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s/fur Cause things should be fuzzier

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 202
Thread images: 150
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Cause things should be fuzzier
Fur shit is gay keep it to yourself
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Gay fur is that way >>682098633
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I am new to this gf thinks I'm "gay" cuz I'm recently way into this straight cartoon fur porn. Requesting a lion male?...w any female animal. Thanks
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True that, would be such a risky relationship. Relationships with lots of anthros would be risky in different ways. A shark grill might eat you, and it might not be as hot as I imagine it to be..
More like this!!! Male lion?.....
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>Requesting a lion male?
You might be gay or bi tho

>...w any female animal.
Lol just so it isn't as gay?
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Have some somewhere, but dunno if I can find
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Right. I'm struggling w my mind. A vagina in the room makes it a little less gay. Sincerely.
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Im sure you'd find a way to make it work just fine though. Just, careful of tickling and jittery movements.
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yup. All I got though, I think
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Thank you anon. My jimmys are rustling
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>Just, careful of tickling and jittery movements.
For some reason that sounds hot as fuck
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Dafuk? That chicken likes to watch.
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i want to do that with a real cat
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Lol yeah, never noticed that before
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Hey, if that what gets you goin' then i say; indulge.
A human sized anthromorphic one right?
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I'm looking for the rarest of non-generic content.
Bugs, avian, whatever.
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A non-anthro kitteh is way too small tho
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i doubt you can stick a human penis into a different kind
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This may be a dumb question..again, I'm new. Are these single frames, or are they from movies? I'd like to know what's up w the chicken voyeur ...maybe just the minute leading up to this
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Better quality?
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Most are single ones, some from comics. Not entirely sure about that one, but I think it's a single.

Quite new to this fetish as well btw, got into it around easter because eggs are hawt as fuck.
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That's cool ... I guess I'm into dirty paws.
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What am I looking at? Orca anthro? Not into it. More lions.
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WOOF. This. More this.
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>dirty paws
Is there much content? I didn't see much yet, care to post an example?
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Again some fucking chicken I never noticed
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That chicken is in every picture of the brown girl.
I don't know why.
The chicken is in every picture with remmmy (the brown cat).
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It's a running joke.
Think: pussy and cock.
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My kind of girl
I don't have an example...but I can ramble out the story of dirty paws if you'd like. I could post some real o.c to go w...but only if you want, anon.
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Fuck yeah.
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You realise that's two males right?
....just now. Fuck. Meh...I guess I'm into cat guys. How gay/10?
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Interesting, thx!
10/10 full homo
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Yeah, go for it anon. I'm into paws as well so dirty paws sounds like something I might enjoy

>>I don't have an example
>Has a fetish, doesn't have something to post.
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Lol! Lion dude, yeah I really think you are gay. Didn't notice dick in thumbnail or I wouldn't have posted it. You should look for g/fur threads as well or h/fur if you like chicks with dicks or feminine penises
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Pussy dudes does sound half gay
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Short and cringy comic incoming
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Ants but only size I have
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If you like pic related you're full blown gay heh
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OK /b/ I am a 30y.o fella who has his own place as does my gf...for her birth day I got her a buttplug tail. Fuckin hot. Time goes by but one thing is a constant, when she gets into my bed she always always has little dirty feet and gives no fucks. I haven't always had a bed so admittedly I am a certain way about particles of f.o.d in my bed. ... Her pet name is born. Dirtpaw. Pic related me and dirtpaw
My dick!
Not gay. I fuck my lady often...that's why this is so weird. I'd never fuck a fella. But I will watch some fur peni penetrating anything....apparently. More lions
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Love this one so much.
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>for her birth day I got her a buttplug tail.
>Fuckin hot.
Totally. She looks cute! Have a pic of her with tail you'd want to share?

Didn't always have a bed as well, lived for 1.5 years in the woods. But I didn't get that fetish, thx for sharing!
>buttplug tail
well then...
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We just recently lost a baby and I'm protective of her. I want to share. ... But I just don't....and on /b/!? Sigh...ill look at what I could or am willing to post.
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I want to get a buttplug tail as well. Wish I was still with my ex, she would've loved it as she was into butt stuff very much
Did you check down the back of the sofa?
Normally when I lose something it is there.
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Thx anon, but you don't have to if you don't want. No problem
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I lold
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Here is her tail...I keep it clean for her....i realize this isn't the pic you want but...just to show u I'm real
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Is end?
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Fuck off.
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Fuck yes! This is amazing, you're a lucky anon. Damn I wish you could share one of it in use, this is totally my fetish. Damn.
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>But I will watch some fur peni penetrating anything
This is what /b/ makes of people. It gave me a vore and furry fetish among lots of others, I don't even mind a good trap anymore.
Get one with a milk chocolate butt plug, it makes a nice energy snack for afterwards. Melts in your mouth, not in your ass.
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I wish there weren't assholes in here or I would. I'm not as lucky as you might think...again, lost baby. I do walk around w two rabbits feet tho....
Not sure what's going on in that bottom right corner
Btw full front sock done in rehab , stick and poke ... $12 , a snickers and a dr pepper for lookout
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Slimesan checking in, still playing Bravely Second, though I bought some stuff on the PSN goldenweek sale.
I have no idea what this means.
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>again, lost baby.
Yeah sorry about that anon

>wish there weren't assholes in here or I would.
Uh-uh, you'd totally make my day with it. She's so cute and butt plug tails make me wild.

>I'm not as lucky as you might think...
Still very envious
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Fuck. I have a long video of's her grateful tattoo, and skittles. Wink
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Playstation had a goldenweek sale on games based in Japan. And movies. I bought some of each and am playing the game Bravely Second right now, thsts as simplified as it gets.
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>Fuck. I have a long video of's her grateful tattoo, and skittles. Wink
She sleeps w it in when she comes over. I fucking paw that tail constantly when it's in.
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You won't show her with a plug in her ass but will show a very identifying tattoo she has?
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I realize you want intimate pics.... I just don't feel good about it. I'm sorry....more lions
You got me....I'm just trying to be a good anon..and a good bf....not everyone is a huge asshole and wants hate on females. I should go.
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Morning guys
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>here's her grateful tattoo, and skittles
Fuck tattoos as well?! She's perfect

>She sleeps w it in when she comes over.
OMG another fetish of mine, keeping things in butt when sleeping.

Uhm, is there anything I can do to get you to send me that video by mail? I'm serious, I won't share that video with anyone. This would make me so so happy you can't imagine. I know this is still /b/ but I keep my promise.
I'd get you all the gay lions there are.
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Hey anon!
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Wrong thread you furry faggot
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I would love to make someone's's been dark for me lately...unfortunately there's really no to get email w out posting on /b/? I don't see a way...? More lions
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Grinding Bravely Second, what are you up to?
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And when you pull on it a little she makes the cutest sound. It's very sweet.
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mightypoo (1).png
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That file name
Picture of plug please? My girl has one but says it's too large/long for comfort. I would like to see which shape and size you're using
>And when you pull on it a little she makes the cutest sound.
God damnit anon, I have no words.

>how to get email w out posting on /b/? I don't see a way...?
I could post one of mine and you'd just send it to me? This would make my entire month I'm not joking.

More lions for you
I already posted plug pic. Go up
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If you've ever smelled reptile excrement you'll never think the cloaca is a sexy zone.
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Not much really, am hungover from yesterday and been lurking fur threads all day. You?
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Mightypoohead_sm (2).jpg
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Most of my shit is labelled "mightypoohead" or GMPH
Fuck I've been paying attention to too many threads sorry.
...if you want to post your email...for real? On /b/? Dude. You don't want to do that.
Debating on watching the panty and stocking w garterbelt series psn had on sale for like 10 bucks. I bought it, Omega Quintet, High School dxd new, and the movie Hal.
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Mfw looking at furry porn in front of my father and brother
Here's a protip downside...when she rides and it's in, it won't stay in, aaaaand when behind, you have to keep thumb on it or it chaffs/rubs/burns my ding dong.... More straight lions
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Do you like you reptiles squishy and smooth?
>>682131181 starts to stink in my room like wet dogs after awhile of sweat and what not...
For that I'd do anything. I'll be grateful forever anon, thank you so so much.

Mail: [email protected]

Have another lion. To the others, sorry for posting dicks but yeah, for that tail buttplug thing I'll do anything
Go to hell.
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>.when she rides and it's in, it won't stay in,
Hmm yeah, is it because of the tail? My ex had a buttplug in sometimes when riding and it would stay in. Maybe she rode tamer than yours

>More straight lions
For some reason I don't even have that many straight liond. I'll try to find them
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I already am.
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You and me both anon....hard to keep chin up lately... Lions
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Have a booty
>hard to keep chin up lately...
Hmm yeah, I'm really lonely lately which sucks. I don't even want to do something with my friends so I just stay at home. Doesn't help with being lonely lol.

Wish I had a gf, cash was money back then. Sorry for bothering you that much, but could you send me that thing to the yahoo address I posted earlier? Can't wait, I'm really happy in anticipation
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Have a jiggle booty
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Thread replies: 202
Thread images: 150

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