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Innie vs Outie pussies, what is best?

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
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Thread replies: 223
Thread images: 71
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Innie vs Outie pussies, what is best?
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I have an innie so I prefer innies.
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This isn't even a question.
Post it faggot
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Outies look like generic brand lunch meat.
You can't /thread your own post you fucking faggot
>lurking to see if my outie is master race
I'd rather not, I haven't shaved.
Yeah, none of that high-quality brand name lunchmeat
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I've fucked this one over 12,000 times. Never get old...
That's funny, because it looks like I did. How about that.
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It looks like somebody stepped on it.
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Shit looks like a piece of old school lunch turkey
it's like a piggy bank
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Outie is best.
Going down on outties is 100% better, so outtie
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post that hairy cat

And you'd happily fuck it in a heartbeat. Real world has all sorts of pussies -- not just the "perfect" innies that porn selects for.
nigga what the fuck
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outtie. I don't get the innie friends, it's just a slit. How is that attractive? I want something to suck on when I'm down there.
More like a bank vault
I'd fuck innie but i love to eat the shit out of outtie
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i believe you're looking for traps anon
Never seen a clit before?
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Who wants to bet on JaclynGlenn's pussy?
because if you open it up, then its a pussy. its like a present waiting to be unwrapped everytime, and the psychological aspect appeals to all males. any guy that says they prefer an outie are deluding themselves.

there is nothing more attractive than a dripping wet innie on a cute girl. i would eat that shit up for days and love every second of it. never actually encountered an innie tbh, just partial innies.
She's probably rocking some major meat flaps.
>femminine penis
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anything but this
Ban yourself...

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ban your mom pussy
did she get necrotising fasciitis or something?
Ok, that's nasty.
Does anyone know WTF happened
hidradenitis suppurativa
Gonna do your gf, or any other female you might go down on a huge favor, and tell you if you wanna suck on something, head for the clit.
Don't worry man, I'm the clit commander.
Then go suck a dick
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outtie :P
What even.
Ruined the thread.
Always happens.
Hate you
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whichever one is wrapped around my dick
And yet you insist that creases of excess skin improve your sexual experience
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None of those pics compare to my Sasquatch vag.
Here's my story /b/

Fall in love with a virgin, coolest girl I ever met, was a virgin myself so i always thought virgins would likely have innies and i prefer them that way. Get to play with her finally and find out she had outie sadly, still love her tought.

>inb4 she's not a virgin
she was, i could literally see her hymen, was tight as fuck and she writhed from pain when we did it for the first time
at least its somewhat trimmed.
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Where'd you get that picture of my wife?

Pic related
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>excess skin
Flowers have petals to attract bees.
Jesus christ are you actually retarded
It isn't trimmed at all. I don't expect sexual contact anytime soon. Should I get laser hair removal? I've heard if you do it a couple times the hair doesn't come back..
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Imagine if instead of petals they just had misshapen folds of ingrown leaf hanging about

Yea looks pretty sad, doesn't it
you don't need laser hair removal; you can just trim it or shave it. any other views?
Timestamp? I'm just curious if it's OC

Shaving is NOT that difficult. It's just like brushing your teeth or waking up. You do it enough so it's just a habit. Depending on your rate of growth, it could be anywhere from 3-8 days before you need another shave.
Honestly the bulge and roundness is cool, but the flaps are big enough to use to produce air lift. 7/10
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an outtie is fine too
Flat pussi
As long as it looks just like that one, yes
A nice, smoothly shaved, pink, puffy innie is best.

My ex had one like that, absolutely gorgeous. I loved to just bury my face in that shit. I don't even like eating pussy much, normally, but I just couldn't resist with her. I'd just see that shit and mr brain would be like "you gotta get your face all up in there!".
Retarded? How so? An outie doesnt mean she's a slut mate.
I've seen far worse for not trimmed. Can you post more?
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Thanks for confirming my hypothesis.
Innies tend to feel nicer inside and be tighter too
>mfw half the people in this thread never got any pussy anyway but they still have such high standards
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I have really sensitive skin so I don't like shaving if I don't have to, I get red bumps and it's just really uncomfortable.
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waxing is superior to shaving

shaving does take some degree of competance
nice pussy anon... spread for us?
for a hairy pussy, not bad at all. could you post one spread open?
My girls is kind of a hybrid. Mostly in but some lip showing through. I prefer it that's why I married it
innie <3
lol no

its prolly cp aesthetics for most faggots out there, and general aesthetics - but sexy is messy stuff, so outie is fine
BUT i gotta admit its kinda nice to fuck a smooth cunt without the meat drag pulling against your shit. its like you are not in the cunt, and then youre deep in the cunt. almost enough to make my try to fuck my schizo ex again oh god.
Innie, looks cleaner.
THIS NOW!!!!!!!!
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MFW no one has had second breakfast.
open it
I think Jaclyn has a tight innie.
Everyone has sensitive skin, you're just doing it wrong. My ex gave me the same shit until I taught her how to do it properly.

Do it in the bathtub, soap up and rinse your pubic area. This softens the hair and helps prevent getting bacteria in your pores when you shave. Trim the hairs down first with safety scissors.

Then, using a multi-bladed razor, carefully shave the shortened hairs down, rinse, soap, rinse, then give it another pass for the stubble.

After you get out of the bathtub, dry the area down, then apply some gentle moisture get lotion.

Once you've done this, all you need to do is maintain it once a week or so.

If your just hack at it with a razor,myou'll get itchy, red bumps. Do it right and you'll be fine.
fuck that.
I prefer trimmed to shaved. Shaving hurts and leaves razor bumps and ingrown hairs sometimes. I don't mind a little hair so long as I'm not flossing when I go down. I show girls the same respect. Trim my shit neat, shave the balls and they're more willing to play/suck on em
Outties are the best. Innies look like open wounds. Outties have character! Besides women LOVE when you suck their labia
You can do this too. My ex wouldn't wax, though, she said it hurt too much. She was extra pussy, even for a girl.
>women find it amusing when I suck their empty ballsack

Yes I would imagine you look quite silly doing that
my wife's are somewhere in between.

Normally, just a tiny bloom of flower petals laying outside of the labia majora.

When she's aroused though, the labia swell of course, and there's a little more of a flower on display, swollen clit, slight spread to the vaginal opening. Anyway, i love it. Certainly no curtains, but just enough to direct me. Like landing lights at the airport.

Am i being too clinical?
no, just bad metaphors. i cant visualize it somehow. need clinical pix plox.

Dr. Anon, PhD
i'm a dr too. and no, i don't have any pix plox. she works in a government position, and if someone found out she has noodz, it would be the very end of everything for her.

i tried google images, but all i found were hoagie rolls will bologna hanging out in various formations.
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I guess this makes sense, it's less painful than waxing, anyway.
If someone can identify your wife from a picture of her cunt there may be things you need to get sorted out fam
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love that hairy kitty ,show moar please
Ex Gf had laser. Was way better than either trimming or shaving. Was always perfectly hair free and smooth which you obviously won't get from trimming, and she never had to worry about shaving and ingrown hairs. It takes 6-10 treatments and then an extra one once a year so the initial expense is the only issue.
its ok.
I have clearance.
Post em.

Dr. Anon. Phd, Esquire LLP
Haha who thinks about that during sex. Youre doing it wrong! Youre ruining it!

Seriously who eats pussy and thinks about an undeveloped scrotum
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Man. I knew I would see some grody ads vaginas if I came in this thread. I knew I fucking would. Why the fuck would I open its thread? I fucking hate myself.
Not going to lie, that's pretty hot.
'Ads' meant ass.
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I envy you.
how much did it cost?
You bring back memories of my cuz..
moar with anus
I limit my actions in bed to things that I would think about doing in bed while not in bed

You just seem to consider it an opportunity to let your inner faggotry out

Hey, everyone their own fam. No judgement.
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I don't even know what's going on tight now. What's the fucking plan?
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just post pussy
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same piece of shit, i love dicks
Haha, get off your high horse. You only like vanilla sex, missionary and cuddling and theres nothing wrong with that. Dont hate because I think sex should be wild and uninhibited
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>mfw cp's been in the thread for an hour and a half
>mfw i have no face
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I prefer outties.....
actually he is right.... it only makes him one of those.
Whoa there bud, no need to get upset

I specifically said I don't begrudge you for your adventures into the mildly-homosexual
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that a doll faggot
How does something get to this state? How hasn't she died from infection every time she takes a shit?
Ask this woman if she believes in a fair and just god
What is that
oh, well thank you!
outtie feels better on my cock. just gonna say it
I think if you start off with a really good experience with woman with a larger labia, your perception will change. I've never seen it as negative as some people do. It's just skin, nice sensitive skin.
Shit certainly looks like it's been fucked 12,000 times.

obvious shopped
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Your stupid is showing. It's fine if you want to hate overused pussy, but pretending that use and physical appearance strongly correlate is hilarious. Age and genetics play the largest roles.
I can't really remember. She got her lower legs and underarms done at the same time, which made it a lot more expensive as well, but it was still only between $500 and $1000 for initial treatments all together. If your girl is considering it or you want to suggest it to her there are groupon deals that half the price by making you buy 6 treatments at once.
I love women, but call me a faggot, I think most vaginas look kind of gross
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that ok anon
nah, my current gf refuses to shave because she feels like a 12yo then.
and too lazy to trim on top of that.
that really sucks.

just asking in case i dump her
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i think most do as well but there are certainly exceptions usually innies look nice but i do enjoy some outies but 90% of vaginas also look gross to me
My labia isn't really sensitive.
show that labia
Random unconfirmed grill anon here. If I have an outtie should I drop the 5k for a labiaplasty?
Innies look better. They age better. Outies can become beef curtains.
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Nice generalization. If that were true, there'd be a significant selection pressure against vulva and we'd probably see less of what you consider distasteful in the overall population.

But it's not true, and you're just trying ti justify your latent faggotry.
no you should post tits or gtfo

ITT: People who have never seen a vagina in real life and people that have only seen one or two
I already have >>674684925
It's basically just extra skin.
christ anon, I think this made me gay. Shit got raped by megatron.
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>tfw u can whack this
Gf outtie
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This is my least favorite pussy
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Emylia Argan.webm
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Wrong file....
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propane grill?
post that puss puss first
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Just post yours here. There are literally millions of anonymous pussies plastered across the internet. One more isn't going to suddenly broadcast your insecurity to your friends and family.

We can't give you actual advice if we don't know what we're working with.
just strip out the exif info (can do this by saving in ms paint, for instance).
The one with my dick in it.
Oh it is, most of these faggots have probably never seen a vagina
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Having external genitalia makes you a guy.

pure beauty.

Do you think #freethegrowler would catch on as much as #freethenipple?

Would be lulz
4chan automatically strips exif information now (it has for a very long time), and so does imgur. If you're really worried, take the photo, upload to something else, save again, then post that version here.
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so you faggot
picpaste is pretty has to have the url to find it, and it can be deleted in as little as an hour
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>nothing wrong with a little puff
So neither

Yea that really helps the discussion along doesn't it
Jesus does she have a name?
Nooo please of all places dont let 4chan decide what you should look like
I've seen a lot of innies growing up as a teen. I had a gf for four years out of highschool and finally hooked up with a girl with an outie. I've yet to find another girl with an outie.
Is that puddems? Fuck....
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The C.L.I.T. is real, it's the female orgasm that's a myth.
Outtie's ass is narst
>tfw your life is so sad you can recognize girls you'll never meet by their vulva
Arguing about innies and outies is fucking stupid. It's like we need something to feel like we are on an equal playing ground it's girls on genitalia preference, but I know that all of you would fuck an outie much faster than a girl would accept a small dick. All pussies feel very similar, the aesthetics are nothing. Dicks, however... That's a whole different story.
Inside is all the same, so don't feel bad.
It's like a 5 inch white dude feeling inferior to a 5 inch black dude, because of color.
That being said, innie.
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it cut vs uncut
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this kind of pussy

come back once you've got your dick wet

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emily blooms innie omg, best pussy ever
Hi tumblr, why would you browse the shittiest board on 4chins, are you looking for things to trigger your menstrual rage?
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Man detected
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you're a piece of shit

He went the extra mile to prove it.
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Same fag newfag
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This kind
holy shit that is recovering amazingly. not even two months later and its regenerated this much!
Adorable!!! Now can you show us some titties?
And pregnancy, pregnancy fucks the pink darkening the labia.
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Based, rektaroni...
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Does anyone actually find this pic legitimately disgusting? Like all the normies swear to NEVER EVAR!!! search blue waffle on the internet and after I saw it I was like
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Fucking gorgeous...
it's more the surprise of not knowing wtf a "blue waffle" is, and then seeing that beat up puss in your google search
but yes, normies exaggerate as always
You fucking boss
Thread replies: 223
Thread images: 71

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