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This game SUCKS ASS, dont fucking prove me wrong. This game gives

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This game SUCKS ASS, dont fucking prove me wrong. This game gives me the utter shits and makes me wish I was never born
league of leggings
I feel ya, literally only play because i enjoy playing renekton, nasus, jax.
Dota master race ??
Yeah, it must be awful getting your ass handed to you.
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Dota is better than this shit show
its a fun game but only if never take it seriously and never have all-chat on. 1500+ wins and im super super bored of it but its still a good time if you get a skype group together or something.
The game is utter cancer when you are first starting out though. No runes no masteries pre level 30 and you are just perma-handicapped against everyone. cant even jungle
sounds like a whiney lil bitch who sucks at games >:D prove me wrong
>implying dota isn't too complicated to properly balance with their resources
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Then dont play it.
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wee i pleh ded gaem
You really that bad at it?
ah the mindless champs.
So many things ruin this game. I think the #1 on my list is the fucking annoying voice packs.
Just started it a few weeks ago, still I mostly suck but Im slowly getting better. What champs do you reccomend for a begginer at 13 lvl?
I'll give you that for renekton and nasus, but jax and knowing how not to get buttblasted in lane takes something atleast...


it could be so good
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i love it lol. you get to capitalize on idiots mistakes they dont even know theyre doing because theyre retarded, and then you snowball to become a 20/0 carry lord at the 30 min mark. shits hilarious. people die like 3 times in a row in lane to me repeatedly doing the same shit over and over then whine about how the games broken lol. retard u just fed me 10 mins into the game.
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I've never played dungeons and douchebags.
fucking kill yourself, thanks bb
Im this idiot sometimes... who you play with and whats the secret? Would love to know and learn that too
Yeah it rewards slightly getting ahead, and then you just get completely out of control and people whine and whine and whine about things being broken. Its not broken any champion 4 levels over you with a shit load of gold will fuck you up.
ive watched countless hours of professionals streams. after a while you start to notice little things here and there that youre doing wrong.
man.. it doesn't even matter if you get smashed in lane as Jax. I went 8/0 as Ekko against a Jax, he got guinsoos and became a monster. He was easily able to duel me. Despite the fact that he got annihilated, he wasn't really punished for having a virtually empty inventory, because he just doesn't die, and can dish out ludicrous damage with one item.

There are just some champions where it doesn't matter if you get obliterated, because you're broken midgame anyway. Lux, Illaoi, Graves, Renekton, Tryn, Darius etc. Jax is one of them.
That's what you get for not picking/building to counter.
all those characters blow if you get beaten early game. some characters can catch up late game with farm like ADC champions and some other hyper carrys (like jax)
just put sated guinsoos on any champions and litterally win. riot needs to fix their shit.
you must be bronze
I went 8/0. The fact that it barely influenced his power is indicative of him being too powerful or at the very least mindless. He doesn't suffer if he is played poorly. We still won the game with relative ease, but he shouldn't be anywhere near that powerful if he is played poorly.
Yasuo, Zed, Vayne etc.
Non mechanical, low skill cap champions. So not like Zed or Vayne. What role do you play?
You're not accounting how your champion scales in comparison to Jax. There are plenty of tops that don't have that problem, and there are items for champions that greatly reduce it. Still, a good Jax will grab TP, gank, and get kills elsewhere.
Nahh he has to start young to become lcs. Take the high skill cap champs my youngling.
it doesn't matter what a good jax will do. Because he was still insanely powerful. Thankfully the rest of my team performed well too, so we were able to win fairly easily. But he shouldn't be that strong after being shut down that hard.

If he's not punished by playing poorly, he is mindless.
I mostly play top/jungle with Xin
just spam udyr games and climb to masters rofl. broken ass champ.
I agree it was fun back in 2012-2013 but thats about it. It went to SHIT real fast. If you think its cool to be good at league put 12 gauge slugs in your cranium please.
Perfect. Non mechanical, low ksill high reward champs. Like Xin.

Similar champs; i.e jump on your enemy and kill them in 3 basics; Jax, Yi.

Not Fizz, he's stupidly easy but gets you into bad habits since he can just remove himself from all danger for a while you get into a bad mindset.

Top: Heimer, Jax, Mundo
Mid: Heimer, Zed, Ahri
Bot lane carry: Lucien
Support: Nami, Jana
Jungle: Warwick, Jax, Udyr
its the most popular video game out right now retard lol.

Top: Yasuo
Mid: Zed
Jg: Nidalee
Adc: Vayne
Supp: Leona
For mid, none of those 3. Heimer is useless and one dimensional, with little reward. Zed and Ahri both have high skill caps and take a while to master.

Decent champ to learn midlane with is Lux.
some of them i have already played with, others i will try out and maybe play more with the ones I have already tried. Thanks guys

Heimer when you're new lets you focus more on learning who's where, when jungle looks for ganks and general map awareness rather than having to focus on last hitting and harassing.
Zed, fair point I've not played him only based on what I heard.
Ahri is a very safe farming champ with a high escape. just farm under tower with your ball and when they towerdive taunt and run, she's easy to play medium, but has a high skill cap.
Heimer when you're new is awful as he is completely unique and the skills you learn playing him do not transition very well to other champions.

Zed has a better escape than Ahri. Ahri's escape is only high if and when she has her ult, yes her ult is powerful, but it's not a short cooldown that you can burn whenever you like.

Source; Platinum mid main.
easiest champ you can play is Garen, literally spin to win
Zed is also banned constantly right now.
This too.
soraka :^)
How to play jhin mid /late?
>aim at guy
>do 800 dmg
>shoot him again
>they try to run away
>do 1200 dmg


after her nerf? you serious?

To bad other champs deal 2500 damage in 2 sec
too bad they cant hit them from across the map for that much
Truly a shit game. Every game is 40 minutes. Who the fuck has time for that? Dont forget that it takes like 5000 wins to even unlock all the content. How about the fact that you are 100% reliant on the 4 idiots you're matched up with?

They say all video games are a waste of time. Thats true to an extent, but you're supposed to get something out of that time, like a great and fun expereince. Not LoL. I cant believe the shear amount of time and effort I loaded into that game and got fucking nothing out of it.

Every game is 40minutes? Only at low ELO, high ELO games are usually 30min or less
100% reliant on the people you're matched with? If that were the case, the pro's wouldn't be at the top of the ladder.

Also, if you assume that idiots are evenly distributed through a particular division, provided you're not an idiot, your team has the advantage, because the enemy team has 5 idiots, and yours has 4. You're the only consistent factor between all of your games buddy.
>you are 100% reliant on the 4 idiots you're matched up with?

thats the worst part. if youre stuck with idiots who feed 5 mins into the game, then just all in everytime they see someone and allow the enemy to snowball, its the worst fucking game of all time, there needs to be a blacklist option for real, like there are people i never want to be matched up with ever again jesus christ.
lol pros all duo queue with each other retard. doesnt even matter if theyre pros actually, just duo queue with someone who isnt retarded and youll climb easily.

This, it takes about 250 games to even out the idiots and get where you deserve, if you're at Bronze V with 20 games, you might not belong there, if you're at Bronze V with 300 games, it's not your team... Sure you'll have a dickhead that feeds at 5min, but in your other 249 games you'll have a dickhead on teh other team that feeds at 5min, if you encourage and nurture your dude he's gunna stop fucking up, if you call him a retard he'll fuck up even more, I've won games at high Gold with a TF that was the first 4 deaths...


too bad ult is useless up close
>there needs to be a blacklist option
There is. After the game, block the player. You'll never see them again.
That depends on how you play ranked. This season allows any number to que together. This greatly changes your MMR, and that messes with your rewarded our deduced LP. If the variance of skill is wide in your group, you can expect it to take longer.
Let me guess. You're all silver II, but definitely deserve at least platinum, are convinced that you're amazing at the game and the only thing holding you back is your idiot teams?

Statistics disagrees with you.
you dont build to counter champs like that, especially as ekko
you build to snowball
unles youre a full tank then you just get frozen heart and laugh at jax
what? theres only and add and report option. there is no block option lol.
Scratch that third one.
wut aboot jhin?
Just main Katarina and win.

Was gunna say my post actually agreed with you but explained it in more depth xD
LOL this game and many other mobas rely too much on you having a team that doesn't have that one fuckface feeder that threatens to afk after one person politely asks him to stop being such a pleb and a leech to society. Fuck mobas in the fucking ass, your skills don't mean shit if theres that punk pussy peter punishing your pleb game on your team.
Don't play Jhin. You need a team constructed around you to function.
lol op madness thou
Good luck snowballing if you don't counter your lane partner when you need to.

If you're constantly losing to Jax, even if he isn't fed, then start building to prevent that. It's pretty simple.

It works successfully for me all the time in mid lane, starting chalice for MR, or even abyssal in extreme situations. It's not like it prevents you from snowballing later, but it certainly helps in lane.
>politely asks him to stop being such a pleb and a leech to society
I'm plat 3 and I sometimes feed against silvers when I play normals with a friend, like seriously I'm not even that good, but about 15-20% of my games that I win are just from being a decent human, where I make a guy feel good even though he makes mistakes and stir shit like this up in the other team where I force an AFK (coupled with being a jungler and ganking the first person to whine)
hey i just got my 400 dollar account with 4 years just permabanned

ask a way
Ah, the Confucius way?
Whadja do
>thinking a single game is any reflection of skills
I found your problem. And it goes both ways. Just because you or someone in your game is doing poorly doesn't mean you're bad players, or even less skilled than the enemy.
i told someone to kill themself :^(

Then again, I got suspended for 2 weeks last summer, and 2 weeks again a few months ago but I've been playing less and less vijya anyways
also this is one of the faggiest things about LoL. the report and ban system doesnt even take into account the game context or even conversation. it just reads what you said. even if youre joking or fucking around, youre not allowed to be offensive or talk shit.

TALKING SHIT IS ONE OF THE FUNNEST PARTS OF VIDEO GAMES FUCK YOU RIOT. why the fuck do i have to just sit around like a pussy ass bitch and i cant talk shit in chat or call people pussy ass bitches and dumb retards all day like i want to? fuckoff.
That sucks, really harsh.
Got 2 weeks for saying calling someone a ching chong dumb nigger.
worth it tho
ITT: People who haven't judged others in tribunals.
I wasn't losing to Jax. I went 8/0. And managed to avoid him for the majority of the game whilst dismantling their squishies. Butt he fact that he was powerful, even after being shut down is indicative of low skill high reward and he isn't punished by the mechanics of the game, even when he's so far behind.
make sure you bought your phantom dancer
get furor
those 4th shots are crucial
play backline until you get a good opportunity for good damage but make sure to finish them from the backline. also max e > q > w
w is only useful if you have teammates around
I agree ... Any game that requires me to rely on some one elses gaming skill is not worth your time
Fuck yea worth it. I have a pbe account and a smurf anyways if I wanna play. Restricted on those though :^)
Original commenter here

I remember back in season 2 how I was top 100 for tribunal in NA just because I thought I'd get rewards for it

And I sucked peoples dicks and had a jolly ol time but I sure sucked ass.
You said that once Jax builds a particular item you can't beat him. I'm not talking about your score before that.
Then you should be aware of exactly how much context is given to people.
>a videogame makes me wish I were never born

Kill yourself, faggot.
It's inefficient to build Ekko with Frozen heart. I'm a mid main, and prefer a control mage/assassin playstyle. I play to my strengths and performed well. The fact that Jax wasn't punished for playing poorly is the problem. The fact he can dish out so much damage, whilst being pretty darn tanky regardless of the fact that he's behind is ludicrous.

Anybody want a paragon beta key?

Cost: 1 cock pic :^)

you made that point a couple times now
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It's not even a fun game, other than the P2W elements and the retarded community of 12 year olds the gameplay is decent, but it's not really that fun at all and I still have no idea why there's even 27 million daily players
You still seem incapable of addressing it. Do you think any champion who has been destroyed and fallen behind so far in lane should be able to still make a significant impact regardless of how poorly they're performing, simply down to how strong a champion is, and not the skill of the player?
which P2W elements?
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