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Waifu claiming thread. Version 4.04 The rules are very simple:

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 165
Thread images: 151
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Waifu claiming thread. Version 4.04

The rules are very simple:
>claim your 2D waifu
>post pics of your waifu
>insult other waifus
>discuss stuff
>post fitting, not over-sexualised content
>most important: Have fun!

Best German CV claimed
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Fastest waifu on no legs claimed
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Shiki claimed, long haired edition.
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Tay claimed
Sadistic grapple goddess claimed
>Filenames different on mobile
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Claimed before I smite some infidels in the name of Allah.
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>pats hand
>hugs back
We really are the same person

You make the motherland proud.
I caught a snek today
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Neo (2).jpg
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>one off.

Sounds like a nasty little bugger. Probably would've left him twitching on the ground in pain. I used to be terrified of bugs, then I just stopped all of a sudden.

Maybe one day Putin will liberate me from England and take me home.
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Still here!
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just claiming
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How about some ice cream as a celebration? What do you plan on doing with it?

Unless you didn't actually catch a snake and I'm missing some kinda joke.
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Bugs are pretty annoying, although a wasp would be worse.
The insect was attracted to light, though. It would be unusual for a wasp to act like that.
Visually it might have been a big wasp, as well.
No way to tell with it going so fast.

On the whole insects are a god damn plague.
A cute
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>not claiming rachnera
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Hey there qt

Putin will save us all one day.
>Tfw I wish I were part Russian
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>like Breaking Bad but more grim.
Oooh yes! I've been missing out big time it seems

>Yes, I really like those pics...
>I like them a lot <3

>gamepad isn't something you can throw
That's how holes appear on walls. And that's how broken fingers happen

Hola Ruri!

Nice choice
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I'm back.jpg
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Tenryuu claimed

Saltyness adé....for the moment
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Vanilia one please
>closer to bone dust

Ohh pls you make me pleasure
>dont stop
>Hugs harder
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That would totally break her stockings, though.
Anyways, infidels calling.
Can I have malted french people?

I'm probably going to keep it for a couple of days and let it go.
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Obligatory claim.

>O-oh, you didn't have to pat my hand.
>tight hugs
Such a sweetheart. We probably are, who knows.

>Hugs and picks up

Heyo, Ruri.
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Das freut mich zuhören, wenn ich salty bin schaue ich mir Pinguine an das hilft mir.
Yeah but she has a lot of spare stockings with her i guess
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It really is a hidden gem. Totally worth watching! That and House of Cards are my current watches on Nerflix

>I'm glad you like them a lot...
>There's always more<3
>You're Waifu a qt btw

You're a true sweetheart dude.
Should I pack my bags for SC now? Might as well meet myself for the first time
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Heyo qt 3.14
>You'll spend the night at your dad's house?

>Aún me recuerdas?

Hey hand buddy.
Did you had anything so far for dinner?
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And that's why xbox game pads are the best. Only thing I've broken from rage was a sshitty steel series headset, tearing it apart was so satisfying.
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Wow. This got dark. Buuuuuuuuut, we never deny a customer, even the most ridiculous request.

I've already broken my wardrobe door, and fortunately my walls are far too thick to punch through. The place i'm in is old as fuck and the walls are built for a full on gun fight. They block the wifi signal from my room, too.

It's just a tiny little bit of Russian. Although I'm sure it's the reason why I can drink like an alcoholic and still walk home fine and dandy.

Jesus, where do you live to get such weird bugs? All that I have in my house are 3 lady bugs and a fly. I can safely say I've never been stung by a wasp either, although I was nipped on the foot by a bee. Too make matters even worse, I had read the day before the bees has poison in their stingers, and me being 8 years old and playing Runescape all day everyday, started crying because I thought I was going to die. I was a special child.

Oooh, it wasn't a joke. What does it look like?

>white flags on top?
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I've already masturbated to your waifu.
it's a rough earth snake

And yes I would like the white flags, please.
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>The ride never ends
I'm going to add more as I go along.
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Yup! I'll be home tomorrow
>you're such a qt3.14 <3

Same here. My alcohol tolerance is shockingly high
>plus I only drink vodka oddly enough

Hey there cowgirl
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Others have posted mine, so I'll claim Lucina because I'm a faggot.
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Ich denke immer daran ein dickes Kind zu verhauen, Stracciatellajogurt zu mampfen oder Vanillemilch zu trinken. Hilft immer.

I want 2 scoops of my favourite flavour please.

I tried hard and failed harder

I want to see your sleepwear.
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N-no, you are.
>There's nothing to do here, I don't recommend it.

Heyo, Cowgirl.

Heyo, Ruri-kun.

Kek, no. Shaking right now. Oh well, you?
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I like it
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>>plus I only drink vodka oddly enough
Vodka is great
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Holy fuck that is adorable.

D'aaaw, it's so small and hugable just don't squash it. Take good care of that little critter. Is it really that small?

>malted frenchies with white flags upwards coming.

People think I'm weird for drinking vodka straight from the bottle. It feels like drinking water to me so I don't gag or anything. Guess I'm one of the (un?)lucky people that can drink without dying.

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Hi to you too.
>People think I'm weird for drinking vodka straight from the bottle. It feels like drinking water to me so I don't gag or anything.
Slavs I swear.
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Yes, yes, two scoops of "I don't care." Still haven't explained the holes in the wall?

Oh, did you break 10k fps on Skyrim?

Hey, uh, Red, where are your pictures?

It can't be helped. Jack Daniels, on the otherhand... That doesn't go down as well.
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One of my friends insisted that I watched it, but for some reason I haven't yet...
>Aw thanks
>You'll make me blush you baka!

>Aún me recuerdas?
¿Cómo iba a olvidarte? Nunca Ruri

>xbox game pads are the best
So true, damn. Mine have been hit so many times I don't know how they are still working
> tearing it apart was so satisfying.
I'm sure it was.
"Fuck this game, fuck this shit, fuck everything."

Quite a few rages I see kek
>They block the wifi signal from my room, too.
Iktf, it's fucking awful, can't get wifi in the living room. Family visits constantly come near to get some signal... It can get annoying
I will post my desired picture to be added when I get home tomorrow
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I'm in Vegas at the moment.
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Welp, a computermouse is stronger than certain walls...
>Oh, did you break 10k fps on Skyrim?
Sadly i didn't had the ressources this week for this

Only 1 headset? I destroyed way more
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Jack daniels is terribly straight.
It was wow and my internet was shittying itself, I had a key role in the fight and we ended up spending 2 hours just dying because of me and the internet failing. Worst thing is, it wasn't even just off, it would work for 5 or 10 minutes and then turn off.
What can I say, I'm a saint.
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As you wish. Now I want to see your formal dress

>Tfw stuck going there for boot camp
>I see why now

Howve you been?

I love it. Smirnoff does the job for me

I usually drink nips (super small bottles) and it's the perfect amount. It's not as bad as people make it out to be

You're friend has good taste
>You're cute when you blush <3
>That picture is... Uh... Really really nice. Y-you look good~
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Gah, I had to come back to gush about how awesome bastard swords are.
They're not the most powerful weapon, but boy.
Need to carry more arrows? Ditch the shield and go 2h for extra arrows.
Shield breaks? No problem, you are 2h now.
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Lighter skin pigment-Tay claimed xD
emperor claimed
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Here you go. And now i want to see yours.
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Mmmm, reminded me of how you're coming here for boot camp. Closest one of you lovable lugs has ever been to me, weird to think about.

Enjoy the weather.

>Also a bastard sword fan
My fucking man.
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Tired as fuck, only got around 5 hours of sleep last night.
They're fun alright, not as fun as halberds but still pretty fun.
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God fucking damnit Red. I'm fucking jealous. Looks bloody great. Never been to Vegas, only visited New York. That was pretty cool but that picture is just, damn.

Oh shit. That must be some strong as fuck mouse you've got there. At least your mouse didn't break...?

Ah, maybe one day you'll pull 10k FPS. Then that will be a day to celebrate.

Headsets are great. Cheap enough and very, very breakable if you're angry.

I need to dilute a lot before I can put that sutff anywhere near my mouth.

Mhm, some people freak out when they drink. I don't go for small bottles, usually maintain eye contact with somebody to assert dominance and drink. Although I have had a few tiny bottles of Jägermeister before, they were cute.
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Well, I fight mounted. Can't use halberds and lances are only good when fighting a single powerful unit.
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I'll have pizza and I was hoping you'd eat something delicious as well.
>It's like sharing!

>¿Cómo iba a olvidarte?
Era sólo una duda, ya que eres extremadamente poplar, Emi.
>Siempre es una posibilidad...

I'm so glad you'll have Easter off!
>Stop it Ruby, you're the qtest and end of discussion.
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Damn Red. Looks like you're having a hell of a time. Good to see that.
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Nah, my mouse is still fine.
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It's a little rough around the edges. I just need to crop and resize everyone to match the original perspective.

Okay, I'll be looking for you.
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Ich glaube du hast mehr zerstört als ich gekauft hab
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Nope, not much to eat right now. I'll live though, I suppose.

>It's like sharing
You're too kind.
As far as swords go, I'm going with scimitars. The trick was you could get inside someone's guard and shoulder check them with it. Also Damascus steel was a thing

>inbf katana that is folded a million times

Fran here
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With trips like that you are more than fine to see. Now I wanna see your skirt

It's odd to think how soon it'll be. Feel free to rescue me from the island.
>Those fucking sand fleas
>I'm not ready for those fuckers again

Sucks dude. Last night was the first night I got more than 4.5 hours

Never drank jagermeister. I should try that soon.

Small bottles are great for sneaking around honestly

It's really nice!
>Ruri, you're the qt here and you know it.

Hey there pre med. Sup?
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It's very small, but probably bigger for it's species
I will treat it well

>sorry for the late reply
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>lances are only good when fighting a single powerful unit.
You doubt the lance, its the last mistake you'll ever make.
I fucking love lances, just ride up next to goddamn anybody and their gone like that. Takes some time and aiming but when you can take out the enemy commander and all their cavalry before they can get to your skirmisher line its a good day. Then you can just ride around picking off targets of opportunity or guys who you think need to die sooner rather than later.
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I want to watch so many series I end up watching none, sadly
>S-stop looking at me like that!
>I'm just an innocent soul...
> <3

> 2 hours just dying because of me and the internet failing
Oh fuck, that's the worst
>it would work for 5 or 10 minutes and then turn off.
The fact that it's an on and off thing makes it even more frustrating probably, you think it might work again, but a few minutes later, bam, it's gone again.

>extremadamente poplar
Nah, no creo, sólo soy un anon del montón por aquí
>>Siempre es una posibilidad...
Te aseguro que no lo es ;)
To be honest, not enjoying myself. Would rather be home.

Not a huge amount, you?
Lost money?
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I'm used to getting lots of sleep so its been hitting me harder than I'd like.
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H-hey Fran-kun. Hope you slept well, buddy.

Right? I hope it will pass by quickly for you, that island is a fucking nightmare from what I've seen, poor thing.

>Gets close to area
>Shot on sight
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Atago 021.png
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The harder you try, the harder you fail
Hi Fran
No, I'm actually up a little over $1200. Just not having fun tbh. Though it's not surprising. I haven't enjoyed anything at all in a long time.

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I have to agree with that, but lance attacks always take some effort to set up or you attack vulnerable, isolated enemies you'd kill anyways.
So the lance truly shines when engaging enemy leaders or their heavy cavalry.
Speed bonus can eaisly mean instant kill on the most powerful units.
But an instakill on an archer doesn't really matter.
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Awh shit. I know that feel. The first few days are great for me, then I miss my bed, fridge and Pokemon plushies.

I want a pet. It'd have to be cool, like a lizard. But they're like babies and I won't know if I've overfed it or underfed it.

My coat is great for sneaking things. The pockets are like little bags and there are 5 of them. I could smuggle bottles anywhere. Good idea, little Red.

Not sure if that's a good or a bad thing. If I threw anything against my wall it'd shatter into a thousand pieces.
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Aber hey, ich weiß wie man es am effektivsten zerstören kann...

As requested and as best as i could. Now i want to see your legs.
>never drank Jägermeister
I hate this stuff.
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If you want a lizard for a pet, bearded dragons are great.

They live a long time and are very friendly lizards, just don't overstep your boundaries and you'll be fine.
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I'm a terrible show watcher. I really need to spend one day of just catching up.
>Nice comic
>I'll make sure to keep up running right behind you <3

Not much. Just chilling. Ate dinner and just watching documentaries.

All my friends lived out west and got to train in San Diego. I'm a bit jealous.
>Holy shit that island will suck
>it's only 13 weeks. I'll live

Damn dude. Hope you can get your sleep soon! That sucks.

Sneaking things in makes me feel like a spy or something. Makes vodka nips much better too

Here's the legs. Lovely as they are

They dont sell any near here so I wouldn't even be able to be disgusted.
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Why the stutter?
Hey! You up to anything fun?
Nice, I vote you spend the winnings on hookers and blow
Yeah, leopard geckos are also nice, though they aren't quite lizards. I also really want a tarantula, though they can live for nearly 15 years
Sup guys. How's everybody doing?

Needs more waifus
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Internet claimed
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True but in my mind ranged units come before even heavily armed mele units since those ranged faggots can still hit me when I'm not right next to them. Almost always I'll get an army of nothing but ranged units and just set them up on a hill somewhere and force the enemy to come to us so I'm usually the only one out there fighting the enemy close so any kill I get is one less my guys have to deal with.
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Yeah, getting back into ss13
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Funny you should say that, hand-kun. My best friend has bearded dragon. The only experience I've had with them was her putting it on my head whilst I was half asleep and freaking out because it started clawing my scalp.

I can only imagine sneaking around, darting down a corridor and necking a bottle and sliding back out. Sounds pretty fun.
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Ayyyy show us the ceiling light show when you see it
Not interested in either of those in the least bit. probably going to enter the $1000 buy in tournament and see what happens

What kind of documentary?

Hey lain!
With some lizards like bearded dragons you can just put out lizard feed or greens for them and it's better than crickets and live stuff
>I have too many pets
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Only javelins and crossbows are really dangerous when it comes to ranged wepaons.
But Christ, they are dangerous indeed.
Focusing on whatever could do the biggest damage on your troops first seems like a solid strategy.
Often that's the cavalry if they have any.
In the absence of cavalry I focus on ranged attackers mostly because they don'T stand in dense groups.
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Damn, I'd be jealous too. 13 weeks? You poor thing, I'm sure you'll live through it, you seem like a tough guy.

>You said I was your favorite
>Making me nervous over here

Tarantulas live that long? I never knew that, I'd much rather have a scorpion for a pet, they have claws and a stinger on their tale. Pretty much the epitome for a cool insect.

Oh, I'm sorry to hear that, man. They're still really friendly if you show them the proper respect though. People typically let them play with small dogs, they're really nice lizards.

Also can be adorable if you see them around enough.
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>Nope, not much to eat right now.
Awh, that sucks, hand buddy.
Or maybe it's not too bad, are you particularly hungry?

>You're too kind
I'm just asphyxiating you with unnecessary questions, that's all!

Remember to hug your father at least once every hour you spend in his house!
>Are you seriously trying to debate about who is the qtest?
>Just look at you, Ruby. How the hell am I supposed to compete.

>Awhh, gracias Emi.
>Aunque no sirva de mucho, yo tampóco te olvidaría!
Prácticamente me diste la confianza de admitír lo obvio gracias a mi inglés: que no soy americáno.
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I usually get stuff which can take a few hits. I'm still amazed how much a XBox 360 can pack away. Those things must contain some Nokia.

Funny story:
>came with nothing to a party
>woke up the next day
>stole 2 bottles of Jägermeister from there
I'm always stealing something when i'm drinking....
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Neo (20).jpg
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You have pets? What kinds?

I've never had any pets. Apart from a few fish years ago. Ugly little fuckers. Really not nice to look at. Still took good care of them.

By experience I meant physical experience. Behind the glass it seems really mellow and easy to look after. Fed it a few crickets but that's as much actual interaction as I've had. Plus there's nowhere to put a big tank (cage? What do you call it?) in my room.

What really? I'm too scared to touch my 360, don't want red rings or for it to destroy the disk. It's 7 years old now so I'm not risking it.
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You're a naughty boy.
I will, gonna go to sleep a lot earlier than usual tonight.
Exactly, if I have any cavalry with me I'll have them just charge the enemy but when its just me and my lance I'll go for the officers and mounted guys first, even if I just kill their horse that's essentially taking them out of the fight, after that though I just hit some guy I targeted, ride away, circle back, and look for a new target. Usually I'll pick out targets on my previous run, like I see a heavy infantry unit or some asshole ranged guy has decided to target me, I never charge ranged units head on though, that's just asking for an arrow to the head, and if there's too many ranged units sometimes I can't even get close enough to use the lance, I've always got a backup sword though and a ranged weapon and its ammo.
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>I'm always stealing something when i'm drinking
Any funny stories?
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Neo (17).jpg
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Talking about stealing when drinking.
>always turn up late to parties
>drink enough to feel good
>end up coming home with more than I went with.

Every. Single. Time.

God damn those repeating digits.
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> I really need to spend one day of just catching up.
That makes two of us. I started watching Breaking Bad barely a month before the last episode was released. I didn't make it in time, so I had to avoid spoilers fucking everywhere
>Keep running behind you
>And don't fall back, I want you close *wink*

Hi Teto! <3

Nunca tengas miedo de admitir lo que eres Ruri
>El orgullo es muy importante
>Además, tu waifu es una pasada, así que alegría

Fukken bestbro's quads checked!
I have a monitor lizard, 3 sneks, a bearded dragon, and a tarantula
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Shaking right now, but I'll be fine. No worries.

Not at all, conversations with you always make me happy. Don't worry about it.

Damn, that's unfortunate. Their cages aren't too big. But yeah, they're chill. I've held them, pet them, and etc. Just gotta treat them with the proper respect and they'll do the same.

They're actually pretty playful, kek. Funny considering it's a lizard.
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You sound just like me, heh.
>It's why I stopped taking vacations anywhere
Well, hopefully you'll be home soon, nice to see you made some extra bread at least.
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Forgot image
Oh no, how did I make you nervous?

Yeah, the female ones can, depending on the species, and most are also supper nice and chill. Scorpions, aside for being arachnids, are kinda dicks.

What breed of tarantula?
If you and your horse have armor in the 40-50 region or better normal arrows no longer harm you.
It's ridiculous. I actually took out a whole squad of around 30 archers by myself while taking around 100 hits.

But right, I forgot the biggest problem about the lance:
dead weight if you are dismounted.

Since I have to be mindful of encumberance as an archer I cannot afford that.
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Always fun to do things that can get you kicked out Kek. I dont do it often. Only with friends who want to do it.

Race for the White House. It's a documentary series on CNN. It's narrated by Kevin Spacey, and that's the big reason I'm watching it. I love studying politics/history so it hits all the right spots.

I'm pretty sure I'll survive. After that it should be a breeze. I'm more worried about 13 weeks of not being here with y'all.
>The return will be great

I hugged him 5 minutes ago. It was nice
>Yes we will debate this, you qt3.14. You're the cute one here

That sounds like a great time honestly. I haven't stolen anything from drinking yet
You steal anything else?

Nice trips and quads

Also good luck dude. Those mini comas are a great thing

I had the last episode of BB spoiled when I was only 2 episodes away from done. I was livid
>I promise
>I'm Liking the scenic view heh
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Neo (2).png
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Oh that's a cool collection. What kind of animal group is that? Weird question, but you know how people have a lot of dogs and cats, or a lot of rabbits and chickens or something? People with snakes seem to have spiders and lizards, you know?

I could completely clear off my chest of draws, but that will only cause more problems. Sucks not having much space. It'd be my first actual pet so I'd be overly worried about getting everything right. Don't wanna hurt an animal if I can avoid it.

Most of my friends are moist and don't want to do that stuff. Seems like over here everybody seems a little too worried about being kicked out of places. You never really get caught, but hey, what can you do.
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I don't even care about the weight when I'm on the ground, its fun to just walk up to a guy and stab him in the face from like 5 feet away and kill him, sword is obviously for when that doesn't work. Ranged is for when the terrain fucking sucks and I can't gather enough speed to use the lance properly but still need to take out guys before they get to my skirmish line.
Oh cool, sounds interesting

Just do what the Romans did: shield wall with spears and short swords, with archers behind them. Works well if you can keep formation.
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Just not used to being told that, just forget I said anything.

Assuming that's because they have to raise young lings. Hell, just depends on the scorpion. If you're careful you can handle wild ones, they are dicks though.

I'll miss you during those 13 weeks, whenever y'all leave it just makes me appreciate ya more, kek.

No doubt you will.

>5 minutes ago
You're just a big fucking bundle of sunshine, it almost hurts.

Most of the time they just hang out and don't move. They also hibernate for months on end, so don't think it's dead.

Just feed him crickets, kale, and water. Don't forget the head lamp and some lights to simulate day time.

They're pretty easy to raise, to be honest.
Just a chilean rose hair, nothing crazy

It's mainly just reptiles. And I know what you mean. By the way if i were to recommend a pet it would be a ball python or cornsnake. The care is simple, especially when it comes to feeding.
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>only 2 episodes away from done
I would've killed anyone for that. Was it a friend? Or did you accidentaly see it on the internet?
>Enjoy as much as you want...

>that pic
I must say I would've never imagined Neo like that. But somehow it really fits her, like, being popular and stuff
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Tenryuu 134.jpg
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My 360 is also 7 years old now. Ok, the disk-tray doesn't open sometimes, but the console is still running. My Nintendo DS is even 8 or 9 years old and still working.

I can't count the stolen street sings anymore....

>be me
>with friends on a party
>drinking and stuff, friends are smokers
>they see a cigarette stand near the club which is selling cigarettes
>they went there, i'm with them
>we're all drunk af
>[memory.exe not found]
>woke up next morning
>face hurts like shit
>see 10 packs à 200 cigarettes in my room
According to my friends which don't totally loss their memory, i just grabbed them and ran away, felt down once and scratched my face on the street, stood up and ran home with the packages.
I sold them over the next few days on my school for the normal price. I lived like a king.

I always take a trophy from my drunk adventures.

Mostly street sings, alcohol or food.
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I was conflicted about it all for a long time, so while my primary skill is archery the secondaries actually are all three of 1h, 2h and polearms.
I'm only level 18, so no real idea how much I'll regret that later.
Since they pretty much stop improving through level ups beyond 130 probably not too much.
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Neo (13).jpg
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Golly gosh guv'ner I bloody well let time run away from me. It's nearly 1 bong in the morn. Best be buggering off to the bed, not before I have my cumpets and morning tea.

Night everybody. May your dreams be filled with happiness (unless you don't want happiness and then... You do you).
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Uhu~ ...
I thought you would have tones of friends, you're so nice!
Yeah, I heard they are food for beginners, since they are super docile and calm. Do you like her?
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If only mount and blade was that sophisticated, with that kind of formation you almost don't even need strategy. Well as long as you're enemy doesn't know how to counter it effectively that is.
I've always used ranged as a secondary, I can hardly even use bows so its either crossbows or firearms for me.
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Goodnight, buddy. Sleep warm and well.
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At this point we realized we got nothing to lose. I'll be gone in a few months so I'm just making life more exciting. But yeah I know plenty of people like that. I can understand why they're like that, but I prefer trying things out

It's pretty cool. They talk about presidential races and all the dirty nasty tricks the candidates did to win. It's pretty awesome.

I'll miss you guys dude. You've all been so good to me. I'll definitely be thinking of you guys. Will help when I get chewed out by a pissed off DI Kek

>You're just a big fucking bundle of sunshine, it almost hurts
Awwwww thanks hand kun
>You might need sunglasses

It was a friend. He accidentally said it thinking I watched it already. I didn't kill him thankfully
>I will enjoy, cutie...
>Definitely a nice view<3
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Night bro! May you dream of icecream and popsicles!

That's why it worked so well for the Romans, they mostly fought a lot of less organized barbarian masses.

Yeah, looking at all the dirty tricks is kinda sickening though

We booty now?
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Bow skill is fun in that you can raise it quite quickly.
Mine is 192.

That's what you get for riding around battle after battle shooting 30-50 arrows at stuff without shields or facing with their backs.

Melee weapons are harder to increase through combat.
Unless you are ridiculously good maybe.
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She is calm but she doesnt eat very well.
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Yup, that's also part of why Hannibal Barca nearly took them out.
True, I do love it when I fire an arrow/bullet at an enemy half the map away, hit them, and level that skill up by like 3 levels. I've gotten good at mele fighting, especially when out numbered, its been a bit of a necessity.
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>Want some popcorn ;)

Love the booty, praise the booty

>I didn't kill him thankfully
I would've made him pay for a bottle of alcohol or something to compensate!
>I think other people might be watching us :o

>1 bong in the morn
Kek'd hard
Good night Neo!

>We booty now?

Yeah, too imprinted in one style, they didn't know what to do when someone finally found a way to counter it.
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Haha, me too on both accounts.
I might be an archer but... things happen.
In the best case I run out of arrows, in which case the enemy will be decimated and I'm probably just mopping up in melee then, but there are also bandit encounters and missions you can come mounted et cetera.
Fighting against three is very hard, though.
I can handle two (and kill them) all things equal.
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>you're so nice!
Only on here I am. I'm also fairly quiet in public.

Kek, from the sounds of it you have quite a bit of friends. Going out to game nights and what not, can't say I blame them for wanting more of ya.

Yeah, getting chewed out by people like that really does suck. Helps you develop thick skin though, sure you already have that though.
>hugs and pats
Don't mention it, buddy. Mean every word of it.
>I already own sunglasses.
>We're set.
>can come mounted
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>Shaking right now, but I'll be fine.
Then, please enjoy your food as soon as it arrives!

>conversations with you always make me happy.
Awh, come on, hand buddy, you're just saying that.
>I enjoy talking to you as well!

Make sure to hug him one more time before you sleep!
>We're not arguing anymore, Ruby.
>You're literally spending the night at your dad's house. I'm not competing with such a family loving qt.

>El orgullo es muy importante
Cada véz que recuerde eso, pensaré en Emi.

>Además, tu waifu es una pasada, así que alegría
De verdad lo crées? una grán parte de la fanbase dice la ruta de Ruri fué innecesaria...

>We booty now?
We always booty, Fran.
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Tenryuu without eyepatch.jpg
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>those scars tho
I like then
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Thanks man.

>You're just saying that
If that were true I wouldn't even be saying that, mean every word of it.
>Thanks, buddy.
>Pat pat
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Sanya is love.
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Booty game strong.
Too bad for him Carthage pussied out when he was like 10 miles from Rome.
Yeah I hear that, that's why I try and earn as much money as possible as fast as possible so I can get the best armor, just recently spent about 24K on a full new set of armor in Gekokujo or however the japanese mod from warband is spelled.
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It honestly is pretty impressive the ways they do it. At some point in not even angry anymore, just impressed

>We booty now?
No complaints

I wish I had made him pay. It would've been smart honestly
>I think other people might be watching us :o
You're right. Well calm down
>for now ;)

I'm used to yelling so the noise won't be bad. It's the knife hands that will worry me. Those fuckers make hands scary
>except you
>you're hand is adorable

You're a good man. Ill definitely miss you

Of course!
>I will argue with you qt
>you are a total qt3.14 and it's true.
>Source: me
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Atago 120.jpg
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Here you go
Best I could get at the moment
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Sadly, that one pic was all the booty i have. But Adorea seems to be storing quite a few extra organs in her tits...
Yeah, game stores make it easy to find a group of friends, I met nearly all of mine there. Just be yourself and I'm sure people will hang out with you. Maybe find, or start, a film club at your college
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Shiki 0771.png
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I'm goiong to bed, good night everyone
Oh yeah.
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Part of her charm, and the extra arms, love of experimentation, surgical skill, and surprising naivety
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>Well calm down
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I'm quite jelly.
I've been spending everything on trade and businesses so far.
Takes the business 10-15 weeks to fully pay back and turn a profit, but I like to take a long outlook.
I only upgraded my gear twice from the store, excluding relatively cheap single items I bought, like a decent helmet for like 250 denars - 39 armor, not too shabby.
I found an awesome suit of armor for 2000 denars, 50 body 17 leg.
>all my yes
On the whole I'm still pretty poor and especially my weapons are no good.
Still using my starting bow.
An actually better one costs 4000 easily.

At least I have reached the point now where my businesses pay for my monthly party expenses.
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I claim Stocking faggots
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Hey Stocking, glad you could make it

Anyway, time for a really late dinner, should be back for a little while later
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You win Ruby, but you're a qt3.14 as well.
>That's the least I'm willing to take.

Goodnight Shiki.

You started Kataganari already?
>secret word fgt.

You're not replacing real Stocking no matter what.
Real Stocking is best Stocking
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Yeah, same. The lifestyle of the military was what drove me away, personally. Too much stress.
>Never have to be scared of my hands
>Always have a warm pair to come back to
>You and your waifu are much more adorable
>No contest

Same to you, I'll probably miss ya more.

Friends are still friends, not really looking to expand. Good friend I've known for about 3 years tossed a good friend and out for some bitch he met. So I'm not really trying at this point.

Thanks though!

You're too adorable.

Alright man, enjoy your food.

>Not sure if this is really Stalking
>Looks at filename
Started? Shichika is about to go see the Emperor. Ananas
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Someone tell me how these dudes fight for 1 denar a week?
50 pieces of basic bread are between 5 and 50 denars. 0.1 to 1 denar per piece.
>I'm running out of ammo fast and for obvious reasons
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Nice try

Yeah, I guess she's cute but I'm more of a snek guy
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Goodnight Shiki

Hehe. I see you were enjoying it Teto

Hmm. Stockinganon just said goodnight to me on Telegram (sorry for bringing it up in advance), so...

I think we tied, you qt3.14
Prepare for the best finale in any anime ever
Que le den a la fanbase. Que miles de millones de moscas coman excremento no significa que los excrementos sean buenos. Ruri mola. Parte de mí quiere que Kyosuke se vaya con Ruri y parte con Manami. Ruri mejora exponencialmente en la serie, digan lo que digan

Really strong, damn. Tiddy game strong AND booty game strong? It's hard to compete against that, you know?

BB it's pretty great even with spoilers though, one of the best series ever made
>For now

[heart rate increases]

Adorea might need those extra organs in case of an accident. A bus accident for example...
>Dem tiddies huge

Good night!


Ya ain't the real Stocking

Yeah I'm like that too, I try and fight as many small bandit parties early on to just level up me and my party and get some extra cash, from then on it becomes fighting lords and just selling fucking everything. I never buy gear for my companions, if I find a new piece of equipment better than my old then I'll take it and give the old to my highest paid companion, and it goes down the line to the lowest paid companion, I've got it set up so the highest paid go into battle first, you want your money you're gonna earn it. I rarely spend money on armor but sometimes you just find those incredible pieces worth thousands and most of the time I don't have the money, I do buy into those businesses you can start in cities though, I always go with the one that earns the most money.
-Holstaur image.
Funny; it was the lifestyle that made me wanna join. Guess I'm just a sadist or something.
>Those uniforms are on point

>I'll never be afraid of hands
>I just respect them more now kek

I still loved it. Great show
You're such a qt. A very beautiful qt..
>*suggestive picture*

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