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ITT: God Tier PS2 Games Just bought my first PS2 and these are

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ITT: God Tier PS2 Games

Just bought my first PS2 and these are the games I own. What essentials am I missing?
Timesplitters series
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>buying greatest hits
Metal Gear Solid 3
Isn't the PS3 already out?
There's a surprising lack of Shadow of The Colossus
SW Battlefront 2
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God of war 1 and 2 are badass games. Two games i'd recommend are Dark Alliance Bauldrs gate and champions of norrath. I'm going to be getting a ps2 just to play those games.
Battle Toads
99% of PS2 games are shit.
That being said - get Godhand, Wipeout, and Shinobi.
NFL Street 2
10/10 recommendation.
Sly cooper games
Did I go back in time 15 years?
God hand is the shit

No soccom? GTA Vice City?
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The Onimusha series
Little big planet
Breath of fire 5.
mgs3, gran turismo 4, ace combat
ITT: San Andreas doesn't exist.
Resident Evil 4
play dress up with barbie dolls
My nigga
>What essentials am I missing?
A PS4.
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TimeSplitters 2
NFS Most Wanted (2005)
WWE Smackdown Here Comes The Pain
ratchet and clank 2 and 3 are far superior, but it's recommended to play the first one first obv. also:

>shadow of the colossus
>cod Airborne (imo very good also maybe it might be 360)
>Burnout 3 or any of them really
>probably a GTA of some sort
>GH3 if you can find a guitar
>Mercenaries 1 or 2
>NBA Street vol 2
>simpsons hit and run (lol)

those are some of my faves
My nigga
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persona 3 fes is still pretty fucking good

to date one of the best shooters.
Ace combat
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such a great game that was overlooked for some reason.

I wonder how good it could be if that same team made a second game for current gen.
Ty the Tasmanian Tiger
Takk and the power of Juju
The rest of the Ratchet and Clank series
Burnout 3: Takedown
Shadow of the Colossus
Kingdom Hearts 2
Twisted Metal Black
Viewtiful Joe
Soul Calibur 3
Katamary Damacy
Sly Cooper 1 and 2. 3 was a little more meh, but still fun.
Silent Hill 2
GTA: Vice City and San Andreas
SSX and SSX Tricky
Spiderman 2
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell
Star Wars Battlefront
Gran Turismo 3 A-Spec
The original Guitar Hero

This is just my personal God-tier list. I owned almost 200 ps2 games. Best console ever, in my opinion.

Fatal Frame 1-3
Silent Hill 2-4
Rouge Galaxy
Dragon Quest 8
Kings Field The ancient city
Draken the ancient gaten
Dark Cloud 1-2
Sega Genesis Collection
Shadow Hearts 1-3
Would probably be filled with micro transactions and DLC up every hole, also, cancer kids fucking each other's moms
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WAR OF THE MONSTERS! Easily the best game that no one ever played. Highly under-rated.

Very true, unfortunately that's what gaming has turned into.

But, back to the original. The graphics in that game for the time and the level of destruction were pretty fucking amazing.
Did anyone else play the original star wars battlefront? 1 and 2?
ayy shit timesplitters 2 was fucking great
well shit. that's my list as well.

good job anon you got taste
The sounds were pretty good as well, they used actual gun and explosion sound effects, it felt like there was a war in my room
Fucking cheers to you anon. You have god tier taste and its showing. Fucking loved that game so much

>war in my room

LOL I remember shitting bricks on sniper alley


indeed. the co-op was really fun, pretty good story overall and the multiplayer was fast paced and wacky as hell but very enjoyable
I'd say shadow of the colossus, kingdom hearts 2 when you beat 1, dark cloud, Odin sphere, all metal gear games, return to castle wolfenstein.
Fuck yes anon
Yes pretty much everyone
Rule of Rose
Haunting Ground
Fatal Frame series
Klonoa 2
Marvel vs Capcom 2
>return to castle wolfenstein.
That game was THE shit, I still had it in my PC until my HD died a while ago. I rememberer being too much of a pussy to play a whole level at once, I'd have to put it down a little because it was too spooky
thing is, when I tried to play it on my PS2 it was lagging constantly.
I do hope they make one. It would be startling, esp with BF trying to do something like it but with shitty gameplay etc.
No shit, me too. Especially near the end when it got more and more fucked.
I don't see Bully or GTA San Andreas in there, OP.
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why no chrono trigger and cross you will not be disappointed
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Why the fuck was this not mentioned yet? I'd spend every second I had playing this
Wow someone else played it! Thanks man, you also know what is up, I miss this game and now I want to play it again. The PvP is ridiculously good, destructible environments, graphics.. God tier all day long!
me and my cousin used to play the shit out of ts2 on the weekends when I was like 10

memoris oh god

thanks anon for the nostalgia
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All that i have that works
i have more gamecube games

a new game would be great, but hell, I'd be happy with just a shitty port to the PS store
I also played the fuck out of wotm, and I agree it was next gen for its time. easily a top 10 ps2 game.
Im missing persona 3
Friend is borrowing it
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the only decent game you have is Tekken, and its not even the right one.
yo know OP is fucking gay when the list of his favourite games of PS2 is not there GTA SA
This, Why do you own all that weeb shit OP?
Awesome! I'm assuming this title will be lost forever. No chance of a remaster or anything. It's worth buying a ps2 for.
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best fucking rockstar game, GTA is overrated

anytime, anon

I have great memories of rushing home after school with a friend to do the co-op campaign, and how we struggled with following that chick on the futuristic tokyo level
>Shadow of the Colossus
>Resident Evil: Code Veronica X
>Silent Hill 2 and 3
>Metal Gear Solid 2 and 3
You bet your dick i played it. Fuckin loved it almost as much as battlefront. Me and my old man would play each other. He would get so mad when i figured out how to beat him.
muhfuggin OKAMI

that game rules
It's available on the PS store on ps4, my homie. I'd throw my money at a remaster though haha.

Jak and Daxter is Weeb? GOD of War is Weeb? KEK, you're nothing but a Redneck faggot. Go back to raping kids, getting caught by the police, and getting gang-raped by Redneck trash in prison, BITCH!
damn good shit
Completely underrated.
Looks like I hit a vein.
Armored core 2/3
Ace combat 4
Devil may cry 3
Spongebob Battle of Bikini Bottom, its legit one of the best licensed videogames out there
Fuck yea lol. This game needs it's own thread. It's truly a forgotten gem.
jak 3 was steaming shit though to be fair. 2 was the best one.
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Missing this
Get an artery next time

I think you mean a nerve...
Only those who have actually played it know how great it was. If this game were made on todays platforms and done right it could easily be a triple A title.
Also, none of those games are in this picture, I was talking about the ones here. Why are you so mad dude? Wew
Damn I didn't know that! Thanks dude! Yea I'd most certainly pay for a remaster. That tsunami level was one of my faves!
Shadow of the Colossus
Max Payne
Kingdom Hearts 2
The Warriors
The Suffering 1 & 2
GTA: Vice City
My current PS2 collection;
Rugby 08
Delta Force: Black hawk down
The Sopranos: Road to respect
GTA San Andreas/Liberty City Stories
Gran Turismo 4
Socom 2 & 3
Madden 09
Super Bikes riding challenge
Indycar series 2005

I've only got a dual shock PS One controller from the slim console so I can only play half of them.
Those trips of truth are checked my nig...
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Here's part of my personal collection. You need all of these.
Probably not the best game but Ape escape is fun
1000% truth
1 and 3 are legends, 2 and that other turd blow.
Goldeneye 007
trashy normieshit. If you want to play a musical game, buy a real fucking guitar.
nigga ill fuck you up Rugby 08, i'd fuck you even harder in Rugby 05
Agree with this anon. Dark Alliance is god tier.
Godhand and shadow of the colossus.
Armored core series
Kingdom hearts: Chain of memories
Kingdom hearts 2
Resident Evil 4
Killzone 1 & 2
ok now for the hard hitting question..

baldurs gate 1 or 2
this man knows what the fuck is up
jak and daxter are god tier games
Star Wars series like all of them
First one,it's one of my all time favorite games.
I only wish there were producers whole hearted enough to make this sort of thing. Im excited to see battalion 1944 but thats pretty much the only game i care about on next gen
This plus time splitters xviii and that smarties game
Shadow of the colossus
Battlefront 2
Metal gear solid 3 and 2 if you can put up with raiden's bitch ass
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Sure you would mate. I honed my shit on 2005.
I bet you play cheap as fuck too and just run around everyone. Probably use arcade offloads and lineouts too.
Dbz budakai tenkaichi 3
Gl finding one
good fucking answer.

you've won me over.
You're missing Need For Speed Underground 2 and Tekken 5
And Champions: Return to Arms. Even better than the first one
Thank you for being the first individual to mention any armored game in a ps2 game thread that wasn't me
Ape Escape 3 anybody?
tekken 4 > tekken 5
Still waiting for HD remake
I can't put up with raidens bitch ass
Don't forget the greatest JRPG series on the PS2
This needs to be on the next EVO roster. Fuck.
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yeah your missing this gem.
>implying running around people is good enough to be cheap
i fucking mastered 05, im the faggot that no lifed it and perfected kicking, set pieces and cheating
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You won't be disappointed.
nice b8 m8
>Muh nigga
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I like weeb games and i got a gamecube first and got a ps2 when they stop making games for it
This is not me>>677909955
what's bait about knowing quality fighing games from shit tier?
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Also check out Champions of Norrath. Another badass god tier game.
Haha I wonder how many copies of this shit actually sold...
Rogue Galaxy
>Kingdom hearts: Chain of memories
>Kingdom hearts 2
>Killzone 1 & 2

This anon knows whats up. COM is a very polarizing games meaning you either love or hate it mostly. I love it but not for everyone. Currently on my first Killzone playthrough but its pretty fun, and buggy as fuck as well, and split screen is fun as well
top keks bro, go back to street fighter or whatever overrated fighting game franchise you came from
tekken 4 was the best of that franchise, and if you refuse to argue your case on why not.. you're admitting you don't know shit and are indeed a little bitch with shit vidya taste.
>Kingdom Hearts 2
>Ape Escape 2/3
Colosseum road to freedom had one of the best combat mechanics of the time imo
Also baldurs gate and champions of norrath are seconded. Different combat but certainly old favorites.
If you have de friends. This
This man speaks the truth.
Ah meow that's what I like to hear m80. Less criticism, moar agreement. Word.
It's been an absolutely lovely experience with them as far as I know. Kingdom hearts was possibly one of the most sentimental and meaningful games out there. Nowadays it's all about pay2win and SHIT story lines. Killzone had an amazing bots system!! I could spend hours a day. Not to mention the diverse terrain such as jungles and ruins. Which reminds me
>MOH: Rising Sun
>tfw can't find r34 art of Jessica
hell even alone it was great

>that one glitch everyone knew to get out of/above tatooine
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Red Faction 1and2
fucking maniac
all tekken fags know tekken 4 was probably the worst of the franchise. they limited the roster, the engine felt clunky and the fact that you could move around pre fight was fucking stupid. story wise it was average, movesets weren't very innovative and so it didn't have much replay value. best thing tekken 4 did was give us steve fox

tekken 5 is considered one of the best (and probably the best) fighting games of all time. engine was extremely solid for it's time, gameplay was tight af, they expanded the roster again and the moveset and variety was near perfect. not even mentioning the story mode was at it's peak and the new customizable shit, the replay value on the game was insane
Definitely check out the Ratchet and Clank series.
Let me list why you're wrong.

1: Tekken 4 was best fighting game of its time.

do I really need to continue?

(also characters in tekken 5 sucked ass, and it didnt feel organic anymore).
You forgot you can play arcade of tekken 1,2,>>677914636
good shit son
just came to ps4, should i get it?
I spent far too many hours curbing giants in this game
what about metroid prime
Capcom vs SNK 2
keep rockin babey
true crime is dope, one of the best plots in a shooter
2nded and 3rded.
Ookami for the PS2 is a masterpiece of a game. I bought Ookami-den for the DS as well.
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fuck 1 and 3
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