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Waifu claiming thread. Previous: >>691134726 Rules: >Claim

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 213
Thread images: 147
File: Kyouko (30).jpg (931 KB, 1000x1200) Image search: [Google]
Kyouko (30).jpg
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Waifu claiming thread.


>Claim your Waifu/Husbando
>No Claiming Waifus/Husbandos that have already been claimed
>No stealing (unless trips or more)
>No oversexualised content
>No RP/ERP of any kind (maybe some on occasion)
>Discussion is welcomed
>Insults must be original
>If you're posting images you're not lurking
>3D is almost always trash
>Joining means a reserved place in hell
>Most importantly, have fun!

Kyouko claimed.
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Homura (36).jpg
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Next Ohayou is on it's way
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Thx for the Threads
Nice trips discount mio
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chen 23hair.png
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Love knows no distance, right?

oh damn

Satsuki - sama <3
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Homura (3).jpg
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Thanks for stealing trips from Shiro. Which ohayo is it now?
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Shiro claimed.

Then what are thooooose ^

Der Priester muss ganz schön gut gewesen sein, dass du jetzt mehr willst.

Kann das kein Normaler Arzt machen? Such dir so einen Hippie der auch Homöopathie betreibt. Wenn das nicht klappt könnte er dich wenigstens als geistig labilen Notfall einstufen, damit du schneller einen Termin bekommst.
Tohsaka claim
Cute image
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Literally god-tier artist.
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Syndra [212].jpg
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Cute image
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mandatory cc claim

what u listening to rn?
Stuck here for another hour.
Have a good one, adorable.
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Guitars are better anyway

Ah well, I don't know the character she's cosplaying as

Cute pic
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2 MB, 640x360
Forgot image again
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Are you fluent with them?

And what is your first language? Dutch?

Only Chara, konata, mizore, and possibly Rikka
Around a 20 hour drive, but I'm sure it's hard for you to understand since your European
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chibi (3).png
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>osu! with arby's edition
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Cute Maou.jpg
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Sadao claimed.
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Syndra [241].jpg
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Also, i made no progress today.
Sometimes I feel a little bi

You are silly. Bass is best
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Der Priester segnete mich mit Milch <3

>Kann das kein normaler Arzt machen?

Leider nein. ich muss sogar zu drei Ärzten bevor ich die hübschen pinken Östrogentableten bekomme.
Ich muss zu nem Psychologen, Psychiater und zu nem Psychotherapeuten.

Ist komplett hirnverbrannt, ich weiß

haha, yeah, I usually take the plane if I want to go to Berlin for example.

That's one cute pic
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>tfw when the bae doesn't wanna fucc u :,(
It's fine we will Support you no matter what sweetie
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Kyouko (21).png
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dw man, its gonna be another week or so till i do my membership. though this would be my 4th-5th account now.

mmm, gotta love the guitar in this
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mio laughing 1.gif
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I wasn't even in the thread until now I just came in to see that
>Der Priester segnete mich mit Milch <3
Nur um sicher zu gehen, das ist jetzt nicht ernst gemeint, oder?
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I prefer drums anyway.

Hello there.
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Current queue:
x Yuno
x Dio
x Rory Mercury
O Ika
x Kagami
x Konata
x Homura
x Mugen
x Shiro
Ryougi Shiki
Franken Fran
Mugi - thicc eyebrows
Tohsaka Rin
Shino - blonde
Dragon trainer Tristana + Riggles
Mi Liu
Lily (vocaloid)
Captain comrade
Makoto - sun dress and hat

>tfw shared that exact song on here a few days earlier
Good taste man

Dutch is my first. Le français est mon deuxième langue. German is technically my third but I'm really terrible at it. English my fourth
All of these are taught to us in school here
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Then I guess I can keep you on the list then
Planes are a huge hassle in the US
I can always add to the list

Put a leash on me and take me for a walk :)
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chen 24hair.jpg
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I guess.
Will do
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Kyouko (8).png
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You're always the cutest.
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Meine Güte, nein! Volksschule war zwar ne religiöse Privatschule aber ich hasse diese Zeit zutiefst. Und ich kenne keinen einzigen Priester.

I heard. Something about a personal questionary every time you want to board a plane where they ask you stuff like "you do not plan to hijack the plane", right?

>boots you out of the house
Go shit in the neighbours garden you useless trash
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kagami crossover.png
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You're a freaky dude.
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Shit man, I'm really impressed

I want to learn either Chinese or German, though Icelandic is basically old Norse, which is awesome

Hey konata, didn't know you were into that

How was the fap?

So cute~
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>im not on that queue

thank you, ooo i listened to this yesterday, what a coincidence
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HomuMad (196).jpg
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This crop makes me a little suspicious.

Did you listen to A World Without from him? It's full of beautiful sounds. Unrelated music.
>I swear I'm studying

>Shiki ohayo
It's always interesting to see Shiki displaying emotions.

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Aww, no I'm not.

You know you are.
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cries desu
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Silly Rikka is silly
Cello is where it's at~


Drums are pretty great

Thanks, kind anon
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KyoukoSaya (25).jpg
1 MB, 1200x1218

Nah, you are obviously.
Ich sollte einfach schlafen gehen, viel Spaß euch noch
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1 MB, 500x500
Make one for me :^)

Breast friend.
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HomuSaya (6).jpg
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Back for Claim
Then back to WoW
Gute Nacht!
Yeah talk dirty to me like the slut I am :3
It seems like it'd be fun, I'd want my master to fuck me after the walk ^-^
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It's what I started playing when i was a little kid. They hold a special place in my heart.

As do you.
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Syndra [62].png
2 MB, 3000x3280
No promises that i will get anywhere.
I'm lazy and i quit easily.
>4th-5th account now
Damn, how much have you spent on it?
>rattle suggesting suicide
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ily now
Tons of security which makes the wait line super long. Major airports have around a 2 hour line for security check. And it's fairly cheaper to drive


Do you have a telegram?
You iowa and me there some
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1 MB, 4095x2887
Saber claimed
Mi you and Iowa three some
:3 love you too qt
What's your username I'll add you :0
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Belgians are good linguists. We have to be, we're a no-one-gives-a-fuck-about-us country that's gotta stay up and running with neighbours like UK, Germany and France. Speaking multiple languages is pretty much mandatory here. Most people won't hire someone who can't speak both dutch and french

As I said, good taste
Maybe you'll also appreciate what I'm listening to now. It's quite different stuff
>im not on that queue
Do you have a gyate gyate? Have you looked on Google, the booru's and Pixiv and couldn't find one?
If not then I will gladly add you to the queue. You'll be at the bottom though

>always interesting to see Shiki displaying emotions
My thoughts exactly
I'm probably gonna do a standard ohayou and then play around with expressions

You. Have. TONS
You have literally dozens of ohayous
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eh, no worries. which cod was it again? i forgot.

ummm.... about £500-£800
that includes different versions of games
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106 KB, 500x552
Yes, I did listened to A world without when you linked it.

Just repeat some things you're not really sure about you would know, and everything is going to be fine, I do hope.
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Shut up and clean the kitchen!

Yeah, that's what I thought. I mean you also have to be 2 hours early if you want to take the plane but it's much cheaper to do so. only like 160 bucks back and forth from vienna to berlin.

and look! Konata has telegram!
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I have 2.
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Syndra [246].jpg
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but i can get 3 too
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Kyouko (62).jpg
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Then we're both really cute I'd say.
Can i fucc u in the boipucci
>Most people won't hire someone who can't speak both dutch and french
And in Bruxelles moroccan is mandatory, too
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I can agree.
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Suppose that makes sense

That's the main difference then, super expensive to fly

So he does
Will I get a treat? c:
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Depending when you book, it can be super cheap. I usually book flights half a year for events like gamescom or when I want to visit someone

You can suck my cock afterwards!
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i have looked for one for a while now, cant find one. if you could add me and show me it (once its made) i would be grateful beyond boundry's as the only person i know of who creates cc pics now is Creayus.

if you want to you can, though i seem to have misplaced my modern warfare set. dont worry, i find everything before im desperate for it.
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oh shit what.png
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I searched you before, is that ur username?

Can i
>meme liu
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1 MB, 498x279
>tfw die Priester an meiner katholischen Privatschule nie ihre gesegnete Milch verteilt haben

Naja, prinzipiell bin ich ja voll dafür, dass geistiger Verwirrung nicht zu schnell nachgegeben wird.
Aber versuch doch mal in Deutschland Asyl zu beantragen, da du in deinem Herkunftsland wegen deiner Sexualität verfolgt wirst. Wir nehmen eh jeden.

>homuroll of rapidly declining faith
I'll get started then :3
If you ever want to send me a dick pic you can c:
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anyone good at answering complex questions?
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Hopping back on the neverending ride because I'm still not over my 3D ex two years after the fact.
Dominate me <3
>meme liu
Still would be hard to get to Arizona

What about me? Do u get a treat?

I'll just search you then
File: ReadTheShirt.png (1017 KB, 1280x1385) Image search: [Google]
1017 KB, 1280x1385
And a bunch of gifs and edits
There are people out there without any ohayuos of their waifu. I can't stand for that

You mean my ass?

Brussels should be fucking nuked. Or at the very least quarantined. It's beyond saving at this point. All that will be lost is some old buildings, a statue and the airport. All the rest is literal cancer and a blight upon this country

Natuurlijk houdt het steek

I've added you to the queue but you're all the way at the bottom as #29
It will take some time but eventually I'll get around to it. I finish one ohayou, sometimes 2 a day

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Syndra [106].jpg
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Well, right now i can probuably get any of them off g2a for less than 10€ so it really isnt a problem.
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beautiful red eyes.png
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Nothing ventured, nothing gained. Hit me.
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This thread is getting fucking retarded.
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I see how it is.
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2 MB, 1536x1754
I hold no artistic talent whatsoever
I tried guitar, signing, dance, drawing and painting.
I sucked at all of them. Too bad because I really enjoy them
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images (6).jpg
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titania claimed
I suck your penid
Complex in what respect, Esdeath? I can answer very complex philosophical questions but not so much quantum physics.
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Homura (14).png
777 KB, 673x968
>repeat some things you're not really sure about you would know
The things I'm not really sure aren't just some.
>Amon Tobin
I liked that, I've heard some of his tracks before but not much. Gotta get some of his releases.

That's the cutest kitty I've ever seen and I'm not even kidding.


>grabs popcorn
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Best Fairy Tail taste, mate. That woman doesn't even need requip magic. Her hands alone are lethal weapons. As are the tits.
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thank you, i dont mind waiting, i have all the time in the multiverse and more

then get all, if they cheep, dont be a sheep and avoid. be the wolf who buys them now and sells them 30 years from now for 80% profit or more
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KyoukoHomu (24).jpg
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Yes, you can too. I'm feeling generous today

Kek, zu meinem Leidwesen muss ich sagen dass wir schon sehr nach links lehnen. So viele Feminazis. In unseren Unis sind sogar Plakate welche folgendes lesen: "Stop Rapeculture" Kein Scherz.

eh... it was more of a joke

Why would I get a treat? I didn't do anything to please you.

dis is gun b good
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May as well try
>I can answer very complex philosophical questions
*tips fedora
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well as you guys know i have some issues mentally and one of the big ones that hits me from time to time is a struggle with a thought that i might be gay when. this ends up happening i have to check and make sure im not by looking at pics of hot dudes and making sure i dont get an erection. to this day i have not gotten one. however today my thoughts came back and i was worried i was gay again so instead of normal pics of dudes or maledom wich i figured would get me hard since femdom does i looked and giant the opposite of my giantess fetish i got a Bonner and could have sworn i could have finished my anxiety is through the roof and i could use some help anyone abble to help me out?
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I'm going to take my leave for today. It was nice talking to some of you
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HomuKyou (36).jpg
1 MB, 1500x938
That pic is scaringly representative of us.
My affection is no joke c:
Well I'll be around if you ever want to heat things up ;3
Can i spit?
>meme liu
If you think you're gay come give me a visit :3
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>That's the cutest kitty I've ever seen and I'm not even kidding.

No, you.

>I liked that, I've heard some of his tracks before but not much. Gotta get some of his releases.

You should start with the album " Isam ".

>grabs popcorn

Nonetheless, I do not really know about that.
I'll give you visit, sexy
>meme liu
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accept the fact ur a fagit and go suck someones cock
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Menma and Shiro.jpg
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You're WAY to worried about that stuff man! It's just your personal preference of what you enjoy sexually man, nothing wrong with embracing it either dude!
Shit, I am terrible at typing


You being here makes me happy

So you are gay?

That's fine, nothing to worry about

What about me?

I'm not that ugly

I should probably shower soon
You are definitely underage

Anyway, is there an actual problem with being gay for you? Like parents or something?
Are you attracted to Girls?
Why do you care so much when you have proven to yourself that you don't like gay stuff?
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Sollten die Feministen nicht deine besten Freunde sein? Die sind doch voll dafür, dass demisexuelle panromantische planetenkin halbgötter bekommen was sie wollen und mit ihren bevorzugten Pronomen angeredet werden.
File: Syndra [185].jpg (40 KB, 480x720) Image search: [Google]
Syndra [185].jpg
40 KB, 480x720
No thanks, im gonna choose the sheep option on this one.
Anyways, which one?
Maybe there was something other than dick that made you all hot and bothered. Or it could be the anxiety over your sexuality. Intense pain and fear can cause erections just as quickly and involuntarily as actual arousal. You may not be gay in the slightest. But even if you were, it's not like you have cancer or anything, and it doesn't change the core of who you are- doesn't change the content of your character. While sexual identity is an integral part of someone's general identity, it doesn't make you a totally different person at all, let alone a worse one. Remember that.
Kys faggot
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serena claimed
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Why... are you scared to be gay? It's pretty normal in this day and age...

uhm, anyway, there is even a psychological theory in it.
Not sure how it translates but it goes like that

The "You" is compromised of two factors. One is the "I" and the other is the "Uber-I". Basically the "I" is what you are while the "Uber-I" is what you think society wants you to be. Put "I" and "Uber-I" together and you get "You".
So, for example.
The "I" of a person could be phedophile. They'd love and adore small children and want to fuck them. While the "Uber-I" is of course... Pedophile people are bad.
So the "You" from that person is that they would even avoid small children in fear that it would come out that they're pedophile.

Basically now...
The "I" of you could be either bisexual, hetero or gay. But the "Uber-I" of you is so fixated on the "I don't want to be gay" that the "You" is actually scared and completely confused.

Huh... alright


aww, thank you. You can always chat me up in telegram you know

Ja... aber das ist doch krank was die wollen... Transsexualität ist eine Krankheit. Ich wünschte ich wäre es nicht. Leider ist die einzige verfügbare "Heilmethode" den eigenen Körper zu verstümmeln und mit Hormonen vollzupumpen.
Keine ernsthafte Transsexuele Person WILL transsexuel sein.
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653 KB, 510x1080
Very well. I'll get back on Shiki's ohayou then

Of course it makes sense

>reading this
Get some professional help dude
or don't be underage, whatever you get done faster
>Claiming a 10 year old
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221 KB, 850x850
It has begun.
Aww man~
I wanted to swallow ;-;
>meme liu
This is my fave chocolate pic honestly :3
Those cheeks c:
File: Akiko_113.png (398 KB, 960x723) Image search: [Google]
398 KB, 960x723
That's derived from Sigmund Freud's psychoanalysis and has been declared flawed as fuck years ago.
It just ain't that simple m8
but shes qt and looks older than the other female protags
Von wem war denn der kram mit dem ich und über ich nochmal
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110 KB, 441x386
Hat sich erledigt
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Well then don't spit and swallow you fucking faggot!

This one from the drawfag, I like it a lot more

Oh yeah, that's right, that was from Freud. God damn I forgot that.

Siegmund Freud. Hab vergessen dass es von ihm war und dass es nicht aktuell ist. Basically this: >>691149212
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Ist das denn nicht irgendwie heilbar?
Und wenn nicht, wäre es nicht die bessere Alternative, sich von einem Psychohansel das Hirn waschen zu lassen, bis man glaubt man sei normal? Klingt meiner Meinung nach besser als Verstümmelung.
I always can, but you tend to be in the thread most of the time

I thought Freud was bullshit though

Sure it does
File: Queen_of_dominatirx_29.jpg (149 KB, 621x920) Image search: [Google]
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this is what i was afraid of im going to die

i dont have a problem being gay i dont give a fuck what others think. i dont want to be gay for myself as i have been attracted to women my whole life the thought of relationships with a man make me feel awkward not happy but the bottom line is i like women i want to be straight not gay

sigh im not underage im 20 nice try

it could be my psychologist said its hocd an ocd of the fear of being gay

4chan is not a place i should have posted this

why is this considers underage wtf?
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which game to get?
uh... bo 1 or 2
mw 3 or 1
or waw

those are my favourite

do as you wish
i'm not gonna stop you
Of course
Chara is a simpleminded austrian faggot
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Serious question, why does it bother you? There's nothing wrong with whatever your sexual orientation is :(

I love you all regardless :3

Don't feel down ;-;
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Mio maid peaking.png
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If the idea of having a man-on-man relationship makes you uncomfortable you're probably straight.
>sigh im not underage im 20 nice try
Then you sound like you're 17
If you're straight then stop obsessing over gay porn, it should be of no concern for you
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just a flesh wound.jpg
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You seem to be afraid and unbeknownst to your own sexuality, and that's a big problem. You could just be bi-sexual but in denial of it, as you enjoy women but also seem to enjoy men.
You're a fag gtfo
QOTT: Who is the worst anon-waifu?
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Ist soweit ich weiß nicht heilbar. Und Gehirnwäsche funktioniert leider nicht so einfach wie man denkt. Jahrelange Gefangenschaft ist vorausgesetzt und selbst dann ist es nicht garantiert da nicht alle Personen dafür anfällig sind.
Wäre mir auch lieber wenn ich ein normales Liebesleben und ne normale Sexualität haben könnte. Habs mit Jungen und Mädchen probiert. Habs bei beiden als aktiven und passiven Part probiert. Es ist und bleibt geschissen für mich. Fühlt sich dannach an als ob ich jemanden vergewaltigt hätte.

Me too lately.

And yeah, I forgot that it was from Fred

It's considered underage since most adults don't have a problem with their sexuality. It is by no means bad or something else. What happens happens.
But I'm seriously curios why you think it is bad. I mean you seem fixated on not wanting to be gay... so you probably aren't gay.
You're overthinking it.

>tfw cancerfags scared everyone in the thread

jesus christ.
you guys are doing it.
you are slowly destroying /waifu/
Well, you are 20. I didn't "become" gay till 18, which was only about half a year ago

While you are 20-24 your brain is just finishing forming, so you might change in a lot of ways

Yet another cute picture, when does it end?

Without a doubt it's Syndra

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(no idea who your are)
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Syndra [236].jpg
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I think im gonna get bo2, just because i haven't played it before.

Or maybe i should just get ghosts.
waifu destroyed itself after declaring war to drawthreads
Waifu died when hand did
What's wrong?
Mi Liu.
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ghosts is shit
utter shit
nothing is balanced, nothing makes any sense, all stats are wrong. its a bullshit game and dog is op
if ur gonna get either bo2 or ghosts, get bo2
Hand-kun was cancer
*steala charas pantsu and knife*

This. Most anons in this thread are edgy teens who think they know what /waifu/ is all about
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Syndra [110].jpg
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I know, im not fully retarded, only mostly.
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Ohayou! (3).png
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>When does it end

*stabs anon with spare knife*
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That's not a very positive way to look at it all chaps, now is it?
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scared me for a moment there
thought u trusted ign and 9 y/o's
Fuck you
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Can't say he isn't

>why is this considers underage wtf?
Because when you're 20 you have had more than enough time to figure this shit out and cope with it
You sound like a confused 13 year old who's just noticed touching his peen gives a nice feeling
So you're scared you might be gay. Why? Is daddy gonna shove his hand up your ass if you are? If you're fucking 20 you shouldn't be worried about this
Second, why do you fucking check wether or not you're gay on a regular basis by watching gay porn? That's pretty gay dude, boner or not


Me of course
*steals all chara's knifes*
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i dont enjoy men dicks and cum gross me the hell out the male body bores me once in a while when this comes up i just feel like i do im wondering if the bonner was from my intense anxiety and the fetish itself not the men

yeah you seem to get what im saying

it bothers me because i want to be with a stong dom girl someday and if im gay i cant do that

fuck im going to bash my head in the uncertainty is driving me insane

i dont think being gay is bad i just dont want to be gay because i want to be with a woman for myself not for others
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1 MB, 1190x1678
Same for if you need to talk to me

Never it seems

Always keep a spare knife

Hands Chara a scalpel
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Kyouko (10).png
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You seem pretty determined to not be gay so I'd say you're probably straight

I love you anon

*snatches scalpel and fran's pantsu*
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Syndra [256].png
533 KB, 1600x1035
The loli ships are still scaring me.
You must be special kind of retarded to trust them.
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Rolling to steal pic related
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Well then where is the problem?
I don't think I understand your problem.
If you want to be with a women you are most likely not gay.
If you only want to fuck women, you are most likely not gay.
The only thing that could happen is that some giant faggot who looks like a crossdressing confuses your boner because he looks like a girl.
You're straight, end of story, stop watching gay porn.

Thanks! I'll probably come back to it.

I have more than just one spare knife. And thanks for the scalpel. I'm going to get my knives back.

>slits your throat with a scalpel and takes all knives back*

god damn
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Have you considered calling one of those exorcists?
Loli-ship exorcist I mean.
Gotta Reroll
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Anyone who is a heretic :^)
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>AgK/DxD crossover
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isnt retarded classed as special in this can of beans we call our society?
and you never know, you might have some dark necessity's
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Not happening pal
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Love ya too :^)
*steals waifu AND pantsu*
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Then just find a strong Dom girl, problem solved!

Also of them?

Well, you can't disarm Gavril or Veronica


Anyway I'm going to shower now, then off to work

Try not to think of how wet and soapy I'm going to be! And how many people jerk it in the shower
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thanks makes might heart feel like its not going to fall out of me

ok i will thanks i know i love esdeath at least lol

sounds pretty cool man go for it
im going to go guys when i get like this the next step after anxiety is depression i just need to be alone for a couple of days sorry i put these things on you i just was in a panic and i needed to let it out (i know 4chan of all places) ill see you guys in a few days thanks for the help
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Byebye Fran!

>I actually don't jerk in the shower
*jerks off to Fran in shower*
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What makes you a heretic?
*sneaks dick in chara's boipucci*
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Keep rolling, you'll never claim my waifu
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>im wondering if the bonner was from my intense anxiety and the fetish itself not the me
>I want to be with a stong dom girl someday and if im gay i cant do that
>I just dont want to be gay because i want to be with a woman for myself not for others
My fucking sides
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I'm not saying weither I do or not

I don't really care if you do, so go ahead
*sticks cock in Akiko's sides*
It's a pleasure to assist.
I'll steal her tho~
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Syndra [71].jpg
128 KB, 800x1200
Noone told me about them.
I really hope they aren't one of them.
Why do i have the idea that you were planning for this beforehand.
Switched from Megaman
*standa outside shower jerking off to fran*
Thread replies: 213
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