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Waifu claiming thread - Mugi is OP edition The rules are very

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 167
Thread images: 151
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Waifu claiming thread - Mugi is OP edition

The rules are very simple:
>claim your 2D waifu
>post pics of your waifu
>discuss stuff
>post fitting, not over-sexualised content
>insult other waifus
>only 1 claim/Anon
>keep RP at a absolute minimum. We are here to discuss and insult, not to do RP or ERP-
>most important: Have fun!
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Miho claimed
hi guys
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kagami (12).png
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eyebrow thread
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Obligatory claim.

Got me on Steam, don't ya?

>Listening to anything right now?

Hey, buddy.
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Kitty has claws, and guns.jpg
538 KB, 1280x1756
So I googled "can a snake bite it's tongue"
apparently all venomous snakes are immune to their own venom

also claim
Is the hand your waifu?
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You must be new here.
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Yeah, and husbando.

>Masturbation jokes.
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Homura (1).jpg
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mfw my eyebrows are just a line
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you're frisky tonight
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Oh, yeah, I do.
That's good
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Hiya there handy <3
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Welcome back everyone

I totally jumped the trigger on this new thread kek
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Homura (1).png
1 MB, 3601x4000
Showerthought: Whenever you shake your hands with someone you're touching something that was used for masturbation a bunch of times.
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Akiko claim
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Lewd hand intensifies.
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Claiming kawaii tank.
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Guess who's back
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Galky! <3
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U-511 035.jpg
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I wish...
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Wors in reverse as well
This turns me on
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Hello Galko how's it going?
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ay yo Galko whats good
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hi there


Post neko
i demand it
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Vigil - 217.png
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I'm listening to the Front Bottoms right now

What about you guys?

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Gotta grab it while it's out there, eh?

How ya doing, man?

I've thought that every time I've shaken someone's hand. Thank god I'm not the only one.

>lewd hands
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hey there, have we met before?
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You okay?
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I'm doing great, thanks for asking! How about yourself?
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I'll be your Hitler any time. <3
us together homu....but line eyebrows are good too!!! you make them work great
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that hurts akiko
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Kurisu here, how'd you find your waifus?

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U-511 158.jpg
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Of what?
>off by one
And I'll be the one to bring Britain to it's knees for you <3
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Cousin told me about the anime and she said I would fall in love with her
She was right
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Oh shit, did they find the bodies?

And no lewdness is going on between hand and I, at least not yet. Mostly because I'm to awkward to do anything like ERP, just normal RP

I was recommended Franken Fran by /tg/ as a funny/creepy manga and one of the beat written mad scientists, and I fell for her. And I like creepy things
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Okay I'm back
How's everyone's night going?
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>head pats
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Homura (2).jpg
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Akiko stop besetting me with your lewdness >.<

Oh really? This is actually a showerthought I remember having as a kid... By that time I had no idea that the expression existed etc.

Do they really? I they looked as good as yours I would feel like a princess.

Good, how about yours?
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Yeah that was me so what...?._.

You guys know it's me by the filename so why do some of you say ">Mugi" and that's it?
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i'm literally going to marry shino

Claiming Kirigiri!
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Afterwards you can bring me to mine...
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/a/ was losing their shit

I-i-it's okay at least if i'm not remembered i'm not hated like always....

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Because we're just teasing you
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Night guys!
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i hope it gets better anon!
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Smugs <3

Rip mein fuhrer...

Hi. I'm ok.

My nigga

>It's me Goku



Sleep well.
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I didn't realize it was in such high demand. I didn't even get to see the responses from the last one, either.

What's wrong m8?

If you had kids, what's one lesson you'd be absolutely sure to teach them? Something you feel it imperative that they learn.

Night Fran!
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I will need to slap that booty.
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kagami (29).gif
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but you are a princess!!!! to me anyways, you just prefer a crown made of grenades....
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U-511 007.png
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Oh, believe me, I will.
>be me
>be bored
>go to kissanime
>want to watch a shit show because that's how I roll
>Date A Live
>shows garbage about dating and stupid shit
>girls are all cutsey and annoying
>Kurumi shows up
>she straight up murders people
>Not expecting this in a show called "Date A Live"
>half chub bursts into Erectus Prime as she shoots some kid for the first On-screen kill
>Pulls a fucking Dio and stops time and threatens to nuke a city
>TL;DR Girls badass and the only good character in the show

That's basically it
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PervyHomu (3).png
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You mean this crown?
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They should learn what it's like to feel loved.
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Watching GuP. Like cute short girls that are very caring and smart. Waifu found.
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Will you take my leash, too?
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U-511 117.jpg
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That's my property.
You don't touch.
Gute Nacht
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kagami (26).gif
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hehehehe, yeah!!!!
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I'll remember you, no worries. Send postcards.

G'night, handsome.
Goodnight beautiful !
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Night fran

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Spiderman claimed
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Wolf disguise too good
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U-511 097.jpg
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It's not the only thing I'll take...
>it starts with a "V"
Unless you don't have it anymore...
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I already did, long before you did.
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Well good job then because it triggers me kek
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I can't believe I might be the only one who got that.
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you can slap my booty if I can have your peaches
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I present the royal crown
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I suppose you will...
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Vigil - 267.jpg
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I guess that it's just between the three of us.
And I'm okay with that~.
>you tease

You doin' alright, Ruri?
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>after Megumin did it
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It's 4 am here, don't nitpick on me
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Night guys
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Goodnight, buddy. Sleep warm and well.
Goodnight, froggy.
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I see you're starting to gain interest in that book, you used to just take peaks.

B-but you can't just take my peaches, they aren't mature like yours.

Quite ironic how everyone is turning into a wreck for a wreck.
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how did you get that?!?!?!? give it back.....
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goodnight beautiful frogo

sure sure....i understand
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If shes on a plane jump out.jpg
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So anyone doing anything interesting?
or listening to something good?
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>no one claimed megumin yet?
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>everyone is turning into a wreck for a wreck
How bad is it this made me laugh?
i was just....taking a look, i don't like that kinda thing!!!
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Finishing Stardust Crusaders at the moment.



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A&P studies to this
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>And I'm okay with that~
Thank you! I supposed you might not like me intruding like that, so that helps me a lot.

I'm doing pretty good, it's just I took one of those "naps" and it'll be impossible for me to sleep tonight.
>Hope you're doing well, Flower~
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kagami (22).jpg
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Avatar fags
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Where I got it? not important
And I believe it's Homura's now
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Smugberry Tea.jpg
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>saved, saved a million times
You don't have to feel ashamed about what you like with me, you can tell me everything!
>pets the Kyuubeygami
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Battle of Gods 3.jpg
922 KB, 2126x1063
I liked Stardust Crusaders
>Diamond is unbreakable is releasing now so gotta watch that

Hey, we are technically not avatar fags
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Ha!! jokes on you! she already has a special pair....
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How bad is it that im happy it made you laugh?
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b-but i don't!!!! i swear!!!
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Great, then I can just hold on to these myself
Roleplay avatar fags
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Oh stop it you! Always coming out and surprising me
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>tfw I didn't have to steal Kagamis panties
You're all kinda sick.
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Vigil - 271.jpg
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>I supposed you might not like me intruding like that
I probably would have ignored anyone else.

I see. I never enjoy staying awake through the night. I don't know why, but it bothers me greatly. Anyways, I'll be asleep in a few minutes. This is the first game we'll play together. How wonderful.
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I wish I had the motivation to do something after work.
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>lets non anon-waifus touch metal thingy
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Fuck, I just felt that 4 am realization hit me and I'm tired as fuck

Have another lewd before I drop out
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I'll laugh at you too once they raped you until you liked it.
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>very late
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Kill yourselves
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>obligatory reply for homu x kurumi

>7k height
that lewd tho, sleep tight akibro
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Goodnight Aki~
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I still love you <3
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i'd like it now
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Quality takes space, my friend

Last one for tonight, bye everone
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Night peaches.

lewd yes but not 2lewd unfortunately...
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Night akiko
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The being laughed at or the rape?
Time to hit the sack, bye

Oh I see... I knew it and don't worry, I won't tell anyone about what kind of books you like to read.

>slaps the booty one last time before using the fingerbox and moving away
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U-511 089.jpg
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You'll attract Hamakaze's rape face...
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>I probably would have ignored anyone else
I suddenly feel special. I'm grateful.

Not being able to sleep through the night is indeed really annoying, I'll still give it a try a few hours later, though.

I really hope you get to rest comfortably.

>This is the first game we'll play together
Try your best to impress her, will you?
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2 MB, 577x480
whatever TG kids do these days.
The masochist in me will love both.

goodbye beauties
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Goodnight homu~
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night, my love
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good night homu....i hope you sleep well, don't take up the whole bed!!!

Rape you say?
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>slaps the booty one last time before using the fingerbox and moving away
There, rape, I told you.
I'm gonna need a tumblr for mai waifu.

That's my intent, I guess.

This means both? But our most seasoned rapist just left...
Are you satisfied with lesser quality rapists?
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Atago 124.jpg
109 KB, 850x638
Just the usual shit
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Breast friend.


I'm not. i only expect the best and clearly i'm not gunna get that from you.
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If you'll excuse, Jenny is expecting me, night dudes
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Best waifu
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Prep thine anus.jpg
71 KB, 736x413
this thread got interesting
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Booby brother.
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2 MB, 500x281
Shinobu Oshino

My donut addicted pouty little vampire queen.


>Kiss-Shot Acerola-Orion Heart-Under-Blade
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>>680398866 no, dubby
*dubbed* anime is trash
also claim
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I.. I'm sorry.
stop getting dubs its triggering
>> off to bed, ill see you guys tomorrow, hope everyone has a good tomorrow!!!! good night!!!!
Ohhh myyyy. btw how do people realize these things? Do you have OCD or some shit?
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goodnight kagami

it's okay. I know with time and dedication you"ll become the very best rapist this place has ever seen. And 4chan has seen a lot
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I'm off to bed.

Night, everyone
threads maxed?
goodnight beautiful

>Try your best to impress her, will you?
Heh. Sure. I just hope that she has fun. If we can find a server...

Thank you, Ruri.
mugi's voice actor a cute!
night night yuuko
Sleepy time.
I'm off to bed

Good night Yuu-chan. <3

- tsuzu


>shinoa bro
goodnight lurking boobs

You people are fucking weird.

I love that god damned tank.
Thread replies: 167
Thread images: 151

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