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ITT: Badly explain a films plot and everyone guesses >The

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ITT: Badly explain a films plot and everyone guesses
>The own time main character isn't a self abusing pussy is when he's a bad ass when he's sleeping

Pic not related
Fight club?
Lesbian fish forgets everything
Finding nemo
Long time ago, but somehow in the future.
Some people call him "The Dark Defender"
Star wars
Back to the Future
Correct , or Finding Dory
Have to repost this one that I saw before in one of these threads:
awkward teenage boy discovers he can shoot white sticky substance out of his body
(no, it's not a porno)
These are too easy.
Here's a hard one for you.
>nignog is murdered
>who dunnit
>new York is a shit hole
>trains trains and trains
>honkies, mulattos, and nignogs fight all night
uncle 2?
Yeah that's what I meant.
>Wrongfully accused of killing someone
>get sent to prison
>get friends there
>one of friends is nigger
>gay people start to try and rape you
>warden an hero
>2 fat guys
yes, of course (although the other titles would probably be more appropriate)
Wow, so easy.

The warriors
Shawshank Redemption
Shawshank redemption?
Tenacious D and the Pick of Destiny
Fuck me I tried to be as vague as possible
Shawshank skank dank memes
the warriors 1979
>computer kid invents something
>everybody's butthurt
>OP be cowboy
>be in the mountain with a cowboy friend
this one is easy so i will try to make it hard
dexters laboratory
cringy group of teenagers tries to get laid
A Clockwork Orange
You're not even trying anon.
>guy with huge dick
>70's good times
>80's bad times
>ass in her cock
a clockwork orange
Social Network?
The social network
>guy smokes a lot of pot and goes bowling
Boogie Nights?
boogie nights
>fuck you
>ow my freaking ear
>the one that started the shitty franchise
>overrated to hell
>not spooky enough for me
>why is it raining inside a spaceship?
The big fuccbowski
high schoolers go to a strip club and buy drugs to solve a murder
are there nihilists?
this better not be alien
the big lebowski
>loves her sister
>fights some niggas
>becomes rich
>stoners, blackie, and lesbo
>murder chuckie and will hunting
yup, it's alien
>wake up on boat
>oh shit nigga
>russian fisherman are like wtf
>find out ur rlly good at killing people
>find out you were cia assassin
>fuck random girl you found in alleyway
>she gets shot in the face in the next movie
>try and rape you
You need to rewatch anon.
>drives to us city with friend
>hangs out there with friend
>lots of drugs

>become new news anchor
>everything going well
>swoll af
>fucking jim carrey
>guess i'll be god now

Bourne Identity
hunger games
No, Donny. These men are cowards.
Wait they did rape him? Shit nigga i havent seen that movie in a while
american pie
Bruce Almighty
You are a colossal fucking faggot
Bruce kekmighty
There´s this girl and this guy and shes this guy and the guy fucks her so shes her father and her fucker
Any guesses? Come on now
>booby traps entire toy store
Yep. Morgan freeman does the narration
>I wish I could tell you that Andy was able to fight the sisters off, but this is real life.
they ruin an article of his livingroom furniture
Anybody have the gif of this pic but her farting out tacos?
fear and loathing
Come on, it really isn't good
Ohhhh yeah thats right i forgot about that.
A rich kid from Buenos Aires takes up a career killing bugs against his parents wishes and subsequently becomes one of the greatest Argentinian heroes of all time while most of his school mates just get killed.
>farts tacos
Porky's, or American Pie.
starship troopers
Shawshank redemption
A local boiler technician teaches a group of teenagers that dreams really do come true

both wrong
Lebowski has already been done
nightmare on elm street
loud sound, shit goes down
Allegedly spent summers in the UK.
>4 girls
>pretend to be 4 guys
>want people to love them
>won't sell car to russian fags
>get robbed by russian fags
>kill russian fags entire family
Ding ding ding! Also nice trips
> slightly retarded guy who killed his (step?)father when he was still a child gets released from institution
> doesn't know how to handle life, drifts around a bit
> kills another abusive dude to protect some people he met
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chick's dumbass boyfriend loses money
she goes to him to help

do over
The first is, 2nd is good for some camp, rest are awful I will give you that
>some guy's Latin isn't very good so he flies his spaceship into hell
Toy Story 2
a history of violence?
John wick
sling blade
>at party
>ex wife is cunt
>hear gunshots
>oh shit nigger
>"now i have a machine gun, ho, ho, ho."
"Ghostbusters (2016)"
>couple of guys stand in a line-up and start cracking up
Sling blade
Lola Rennt
Die Hard
>on island
>some dudes take you hunting
>kill them
Last line gave it away
Weekend at bernies
Hot damn nice
sehr gut, my astute /b/ro
I love you Phillip Morris
Ez. Predestination
Shutter Island
>build first ever ultra expensive high tech machine
>it breaks
>there's magically another one
>guy is edgy
>brother is probably /b/ro
>mom is fat and useless
>sister works super hard
>punches brother
>burns house
>rip mommy
A barber cheats on his estranged wife with the baker downstairs
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Nigga, did you just call 'Alien' a shitty franchise?

And it wasn't rain, it was a leakage in the machine room.
fun time at uncles number 4
Teen boy's body changes and he discovers he can now shoot a white sticky substance out of his body.
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Only explanation is a still of one of the first frames of this animated classic
>no post on sundays
A lonely skinny man ventures in nocturnal modern Los Angeles taking pictures of crash sites and criminal activity.
He hires latino lowlife to help drive around at night.
crime means profit as lonely man makes money on a freelance basis
back to the future part III?
>some guy in a bunker tries to win a war but his generals turn out to be cowards or incompetent.
>an hero
>did nothing wrong
What's eating Gilbert grape
>bad at hockey
>badass tho
>gets put on the team to fight
>bangs a chick that's engaged
>becomes the best fighter
>fights other guy who's a brawler
>wins the fight
>wins the game
> A guy wakes up, shadowy people all over, things aren't what they seem, and he becomes the master of his world
I fuckin hate Contact for that reason
Fuck you yes
Woman in space finds the most huggable creatures ever! A crew member gives birth to a perfectly healthy baby boy but when it goes missing they have to search the whole ship to find it
Long hair hippy teaches people to follow his ways. Follower mutilated a guy to get is way. Long hair goes away for a long time. I see the future
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No but close
Are you mentally retarded or did you just think to yourself "I've seen a movie with an island! It must be that one!"
Jack Sparrow movie nr 847
We can't stop here! This is bat country!
Wait no I fucked up
>has paranoid visions
>is chad and gets pussy all the time
>cucked by ex-wife
Seriously. or The Martian.

Deus Ex Machina...
What's Eating Gilbert Grape?
In all fairness, only the first two are good.
3 is pretty crap
4 is just a pretty mediocre sci-fi action movie
Promethius and AvP don't bear mentioning
Meet the Robinsons
>be a scumbag
>wife finds out
>fucks you over
>fuck her over more
>falls back in love with you
>forced to stay with her
>he has a jar of dirt
Guess I didn't

It's been done already, and better
Sean William Scott : " HockeySmashdown
No I'll give a hint, the machine is meant to dig down into the earth. Good guess tho
Skelator is going crazy 'cause he hit some kid with his car.
Gone Girl.

Such a shit movie.
>a cat wakes up
>the antihero does a dance
>skinny god man tries to kick ass
>whole movie about keeping cat happy
Most obvious post yet for anyone who has seen nightcrawler
>man is kill
>man is not kill
>man gets laid
>man is kill again
I knoooooooooooooooooow this isn't the mystery team. Is this the fucking mystery team?
>gooks kill your dad
>assemble militia
>kill gooks
>small brown kid
>becomes pirate guy
>can't tell if it is good or super-pretentious
Kids on vacation meet a doctor hoping to bring them closer together than ever before
True, everything after 'Aliens' was mediocre at best. But still, a franchise with two classics is not a shitty franchise.


>>guitar dude gets killed, his girlfriend suprise butt-sexed and killed
>>animal brings him back
>>killing spree with corpse paint
Pretty sure you dont have to change to shoot a white sticky substance out of your body
brokeass mountain
>angry cop
>very memorable
Pirates of the caribbean, dead mans chest
human centipede?

Great watch
Mein Based Fuhrer
The Crow?

Fuck off Joe
True detective is not a movie
Contact? Wrong
You got it!
So you made big cumms when you were 5?
reminds me of meet joe black, but that was different guys within it that meet the criteria
>fucking /mu/ faggot
>women don't like me
>I like music
>your music is shit
>fat friend is actually pretty good
well maybe it's not true detective m8
>guy gets cucked by his gf
>team of mentally ill faggots go to stop an edgy man from using his wife's son
>WW1 in all of it's horrific glory
>character development or something
^ faggot
this is funny
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Well done. You know your classics.
Okay got one:

>government officer looking for escaped prisoner
>staff is extremely and oddly unhelpful
>a lot of rain
>keeps finding odd clues that make the case stranger
>suffers hallucinations
>he's not who he thought he was.

Name that film boys.
the time traveler's wife
>mental ward
Remember the titans
>made big cumms
>sand nigger detected
And yeah maybe i did
take a look
Fat pervert makes money from children by forcing them to play music
Gets arrested
Gets released
Starts Chinese sweatshop style workshop rearing kids like cattle to make profit from their talents
Dicks in my mouth 4

Reservoir Dogs
Der Untergang
Unless you spooder
> Wife gets kidnapped
> Kill ridiculous amount of people
> Where's my wife!?!?!
> She isn't my wife.
Not TD, guy with visions did the cucking
Shutter island
Home alone?
2016 ghostbusters.
My sides are in orbit.
all quiet on the western front
You got it
>seriously overrated
>boring life of a boring kid
>looks like a caveman
>is a complete faggot his entire life
Well done!
>we play drums and shetz
heres a classic
>four friends go on a canoe trip
>meet the lovely locals
>turns out one of the friends is gay
>nerdy friend is kill
Fun times with time travel in Montana while everyone else is fighting killer cyborgs from the far corners of space who came to stop the Magic Carpet Ride
No, try again
>daughter is gone
>qui gon jin shits himself
Not home alone. Its Home Alone 2: Lost in New York
Mean creek
blade runner
August rush?
Blade runner?
one flew over the cuckoo's nest
Oh yeah almost forgot
> Man is kill over and over and over and over again
>oh shit better go back
>movie everybody wants to see
>claims its new but remake of old
>girl is unreal character, good at everything
>movie is actually lame, but everybody thinks its good because it "wasn't bad as those other ones"
I bet he also has a particular set of skills
Can't wait for the second one.
> some guys find a bunch of money in a wreck
> tensions, betrayal, things get out of hand, shotgun gets fired, semi-suicide by brother
> money turns out to be worthless anyway
Sorcerers stone
no, try again though
>took 12 years to make therefore it is good
Mad max fury road
a boy's life
Mad max
Ding Ding Ding Ding!

The shit awakens
Mad max
Star wars
Star Wars 7
>Man attends christmas party
>Snape ruins it
>Quotes western
Mad max
>degenerate doing degenerate things
>finds out about degenerate act too degenerate even for him
>kisses dude's feet
ding ding...correct title too
>real human bean
>and a real hero
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>fat girl steals something from guy then punches him in the throat
>punches him in the throat again
>she punches more people in the throat
Die Hard
fury road
Die Hard 1. Also done before
Already been done nigger.
Die hard
>goes to Alaska
>an hero
phone call meme: the movie
My mom?!?!??
"drive" that mutherfucka off a cliff
Identity Thief
this nigga used a picture from ifunny...
Mr Bean's holiday
Identity thief. Comedic genius
>Harry potter farts a lot
School of Rock
identity thief

Melissa Mccarthy is so annoying
No I'll give you a clue, I haven't had sex with her
A Movie Star, a Soldier and a Shaolin Monk go on a cruise together, Movie Star's sunglasses get broken, he is a very angry man.
>amazing soundtrack
It was actually weekend at bernies but time travlers wife works too.
Birth of a nation
>bearded teacher takes gets too close to students
>kids are confused
>Red's kid kills himself
>turns out teacher didn't diddle kids
>white people palooza
>Nigger gets gun
>Evolves into Nigga
>Nigga kills whitey
>Nigga blows shit up
>dosnt like jewelry gift from family member
>throws it away
>forced to be basement dweller
>gets released
>fucks daughter
O Brother, Where Art Thou
Yup. I've really had enough of the 'woah, i'm fat, and I don't care' act
>before cuban missile crisis
>lots of superpowered teens
>magnet man is mad
>coins in heads
School of Rock?
Lord of the Rings
have you ever been inside a spaceship? the wholee thing is a goddamn machine room
Sex and the city
War of the Worlds?
well done
School of rock
Django Unchained
Yea ha ha
Balls flying everywhere smacking people in the face to death. pedo chases boy

X-men: First Class
I mean that quote is too obvious

Mortal Kombat
Old Boy
Was just writing it up too, I had
> long kidnapping
> amateur dentistry
> accidental incest
> revenge
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