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Gay fur thread. Post some gay fur pics below.

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 211
Thread images: 151
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Gay fur thread.
Post some gay fur pics below.
We need hitler back
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Fags should be castrated
Nope we need furs
I agree, make me a girl, daddy.
Why, it's better with cum.
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Your logic is right.
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God Hates Fags
Also post sharks thanks
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That's a safety hazzard
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We can't let them reproduce and ruin the future of straight peoples children
At least someone is sensible here
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It's part of the safety demonstration.
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Then we shall keep ourselves in balance.
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Ive always been a fan of the little girly guys being dominated by hung studs
>Extreme envy
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tfw neither a little girly guy nor a hung stud
Such is life.
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hay red
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My problem is that im the huge one but i wanna be the tiny one :(
Six five and half in shape<
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Hey dude, how you been?
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Same as always
any furs in california?
going there on vacation
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Better than worse, I suppose!
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Ya go there were the rest of the fur fags are /b/ doesnt welcome you
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A lot
Might aswell hook up with someone while i am traveling there
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I feel like drinking but the past few months of that have been doing nothing to help me build muscle or stay thin.
I think you replied to the wrong post
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>most populated state
>most liberal state
>are there any furfags?
>what is greentext?
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I feel your pain. I drank a beer, a milkshake, and ate shitty yesterday. I feel like garbage today. I want to get drunk, but I don't want the calories...

At least I've got weed.
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You should give him the benefit of the doubt that he was implying people who come here.
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Are you fat?
Aw crap
Global rule #3
You will not post any of the following outside of /b/: Trolls, flames, racism, off-topic replies, uncalled for catchphrases, macro image replies, indecipherable text (example: "lol u tk him 2da bar|?"), anthropomorphic ("furry") or grotesque ("guro") images, post number GETs ("dubs"), or loli/shota pornography.
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I wouldn't say fat. At least, whenever I do, everyone else yells at me "You're NOT fat!" I've dropped 25 pounds in the past couple months though, still some ways to go. I have a slight belly, nothing huge, but not fit either. Trying to slim down a bit, then I'll find a gym and start doing a 5x5 routine to put on some actual muscle mass on my upper body.

I wish to be the little girl.
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Also I hate weed, ugh.
Everyone smokes the shit and wants you to smoke it too and if you dont want to they look at you like something's wrong with you.
To be fair there is something wrong with me, but thats not the point.
nope in /trash/ you can almost post anything
besides cp of course it has a shit ton of furfag fuckery on it
Post belly
Well, I am from sweden so i wouldn't have a clue.
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Nah, I don't post pictures of myself here.
do not post belly
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Normally people dont care about posting belly here.
You got a steam?
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Relax, no one is posting anyone's belly.
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Post your belly
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ᵈᵉᵐᵒˢ ʷᶦᶫᶫ ᶰᵉᵛᵉʳ ᵖᵒˢᵗ ʰᶦˢ ᵇᵉᶫᶫʸ
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Not one I give out. I try to keep my fur-faggotry separate from real life, and most of my friends are on Steam.
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Xcuse me, sauce?
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I can understand that.
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I *rarely* ever check it, but @redthewildwolf
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..talking about full retard.
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what about the half retards?
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Straight Furs
Normal Gays
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Did someone say belly?
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Yeah I asked for bellypics, but he wouldnt give em.
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I'm pretty sure I heard belly.

You should post yours instead.
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Don't do it, Nibi; it's a trap!
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I need pics for pics dood.
ur a trap

Okay, just a sec.
>ur a trap
Dude, I wish.
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Follow your dreams.
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I didnt say id post belly here.
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hey red wanna go to a furmeet in denver
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Oh well.
I. Need. Knots
A furmeet sounds really gross. I imagine it smells like sour body odor, stale sweat, old cum, urine, feces, and maybe AIDS.
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I might be down for it! When is it?
in 5 days
it is clothing optional
i don't want to go by myself
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Clothing optional? I don't know if I wanna do that, haha.
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Perfect opportunity for you guys to whip out your banana hammocks.
You're not far off.
David what kind of places are you even going to?
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12 oz mouse.jpg
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B-but I don't have a banana hammock!

I... don't really *want* a banana hammock!
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>Aries - There are a million reasons you shouldn’t give up hope of ever finding love. None of them, however, are any good.
fun places for fun people
Dont tell me you went to a furmeet.

Wear that butt-floss, boi.
I went to a con a few months ago. Close enough.
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Get in here bois
Was it all fat neckbeards or were there any cuties?
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What did I just join?

>Wear that butt-floss
Don't have any of that either, surprisingly. Just some cute rainbow briefs.
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Fox (88).png
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Are you suggesting that there exists any sort of fun outside of the comfort of your home?
Mostly fat neckbeards.
Show m- Oh... Right.
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The mere thought is terrifying.

I was at Comicon yesterday. The fat neckbeard to cutie ratio was surprisingly good.
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There isnt, dont listen to lies.


Usually its always full of fatties.
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There was one cute guy there, anyway.
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>Usually its always full of fatties.
Well I had fun. Went with my friends from work, it was a good time. Great costumes.
no that's why i spend all my time at home
hello roy i have not had any more dreams about you i am sorry
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Hi David. It's okay, I understand.
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Yes; naturally.

So what is this meet supposed to be anyways?
Your description confused me.
i have no idea and no real intention to go
i've always wondered
do you just press F12 randomly all the time while you play games
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Mornin sunshines
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I bet you didnt talk to him.

Yeah the costumes are neat. Never been to things like that though.
unless you wanted to go
I would go with you
whos belly
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Go if you get a chance. It's a lot of fun to just walk around and people watch.
He wasn't that into me.
You're taking a lot of liberties with the word "people" there.
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Fox (165).png
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I try to keep my attendance limited to events which require the use of clothing.
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Eh, Comicon is mainstream enough it's mostly normies.
Yeah I just felt like being a bitch for a minute :p
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Cat Drone.jpg
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That is irrelevant. That belly needs to shed fat
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I usually dont go to places with tons of people, social anxiety.

Thats how im usually treated.
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>I usually dont go to places with tons of people, social anxiety.
Yeah, me too. Alcohol helps.
no it is relevant
what kinds of clothes do you wear
We're just special, I suppose.
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Can you drink at a con?
Dude. There are like drunk furries everywhere at night. No one is sober.
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They had a few beer tents set up, and my friends and I brought some shooters.
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I wouldn't mind going to a furmeet, if nothing else out of my own curiosity, I just don't know if I could do a clothing optional one.
The identity will become relevant when the belly is morphed into a more ideal form
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Obviously just a collar.
Does anyone have that comic where the brother dog ties the other one down to a bed? and I think a couple of his friends fuck him too.

Can never find it after the first time I saw it, the quality was quite good
I would want most of the attendees to be clothed.
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>"Its LIKE soooOOO east to talk to people lol!"

Not you rite?

I thought it was an alcohol free zone like thing because people would get super drunk and fuck shit up.
i thought it looked fine
Google "The Prank" by Syynx.
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I chuckled
It probably is for some people anyway. I'm just not one of them.

I was drunk by proximity.
what kind of collar do you have
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Fox (180).png
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One for every occasion.
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Needs abs
A total of zero.
you went to a fur con?
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Me too
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hello friendos
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I'll get you one, roy.
Just tell me the color and material.
well which one do you have on now
how does it reflect the current occasion
I assume it says "daddy" on there somewhere for father's day
no I'll get him one
I did.

You're drunk by proximity?

Dealer's choice. I'll wear it for you.
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tfw no two taffy monsters to play with
tfw nobody to tie me up like this
No, I insisted first.

Then I'll have be a fancy color that nobody has heard of before.
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Fox (126).png
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The one I currently have on now is premium quality made with the finest air obtainable.
Generally its appearance has some semblance to the theme of the occasion.
I am too bland for that kind of stuff.
shit wrong thread, oops
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Anyone got any ass to mouth? I love ass to mouth.
i'll cry
someone dump some horse.
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I might get drunk later.
Like.. red or something.

I enjoyed it.
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i want to go to one :c
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But.. you wanted to stop.

There's probably one somewhere close to you at some point in the year.
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Don't cry subby is not here

No silly
It will be like
"Illustrious Carnation of the Templar"
Or something
why is he so mean
I don't know if I'm fancy enough to warrant something like that.

I didnt say completely.
Tipsy enough to be lewd?
Subby's not mean he's a just strong Independent Black Trumpkin who don't need no David.

Well the material will be leather so it wouldn't be overtly fancy.
no he's a jerk
hoi bb


yeah they are around here but i just always forget or dont have anyone to go with
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Its all disgustingness.
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enough nonsense

how are you all doing?
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I dunno, maybe.
Leather sounds pretty nice.

Just go solo.
Maybe as in.. yes?
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2LBnPTv -.png
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But he likes me so he's not a jerk!

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Mildly depressed

Hard with no one else.
i'm going to go cry anyway
gay furries more like gay retards amirite
ha ha
checked. damn son
shiny and chrome
no idubbbztv is a gay retard
if you don't get it, look him up on youtube
Thread needs to bump
or you need to go to the new thread

Thread replies: 211
Thread images: 151

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