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Waifu Claiming Thread >I'm Taking Over edition The rules

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 198
Thread images: 151
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Waifu Claiming Thread
>I'm Taking Over edition

The rules are simple:
>Claim your 2D waifu
>post your 2D waifu
>insult other waifu
>discuss stuff
>keep RP and ERP to a minimum
>drink tea
Most importantly: Have fun!

Syndra claimed
Vel'koz claimed
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Iowa claim
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PervyHomu (6).jpg
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What makes panties so arousing?
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Rin Asogi(5).jpg
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TatsumakI (389).png
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>thread is 5/5/5/5
Let me disrupt that order
So is anyone doing anything today? I don't have school until 3 pm so I'm bored out of my mind
What should I do?
>inb4 kys
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go to bed
But it's morning, 12 am here
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Homura (5).jpg
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>thread is 5/5/5/5
Thats like pseudo quints, maybe its a sign.
>So is anyone doing anything today?
Same boring routine as always, might start watching Lucky Star.
>What should I do?
Shitpost here and keep me company.
I have found my calling, will do
Lucky star is actually a pretty amusing anime if you like slice of life. It has tons of references to other anime
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Gonna go to bed. later
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Damn the thread is slow all of a sudden
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Homura (6).jpg
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Sounds like something I shouldn't watch now since im fairly new to anime and won't be able to get the references... Didn't really watch any SoL unless you count Grimgar.

Have a good night-
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I didn't know any anime except for maybe 2 when I watched it. It was fun watching it again later and seeing all the jokes I missed. Kind of like how Disney movies have tons of dirty jokes hidden that you notice later as an adult
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Homura (4).jpg
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>I didn't know any anime except for maybe 2 when I watched it.
I guess you picked up on anime through SoLs then, thats interesting. Here most people start through the typical shounens and everything else is rather obscure.
>Kind of like how Disney movies have tons of dirty jokes
Oh snap! I love that feeling when you rewatch something and understand a joke in a complete different way then the first time you watched. Movies that do that are genius because you can enjoy them in a different way even if you're only watching for dem kids.

Thread really is slow, im getting a bit excited from being alone with you here...
lucky star is garbage, don't bother
Lesbian devil.
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Excited? How come?
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.
go learn how to use your epic memes properly
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What the fuck am I seeing?
Good morning.
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Yuri magic bro, yuri magic.

H-hey! I didn't ask you to get on your underwear... I mean I don't mind, but looking at your purple eyes is enough for me.

Sup Galko.
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Welcome back Galko, had a nice celebration yesterday?

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This thread is intriguing
Hey there.
>that's a nice gif

I wouldn't call it a celebration, but it was nice.
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So what did you do? I got drunk and tried to sleep
Here's to a solar rotation better than your last one
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So what is everyone listening to?

Your eyes are so deep I need to be careful not to drown in them.

Yes it is.

Probably my cutest gif.
>I wouldn't call it a celebration, but it was nice.
Good to know you enjoyed it. I don't really do anything exciting on my birthday for 3 years now and I don't really mind.
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who are you quoting?
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Homura (1).jpg
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10/10 waifu, insta bought her on release.
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Whose identity are you refusing to show?
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I find your elbows obscene
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I worked and visited family. So did you ever get to sleep?

>don't really do anything exciting on my birthday
It's good to know I'm not the only one.
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Yes, but barely. I don't feel rested at all. In fact I don't remember the last time I slept and felt rested. Makes me feel like sleeping is just a waste of time
Before I get a reputation for it, that's not me.

But he's right.

Atago, I'm assuming.

That sucks. You don't feel even a little bit rested?
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Homura (16).jpg
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Im not entirely sure why I don't celebrate it, if its cuz im too lazy to organize something big or because I prefer calm meetings with my close friends / family. Probably both.

Where are your 12 badges?

>implying saying "thats not me" would change anything
>it actually makes you suspicious
Not like I care anyway.

We need to go deeper.
who are you quoting?
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If anything I feel worse. I'm guessing it's because having not enough sleap is worse than not having any at all


Just let it go Homu
Believe what you will.
I feel pretty much the same way.

Who are you quoting?

I'm sorry, that sounds really bad.
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Homura (25).jpg
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who are you quoting?


I didn't expect you to care either, im glad.
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>who are you quoting?
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you guys are so immersed in your shitfests that you actually assume every shitposter has a secret identity
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I never saw this show but now that I've seen this I feel like I should have
I've got to head out to work a little earlier than normal.
Have a good day everyone.
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Homura (4).png
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Me neither but I knew that scene for some time, its glorious.

How many hours are you sleeping +/-?

"Enjoy", hope to see you again later.
Get out of here Bruce Wayne.
Leave Clark Kent.
Fuck off Mai.
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Tired Karen 4.png
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Eat a dick Tats
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All me tbqhwyf.
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Homura (18).jpg
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Hey there cardstone Karen, how are you doing?
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I guess I slept for about 3 or 4 hours. I don't know how long I was just lying in bed trying to fall asleep

What's up Karen?
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you sure got me
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Chibi Karen 1.png
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not much desu
I'm going to the bank in a bit to draw some money, but just posting here until bus
so tired
anything new with you guys?
why are you still awake akiko
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Dude how sad can you be?
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Homura (1).png
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You could try the usual tricks to sleeping better, shower at night, tea before bed, less usage of computer and smartphone before it (which can be hard as this is a routine for so many).

But I asked in average and not just today, usually I get fucked up just for sleeping less than 3 hours once.
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Still awake because it's 1 pm here. I actually slept tonight can you imagine? I gotta hand in my game today and that's pretty much it
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Homura (8).jpg
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>anything new with you guys?
Other than being 2 decades old now.. nothing new at all. Still pondering what cards should I drop my dust into.
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Believe me I do try but even when I get into bed at 10 pm without having used any media I'll still roll around restless for a few hours. I'm just a night owl, always been.
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Aww that sucks... I could give you another suggestion but it can be expensive and im not sure how would you react to it.

I have sleeping problems too but its different, sometimes (like today) I randomly wake up after only 3 hours of sleep feeling super hungry but sick at same time and that removes my appetite. When that happens I just drink tea and go for a walk.
It used to happen more when I was stressed, no idea why it happened today.
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Never really saw it as a problem, more like the way I am. Ever since I was a child I always stayed up late, my energy peaked around 10 pm. I've never known a different existance. Only thing that makes it problematic is that I'm not a morning person at all. I have a super slow start and fall asleep in class if it begins too early
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Homura (2).jpg
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>Never really saw it as a problem
It could become a problem if you need to adjust your sleeping shedule for work or something.
>my energy peaked around 10 pm
You must have been one annoying kid to raise :^)
>I have a super slow start and fall asleep in class if it begins too early
Now thats a big problem, normally in the morning is when your brain works better etc. Thats why its smart to teach math in the morning and leave the more relaxed classes for the afternoon.
Personally it was impossible for me to focus on any friday afternoon class, all I could think was about the incoming weekend.
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Confused Karen 1.png
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bus didnt come today desu, have to call a cab and go
yogg or deathwing, both good
yeah you slept but apparently 3-4 hours? no good cabron
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I'm not really a guy that looks into the future. If it becomes a problem, I'll deal with it. And yes I was the most energetic, smug little shit you can imagine and did horrible shit all the time because it amused me
>pulled feather out of a parrot's ass because he stole my peanut
>caught spiders, pulled 6 legs off and made them battle each other
>put slugs in a glass jar and left it in the sun, then poured the result in our swimming pool
And many many more

Rest is for the dead
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Homura (20).jpg
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I am leaning towards N'zoth and Xaril... I will be crafting foils so cards that make tokens are always nice.

I don't really think the new Deathwing is that good and Yogg can be great and incredibly fun, but knowing my luck it will only make me kill myself faster.
I'd love to have it golden tho, one of my favourite encounters in WoW.

Also considering to simply craft epic shaman cards but I should just let the meta find settle down before making decisions.

>bus didnt come today desu
I feel you, bus service here is terribly bad and I missed one exams because the bus was 1 hour late and there are only 3 buses per day on that line.
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Hi guys
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Chibi Karen 8.png
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>rest is for the dead
you forgot your picture fuccboi

yeah I advise waiting for the meta to settle too. There's a lot of harmful spells that can only target enemies and a lot of beneficial spells that can only target you though. Also all secrets work to your benefit. Generally yogg ends up being a net +

ohayo, who are you?
who are you quoting?
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>forgot pic

Welcome to the thread
what's up?
who are you quoting?
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This cat thing has good taste
who are you quoting?
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Homura (3).jpg
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Hey there, hows it going?

>insert call PETA joke
Gee a lot of animals suffered in your hands.

You are right, and since I rarely try hard HS anymore it should be a great craft, probably the most fun card released in the whole game.
who are you quoting?
Im glad you can entertain yourself this easily.
I love sucking cocks.
i'm not a furry
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>>681629001 (You)
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Smug Karen 14.png
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wouldn't surprise me if this was actually homura talking
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A lot doesn't even come close

Mostly happened because no one ever bothered to keep me in check. I just roamed the streets and fields freely
That's the fate of being the middle child
Youngest is sheltered and kept safe
Oldest is the experimental one that has to achieve everything
Middle is just kind of left alone
Hi guys I am fine, how about you?
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Shit forgot pic
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>not a furry
Then why do you use a catgirl thing you delusional faggot? Isn't this avatarfagging supposed to be your fetish or whatever?
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W-what!? Im 200% yuri.
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Cheering Karen 1.png
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I gotta split, peace nigs.
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Tired, busy, broke
Like always
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I love you too
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>he thinks catgirls are furry
I bet you consider this girl a furry too?
Well, that's sad. Like really sad
who are you quoting?
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dont worry sis.jpg
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Aha being the middle child sounds fun. But those cliches don't always check out.

My oldest sister is the "wilder one", my middle sister is super sheltered and an overachiever and im kind of a mix between both of them.

I do feel like my parents expect me to achieve great things like my middle sister just because I came after her...
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maxresdefault (2).jpg
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I have no idea who that is but obviously human so no not a furry but this thing >>681629472 is obviously a cat
It's a squid girl, she has squid hair and can do squid things. How's that any different from a cat girl with cat ears that can do cat things?
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Hai guise Tenryuu claimed
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You get used to it
Living the poorfag life isn't that bad since you appreciate everything more. Got food? Got a warm place to sleep? Got internetz? Then you have all you need

I know they don't but in my case they just did. Little sis is now 16 and still sheltered as fuck even though she doesn't want it at all. Big bro got exiled from the family and is sueing my mom now, but those are stories for another time
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2 MB, 1280x1322
Chara claimed

How're you doing?
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>implying squids are a bad thing

I approve of your tentacles
I don't know where the line between furry and anthropomorphism lies, but squid=no fur and cat=fur
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Music (1).jpg
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Hey thumbnails Ten.

>Living the poorfag life isn't that bad since you appreciate everything more.
My parents were tricked by my grandfather and have to pay him 1k euros per month for decades, couldn't agree more with what you said. Im happy just for not living in a 3rd world country.
>Little sis is now 16 and still sheltered as fuck even though she doesn't want it at all.
Keep an eye on her yourself, she might turn into a little demon once she is able to do it.
>Big bro got exiled from the family and is sueing my mom
Thats a really sad thing to hear but since I don't know the details I won't judge anyone.

Sup Chara! Doing super fine, if it wasn't for me waking up after 3 hours of sleep feeling hungry and sick for no reason.
But now that you're here its all better.
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Vigil - 267.jpg
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You used to post a husbando, right? White-haired prison boy?
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I actually help her sneak out and go to parties and other stuff, I love her most of all my family even though I'll never admit that to her
I'll tell you the story of my bro tonight when I'm not this busy
Depends, you a cop?
Yeah, I used to post with Mi Lou but all my pictures are gone
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>Now it's all better
Glad to hear that!
I also woke up today feeling like shit. No, not like shit. I was feeling like a chihuahua. 50% shivering 50% pure anger. And I didn't know why. It's better now tough.
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Still asleep but claiming anyway
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Smugberry Tea.jpg
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Sick doxxing skills lad.

Aha thats awesome to hear, I hope your relationship with her stays strong.

10/10 comparation. Chihuahuas are indeed shit, I actually hate them because they are so angry and act like they are a killing machine until they remember they are footsized plushies.

G'morning sleepy Renge.
That's sad and happy in a very weird way
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Vigil - 299.png
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I see. How'd that happen?
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yup, and I woke up feeling like that. Great start of the day. Thank god I don't have to go outside today.
Is it hajime? I finished the game
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Homura (7).jpg
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Im jealous of you... and the reason I have to go outside today should make me really happy or at least excited...
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Vigil - 49.jpg
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Oh, what is it? A date? Sounds like a date. Tell me it's a date
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Thank god its not one, im not ready yet to go through the troubles of impressing a girl again. Skype should have warned you about what it is.
So, when are you gonna start claiming Mikan again?
Tats and tenryuu , yours waifus are bullshiet
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Oh yeah, it did! Happy birthday!
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And you are?
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Chibi Karen 15.png
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back at computer

was a fucking awesome ending. can't wait for the third one.
Why do you call him Vigil?
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Happy Bday (1).jpg
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Thy! The 20s club has been very welcoming.
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And so are the double dubs hehe
Someone who can change the world. Starting with waifu avatar faging
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3 MB, 1920x1262
19-20 was probably the most counterproductive period of my entire life, im glad im done with that and I will try to improve it again.
>secretely one of my bucket list things to do was being a NEET for a while
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Oh shit, right, happy birthday Homu! For you <3
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Red claimed.
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Vigil - 138.jpg
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Aw. I can't see you...

I don't call him Vigil. That's more of a title that belongs to the poster.
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PervyHomu (3).png
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Thy Renge, don't mind me stealing your panties since you stole my clothes...
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Here comes the biggest fagot
Sorry. I'm reminiscing of the old times again.

Do what you must. It's already dead on the inside.
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Rory claimed.

Still best waifu legs
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Come now. If you are willing to make that claim about me specifically, you are a regular here. In which case, why post without an image of your waifu? Really now, it's kind of sad you want to hide your identity.
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Vigil - 279.jpg
83 KB, 500x610
I'm sorry.
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I'm being a NEET by accident
>No one wants to hire me
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Touka Claimed
All you gotta do is live next to a hospital.
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Uhh... Okay?
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Youth unemployment is pretty high here, your best bet after finishing a pimped up course is to go to a supermarket or a tomato industry while looking for a real job.
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Job you need, not the job you want
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>Implying they would take me
Yaya, I tried that, trust me.
6 different supermarket chains and I send to everyone at least 10 applications since they have more than one supermarket in vienna.
Heya Rory!
File: Peekaboo.gif (1 MB, 500x281) Image search: [Google]
1 MB, 500x281
What up. Finally started on laptop pic gathering. Filenames will be entertaining
File: Leak.jpg (81 KB, 960x960) Image search: [Google]
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< 4 > Yeah she was a huge whore. Today I will be leaking all her nude videos cause I love you guys. Do note that I will remove it in a few minutes so & before it's removed.
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Exactly, as much as it sucks. 10/10 pic tho, I should make myself one like that too.

That sucks really bad, not sure what to say since I assume not everything that you usually do here is the same there.
What do you think about field work? (As in grabbing fruits, not sure how do you say that in english)
File: Chara242.png (111 KB, 354x604) Image search: [Google]
111 KB, 354x604
Filenames already are entertaining
Nice b8, m8 I r8 8/8
Oh, farming? Hmm... never considerer that. But I don't think we'd be hiring in that field considering that every village is a small circlejerk of their own..
>Austrian guys are pretty mean to other Austrian guys
well, in september I have a job at Gamestop. Until then I'm pretty much a NEET
File: SurfinUSA.gif (1 MB, 500x281) Image search: [Google]
1 MB, 500x281
Nice trips
Was on the first page of google. Sometimes you can get the gems easily.
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Late shinoa claim
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Homura (32).jpg
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Trips checked.
>Oh, farming?
kek, how could I forget that word.
>Austrian guys are pretty mean to other Austrian guys
I assume, you do speak german so I bet you sound salty all the time to each other.
>in september I have a job at Gamestop
Those are great news! Then you should embrace the NEET life and love it while you can.
>working at a gamestop is a great way to produce greentext stories

Really? You're lucky, I can't even find an ohayo for Homura.
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sup Shinoa?
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>We sound salty all the time to each other
You haven't heard the flamboyant faggots then
>Embrace the NEET life
I will try
>Produce greentext stories
Actually I have one on how I got the job

>Be me
>Last year of highschool
>Friend of mine already works at gamestop
>Chill with her and the other employee in the shop, talking to each other
>Note that I had a fallout 4 t-shirt on and wasn't behind the register
>Friend and employee were behind register, didn't wear game related stuff
>Customers are coming in
>Like for 2 or 3 hours one customer after another
>Every. single. one. thought I was an Employee
>Friend and other employee are laughing their asses off as aI direct them to the games they're searching while I tell them I don't work here
>After the customer rush employee comes to me
>Tells me I should leave my resumé there, she's putting in a lot of good words to get me
>Next saturday hand in my resumé
>Friend calls me a week later
>Manager doesn't want me, is searching for excuses not to hire me
>He's introverted, not polite, etc
>I have a fucking certificate that proves I know how to act around other people cuz school thought it's funny to give certificates out for everything
>Didn't get hired, not even personal job interview
>Months later, friend calls again
>Manager is quitting
>In September
>Employee who put in a good word for me becomes new manager
>She wants my resumé again

And that's why I get the job in september.
hi shinoa
File: Victory.png (179 KB, 639x359) Image search: [Google]
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At least you have a job to look forward to man. Sounds like a good gig too.
>greentext stories
Not even working there and you got one. Foot in the door.
File: Lurkmura (4).jpg (642 KB, 1920x1080) Image search: [Google]
Lurkmura (4).jpg
642 KB, 1920x1080
Cooking time brb.


kek, I wish I was your friend to see you helping costumers and repeatedly telling them you're not an employee, must have been hilarious.
And that manager really deserves to fuck off. Gratz on the job again!
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Good morning nogs
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The lurking Shinoa.png
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I think passed out waitingfor replies from last night's thread lol

What is up my dude?
File: Lurkin.jpg (32 KB, 490x331) Image search: [Google]
32 KB, 490x331
I can lurk harder

i never used "xD" in my entire life.
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What's up Tomocute

That's funny, I think passed out after drinking half a bottle of mead and then had a meager 3 hours of sleep filled with night terrors
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Hehe, yeah, I'm looking forward to it too!
I got another one from when I was a customer again. Doesn't involve me tough

>be me
>browse gamestop for interesting or rare games
>get to the register, found something I want to buy
>don't know what it was anymore, not important anyway
>direct my attention to the people in front of me
>Two adults and a kid.
>Probably a family
>even buying Skylanders worth over 100€ Like 10 or more
>they leave, I move forwa- wait, not, that kid's not leaving
>Employee notices too, asks kid
Hello, how can I help you?
>Kid looks up to him, not even on his hip level
>Starts talking
Do you have the game Left 4 Dead 2?
>I hold my back my laughter as I see the face of the employee slowly widening to a sad smirk
We do, but do you have your ID card with you? Because that game is for adults aged 18 or older.
>He looks down as the little fucker is realizing he went to the wrong shop to get that game
And I highly doubt you're 18 years old
>Kids looks down
I-I don't have my ID wi-
Well then I can't sell you that game, I'm sorry.
Was hilarious, trust me
The Manage seems to have some anger issues. Was throwing keys after employees when he had a bad day. I'm kinda happy I didn't get hired that time
The Ceiling! Not much, what about you?
That's super cute yo
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Lurkmura (3).png
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You just did.

i meant, without quoting it.
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now, stop bullying me.
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Like a submarine
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Trying to get out of bed. What are you up to?
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1 MB, 500x281
I remember you saying that lol

Laying in bed with a good night's rest. Finally got more than 4 hours of sleep and it feels SO good!

Who started this?
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IDK Karen 1.png
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Skipping uni to finish this piece of shit code
Feels bad but I just can't show my face before I've finished this

Lurk squad

Well I slept so it was a succes? I feel worse now though. I think you're better off having no sleep than not enough sleep
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1 MB, 1000x1200
I still wonder why Itami turned down Roris attempts to fuck him.
>Probably not enough cat ears

that sounds good.

I'm baking the next thread if no one else wants to
>Is this green??
File: IMG_20160423_190037.jpg (6 KB, 138x135) Image search: [Google]
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Was Bun
no, it's orange

stop quoting me.
Im not even in the pics though.
>lurkin harder
I think Itamis more a magical girl fan. Either that or he didn't want to be distracted with the grab teams outside.
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Top this, faggots.
>protip: you can't
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She'll hear you
Fucking trash
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>mfw tsundere
>mfw pro tip: can't top tsundere
>mfw every other dere tops tsundere
Fucking thrash*
I swear bunny anon started everything

Oh hell no. Little sleep is better than no sleep nigga

How'd you sleep?

>shinoa bro
File: Chara1.jpg (216 KB, 1000x1276) Image search: [Google]
216 KB, 1000x1276
another day another weeabo thread
You shut your whore mouth
< 12 >
>another day another trap thread
>another day another porn thread
>another day another 10 ylyl threads
>another day another fb fap thread
>another day another dick rate thread
>another day another loli thread
>another day another shota thread
Thread replies: 198
Thread images: 151

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