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Waifu claiming thread. Previous: >>691807353 Rules: >Claim

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 160
Thread images: 140
File: Kyouko (32).png (380 KB, 650x1030) Image search: [Google]
Kyouko (32).png
380 KB, 650x1030
Waifu claiming thread.


>Claim your Waifu/Husbando
>No Claiming Waifus/Husbandos that have already been claimed
>Only one claim per anon
>No stealing (unless trips or more)
>No oversexualised content
>No RP/ERP of any kind (maybe some on occasion)
>Discussion is welcomed
>Insults must be original
>If you're posting images you're not lurking
>3D is almost always trash
>Joining means a reserved place in hell
>Most importantly, have fun!

Kyouko claimed.
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3 MB, 500x281
>claiming yume
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intense lurk.gif
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If shes on a plane jump out.jpg
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You still have yet to include Skeletor as king in the rules
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well with ocd the suffer usually has a ritual if i had an ocd for germs i would look at my hands constantly or wash them over and over. i have sexual identity ocd where i think that ive been lying to myself and that im actually gay so i check by looking at dudes or gay porn to make sure i dont like it however the more i do this the worse it gets and i overthink everything so im distracting myself on waifu. it used to be a lot worse but with the help ive been getting it only pops up every once and a while soon enough ill be looking at femdom and being happy again ll
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Glad to help

Oh yeah, anglerfish do that.

And so do a few other deep sea fish

Oh yeah, how is the whole "not sure if I'm gay" thing going?
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Syndra [110].jpg
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An old guy, one eye dog and an emo chick on a helicopter.

What could go wrong.
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Chara the SturmStaffelführer.png
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Genocidal Maniac will always stay
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Mio maid peaking.png
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Kinda just lurking
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Miho claimed


>Flopping noises
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Just when you think it couldn't get more autistic, there he fucking is

Actual glorious copypasta
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Shiki 0804.png
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Best type moon claimed.
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>An old guy, one eye dog and an emo chick on a helicopter.
I assume you are there too so you are either the emo chick or the dog
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Holy shit, I hope no one will ever take this seriously.
They are embrassing our country.
fuck the dog
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im better now

i dont get it is how is what i wrote funny?
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wasup esdeath? glad to see your back!
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So, are straight? Or bi?

I may have to leave soon
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Pizza slut
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healthy eating!.jpg
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straight with ocd id be cool with bi id still get to be with women then

hello glad to be back how are you?

you cant prove that
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It's just so incoherent and derailed from reality.
There's a bunch of terms in there that are obviously meant to mask some more hurtful terms
>sexual identity ocd where i think that ive been lying to myself and that im actually gay
Yeah so you mean you're in the closet? Or at least bicurious
Also, what is punctuation?

In all seriousness though, as much as I love you're ramblings, I'm kinda worried about you and hope you're getting decent help
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Yari Yuri.
Milk Drinker.
Fluffy Hair.
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I listened to it today, thanks anyway.

Here, you may like this.
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im doing well. watching anime some show called freezing on funimation. i wanna watch something like akame but alas nothing around
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Hamakaze 006.png
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And yes im still awake
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>sexual identity ocd
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What are you up to excellence?
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Ah Holstaur
I've been waiting for your arrival. I've got something for you. I hope you like it
>pic related

ohhh, i didn't know you knew frames!
and i love that reminds me of death parade...
you have great taste chen!
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Go to bed.
How are you?
Nothing currently, probably gonna take a nap in a bit though.
Nice, I do like it.
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Best cow
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Syndra [207].png
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Your the dog and the emo chick.
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Time for something.gif
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Now I begin my journey to get a fly set of armour
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I picked a stalker game up at the sale and finally getting around to it.
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Kyouko (6).png
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I'm good, Italy beat Spain 2-0 so all is good.

It's a meme, but I love you and don't understand the haters you get

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I'm glad you do
I enjoyed making this one, and I'm pretty happy with how cute it turned out
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But my feet and legs are swollen.
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Than you, I can say the same about your taste.
I know about Frames because you showed me a song of them two days ago, you forgot?
How are you today?
Pet, how are you?
Booby Brother, you any better?
Nice, I bought all three F.E.A.R. games, partially for spooky ghost rape but mostly because I really enjoyed playing through the third coop.
Nice, glad you're good.
I'm good too, not doing anything currently.
It is really good, I was wondering how it would turn out since she's obviously got some extra cranial features but its really well made so thanks.
Dammit boy, you need to fix yourself before I do it for you.
oh wow...i guess i did!! sorry, my memory has been terrible lately...
thank you!! im glad we have similar tastes lol, it helps a lot
>euphoric :^)
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A little.
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sounds fun to bad you cant find anything fun

well i suck at grammar however i will point out that this type of ocd is a real thing i understand from someone who is not suffering from it it may sound stupid but i have been told by a psychologist that i have sexual identity ocd also
I got 797979 earlier I like to think it counts :(

rolling >;o
File: Shiki 0109.jpg (152 KB, 886x1253) Image search: [Google]
Shiki 0109.jpg
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First game is really good with a ton of TECHNOLOGY and with some of the most satisfying guns I've seen. I should probably pick up Fear 3 too as John Carpenter was helping writing it.
Just woke up edition
My day was rather peaceful up to now.

Do you have any new projects lined up?
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beauty with beautiful flowers.jpg
126 KB, 850x638
I got 9 hours of sleep yet I feel no less tired than the average day.
Byakuya freaking togami!
On the bright side there's no flaming whale. There's WORSE to come
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Syndra [159].png
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I'm alright, everything is the same.
Maybe a little colder but that's it.
Anything interesting on your end?
Worst girl
Something different from the edgy "kill yourself" shtick
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Hello once again.
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KyoukoSaya (6).jpg
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Good, like I said it just takes a little at a time.
Nice, I've seen a little bit of the first one but like I said I've only played the third, if you do get the third I'd love to play it coop with somebody, its just one of those games that works better coop.
Not until I find out if I was accepted into fire academy or not in a few days.
Nice, if anything its hotter here, and it'll just keep getting hotter for a few more months.
Not really, other than buying the F.E.A.R. games there hasn't been anything out of the ordinary.
File: Love Karen 22.jpg (62 KB, 540x662) Image search: [Google]
Love Karen 22.jpg
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Even though it's a scary fate. At least the dude anglers get to spend eternity inside a woman

It looks great Akibro, nice job.
Oh and btw you went stalwart in my run and mugi went insane.
How did you do the horns? The shape turned out really nice

We're just kidding around my dude. Poking fun at friends, yeah?
I'm glad you take it in a chill way at least. Really.
I didn't reply to you before, how's your week been?
This is good.
Until those drums at the end comes up.
Without them, I quite like the song.

Kitties need their milk
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My favorite pasta man.
Oooww that's exciting
What do you think your chances are?
i agree...well im gonna take my shower now, ill talk to you later chen!! one last song
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IDK Karen 12.jpg
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Wait, are you the Cheshire cat as an anime girl?
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for karen.gif
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in case you don't have
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I know, hopefully it doesn't take too long.
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>you went stalwart
That was to be expected
>How did you do the horns? The shape turned out really nice
I uh... I just drew them?
Oh, I know this. I do like the whole thread, I found it calming.

Have a good one, Kagami.
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She's from the Monster Girl Encyclopedia
Tasty fish
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lol ive never been good at recognizing that. i absolutely understand it sounds like bullshit and if i didn't have it i would be saying "someone is in the closet". my weak has been ok mostly cleaning up around the house nothing fun hbu
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80 KB, 193x295
True, there's plenty of milk to go around.
Pretty good considering the people around here, last group they put through was probably 10 or more people and only 2 of them passed the background/drug tests.
I'll be here to help you the whole way through if you need it.
Hey Karen how've you been
Hey Amatsu~
Super cute
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Maybe you can use this.
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can i pet the cat?
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Just be careful she's not grown up and lactose intolerant.
I'll probably buy it since it's only 5$, so might just drag you in some day.

Nice, you'll do great i'm sure.
I could set your home on fire for good practice?
>Tfw console peasant so no steam summer sales
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1 MB, 1902x1036
Thank you, really.

Also thanks.
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had a dream where saber saved me in her armor and carried me away in her was hot
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>I could set your home on fire for good practice?
You could buy him a fryer.
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Syndra [106].jpg
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Have i even said that to Hols?
I haven't actually looked into any of the F.E.A.R. games so i have no idea if they're good or anything similar to what i like.
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Love Karen 31.png
274 KB, 1037x1056
Do you know about the battle shrimpos? The mantis shrimp I think?

>just drew them
I mean the shape turned out so nice, good job.

Thank you Shiro, I have it. You doing okay?


Oooh okay
Like Holstaur?
Also don't touch the fishy please

boop boop is a ship

Hi Saber, I've been good.
How about you?

Moo moo!

Haha well don't worry about it. Everyone here is joking around. You live alone?
I'm just playing darkest dungeon with some characters named after the guys in the thread.
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Confused Karen 9.jpg
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>tfw you forget who you replied to seconds after you reply to them and reply again
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a little
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Cheering Akiko 325.jpg.png
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Ayy thanks mang
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Homura (49).jpg
1 MB, 1885x1062
o õ \\
And a frozen chicken.
Remember it's best when not defrosted first.
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Kitty not for petting!
>bats paw at fishy
Can i eat it?
>spooky ghost rape
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IDK Karen 10.jpg
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>Cheering Akiko 325
Do you have 325 pictures of akiko cheering or is this a joke on my filenames?
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i'm happy.jpg
567 KB, 1920x1080
I've been spotted! Yes, I am doing pretty good. I got more than 5 hours of sleep for the first time in two weeks or so, but I feel no less tired, but other than that, today seems to bode well. How about you man?
Feel no less tired than I regularly do I should say.

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but i want to :(
I've been doing pretty good myself
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Homura (73).png
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no unfortunately i still live with mommy and daddy.that sounds cool from what ive seen the game looks pretty fun

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Hey Saber~
How are you doing?

Everything going good?

Hey, it's Santa Transport Ship :^)
Didn't get the chance to play yet, I'm stuck in a car right now
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160 KB, 850x1200
Yeah it is, bought the series and another game for 14 bucks, gotta love the summer sale.
I better, haven't been working out and doing all these other things for nothing.
PC master race.
Yeah man, I actually meant to use this picture last post but I forgot between the time I replied to you and the time I finished everybody elses' replies.
The third one at least is really good, they're horror games but they've also got a good story line across the games so I like them.
God that probably happens all the time around here.
That's what happens at the end of the second game, spooky ghost rape for the soul purpose of procreation, you literally get to watch your character get 'raped', he came so technically its not rape its making love.
Oh, okay then. <3
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Esdeathhhhhh! Glad to see you back. Doing well I hope?
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Shiki 0784.png
2 MB, 1927x1392
I still can't believe americans have fryers at home
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59 KB, 250x250

Emi would be proud
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Kicking your mistakes under the rug I see?
I'm doing good and yourself
Fight me I'm saving a good gaming set up
Why is that
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370 KB, 706x1000

Esdeath more like EsDEAD
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Homura (11).jpg
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Other Sanae.

Isn't that what everyone does?
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Hello everyone
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That's alright.
I didn't think this meme would catch on when I started it
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im better my ocd has calmed down and i feel straight again lol or bi at least with bi i could still have grills how are you today?
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Tired as per the usual, but other than that I'm well.
That's called freedom.
I wish he still came around, I'd like to talk to him some more.
Git gud.
I have another version of that picture but its too lewd to post.
It's a joke on your filenames
Don't get jealous
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SleepKyouko (1).jpg
198 KB, 500x600
Going to take a nap, be back later.
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I'm guessing it's just down to culture, but here deep fried food is generally regarded as trash and not the kind you cook at home.
Post it
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didnt sleep well last night?
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Syndra [223].jpg
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You convinced me to write it down so i can check it out.
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Good bye for now, cutie.
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They're super cool! They can see like sixteen spectrums of color where the human eye can see 3. And they kill shit by moving their little hands at a super fast speed.

Don't hurt the fishy please
So what is the monster girl encyclopedia? Does it have something to do with the monster girl quest game?

Aha, at least your body is rested, even if you're tired (if that makes sense)
Hopefully that good feeling keeps going.
I'm doing fine. Rest of my family isn't happy with my brothers' behaviour and my mom is never around. It's kinda shitty everyone is getting such a shit view of them.


Yeah? Up to anything?

Aha I feel you on that. You do anything or just get neetbux and stay at home? I really hope you do. That's honestly my ideal life lol.

Hey bubblegum
What are you doing in a car, lol?

So popular, hols!
I wanted to ask, how often should you shower a dog?

Hey dude, how've you been?


bye italy
grats on not sucking at football
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942 KB, 1280x1452
Also doing good!
Just got my eyes checked
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I bet it's nice.

See you later.
I guess it is. Most people I know here don't own fryers. Don't get me wrong I see them in stores but I haven't met one person in my state that actually bought one.
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2 MB, 3840x2160
Got nine hours in fact, and I haven't had more than five in the past two weeks, so yea I slept well. I think it's some other issue as to why I'm always tired, doesn't have to do with sleep.
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38 KB, 480x654
Been working nights all week, so I haven't had a chance to be in one of the threads until now
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I'll forever love this image
I got my eyes checked in another town, now the parents are buying some food
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claimed fuck you niggers
Push a pregnant women down the staircase?
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neetbux for now going back to school in September and god i cant wait to feel like im dong something
Yeah I got an appointment soon.
That's good
I don't understand this nickname

Hello there

*cough* *cough*
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686 KB, 500x248
That's great to hear man, proud of you! What're you studying?
Hitler was a Jew. That's why he killed himself.
I just heard they even existed today from Yuuko.
>Polandball: Can into Space!
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107 KB, 1000x894
Third is best played coop but as far as I know the other two are single player only.
Its just because I started most of the conversations. What do you mean with your question though?
It is pretty nice.
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oh what issues? you have to listen to my issues so why dont you tell me whats wrong instead lol

atm just a general course to upgrade into something more purposeful
Thread replies: 160
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