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Waifu claiming thread. Claim your waifu and discuss Obligatory

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 174
Thread images: 149
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2 MB, 2592x1936
Waifu claiming thread.

Claim your waifu and discuss

Obligatory claim.
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Syndra (81).jpg
128 KB, 800x1200
Not here
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496 KB, 1181x1417
Asuka Claimed and eyepatched
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>mfw I make bread too late by just a few seconds
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Actually in the shower.
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Fastest waifu on no legs claimed
No, seriously, you should rest or you'll get sick again and again.
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Good. No one wants you here anyways, nigger
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Love you Tats
Love you Mugi
Love you Hand
Love you Shinoa

Renge is still a fucking faggot.
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Barry 2.jpg
32 KB, 480x270
barry ballen ba bastest ban abive
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Time for something.gif
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claiming the entire bread, well we shoulda kept the other one
Neither of us knew man were good brudda

See I knew you would fall for me one day <3

Rikka Claimed!...also eyepatched
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Praise the sun
The FitnessGram Pacer Test is a multistage aerobic capacity test that progressively gets more difficult as it continues. The 20 meter pacer test will begin in 30 seconds. Line up at the start. The running speed starts slowly, but gets faster each minute after you hear this signal. A single lap should be completed each time you hear this sound. Remember to run in a straight line, and run as long as possible. The second time you fail to complete a lap before the sound, your test is over. The test will begin on the word start. On your mark, get ready, start.

This one
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34 KB, 255x300
I missed eye patch time. Also, new.
Also Emi whoops forgot she was here.
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lewd duce8.png
856 KB, 804x1200

Hi anon.
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Yes. This bread is all mine

[Spoiler] and so is this girls virginity [/Spoiler]
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2 MB, 2592x1936
Love you too, handsome smug.


The FitnessGramâ„¢ Pacer Test is a multistage FitnessGram capacity test that progressively gets more FitnessGram as it continues. The 20 meter FitnessGram test will begin in 30 FitnessGram. Line up at the FitnessGram. The running speed starts FitnessGram, but gets faster each FitnessGram after you hear this signal. [FitnessGram] A single FitnessGram should be completed each time you hear this FitnessGram. [FitnessGram] Remember to run in a straight FitnessGram, and FitnessGram as long as possible. The second time you fail to complete a FitnessGram before the FitnessGram, your FitnessGram is over. The FitnessGram will begin on the word FitnessGram. On your mark, get ready, FitnessGram.
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Atago 136.jpg
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>if it can happen to the Germans it will happen to the sand crickets
Never looked at it that way. That's reassuring.
>A melting pot of racism is more like it
The only foolproof plan is mass extermination
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78 KB, 736x593
Utaha claimed
eyepatch recognizes eyepatch
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fine claim you have there, can i eat it?
Daily masturbation is healthy
>sachi claim
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2 MB, 540x304

Hi, how are you doing?
I still sleep a lot, it's just that a good portion of it is during the day.
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>mfw using spoiler tag on /b/
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40 KB, 413x413
200â„… agree
>excited rattling
Hey Texas
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116 KB, 670x1191
Right. Never gave a reminder in a while
Daily reminder that maka albarn is superior to mugi in every way.

No one gives better pats than hand-kun.

Absolutely nobody can outrun Emi. No one

Daily masturbation is healthy
Praise the sun
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1 MB, 1936x2592
Glad I could make the future look brighter. Just give them a few seasons and the moose will pick them off.

>mass extermination
I prefer the world's largest steamroller.

>excited rattle hug
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66 KB, 540x402
Praise the sun!

>The second time you fail to complete a lap before the sound, your test is over.
>The second time you fail
>The second time

>Sleep schedule = fucked
Oh... That should be fixed first tbh, get some morning sunlight

Marie Rose, you is mah nigga

>Emi Ramsay
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101 KB, 250x248
Eye patch comradery!
I'm fine. You?
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26 KB, 700x392
Damn it. Couldn't hold it in for too long

Nice dubs welcome
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Ara ara.jpg
282 KB, 1920x1200
eyepatches are for the weak
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70 KB, 244x250
love you too
no homo :^)
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34 KB, 746x550
better fucking shit up song
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My nig. I feel like I havent seen you around as much lately. Where you been Mugs?
File: dont give me lip.jpg (139 KB, 610x320) Image search: [Google]
dont give me lip.jpg
139 KB, 610x320
I knew it! I have finally broken you!

Excuse me?!?

May the /waifu/ thread taste the wrath of the patch!
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1 MB, 1280x720
Eye patches!
...No eye patches?
That's gonna take some work.
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images (2).jpg
8 KB, 300x168

>picks mugi
>says no homo

Are you ignoring the fact Mugi os a massive lesbian
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1 MB, 1936x2592
>slightly touches smug
>bones to pick
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duce in tonk4.jpg
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Tactical Italian retreat.
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I'm fine too
Does wearing eyepatches only for look count?
I want to destroy all of these anuses. That is all.
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Atago 099.jpg
160 KB, 850x1063
>TG filename
Heil Tenryuu
File: Straight outta Somalia.jpg (833 KB, 1440x749) Image search: [Google]
Straight outta Somalia.jpg
833 KB, 1440x749
ay nigga you wanna fucking go, I'll fucking kick the stupid right outa yo dumb-ass

your waifu is shit

>you said you didn't care
I think you are mistaken I specifically said that I cared for these thread.

This is my fun. I hate to watch it rot away in the interest of a few self important idiots.

I still haven't seen your waifu.

Yes I called you a snowflake back.

/mu/ doesn't give you opinions in a silver platter it gives albums and you judge them. That is all.

For all it's worth it is a much better board than /lit/, /v/ and /tv/, which just fall into the "/pol/ with X theme"

Why don't you like /mu/?
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>angry rattling

Literally fight me

Dont worry youre safe in the patch crew, btw didnt catch your name?
Is she really? Hawt
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992 KB, 1936x2592
He'll show us the way, he'll man the wheel.

>defensive rattling
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437 KB, 578x540
Hello all! Work is almost done but after it I'll have to go meet with someone about something (I think it might lead to a less shitty job). How are you all?
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Do it for Galko!
>She a mega cute, she'd motivate a sloth to be awake 22 hours a day

Piss off
File: youreallyareabrat.png (668 KB, 1280x542) Image search: [Google]
668 KB, 1280x542
thats right you better flee
you wot mate
File: Vigil - 15.png (293 KB, 650x585) Image search: [Google]
Vigil - 15.png
293 KB, 650x585
He can force her to be straight if he needs to.
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Syndra (114).jpg
464 KB, 1200x1600

Well then. your just gonna have to deal with me because i have returned.
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70 KB, 1280x720
Fuck you that's how I am. Eat a dick. I hope your stuck at your shitty job until you die cunt.
>suspicious rattling
Why do you keep replying to me? You said you'll stop, yet you still continue.

I don't have anything with other boards, I can't say that I don't like them.

I find every board fine because people have different hobbies or likes.
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Fine. I'll admit it. I have a thing for you
Eye patching intensifying
Shizuru from the vn Rewrite.

Galko's sleep schedule is probably just as fucked.
>but I guess I could
File: duce in tonk3.jpg (142 KB, 850x755) Image search: [Google]
duce in tonk3.jpg
142 KB, 850x755
Good you.

It's an Italian tactical retreat, which means leave all the work to the Germans.
If trips all anuses ITT thread are mine.
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675 KB, 250x135
>inb4 5/6 people will reply to this post.
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223 KB, 677x956
/mu/ is annoying because they rarely talk about academic music and when they do its all
>hurr durr Mozart>Beethoven fight me faggot
they also never use quantitative reasoning to form opinions about music preferring to instead insult other people's tastes with lots of qualitative nonsense
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98 KB, 1280x720
>I'm thinking Arby's

Woah that was uncomfortably close

Doing alright. Slow day but not bad.

How tsundere of you
Reported for hating fun
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48 KB, 500x546
just been busy i guess
Well in that case. You're here, I'm here. We're stick togethet. Mightaswell fuck amirite
>confused rattling
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how to have a good time.jpg
944 KB, 1920x1200
If you insist

Only bitches wear eyepatches
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sleeping duce.jpg
223 KB, 555x741
Well gotta get going, bye anons.
HAH I knew it!

Nice to meet you, I am relatively new as well, welcome and have fun <3

I do insist imma fuck you up
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Syndra (83).jpg
97 KB, 500x658
im.. gonna refuse this offer
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193 KB, 426x239
Fuck doing things, follow that NEET calling that /waifu/ knows so well

>I jest, stay in school moogs
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Goodbye Duce.
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replying so the prophecy is fulfilled
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Atago 108.jpg
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Every day, we stray further from salvation
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Bye Duce :)
I can't. I don't know, what it is.

I need to go to sleep. Tomorrow Jesus Christ dies or something.

Have a good thread regardless.

I'm not talking about that side of /mu/. Mostly the sharing side of it.

Just stay away from generals and you'll be mostly fine.

Other than sharethreads and /gg/ I guess, everything else is pretty unsalvageable. /wpop/ and /kpop/ really take a good chunk of the board now, which is a shame.
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faded wallpaper.jpg
2 MB, 2560x1440
you bet it is.
i will stomp you in a giant robot
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8 KB, 320x101
Well glad you're here tonight, my little meme.

>cautious rattling
You're forgetting that I'm much younger than you. Your parents must be ashamed of.
If anyone is interested in ts3.
Oh yeah, nice superior taste in Eva girls there.

I like you.
yeah unfortunately /mu/ is either protohipster bullshit or people sharing music that they stole from eachother
Hamakaze no
File: 3427.jpg (196 KB, 620x877) Image search: [Google]
196 KB, 620x877
wew lad

>It's an Italian tactical retreat, which means leave all the work to the Germans.
I love you for this

Probably. But you gotta stay healthy so one day you can sleep on her pillows
>u lucky basterd
You know what? I'm gonna be a special snowflake so I'll make you happy. In this thread when eveyone is someone, I'll be just a nobody, because, that's what a special snowflake should do.

Anyway, happy easter and goodnight.
TG filename?
>that wasn't me

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1 MB, 1936x2592
Stay true and we'll arrive in steel. One day.

>friendly rattling
Fuckk off syndra
File: Syndra (8).jpg (402 KB, 630x945) Image search: [Google]
Syndra (8).jpg
402 KB, 630x945
Oh dont worry, i wont tell kys that much.
File: I guess it's a girefight.gif (1 MB, 500x265) Image search: [Google]
I guess it's a girefight.gif
1 MB, 500x265
a little girl isn't going to do much

a giant robot, how cute
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2 MB, 2952x3445
>Muh thread
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751 KB, 500x281
>Wary rattling
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Vigil - 223 - KANGZ.jpg
403 KB, 450x666
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191 KB, 1915x1075
Yes. Yes you did
>be me
>be thirsty
>be fiending for cigarette
>grab cup of water and lighter
>take drink
>try to light cup while drinking
Excuse you do you know what power I have under this eye?

Now...walk me home gently <3
File: shizuruchibi.jpg (41 KB, 480x640) Image search: [Google]
41 KB, 480x640
Wh...Why all the rattling?
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1 MB, 1936x2592
>welcoming rattling

That cat isn't having any of it either.

Ancient skele ritual
File: Syndra (2).gif (789 KB, 601x602) Image search: [Google]
Syndra (2).gif
789 KB, 601x602
rattle rattle
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804 KB, 1330x1080
Yeah sure sure. Were to? <3
These threads literally never stop do they?

Sexy appendages claimed
best Eva girl is best
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1 MB, 4227x2952
>contemplative rattle
File: Kurumi is very OP.gif (2 MB, 480x270) Image search: [Google]
Kurumi is very OP.gif
2 MB, 480x270
literally none
well technically vision and depth perception, but those don't count

>needing a robot to be badass
File: Vigil - 147.jpg (218 KB, 1012x840) Image search: [Google]
Vigil - 147.jpg
218 KB, 1012x840
They started going 24/7 a month or two ago.
Claiming. Not enough time.

Sorry to everyone I didn't reply to from the last two theads. I'm at work.
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61 KB, 800x440
fuck that knock off bitch
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2 MB, 1936x2224
>That face

>warm rattling
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500 KB, 336x189
Your house pls? <3

Literally a ton of powers, watch mt shield bitch!
You make a good point.
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Has it really been that long already? Time flies.
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It's cool doggo.

OK. Hey I know this short cut fl though this dark alley way
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1013 KB, 500x700
someone is salty about the reboots
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767 KB, 598x569
>tea rattling
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2 MB, 3723x2952
>lukewarm rattling
File: vel_koz_by_newpioneer-d7ioujx.jpg (142 KB, 1280x2030) Image search: [Google]
142 KB, 1280x2030
Well I if you can keep it bumped 24/7 that's a feat of it's own
How do you not get flooded with spiderman and other shitposters though? Seems like they'd be all over this shit
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103 KB, 500x507
That is... an interesting pic
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159 KB, 1024x880
Very, never made it after 1.11
They try and fail
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446 KB, 564x800
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2 MB, 1936x2592
>hand rattles

>soft rattling
>Cute hat

They got tired quickly.
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189 KB, 800x800
Do you think you have a choice? Lol
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Atago 021.png
107 KB, 600x530
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Vigil - 238.jpg
116 KB, 600x466
They come around. It's uncommon that they stick around to spam more than one thread, though.
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129 KB, 640x398
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461 KB, 1680x1050
i surrender ._.
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180 KB, 470x470
File: Syndra (103).jpg (109 KB, 850x1063) Image search: [Google]
Syndra (103).jpg
109 KB, 850x1063
Do you?
Aw sick dark alley ways? My favorite
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711 KB, 900x1419
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Atago 377.jpg
16 KB, 400x400
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hello beautiful!!! how are you rikka???
kagami claimed
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2 MB, 2480x3508
they are very different i will give you that. but i still really enjoy them.
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When they couldn't use Soryu as part of her name they wanted to change her completely.
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Yuno what this is from.jpg
29 KB, 480x270
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>room temperature rattling
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Syndra (39).jpg
100 KB, 1191x670
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88 KB, 500x500
There we go lol
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I love that artist, I didn't know he had done any kancoll stuff.
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but the point of the reboot was to change almost everyone completely and look at how the story would have developed with different yet similar characters
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68 KB, 296x162
Acknowledge d
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1 MB, 1904x2200
>hot rattling
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554 KB, 1688x1037
Holy 99999
Thread replies: 174
Thread images: 149

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