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Who's actually voting for him?

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 352
Thread images: 35
Who's actually voting for him?
I am

He's our saviour and will make America great again.
My deaf and blind 93 year old grandpa
The uneducated.
stupid butthurt racist faggots
I am
I'm a faggot edgelord
i just.....
i can't.
the fucking racism here.
you people are ill
literally shaking right now.....
wow.....just. just wow. literally unbelievable.
ill never understand
it feels like
after the past 2 weeks i have been here it just seems to get worst and worst.....
blatant racism
child porn spam
animal abuse
anti semitism
holocaust denial
woman hating
fat shaming
off topic adult cartoons
the list goes on and on.......
the n word literally hurled around like it was a casual insult......
are there even moderators to control this insane place??!!!
disgusting.....are you even "humans"? or just jaded pieces of SHIT??!!
i see why you people are callled the sewer of the internet...

None of you fuckwits are voting for president. Read the US Constitution article II section 1
Summarise it for us
G8 b8 m8 I r8 8/8
Me, not because I like him or even think he remotely qualified but because I would never vote for Hillary. Would have seriously considered Sanders but never Hillary.
Is /b/ full of Bernouts? I sincerely hope that no one supports hillary
no more black lives matter bullshit destroying our country.
Isn't the "n word" a casual insult? I hear people use it all the time, it's in music, movies, television, books. So yeah why not here?
you sir are a wigger.
He's objectively the best choice

I'm assuming this is your first election. Whichever candidate has the least pull in the media always has the "uneducated" vote. They also have all kinds of other unfavorable followers because the data comes from biased, low sample sized polls.
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i just.....
i can't.
the fucking racism here.
you people are ill
literally shaking right now.....
wow.....just. just wow. literally unbelievable.
ill never understand
it feels like
after the past 2 weeks i have been here it just seems to get worst and worst.....
blatant racism
child porn spam
animal abuse
anti semitism
holocaust denial
woman hating
fat shaming
off topic adult cartoons
the list goes on and on.......
the n word literally hurled around like it was a casual insult......
are there even moderators to control this insane place??!!!
disgusting.....are you even "humans"? or just jaded pieces of SHIT??!!
i see why you people are callled the sewer of the internet...
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Oh, shit time to go to my safe space.
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They've got the outrage but a mythological worldview and no desire to learn anything. If they were more intelligent we'd sure have a lot more socialists.
>support hillary
You're pretty much going to have to unless you want Drumpf fucking shit up
Those with a who believe he wont change thing for the better are just children born in the late 90's. Realize that its the rich which are powerful. The rich are untrustworthy. Thjs man known as trump is not rich but beyond wealthy. He is not powerful but influential. He is not uneducated but brash. This man holds our futures within his grasp. These so xalled canddidates should not be running. These are criminals who dare take ghe positions against our true neexz or demands. These are end times. Trump is apoart of the wealthy. Agenda 21 iz deep within its proceedings...the release of Haedes is upon once more...please if you value honesty and the American values our forefathers fought for. Then please go look at trumps policies and his standpoint on all issues related to finaces and politicz of foreign nature....what is hapening to other countries like Venezuela will soon jappen bere if se dont put a valiant human to represent our country. Think it through before you believe the majority of the populous. Obliterate ignorance. Erradicate arrogance. Hail Lucimphar.
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I am because he's slightly better than Hillary.
how is an unqualified jackhole with dubious financial expertise "slightly better?"
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Pls make him president to see how he fucks up this planet
Quads of truth!

Fuck you, wigger.
Because he's better than Hillary. He will be a terrible president in many aspects but at least he will put a stop to the SJW PC bullshit and save free speech and individual rights for the future.
Is that a white guy photo shopped black?
Illiterates, people ignorant of history, providing they haven't previously:

Invested in a Trump casino
Worked for a bankrupted Trump casino
Bought sheisty "classes" from fraudulent Trump "U"
>durr hurr hurr liberals are nazis

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Because she's that terrible imho. You are free to feel differently.
10/10 OC

They actually are fascists indeed, yes.
Actually I gave you reasons why Trump is worse, so no

you want a totally unqualifed person with zero government experience running this country because of some stupid right-wing propaganda you read about Clinton somewhere

these are facts, not feels
you are actually a butthurt faggot

What era, specifically, are you hoping this empty- promise- bearing fraud will return us to?

What greatness was lost?
>durr liberals make me do shit I don't like
>like respect multiculturalism
>durr their nazis


u guys never ever have logical arguments. like .. EVER. pathetic.

i hope ppl see this.
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What are you, stupid?
It's not just a simple comparison on the issues, though. It's what Clinton will do to the public perception of progressive / socialist ideology by serving the financial elite in office while calling herself a liberal progressive. Eight years of her and the people will be ready to elect Adolf Hitler. That's not a good thing.
give him some slack, anon doesn't know time before his mom's basement
I am, if the other choice was different I would consider voting against him

I also didn't vote for him in the primaries, I didn't want to have to make this decision
The presidential election really has come down to picking the least bad one this time. For once it's probably a good thing that presidents gets deadlocked by the other party and congress so they can't accomplish much so who wins is more about symbolic value than anything else.
Don't bother. None of the kids here will listen.
>logical argument
>liberals are fascists

pick one
You're seem to be under the mistaken impression that we're arguing or that I care about what your thoughts on the matter. I assure you, we're not and I don't.

Have a good one, friend :)
not enough to vote for Trump
100% with HER

Gotta protect my self- interests.
Just over recession, no depression, pls
Teatards detected
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I really wish I could see your face when Trump becomes our God Emperor.
This post is irrelevant, your decision has been made for you. Hillary 2016.
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>implying you would have guns in a socialist america
>implying the government wouldn't be running the factory

you can't be a socialist while claiming to be intelligent, those two things just don't go together
Doesn't matter what you "care" about
My examples still stand, you are incorrect in your summation that Trump is a better candidate
doesn't matter who's voting for him.

Hillary Clinton will win, whether you support her or not.

She is CRUSHING that wig-wearing faget in every national poll, and in every swing state.

denial is not just a river in Egypt, you dumbshit trump supporters have fooled yourselves into thinking he can somehow win. idiots.
Trumperor Drumpf
Trumperor Drumpf
I'm certainly not. He is directly responsible for the shootings last night taking place.

All of his loudmouthed hate speech is doing nothing but fueling the fires of racism in this country. Fuck this piece of shit, and his racist followers.
And what you gonna do with no job, no money?
Oh, I completely agree. I have no love for Trump (much closer to Gary Johnson in all honesty, even voted for him last time 'round), but I feel that he has a chance to be better than Hillary. That's not to say I expect much; he's not my God, as some in his cult of personality have professed.
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>implying you would have guns in a socialist america

Guess what? You don't know a single thing about socialism. Everything you think you know is a fantasy taught to you by the rich and powerful. Funny, isn't it?

Since the Orlando shootings he has pulled WAY out in front by a 13 pt lead. Then she gained even more ground after the Istanbul airport shooting, and the Dallas thing will pretty much guarantee a landslide for her.
>but I feel that he has a chance to be better than Hillary.

based on what?
At least Trump isn't a corrupt liar who will do anything to get elected. And don't forget the numerous scandals Hillary has been directly involved in. How many chances does a person get before they have proven that they aren't trustworthy? Because Hillary has blown several.
yeah wxcept one didn't have an asterik saying "oh yeah by society we mean only germans"

Nazism was the exact opposite of collectivism, it was very exclusionary.
Trump wins, no more elections.

I wanna be a boss I wanna be a big boss I wanna boss the world around I wanna be the biggest boss that ever bossed the world around


oops. damn auto-correct
The people who want to make america great again.
>Clinton is a corrupt liar

you'd base your entire decision to vote for Trump because of hearsay?

sure, faggot
>At least Trump isn't a corrupt liar who will do anything to get elected
yes he is.

they are both corrupt liars who will do anything to get elected.

one just has a grasp of actual policymaking and understands the consequences of their actions. i'm voting for her.

Get fucked, nerds.
>the numerous scandals
if by numerous you meant "zero"

you'd be correct

sorry but a series of Republican-led witch hunts aren't "scandals,"

strike 2
How old are you, 18?

Isolationism is not going to help you, son. Not to mention the jackboots.
He's not the one making excuses for terrorists and criminals. You know what gives rise to evil? Ignoring it or as happens on Hillary's side telling them that they are right.
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>At least Trump isn't a corrupt liar

Nice try, but according to politifact he is exactly that.
If my option is him or Hillary, I'll vote for him.
I will cast my vote for anyone against the BITCH!!!!!!

But I also like all illegals to GTFO of any race, if illegal then out.
it's sad that people are so ignorant as to even consider him a serious candidate. He ran to fucking promote his books and make money from the publicity, he doesn't even want to be president because he knows he's not capable of doing the job he's just riding this wave of racist stupidity caused by the 2008 housing market crash, this happens 7-8 years after every major crash in history, people blame all the problems on poor people and minorities because it's an easy concept for your pathetically ignorant selves to understand. Economics are complex issues that you have to apply yourself to understand, but you won't you'll blame a black guy or a brown guy or whoever you perceive as the problem, when in reality it's all your fault, it's your fault because if a democracy becomes willfully ignorant then it's fucked beyond repair, if we elect Trump it is the Rubicon for stupidity and it'll never get better
I spent $35,000 on Trump University and all I got was this stupid email

No communist feminist globalists allowed. Trump here.
This guy.

He's the best bet, assuming chimps don't cause martial law to prolong the election.
not sure if serious
he's a globalist too. it's good for business.

and she's not a communist you stupid fuck.

I understand the desire to tighten borders and and make it harder for immigrants to enter the country illegally, but when people say they want to round up and deport 11 million illegal immigrants it frightens me.

Just consider what that would look like. Imagine the cost of hunting down and arresting 11 million people. Where is that money going to come from? How will this actually get done? Will we create a brand new arm of the government with agents hired for this specific reason? How many gestapo-like police will we need in order to find and arrest all those people? If the regular cops are going to do it, we would need to increase the size of our police forces tremendously. We're talking about the beginning of a police state.
because anon needs to reach out to others from the Basement
me. 100% behind
Trump is a dipshit who used his father's fortune to make very likely less than a billion dollars in real estate speculation

Trump has no global financial experience whatsoever

because she is the most power-hungry, evil woman on the planet; she is bought and paid for by the middle eastern arab states to do their bidding; and she is a lying murderer

at least trump is just a lying, bigoted businessman
I posted reply:

He feels DJT would be good, against his utter lack of experience, knowledge of government, uncountabe lies, and abyssmal international standing.

So I was serious. For that guy, feels trump thought, reason, study and contemplation.

I am with her.
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If I was american I would vote for him

Hillary is a dumb bitch
>hunting down, arresting, and deporting 11 million people
nazi germany
/pol/ is voting for him. That's about it. Bunch of hillbilly fuckwits.
You're a racist idiot then
that's what I was hoping

because anon could have just been saying he's got a hunch Trump is better
Leftism is communism when increased dramatically. Whats it like being called something that's totally radical and doesn't apply much?

>Hur Dur Trumps a nazi!

also don't swear man whats wrong with you don't get upset now.
No, he's standing very closely behind YOU.

And he won't even give you the common courtesy of a reach- around.
Take your trap back to Europe, faggot. gtfo
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Y u do dis?
>Who's actually voting for him?

Apparently not enough people. Trump currently only has 38% of the national likely voters, while Hillary has 56%. She's getting close to doubling Trump's pathetic following.
>she is bought and paid for by the middle eastern arab states to do their bidding

trump is a buttbuddy with putin, is that much better? if putin wanted to economicaly destabilize the US he couldnt have a better plan than Trump's tax plan.
Theres that word again XDDDDDDD

hey man is trump a nazi or what am i right XDDDD?
>thinks the Democratic Party's center-right politics are "communist"

I zozzled
I-am I want to see him shake things up
Good thing the polls predicted Leave would win! Oy vey! Fucking shill.

attending middle school
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Yeah, that guy pretty much proves that you followers of the American national religion have no interest in understanding socialism even if it meant being able to provide intelligent critiques.

>I like how he glosses over that there is corruption in any heirarchy

Yeah, that's why socialism will eliminate all ruling classes. Soviet state capitalism is not socialism and certainly not communism. Which you'd know if you actually learned something about socialism before waving the American flag.
It's not about bringing back some era of American history.

It's about taking the country by storm and making it something to be proud of again.

Plus you can't beat them trump memes
He won't release taxes. Wonder how much of Dad's money he lost.

Mark Cuban has publicly questioned his "billionaire" claim. If he had anywhere near the wealth he brags on, he'd have proved it by now.

Not billionaire.
I promish you.
I guarantee it.
I want to see him shake you down.
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>democrat party

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA, now that's funny. Can't tell if delusional or funny man.
Yes, world. Americans really are this ignorant.
hey man no worries d00d you're entitled to your opinion as an American and I wish your candidate luck. :^)
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I'm with this guy
It's funny how you faggots believe that voting for a person into the office will change anything,the only things changed will be in the favour of the rich and powerfull
How can you be so naiv to not realise that the world is run behind the curtains and that democracy is just an illusion,and election is just a way to divide the people and to keep them under control
Seriously you guys need to wake up
>inb4 hurr durr go suck a dick you underage summerfaggot
It's just logical thinking you should try it
>making it something to be proud of again.
when did it stop? to me, letting trump be a legitimate candidate isn't something to be particularly proud of, considering how he looks around the world, and how that makes us look as a nation
They can't even tell the difference between Canada and the USSR. Don't get your hopes up, anon.
Have you never left your trailer park or something?
Maybe your middle school doesn't have a Government class

fair enough
Think of the political spectrum man

Left and Right is simply half of it. She's left. Good lord it's satire.
Yeah, let's take it by storm. I guess we'll need some stormtroopers.
Yeah, I try to keep my expectations low whenever trying to explain reality to white-power-Americans. I usually end up disappointed anyway.
>letting trump be a legitimate candidate isn't something to be particularly proud of

This. Trump being elected president would be a global embarrassment.

Oh you were educated in public school, that explains it.....
take it back from whom?
Yeah well sorry you think established facts are opinions m8
Fascism is as far right as you can get.
Anarchy would be as extreme to the left.
Communism is leftist, but who advocates communism? How it always gets confoozed with socialism is beyond me.
between the national embarrassment, and the absolute havoc his plans would wreak on the American economy, I could pretty clearly see the end of the American experiment
>public shcool

right I forgot that's indoctrination on how to give Jews more money

silly me
Not likely, they're using other ethnic models for pro-trump clothing, probably to avoid liberals pointing out all the pro-trump clothing models are all white and call it racist every opportunity they get the chance to use the race card.

trumpies believe that the white race is being discriminated against. they don't like having to check their privilege and act like little pussies about it.
or maybe you're not getting enough good grades to take Government class

enjoy retaking PE
uh oh you're going to make anon go all out
And this shows how simple and unnuanced your thinking really is. No consideration of ideologies themselves, no comparison between the American Overton window and the global political spectrum, no description of the American party system in terms of political ideals. It's just the "commies" and the 'MURICANS to you, isn't it?
Yes doom an entire country because of memes, good plan
>tfw Hillary murdered Americans and the FBI gave her the all clear

deny she had anything to do with Benghazi and you're contradicting yourself
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"Honest, the democrat party governs from the right of center.... honest"
I can safely say that none of my family and friends will vote for that orange lump. I'd be surprised if anyone in my county voted for him actually.
Memes don't put beans in the pot.

And you can't imagine how bad the storm you want would fuck shit up.

is also over

you faggots are going to have to find something else stupid and hypocritical to use to go after Clinton
>believes Hollywood movies are real life
What distinguishes a capitalist from a citizen in that infographic you posted? Also please explain to me how the workers each owning their own individual means of production would work out. Dividing up production destroys efficiency and as a result you see horrible shortages in socialist countries like Venezuela. What is your solution for this? Can you explain how every other time communism was tried was not real communism instead of using a no true scotsman fallacy? How do you eliminate all ruling classes? Will the most intelligent and productive workers not use their individual means of production to gather more wealth hand income than their peers? Would it not be logical for said most productive workers to buy additional means of production and then hire workers to work them? Would you prevent such free association and tell a worker with nothing to starve instead of selling his services?
so you didn't even pass 8th grade

wow, that's too bad m8
>tfw some foreign cuck blows things out of proportion again
>tfw terrorists blow up your airports
>tfw migrants rape your women

hehe XD
Holy shit anon, you're right

I wonder if this is how democracy dies. First we need to get rid of all the illegal immigrants. How will we do that? I guess we'll need stormtroopers to get rid of them all.

Ok they're all gone, but what do we do with all these stormtroopers? Well i guess let's send them after muslim terrorists.

Ok that's done. But there are atill domestic terrorists. Let's get rid of them too. Let's make America great again.

Ok that's done. But there are all these crazy political dissidents that are protesting and killing our police officers. Let's get rid of them too.

Ok now that's done and there's nobody to question my authority. Might as well just stay in office. Nobody left to complain.
Socialism is right-wing politics

Communism is left-wing

You're an idiot.
she did no such thing, stop making things up to make her sound bad. There's plenty of real things you can say to make her sound bad.
>Trump University

same shit mang. f0k off mate.
>The uneducated.
You mean the un-indoctrinated
Obamacare saved my wife's life this year, so you can fuck right off, you little prick. They paid out at least $85k and no fucking death panels. Where are my death panels? I was promised death panels!
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Retarded as fuck, or bait, I can't tell which.
>Socialism is right-wing politics
Someone too young to realize how far right US moved 1981 to 2012

Obama is to right of many 1980s era Republicans.

I am, unless Hillary is in prison and Sanders is an option.
The silent majority.
awww shit I was right thanks mang
Trump has a paper trail, actually. Coming out of his butt.
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>durr jews control u

indoctrination at its finest.....
Yep! Plus Trump has no political experience, meanwhile Hillary was Secretary of fucking State
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I am, he will make america great again.

Any one who is against him is just being controlled by propaganda and incapable of thinking for themselves.

people like this faggot: >>693659214
>Anecdotal evidence.
In some ways. Pretty sure Reagan wouldn't have approved of gay marriage or believed in climate change.
lrndictionary faggot
>one just has a grasp of how to covertly profit and enrich their family from a public position in office. i'm voting for her.

fixed that for you
As does Hillary dude... the amount of lying and contradictions involved with a vast amount of situations makes me cringe
I was being ironic, /b/ro.
wrong, he absolutely would have, had it come up. he was well left of obama.
I guess that doesn't mean anything to these 8th graders.
Comparing liberals to nazis is like comparing my little pony to scat porn
oh shut up
I am because I'm not a cuckold faggot.
Because hillary is 100% going to kill shit tons of jews in concentration camps, they said the exact same shit about obama and nothing happened
Your indoctrination is showing
Seriously, fat shaming goes amongst al the other things you listed? And what the fuck do you mean off topic cartoons?

>landwhale detected
especially since anon likes both
>Would it not be logical for said most productive workers to buy additional means of production and then hire workers to work them? Would you prevent such free association and tell a worker with nothing to starve instead of selling his services?

Market exchange for profit does not exist in a socialist society just like feudal land ownership systems or peasant time obligations to their landlord does not exist in a capitalist society.
And what's your video if not anecdotal evidence? Fuck off.
>Samefagging this hard

He is honestly better than Hillary. Who are the educated voting for nigger? Hillary? Shut the Fuck up, she's a big-mouthed cunt
>The stories and entertainment here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood
>Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.
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>being this stupid

how do you use an internet?
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if you don't understand right vs left, then you clearly didn't pay attention in school, or didn't even go.
>durr I iz joo-free
> i iz a stormfag
I know. I was just expounding on that irony.

>investigated by fbi
>director of FBI says shes a liar
>libfags dun care
>Queen Hillary
aren't you late for your welfare cheque nigger?
No difference between Gore and Bush
9/11 (no cabinet lenel mtg on Gore's highest international priority, Al Quaeda)

Late to the bsttlefield in Afghanistan

An unnecessary war in Iraq that destabilized the region, cost hundreds of thousands of lives, gave us ISIL

And Drump makes Bush look like a Rhodes Scholar
So much this. Trump has basically admitted to bribing politicians.

Also, he has made much of his fortune by screwing/profiting from the middle class and small businesses. See Trumps history in Atlantic City. Somehow he made millions but stiffed the contractors that built the Taj Mahal casino and all his investors and bond holders for his casinos. He's a total sleezy scumbag. Dont know how hes made it this far.
>enrich their family
trump is using campaign funds to literally pay himself and his family.
he's a businessman. his whole purpose is to enrich himself . he has a direct conflict of interest that he says he won't give up.

The 1880s

Before trade deals, the ATF, the DEA, the IRS, import restrictions and so many other terrible things they have burdened our country with today.

I wish I could go back.
I thought neo-Nazis were firmly on Trump's camp
Solid evidence that the healthcare system in Canada doesn't work.
I don't speak retard, could you translate for me?
yeah exactly. One of the candidates this year is advocating for the rounding up and "getting rid of" 11 million people. And it's not Clinton
We've been through this faggot

both Colin Powell and Condoleeza Rice did the same exact thing as Clinton, except, guess what?

No investigation.

Funny how you faggots complain about "government waste" but when it's government waste you want to do, no problem. It isn't.
They are too uneducated and xenophobic to listen
Actually Gore believed in climate change and would have tried to enact policies.

Bush was a flat-earther.
Yea trump has more in common with hitler than Hillary
>exact thing
fact check: false.
Also, Gore would have respected the UN decision not to invade Iraq, and would not have fabricated evidence like Bush/Cheney did.

Big difference, faggot.
I am. Think about it this way. If we vote Trump into office now we avoid Hillary AND we have a congress opposing Trump. Four to eight years of stasis before we get better candidates. If we vote in Hillary (which we likely will, unfortunately) we have a mediocre democratic president followed by a republican (because there's no way we'll have two dems in a row) who is less crazy sounding but a million times more radical in practice than Trump who WON'T be opposed by congress.

I call it Team Damage Control.
It's amazing how stupid so many Americans are.

The US is a faaaaaaar right wing country. The democrat party is slightly right of center.

I wish more murkans were forced to be educated. And I wish more were forced to travel, to see just how right wing their anus of a country is.
>Also please explain to me how the workers each owning their own individual means of production would work out. Dividing up production destroys efficiency and as a result you see horrible shortages in socialist countries like Venezuela. What is your solution for this?

That's not what socialists would do because that's obviously extremely stupid - we are aware of economies of scale, of course. Socialism will outlaw the private ownership of the means of production altogether. Individual businesses will be run democratically, with the workers making business decisions collectively (Richard Wolff is an excellent source for explanations as to how this would work - he has several good books on the subject). On the scale of the state, all economic decisions about distribution and necessary labor hours are made democratically by the people. Note that this does not mean a totalitarian state; socialists are serious about actual democracy where the decisions are made by the people and do not want a government ruling class.
I am and my whole family are. The realistic alternative is Hillary who is bona fide corrupt. At least with Trump he has no history of political corruption in office because he's never had one. There's a slim chance that he won't be as crooked, but with Hillary you KNOW she is.

Check out Hillarys campaign contributions as well as her dubious actions while in an appointed office. Also look in to her stock trading history, it's sketchy as all fuck. The fact that her husband got her off charges over negligence with classified information by talking to the person in charge of the FBI is just the icing on the corruption cake. It's been confirmed the servers DID have classified information on them when she said she didn't and confirmed that she DID delete emails to try and cover her tracks when she said she didn't.

Don't get me wrong here though, the guy is a complete fucking jackass. The options this election are absolutely atrocious either way.

> TL;DR: Trump hasn't committed treason yet, that's reason enough
"cheque"? gtfo my murica, faggot limey
>The 1880s

Ahhh the good old days when the only people who could vote were white land-owning males.

wow you're a huge faggot
Anyone who disagrees with liberals these days are racists. Its a buzzword.

Just like anyone who disagrees with feminism is a misogynist. Buzzword that has lost it's meaning because its thrown around so much

>Trump is a nazi
Nigger wat
Everyone who's not a cuck.

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Gringos for Trump!!! Viva la Trump!!!!
Powell and Rice's aids used a commericial email provider (dont kbow which one) but something like gmail or yahoo. Not any better than setting up your own server, arguably worse.
>durr I'z SMART

Looking at this from an outsider's standpoint, I can't help but notice that both candidates are severely flawed.

Hillary is a corrupt bitch that will start WW3 to please her donors.
Trump is severely unqualified although he has some nice ideas
>inb4 bernie
Bernie was a fucking SJW retard with no grasp on economics or anything , really.

No option is good, tbqh.
I am.
its hilarious how much this is pushed. plenty of well educated are on side with this.

An established population is tired of being watered down by immigration for the purpose of the economy and the corporation.

immigrants drive wages down. free trade drive jobs away to countries with shit wages.

huuuuurrrr them unedumactied are just unedumacated don't listen to them

You are a literal retard and will never understand why something like Brexit worked.
>not corrupt
Pick one

>self proclaimed socialists
>want to forcibly disarm and redistribute wealth
>center right

grow up and get a job faggot. the US is pretty great all you have to do is barely fucking try and you have it made
>tfw satire goes over their head
Then vote johnson, faggot
Yeah actually it was the same exact situation where both Powell and Rice used private servers.

Stop being a faggot. You want to waste taxpayer dollars on a meaningless political vendetta.
there's a lot of evedence that suggest manmade climate change is false, and that the changing climate is due to the fact that we are finilly coming out of the last iceage .Also they talk about glaciers and icepacks that are melting,but fail to tell you that the same ice is less then 75k years old.

Except Trump is using his campaign to utilize his US businesses and employees, whereas Clinton was taking in donations from Saudi Arabi, Russia, Iran, and others while her State Department gave them favorable deals at the expense of Americans.
ITT: retards who think Hillary is actually good.

Bush sucked. Obama was another 8 years of Bush policy, but people's politics blinded them to this. We're still in the wars, gasoline prices are higher than under Bush, the economy is worse, out-of-control spending continued.

Hillary will be even more of this failed policy that we've had for nearly 16 years now.

Trump is something different and will actually attempt to fix it rather bowing to the typical overlords. They can't control Trump, and they know it, so that is why you see all of the negative lies told about him. He scares them because they want to pull the strings, and with Trump they won't be able to.
n=1 (biased). Oh, you're such a disciplined thinker.

Ask some fucking Canadians. It's the information age. Just ask some. I have. They think we're all nuts. I've got plenty of European and Canadian friends.
Because he was paid to

>libfags playing the blame game on others
>Powell/Rice=arguably worse
and yet wowwww

no investigation
get out

>What distinguishes a capitalist from a citizen in that infographic you posted?

What makes you different from Hillary Clinton, for example, who is apparently above the law in our capitalist system? What makes you, as, say, a homeowner getting buried by debt, different from the Wall Street executive who gets public money to rescue him from his debts? Obviously it is that economic power gets concentrated into the hands of a very few who end up becoming a capitalist ruling class who controls society through bribery and corruption. This is how capitalism always plays out in the real world.
>there's a lot of evedence that suggest manmade climate change is false

no there isn't shithead
I like you. I want to buy you a beer.
>trump is using campaign funds to literally pay himself and his family
You are deluded if you think that the other candidates don't do this as well.
>shilling this fucking hard

That's BS and you know it. Private email servers are common.

Using them to store classified information and to subvert government security.... only Hillary did that.
>Trump is something different and will actually attempt to fix it rather bowing to the typical overlords.

Because he's not politically correct and he's not going to empower and appease the people who will end this country.

Donald: 2
Everyone else: 0
It may not exist in the exact same form but it certainly has an equivalent. Just as the liege lord was responsible for protecting the peasants, the government is responsible for protecting citizens. Just as the peasants gave a portion of their crops and earnings to their liege lords, so too do citizens give a portion of their income to their government. In communism however, everything changes. That level of organization on any large scale is impossible without a centralized controlling body to administer the resources. An even basic understanding of production tells you that not all resources are equally suitable for production of all kinds of goods. For instance, try growing food in the mountains or mining iron in the fertile plains. You wont have a fun time with either. This presents two options- trade, or simply going without whatever goods you can't produce. In Capitalism and socialism, trade is the solution. I consider Capitalism a stronger form because it rewards the clever and drives innovation through competition. Socialism however has its own benefits, mainly being that it looks after the weakest in society albeit in exchange for productivity. Communism however is a pipe dream. Eliminating the state and expecting the logistics required to produce a variety of goods and ship them everywhere to simply spontaneously generate is idiotic and childish. Communism may be able to work in very small farming communities, however this comes at the expense of medicine, research, and goods that require different resources to produce,
Dammit, this is for you.

n=1 (biased). Oh, you're such a disciplined thinker.

Ask some fucking Canadians. It's the information age. Just ask some. I have. They think we're all nuts. I've got plenty of European and Canadian friends.
i just.....
i can't.
the fucking racism here.
you people are ill
literally shaking right now.....
wow.....just. just wow. literally unbelievable.
ill never understand
it feels like
after the past 2 weeks i have been here it just seems to get worst and worst.....
blatant racism
animal abuse
anti semitism
holocaust denial
woman hating
fat shaming
off topic adult cartoons
the list goes on and on.......
the n word literally hurled around like it was a casual insult......
are there even moderators to control this insane place??!!!
disgusting.....are you even "humans"? or just jaded pieces of SHIT??!!
i see why you people are callled the sewer of the internet...
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This is Reagan's embassy snafu. More than 60 killed in Beirut.

Not counting the barracks bombing the same year that killed over 200 marines.

Uncle Colin Powell used a private email server. He pled the case for war with yellowcake fraud. No $7m inquiry into his emails. None of which survive.
Are you not paying attention to the news for some reason?

damn the cucklord is out of tendies again
after world war ii and before the vietnam war and between the vietnam war and 9/11 back when we could just call lgbtqiapk people attention seeking fags and get on with our day. back when People didn't consider communism as a viable option and terrorists as misunderstood.
There is practically no evidence that even suggests that. Two hypothesis were tested based on the grounding of flights after 9/11, neither held water.

What information do you have that discredits all the other climate data?

FWIW, I'm still voting Trump. Just no need to present lies as truths, anon.
Do you live under a rock faggot, or do you act autistic on purpose
None sent classified information on their servers.
And Comey actually specifically said that gmail was more secure than Hilary's private server.
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>1% controls 99.99998% of the country's wealth
>average murkan can't afford a home anymore
>work 40+ hours per week
>largest prison population on earth (larger than Stalin's gulags)
>capitalism failed
>freedums failed

Good luck with murka!
I am none of those things, and voting for trump.

Oops you've been proven wrong
Actually since Powell and Rice were also State Department, so did they

no investigation

If you can watch this entire video to the end, and still think that Hillary dindu nuffins. And you also still believe she is the most qualified to be president you are a moron. You are entirely what is wrong with this country.

stop feeding newfag
I'm voting for trump because he is standing up against the people who will destroy America, and not empowering them like hilary.
That might be, but why would an unqualified jackhole with dubious financial expertise be "slightly better" than Clinton?

They really need to teach logic in middle school, I'm thinking.
mfw there are people that actually believe this shit

mfw i have no face
educate yourself
Facism is best by far. You have facism and socialism confused.
Well, National Socialist is best you commie swine.
Has socialism played out any different? The answer is no. They may both be flawed, but capitalism is less so.
I'm glad that everyone thinks he's a racist. When hillary is profiting off all of the blacks in jail. She profits off all of the wrongly incarcerated blacks. I mean profiting off racism is much different than being a racist.
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I've got bad news for you.

Regardless what you think about Hildabeast... she will win. 8 years.
get thee gone fagtard
are you nervous because you're a wetback?
>the people who will destroy America
who are these people?
>shilling this hard

Fact: Obama has increased the debt more than ALL PREVIOUS PRESIDENTS COMBINED.
dis a gud thread

Politifact: It must be true because it's on the Internet. This site is different from all the others that tell lies because this one has no agenda and only tells the truth.

This is how stupid you are.
So you're voting for Trump because of some weird delusion you have?

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Actually someone who voted in 1980.

And remembers life before Fox News.
Speaking of indoctrination.
Sweden has the highest standard of living in the world.
>> sign this and spread it were at 15kkk
Historically, polls have about a 47% accuracy rate when predicting the general election. They utilize a laughably small sample size and are constantly found to be rigged.

The FBI cleared Clinton because of the very reason that her predecessors did the same.
Repeated the tool
>Fact: Obama has increased the debt more than ALL PREVIOUS PRESIDENTS COMBINED


Udder bullshit. Such a lame comeback.

Fuck you trumpies are a special kind of retarded, and so out of touch with reality.
Yes there is, there is very little proof that climate change is being caused by man, it's speculative science
>That level of organization on any large scale is impossible without a centralized controlling body to administer the resources

Here is the key phrase! The supporter of capitalism cannot imagine a world where he is not ruled by merchant-kings. The supporter of capitalism cannot imagine the people being able to rule themselves democratically - he is, in fact, against democracy. Capitalism is by its very nature, anti-democratic and totalitarian. It spits upon the common people and has nothing but contempt for the idea that they might be able to rule themselves.

Capitalism's historical purpose was the industrialization of civilization to the point of advanced information technology and automation. It's time is now over. We must now overthrow its kings and complete the transition to true democracy, in which we can use our productive powers to provide for the self-actualization of all and work towards humanity's long-term goals instead of wasting resources on frivolous luxuries for the pampered rich.
Says the guy who voted for Bush twice.
Boy are you confused.
>there is very little proof that climate change is being caused by man

sure faggot
Im gonna assume

>muslims killing people in our borders
>mexican immigrants entering our country illegally
>BLM domestic terrorists futher creating a larger gap in the flow of society
>Race Baiters who feed on tension
That's exactly what Crowder did in that exact video, did you even watch it?
Also I have to ask how this will be in any way practical. Democracy is notoriously slow, how can business decisions be made quickly and effectively if it's all down to a vote? Does the amount of time you work for said business (since work seems to be do as you please) contribute, and if so who enforces and records the relevant information for this?

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People would think these things even if 4chan never existed. We didn't open pandoras box, we just make it transparent.
Says the climatologist, I mean /b/tard /pol/ack.

that's a lie and you know it. or do you? no one can truly be this dumb can they?
I love how you say something incredibly false and stupid then say 'strike 2" as if you've actually said anything at all that's cute, liberal.

>low-grade bait detected
lol that's true, and blacks still love her. and she'll still win.
why you gotta use those kind of words man. Aint no one calling you retarded and shit. For like no reason either as if its helping your argument....
> Obama was another 8 years of Bush policy, but people's politics blinded them to this. We're still in the wars, gasoline prices are higher than under Bush, the economy is worse, out-of-control spending continued.

Everything said here is false except out of control spending.
Closer to socialist. Fascist are respectable. Liberals are not.

You guys just believe what people on the news tell you huh?
You have really made no effort to understand socialism and your critiques are very silly. As I said, Richard Wolff has written several good books on this subject, so I suggest you go read them because I have no patience for your Econ 101 Gish Gallop.
Lol he's using laughably biased politifact as a fucking source!

anon was already fucking up

if you're the same faggot

strike 3
Not him, faggot. You. Do it yourself.
You're right, I don't feel that democracy has a place in business. The free choice comes into play through buyers CHOOSING which products to consume, and driving the ones they don't out of business by not granting their patronage to them. Regardless, you simply used grandiose fluffy language, you didn't answer my question. Observe how parliaments function. A good description would be slowly.. How is this practical in an environment producing food or medicine, where decisions must be reached quickly?

Note that today the current debt is $19.3T, so yeah.... go kill yourself for not thinking Obama has increased the debt to incredible levels
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>saying "drumpf" unironically
At least fascists believe in themselves. Liberals only seem to believe in other people and have little to no concept of self-worth.

You'd think it would be a self-solving problem but it's evidently highly contagious.
It's a fact, actually.

There are no scandals involving Hillary Clinton.

Benghazi and the e-mail flap are Republican-led political vendettas given the outcomes and the hypocrisy.

This is a fact.
That was clearly false too.

Obama has spent far less than Bush, and decreased the deficit, not increased it as these lying faggots are trying to imply.
show us on the doll where the liberal touched you
They watch infotainment, not news.
>Needs citation
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>implying education is the same thing as intelligence
You're right, if we had more grievance studies graduates and historically ignorant STEM majors we'd have more socialists.

I pity the poor Floridians who doubt climate ch- a- bublnllbb

The social issues get the press, but I'm speaking of policy.

I remember Lugar R- IN helping override Reagan's veto of the So African apartheid sanctions.

I remember the Republican health care reform that resembles what finally passed.

But I hear ya.

> blinded by facts

Just because fact checking (which is quite unbiased by the way) reveals the cracks in your belief system, don't blame it.
I don't have that much FUCKING time to WASTE.
good point ,they never read into the counter arguments that's for sure
I have proven it.

Hearing after hearing has shown that Clinton was cleared of any possible charges relating to Benghazi or the e-mails.

You're just going to have to face that you sound like an idiot continuing to bring it up.
Fox news and Rush are using a new word.
Everybody write it down. Learn to spell it so you don't look foolish.


You have passed the indoctrination.
Obama has increased the Debt to Gdp ratio 30%
He increased the national debt by 10 million

>hurr durr he decreased the deficit
Bush left at the worst year of the economic recession, the deficit could only go down from there. This is nothing to be proud of. Obama is a fucking disaster.
I literally said this and now people are doing exactly that.
Lol you think hillary will give people jobs you fucking retard.
All fascists have an inflated sense of self-worth, and just love it when their face of the day flatters them.
She's once again under investigation for those emails, not only that, wikileaks seems to disagree with you.
I just hope you don't live where all those Florida rednecks might flee from sea level rise
propaganda site
Word's from the 80's it's not that new

> cleared of any possible charges
> perjury
> "extremely careless"

Sounds like a real winner you're backing there ace.
No she isn't dipshit

find some other stupid Clinton nontroversy to slob your knob over
Socialist and intellectual are mutually exclusive terms.
Idiot. You live in a fairy tale
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