regular checks on these because I forget.
Anyway I'm probably gonna go to bed while this does its thing. Later ^^
>Plus its 3:30 AM and I need to stop being awake for a while.
>Goes up to maintenance crew
>"What? Why?"
>"Uh... Okay."
>Goes over to server
>Beat it feverishly with crowbar
>Duct tape hard drive onto it
I feel like if they were any more incompetent that actually would've happened.

No, it... uhhh... fell off... somewhere. I was riding around, and I didn't hear, see, or feel it fall off. And I got home, went to open the gate to roll the bike into the back, and I noticed there was no fender on it anymore! The screws were there, the plastic around the screws was there, but the plastic past that, no where to be seen.

Yee boi.
Well shit, my internet is fucked. i gotta go. shit needs fixing.

Well then. Unrucky.
Cream is too thin but its still tasty.
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Well you can always watch some anime right?
>Sleep is for the weak
I just woke up but Im still kinda tired right now I'm just chilling with some music and my dog
>Cute husbando
How are you?
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>even Myspace had a better UI. and that site is fucking dead
Some people said a prototype of my UI looked kinda like old school MySpace.

I decided that after I get the whole thing set up, though, I'll be aiming for something that looks good on both phones and desktop.

>i rarely use facebook now. it's just a bunch of "share 4 this, ingore 4 aids" or something like and bunch of stolen quotes
Yeah, the only thing I do is occasionally pop by to chat with people or post videos and comments on my page.
I can't even use their goddam feed anymore, because it's so fucking gay.

And I have to block apps all the time, because BY DEFAULT, people can send you these fucking app requests.

Eventually, yes, I will also have apps on my site, but BY DEFAULT, they'll be disabled for any account. You'd have to proactively go into your settings to ENABLE them.

They're entire site is literally cancer. And I wouldn't even BET they don't allow apps to be blocked by default b/c of money they share with the 3p devs. I KNOW that's why they do it.
Shit get but it's a get right?!

Damn. Well later dude.

Kek! You don't know how hard that made me laugh.

Well now we know you're a lazy shit too! Anyways yeah I can watch Olympics now. Although, I didn't watch it today. Or yesterday.

Ok later
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oh well that sucks
loose cannons are ok
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although, another possibility I was playing around with was not actually doing apps the way FB does at all, and just kinda linking the site to some games I wanna develop.

like MMOs and stuff, some made explicitly for the site, others framed in
I'd say I'm EXTREMELY lucky, actually. That could have fallen off in a turn, and slipped right under that front wheel. You should know how bad that would have been.

Not a husbando!
Also not cute!
Could be better, could be way worse though.

I don't even blame you, I'm laughing at it myself. It's a bitch, because now I'll NEED to get a replacement somewhere, but... eh.
>Needs new fuses, jetkit, dash lights, and now the fucking fender
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Ehh i considered it. Not really in the mood though.
It always seems like a good buy at first. Im lucky I didnt buy the CB250RR Fireblade I first spotted in the paper.
>engine was warm when I arrived
>pipe had black dust
>major damage to the fairings
White hair spotted
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Cooking is hard right?
Enjoy your meal man
But I'm always a lazy shit, that's my second name
>My parents have a sick sense of humour
They're fun unless they're your own. I need to walk him atleast 4 hours a day
>So much energy
Speaking of which I might do that now
But wait, its literally both
That's kinda good I guess what's wrong though?
That happens I guess
What about some games though?
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The only reason I'm laughing is because your not kill. Otherwise... Rip. Jeez man, how much is that gonna cost you?


>lazy shit
>second name
Hey, I still love the thing! It's taking some work to get pristine again, but it's not LIKE A ROD BEARING IS SHOT LIKE ANOTHER NEW BIKE I KNOW OF!
Besides, I'm trying to look up some aftermarket fairings right now.

No fun allowed!
See >>698801868

Mmmmm, if I get the OEM ones, $300. Or i could just look around and get a full aftermarket fairing for probably around $600.
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Ship murder loli
Not you too
Well what about total price?
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Good morning guys
Lilly claimed
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Also considered that. Was thinking about playing on of the VNs i abandoned. Again though, don't really feel like it.
Ship murder?
Didn't murder anybody.
Hello, how do things faire for you?
Total price for JUST the part that broke, $300.
Total price for brand new plastic ALL OVER the WHOLE bike, $600.

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enjoy the walk
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But i know you want to murder ships.
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I think thats all the same
At least i slept well..
Só o have confidence in my anime recognition skills
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mmmNah. I just enjoy picking on people, and ships are a fairly amusing target.
Touch of sadism i suspect.
But, like, how much total for the new fuses, dash lights, etc.
>nigger, making me go back up to see what else

Good sleep is always good suppose. Doing anything good today?
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Okay, starting radiotherapy. Wish me luck

Even if I won't see it since I'm leaving for the hospital right now
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Well I guess sometimes you just wanna shitpost on /waifu/ right
That was a horrible experience
>Outside for 5 min then it started pouring I had to run back home
I think I was outside for 10 min and it felt like I took a dive into the sea with clothes on
Yea but I'm really lazy though
Damn dude, do you got cancer? Good luck, I hope you don't die.
Why you have to post Togame with that shit?
Your comment's sad enough, let alone the foreshadowing.
Best of fucking luck dude. You can beat this shit, I've seen it done before.
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sounds like a nice cool day
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Don't die anon, come back alive.
I hope it works
Good luck dude dont leave us
He says the doctors said it wasnt terminal
Good luck anon
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Well I guess your picture I kinda fitting but its stating the obvious
>Cool day
It's 12 fucking degrees, in august
Im so done with this shitty ass country
>He says the doctors said it wasnt terminal
You're telling me. All I did was sleep today. Woke up, did some shit, came back home, slept, woke up, worked outside, napped, woke up, played games, eat, sleep, woke up, 4chan. That was my day.
>thought you went kill

Damn it, I was supposed to respond to >>698804568
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Well kind of. I'm not even super in love with doing this, yet here i am.
If nothing else, i am a creature of habit.
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that sounds nice better than being 100 outside
Well you do sleep a lot, but you also do a lot shit on the side
Explain to me though, so many short naps kinda destroys your sleep rhythm right?
>Thought you went kill
If you mean by this that I was gone for some time it's because I was going to walk my dog but God decided to drop the fucking pacific on me so I went back home
>Not in love with doing this
But shizuru we are in love with you, how can you be so mean
It's not, I don't know what kind of creature you are but I like some sort of summer
>Literally two days of good weather
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id pass on it. its way too hot in the summer.
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OH! The jetkit will be about $100, the lightbulbs if my dads friend can't get them from work will be about $50+, fuses should be less than $10.
I kind of don't really have a sleep rhythm anymore. I kind of just sleep whenever I want to. I only have to be careful of when I wake up though since those are more important than sleep time.
>drop the Pacific
Kek, well, good to have you back.

Hit is better than cold because you can always remove clothes if it's too hot but if you're in cold weather and you get cold then you're screwed because you'll have to go back for warmer clothes. Plus your face would be freezing but not your everything else.

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Hmm? Since when?
Not to be needlessly self loathing, but i am rather skeptical that anyone here loves me.
That's far too strong an emotion for some random person in a waifu thread, in my opinion..
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>When I See you dance with another
Literally her song
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Hello Ika.
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im fine with wearing a jacket and you know how cold it is soon as you walk out the door. with heat here i wear a shirt and pants and its still too hot. id rather freeze a little bit then burn
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Please no
Why not
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Anything good?

I wear a jacket in around 80s if It gets too hot then I take it off.
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But that's the fun of summer, how can I enjoy winter if I haven't been actually warm this whole year.
Plus I love going to the beach but that want an option either this year
Also this>>698806172

So I'm guessing you don't really have a job or school because those run on a tight schedule and you cant just sleep whenever
>Waking up more important than sleep
I don't think I understand, do you mean if you sleep too long you'll feel drowsy?
I don't take the word love too serious, I meant I appreciate you being here, like I do many more
>It was kind of a joke
We are all autistic faggots so I feel like we already have some sort of relationship though
Fucking kek
Thx for this haven't heard them before they're good
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My own post is bothering me. It sounds like i'm trying to agro the hugbox.
Let's make it clear, i'm not fishing for affirmation. Just stating an opinion.
Because why?
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Nothing really at the moment, just some music.
Yourself? Isn't it late for you?

I don't know
You're still cute in my books
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low eightys jacket is fine
well i just like it cold more than i do hot
I really think you're mixing up the waifu and anon, anon.
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No I'm not
No job and currently on vacation. What I mean by that is that thing like school or job which run on schedules I must be awake for. So I can't sleep an hour before or else I'll wake up way too late.

Music here as well. Its 3:50am over here currently.

Agreed, but high 80s and up gets unbearable after a while.
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Rip fender. Also, who added me on Steam?
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Speaking of that, Hoppou might fit you.
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Eh, well alright.

Damn. You going to be doing anything tomorrow? If you should probably sleep.

>Maybe it was dark and he came across a pack of roaming negros, pulling it off pit crew style with speed and silence and he never had a chance to notice
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Madoka Kaname, claimed.

Long time no see waifu thread, got to get up early for work this week.
Dunno, I already had you.

No you~

As did I. We did go by a bad part of town, so it's perfectly possible.
>Even more so since i had no tail lights due to a fuse being blown.

Hey, hey, Kooooume~
Damn, I shouldn't have gone there. That was funny.

Nah, I never do anything anymore. I had actually woken up like 3 hours ago.

It seems everyone is reading this one. Lol
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Yea I think got that.
So how's the witcher going?
Ow cool, I should've guessed since everyone is on vacation atm
Did anything cool this break?>>698807516
Lewd as fuck
Oh my god
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i stopped a bit ago. im deciding between world of tanks or world of warships
But you're the cute!

>not the only thing thats going to get blown~

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Ow okay.
I play neither so I wouldnt really know
Do you play both or gonna start for the first time?
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i have a lot more stuff on world of tanks. my world of warships stuff is significantly lower
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I don't really know anything of the games so I wouldnt know what stuff
Id say world of warships would be more fun though, since you got more to gain
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Hmmm... Well if we're using the word different, i'll keep it to myself then.
I'm not switching to a damn boat.
Or whatever that is.
I'm sticking with Shizuru. This isn't even in question.
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But you have any good shits and giggles?

>Video related.
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The only thing I can remember is that I bought my car like really early this summer and then no more money. Then skip to recently when my glasses broke, that's an experience I won't be forgetting soon.
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Its an Abyssal, the thing that kills boats.
And i know your tempted to.
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yeah i just need to break into the ships in this game. im currently on a tier 3 or 4. my tanks are much better off
im not sure what you mean but i normally play by myself
What kid of car did you buy?
And neither will I, it was pretty funny
I don't know if that's good or not, also I heard that Russian thanks are very strong do you agree?
>I whish my PC wasn't broken so that I could play with you

>Tsun yun
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>Kills boats
I don't care enough about boats to pick a thing that kills boats for that sake alone.
I'm honestly very indifferent to boats. Again, they're simply something popular that's amusing to pick on.
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russian tanks are pretty good. big guns and decent armor. usually lack mobility and their guns cant aim down
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Mitsubishi eclipse 2009
That shit was wack as fuck. Simple things became hard.
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Syndra [212].jpg
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Its also a loli witch would fit some things.
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You're just trying to recruit more white hair waifus.
Seen ex-Yoko's new waifu?
Yoko switched?!
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>Can't aim down
Does that even matter? Its tank vs tank
That's a nice car man, did you buy a used one because new can get pretty expensive
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More eyepatched lolis. This one has white hair too.
>Pic is Yoko's new waifu, Laura.
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Heresy ;-;
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Used. Prices start exponentially growing after the later years.

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yeah when your tank is going up a hill you have to go over all the way if you want to shoot exposing your tank a lot more than a tank that has good gun depression that could peak over the turret over the top and look down
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Eh. These things happen.
I'm just glad it's not a boat.
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Syndra [181].jpg
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Thats just a coincidence.
>Seen ex-Yoko's new waifu?
Better be good.
Atleast its the best girl from that show.
>More eyepatched lolis
Whats with lolis and eyepatches?
If i get a waifu with white hair will Syndra love me?
Smart choice
And tbh I'm not much of a car fanatic so i wouldn't really know
I guess it's still a tactical game
However if you play Russian tanks cant you just avoid hills?
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I don't have any credit to buy from a dealer and it would be cheaper too. And I'm not crazy about cars either so I just looked for the main things, and let my dad check everything else.
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if its a city map then your life is much easier. if its one of the hilly maps in Europe your options are a lot less. although russian tanks do have really big guns which are nice but reload times are usually horrible compared to many others. also the tanks are rather large making them good targets for artillery
Im hoping to hit tier 4 in MWO before sleeping.
>not going to happen on this map
>Im playing a big tanky mech on the map with the largest flat area
>my effective range is 300m
>fuck I hate potatoes
I will not be suppressed!
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You know, i couldn't tell you.
No idea why it got so much traction.
Asymmetry in general is quite popular in anime.
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I always felt like dealers were just on this planet to rip you off, I haven't bought I care but all of my family has bought used ones.
Also youre American right? Do you drive manual or automatic?
You have artillery in world of tanks? Damn that actually sounds kinda nice.
Have you decided what to play yet though?
>Word of tanks or world of warships
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Syndra [223].jpg
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Why would i?
It bothers me way more than it should.
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yeah artys are a weird lot. i just finished patching world of warships
You don't love me back?
For real. Fuck dealers.
Yes I'm American. I drive automatic, I want to know manual but not drive it because I don't want to deal with more things like the clutch and gears and such. I know it's better but, I'd rather not deal with more stuff.
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I think it's a little too common for my liking. My inner rebel likes unique things. Eyepatch no longer satisfy that itch. There's like, 6 in this thread.
Th-those images!
They're t-too lewd!
As i said, why would i?
Does that mean what i think it means?
Woah Syndra.
Lookin good.
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Syndra [69].jpg
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Thanks 4chan.
I wonder if someone got mine.
I bought a whole roll of industrial strength duct tape for that fender that fell off, actually. I guess since i no longer have the fender, I could put it to use in... other ways~

Ehh? You don't like them? I guess I could always lose that lewd clothing, just for you~
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No. It does not, random 3d girls.
Believe it or not, i never picked my waifu for her appearance.
Unlike some people who's waifu has as much personality and backstory as your average dinner plate.
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Kirino [322].jpg
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I really want to see where your image ended up, if it did get switched.
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Jeez. Makoto gettimg lewd, Syndra getting compliments
Whats going on?
I am not getting lewd. I haven't even hit 2.0 yet!
>1.99 is still not 2.0!
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Syndra [246].jpg
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>fb fap
of course.
Fair enough.
>Syndra getting compliments
Am i?
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tmp_894-Ika Dance-1168453345.gif
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Wait... Wut?

Is that syndra behind the window?

Go 2
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Why are they weird
Okay what made you decide?>>698811159
Okay well I drive manual but I feel like automatic is waaayy easier so I was thinking about buying that sort of car later
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Any amount of lewd is still lewd
Well, you have people fantasising over you. And asking you to love them.
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they are just generally hated but they are there for a reason. i dont know just felt like it
That seems like something I would play
>Are they playable?
I enjoy playing things people like but are still viable
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Pic didn't load again
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very much so. their job is to sit in the back and lob shells at any tanks they got clean shots on. normally will be heavy tanks because they are slow and take up space
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Honestly, i'm not super fond of parts of Shizuru's appearance.
I'm generally not fond of the whole twin tails thing, and the way they're tied up confuses me a little, seems slightly impossible.
Her hands are a little smaller than they should be, i think.
Her school uniform is a little too loose-fitting, especially in the sleeves department, making her small hands seem even smaller, and the other outfits she wear, one makes her look like a 9 year old, the other is a strangely revealing, especially in the pelvic area...
It's whatever though. I like who she is.
Oh nothing, Squid, nothing~
>Not in thread!

Since when?!
Sounds like fun
For some reason I always dismissed this game as a usual ftp game but I think id might enjoy it who knows

>Tsun yun
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