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Waifu claiming thread. Previous:>>696147859 >Claim

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 202
Thread images: 151
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Waifu claiming thread.


>Claim your Waifu/Husbando
>No oversexualised content
>chain lurk pics
>No RP/ERP, go be a faggot elsewhere
>Naps good idea
>Being an Elitist in the /waifu/ Community is like winning a gold medal in the special Olympics. You're still retarded.
>Most importantly, rattle rattle!
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best idol ship 35.jpg
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Going to go to bed hurt
as in
I'll be hurt trying to fall asleep
because my tomato isn't cuddling me
But you solved that problem~ Hehe thank you <3 now i can sleep peacefully.

Goodnight all! I'll see ya tomorrow.
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Kirino [302].jpg
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i leave to have a shower and the threads already capped. shit

>mettaton claimed
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Still claimed.
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chibi (11).png
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Oh, I would dare.
>I'd probably wear one too. I do enjoy frilly dresses!

Looks like an interesting game, keep me updated on it!
>Especially if it's on PC.

>Go to /o/
>Spooky things thread
This is not what I need to be reading when I'm all alone at night.
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Best type moon claimed.
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Yeah i am just kinda of autistic with the keyboard
Alright, real talk

What the fuck is with the ship and plane waifus? What in the honest fuck... That shit is just too fucking weird. You guys really are fucking retarded
姫小路 秋子
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TheWonderfulNui (49).png
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You're a pretty cool dude as well, and thanks.
You can't prove that.
Some dude who's last name was Harime?
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Shiki 0650.png
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Not just with the keyboard.
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204 - 9KQhcMu.jpg
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Did you know shiki is Butthurt because his waifu IS an actual shit and that literally noone likes him because he's a huges fucking ass. He's not even an elitist. He's just an autistic manchild with shit tastes.
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Arachne informant.jpg
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We have some bait here
>Not a single ship or plane waifu has been claimed in this entire thread
>How are we retarded again?
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3 MB, 500x281
>claiming yume

Demanding your waifus legs for... I just want to see them

Thigh Heigh Socks > Tights > Kneesocks > Bare legs > No legs aka snek
Big words coming from an underage shitposter.
And here as well
What make you think that?
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Ehh, I just wanted it to be Ragyo's DNA. So there can be three sisters. And maybe they can in an alt universe, go shopping together.
Not even bait
Boat... planes? What? What is this shit
Whats with the planes and the boat shit then
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Saber claim
Oh shit it's going down
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Claimed fuckos

Did you know 90% of people who post in this thread are actually desperate, lonely, horny people who use 2d girls to interact with each other, all the while insulting people who don't adhere to their shitty ideology? Yep, you're one of them.
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Homura (80).jpg
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I can't remember if I watched OPM before or after KlK but I know it was one after the other. Haven't watched anything else from Trigger, roast me.

It's basically fanservice: the anime. But it ends up turning nudity into something perfectly ordinary and I like the randumb humor.
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We'd be nice and cute...
>I guess it would be ok if you were dressed too
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a bit evil.jpg
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He's pretty damn cool.
That's not a good waifu.
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TheWonderfulNui (35).gif
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That would be my main guess considering Ragyo was one of very few to be near the original life fiber if i recall correctly
you forgot to post an image retard
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It's not my fault my wife doesn't want to have sex anymore.... :<
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Jokes on you I like him.

Watch Little Witch Academia.
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Ah, this must be what the hip kids use nowadays. Regardless, glad to hear that. Have a nice night, sleep well <3.

Gotcha m8. It'll probably be years knowing him though.

>Especially if it's on PC.
Uh yeah about that.
>So far it's only PS4.

How spooky we talking?
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Miia 7.jpg
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Nothing,jap like weird shit,it comes here and aparently some people like weird shit
It's chen.
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>He's exactly right, let me call him an underage because damage control
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I haven't talked to shiki, but he seems alright. Stop being butthurt you little faggot.
guessed as much
File: chibi (1).png (213 KB, 400x475) Image search: [Google]
chibi (1).png
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>little witch academia
Yea, this. I haven't watched the second movie yet, is that any good?
When you put in this little amount of effort you don't get (You)'s, silly.

Sorry, I don't think it's worth my bandwidth
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Homura (h).png
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That's not Chen.
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If Nui and Ryuko are more than just soul sisters, would their kissing be incest?
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I could write an essay on why I think Klk isn't very good, I don't consider it bad and it's certainly better than most of the shit we get seasonally. But for Trigger it's down their with their ln adaptations, it doesn't have the batshit insanity of Inferno Cop or Luluco, nor the genuine high quality/polish of Little Witch Academia.
I see you're not trying to dispute it. Your comments about having no friends is also rather ironic.

It's the guy who keeps hating on you people for having fun.
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Mercy is my waifu
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The lack of umaru chan talk is scaring me
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Cool shades bruh.png
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Get on my level shrub
>i default to Mercy
Yes you would be!

Gotcha, then I'll probably never play it.

Not as spooky as it could be, it seems.
Did you see the figure last thread?
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Nice filename
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Cliches still just make me not want to watch. Although OPM was still enjoyable despite them.
Umaru a shit.
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wew wew
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TheWonderfulNui (109).jpg
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Possibly, we know Ragyo is into that already so maybe Nui sees nothing wrong with it.
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Just means you should off yourself
Shiki is the most unlikable anon.
Coming from an underage faggot whos gonna get booted from.his mums basement
Stop posting my waifu
I was here before you
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K I'm about done for the night.

Goodnight, anons.<3
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So many shit waifu's right now it's disgusting.
You're all fucking plebs
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Sorry I got distrated, well your general posting style, saving thumbnails and getting defensive over it instead of just learning to download images properly.
Eh I think it's one of those where it gets deeply in personal, I really like when clichés are played with but it's a careful balance to do it right, I believe that OPM manages it while Klk doesn't.
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No sorry. Tabbed out and didn't see the post
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Where are the proofs???

No lol, I'm just some elitist nobody here knows.
post your waifu then nigger.
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TheWonderfulNui (1).gif
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Goodnight, Asuka!
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I always thought it was weird for her to be groping Lady Satsuki like that. If so, Nui a naughty naughty girl.

Nighty Asuka anon! May you slay angels in your sleep!
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>calls umaru shit
>posts a character from gate
Please kill yourself
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Did you get those new pics?
fucking elitists
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At least he's not acting like a retard.

Plus if you're the kind of guy to get upset over that, this isn't the site for you.

Try reddit or tumblr
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Hey gate maybe is not my favorite but sure is one of top 5
Rory anon kick her ass
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beauty with beautiful flowers.jpg
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Umaru is trash though.

fucking socializing normies :^) reeeee
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It did well, but the cliches they play straight still just rub me the wrong way.
Enjoy your waifu that will more than likely kill herself at 25 when she spends too long on /b/ and gets trips. Because thats her only life goal.
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2 MB, 1294x1839
Thanks for reposting that
Looks nice must've cost you a good bit
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068 - WRaMP41.jpg
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Get the fuck out normie, reeeeeeeeeeee.
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I need sleep.

Goodnight cutie <3
i agree
night night
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Nearly killed myself looking at your trash
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Homura (2).jpg
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I honestly lost track of which Megumin is which and hate them all equally by now.
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Shiki 0414.gif
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Actually no it cost just 30$.

He also had this Shiki figure but that was 200$ which was a bit too much
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You got mad when I claimed megumin and you spammed the thread with shitty propaganda
I do have friends
People IRL that I hang out with
Shiki gets pissed because I'm right. He gets mad because someone post a thumbnail (Big fucking deal who cares)
Was claiming megumin before both of you autists
Shiros taste is shit
Shiro is shit
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Welcome to me months ago.
>I hate all megumin because I'm jerking shiki off as well as kyouko and shiki is getting all Butthurt not allowing me to suck him off
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TheWonderfulNui (10).gif
2 MB, 500x281
She has always been quite mischievous
Since their is multiple of yoi, renaming your files would help in identification.
How does one find Shiki attractive?
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Bummer. You never know though, maybe they'll release it down the line. Far far down the line.

That reminds me. Need to visit the Eurobeat threads again.
wanna erp? :3
Doing that right now actually.
Not even the sick cunt one in Perth can save them.
Umaru is proven 100% trash. Ask /a/. Id say ask the fans of the show, but they have no taste and are generally trash.
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am i the only normal person here? no; i'm seriously wondering if i'm the only person here who isn't emotionally retarded.
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That sounds like some
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2 MB, 2586x1490
Wew that's a steal. That's a good figure of Shiki too must've been hard to say no
No, Im emotionally numb.
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But kissing your sister is a whole nother level.
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asuka nude weird jellyfish.jpg
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gnight other asuka
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thanks it's stolen.jpg
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By not being gay.
It was, but between that figure or a gpu upgrade I sadly had to resist.
Ya, maybe sometime around my 30th birthday.

Oh boy, anything new?
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Umaru is perfect more perfect than your cum dumpster of a waifu
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No,you are just retarded
Go reed Rosario to Vampire and come back with some good waifu
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Post a thumbnail on any /c/ thread and report back on how quickly you are ignored or called a retard.

Because guess what; people who do that are generally regarded as retards.
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says the waifuless anon
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TheWonderfulNui (40).gif
3 MB, 640x360
I guess that's true, but Ryuko kissed her, though she liked it.
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But I'm the same.
You're 15, fuck off.
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226 KB, 614x1074

oh yeah? you wanna fight me faggot?
File: image.png (58 KB, 554x439) Image search: [Google]
58 KB, 554x439
Did you guys know that 90% of people who post in this thread are actually desperate, lonely, horny people who use 2d girls to interact with each other, all the while insulting people who don't adhere to their shitty ideology? Yep, that's pretty sad.
hes 14
File: Homura (40).jpg (802 KB, 575x1024) Image search: [Google]
Homura (40).jpg
802 KB, 575x1024
Not even /c/ has standards anymore, some Nonon anon from here made a thread of Nonon samples.
I was thinking more this
Pick one. Nice original insult there.
Hey, either you develop a real thick skin in a kitchen or you quit and drop out.
You both said it wrong.
New pasta, Chen?
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That's a shame but the GPU will get more for that 200 so that's reasonable. Anything else going on. Right now things have been boring, climbing in league and dicking around in warthunder
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Since Nui is so naughty, what would you do to teach her a lesson?
File: Top snake Miia.jpg (51 KB, 640x800) Image search: [Google]
Top snake Miia.jpg
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Now a litle more bring it on
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An wizzard.jpg
268 KB, 1654x667

Fuck you asshole, my main is on Erodar.
Waifu Lovers, I need your help, please.

I need to know everything you know about this anon:

ugh !jerk.BDPDAo

Who posted, at least, in the previous Waifu Claiming thread. Only people with the 4chan extension will know who I'm talking about.

Does someone know him? Has he been active recently, or is today the very first time he has showed up in these threads?
I need anything you know.

Thanks in advance!
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Sadly the old self moderation has taken a bad turn everywhere lately, /jp/ is one of the few boards I visit where people will still tell you to go fuck yourself and lurk moar instead of spoonfeeding.
I'm too hot right now to play any serious games, so just shitposting, chatting and playing KanColle.
close enough
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TheWonderfulNui (140).jpg
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Wait, are we talking lewd now!
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Indeed it is, Rory.
But does not change the fact that it applies to some people in here who take this community seriously and they care about their reputation.

This thread is just a way to help lonely people to not feel lonely anymore
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>best waifu legs are in
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Leave rosario out of this snek.

>Back to sleep.
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1 MB, 1236x1748
>姫小路 秋子
私を崇拝 アノン

I doubt Shiki would give a shit
File: calm.png (2 MB, 3840x2160) Image search: [Google]
2 MB, 3840x2160
No, u.
I care about my reputation because I don't want to be ignored all the time and called a shitposter.
File: Initial μ's.jpg (187 KB, 1024x725) Image search: [Google]
Initial μ's.jpg
187 KB, 1024x725
Well I just found you the perfect birthday gift.

There's a few new ones, pretty interesting to say this least. This one in particular.
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I was trying to be original but you'll never beat umaru's perfection
Lol I lke rosario,that faggot just came with some shitty vampire
File: Homura (101).jpg (341 KB, 1500x1068) Image search: [Google]
Homura (101).jpg
341 KB, 1500x1068
Why aren't you replying on discord?

Get identifiable filenames.
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181 KB, 600x500
Are we? That's all up to you ;^)

Oh good lord, this one of all ones.
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>Too hot
Its 40.5°C here and it's only 3am. How hot can it be that's it's too hot for serious games
>Lived in a desert for my whole life so I get used to heat
>Winters here are still pretty cold lowest we got was 0°C
wrong person bb
what ?
That's exactly what I wanted to reply to.

Is part of the pasta.
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Fuck my life the capchas and everything
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I don't know... she would probably punish me.
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246 - FYfdHPm.png
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No one really seems to care that there's thirty something samples on this thread.
Tatsumaki even pointes out that Anonon was using a sample and the thread freaked out
>by not being gay
How is it possible to find that mess of a women attractive while not being gay?
You literally made a waifu thread called "I only use megumin to shitpost edition"
That sound like some
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And that I can understand on an intellectual level. Which is why I try to be nice to everyone. But certain anons just deserve to be hung while fapping.
Perfection is impossible. There will always be someone better.
>and there is nothing more perfect than a god
Umaru is just 4chan personified and exaggerated. Go watch something with real characters and fix your shit life choices.
Rory is a stinky
Lelei > Rory
0c is cold? Fucking shit. Try -40 with wind
I doubt you've been here since 2005
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BEST vampire
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Worst than Edward,really
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One of the worst vampires, literally for children.
I prefer my waifu to have an actual character with depth instead of being a 1 note joke.
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it was me who maid the "i only use megumin to shitpost edition"
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Waifu material? I agree. But Rory-sama is more just a waifu to me.
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Then what would she do to you? And Cmon, who wears the pants in the relationship?
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Yes, I guess.
But I am still the most hated anon.
File: QuickMemo+_2016-07-17-14-23-02.png (155 KB, 448x193) Image search: [Google]
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This is the best vampire

Shiki needs to calm down. Haven't seen these levels of elitism since forever
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>Lived in a desert my whole life
Coldest I've experienced
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Return of Mi Liu
That title still belongs to most Megumins.
Well this is kind of ironic.
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>taking what other anons say on this thread seriously
Killing yourself is a really good option right now
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The game of course. Just gotta wait a bit.

>The ass slap harmonizing with the music
The day has barely begun and it's already been made.
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It's 26°C , I want my freezing winter back. I'm from Denmark so really not used to heat, anything above 25 is unbearable.
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I'm into some really kinky shit so i'm not sure you would want to know. and probably her,
i didn't know there was more to the pasta
teach me how to be a elitist pasta maker
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For you, maybe. I still have a life to live
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I'm more hated
One anon loves you
>can you guess who?
Return of Rory Should Swallow Mercury
The season is too real atm
winter wisconsin aint cold as your pussy
gimme some love
Why you become so elite?
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Yeah Gate isn't over yet
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That's the joke.


I was the OC hated anon who pissed every mentally challenged guy in here, because everyone, seriously everyone gets easly angry.
It surprises me how easy is to get a reaction from someone.


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TheWonderfulNui (43).gif
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Never speak to me or any other of me ever again.
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witty file name 6.jpg
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I like you Mi Liu, ya jew.
But Maaaaaaaki!

I think I remember watching that whole clip before. It was weird as fuck.
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Oh hohohoho! Such a perfect fit.
Is that an MGRR reference?
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You're just a second tier Mai who gets incredibly upset over being banned on ts3.
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Homura (2).jpg
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>implying people need to be angry to give you a reaction
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>hint: its me :^)
Underage goyim detected
Wonder how long until you switch...
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>is easly to get a reaction of someone

See? That's what I'm talking about, guys.
Even from someone who lost 8 months in this thread, is as easly to trigger as it is to do with a newfag.
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What'd you say about me you little faggot?
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That would explain it. Here in Arizona 26°C is light jacket weather
>Not only is it 40.5°C right now but it's monsoon season so we have fucking humidity on top of that
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TheWonderfulNui (66).png
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...What do you mean?

Indeed it is, image is based on the final fight and those are lyrics from It Has To Be This Way.
I've had her for a long time now actually.
Half way done renaming images. There's about 600 images.....
It's nice I'm not needed to create drama.
You guys do it so well all on your very, very lonesome own.
I guess if being made fun of is what you want mission accomplished?
Rip, if I were to move to the US it would have to be a far northen state.
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beautiful red eyes.png
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This. Most anons in thread are edgy as teens that think they know what 4chan is all about.
Thread replies: 202
Thread images: 151

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