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Waifu claiming thread. Tats as the OP edition. The rules are

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 157
Thread images: 151
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Tatsumaki (2).png
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Waifu claiming thread. Tats as the OP edition.

The rules are very simple:
>claim your 2D waifu
>post pics of your waifu
>insult other waifus
>discuss stuff
>post fitting, not over-sexualised content
>most important: Have fun!

Tats claimed.
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Best waifu claimed.
Welcome back everyone!

Welcher von denen heilt? Oder haben alle irgendeinen sustain?
Mein Hauptteam besteht eigentlich nur noch aus Kindern (und dem Taktiker natürlich), weil die einfach alle mindestens drei hervorragende Fähigkeiten und durchschnittlich sechs Werte maximiert haben. Entsprechend wenig passiert noch...
Vielleicht sollte ich mal an Hardcore ran, aber ehrlich gesagt sehe ich nicht den Sinn darin, die ersten drei Kapitel nach Anleitung zu spielen, um dann über Monate hinweg zu grinden, bis ich mich wieder an die Hauptstory ranwagen kann.

Trump is a liberal!
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Best husbando claimed.
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Atago 001.jpg
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claimed vlad >>673577780
does this remind you of anyone :)
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Any specific brand? Had a Fireball last night. It was meh, but Green Apple Orchard last night made up for it
>Speaking of which I havent talked to her in a day. Wonder what she's up to
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dual guns.png
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Claiming real quick before work

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Bye, bye, beautiful.
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Atago 110.png
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Not gonna lie, that's in one of my playlists
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yes but does hatsune miku in that video remind you of anyone :^)
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>Sexiest goth waifu claimed
>Except Ruri

To be fair, any booze suits me. I wanna get pissed and pass out.
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Why hello there.
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Fastest waifu on no legs claimed
We weren't big on the whole private initiative thing. I see you know your history, that's nice to see
Chocolat is still stuck in my head, though. But yeah, the whole OST is top
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>filled with carriers and cruisers
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Atago 092.png
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Stuck up bitches who feel entitled and think they're the center of the universe? Yes
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Syndra claimed.
Hi everyone, im back
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I honestly wouldn't mind but I'd want there to be interest in it before I put the effort in.
History's always been my favorite subject, but yeah if it wasn't for the privet companies and their promise of 'Come on guys give us a little money and we'll go get you some gold, oh there's actually no gold but we can grow some shit real good so keep giving us money' we wouldn't be here.
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Oh yes!
I love Chocolat, really cute song.
One of my favourite OST's tbf, love every track.
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you didn't get the joke :(
Math class stuff???

~loose shirt~
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Claiming this qt
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Atago 122.jpg
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Hey, you got a problem with cruisers?
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Graf clamed
life its life
>sick citadelas everytime
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The song fits surprisingly well.
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Honestly wish I was doing that right now. I could go back to my friends place, but after last night I think i'll take a break
>We went to a Walmart really far away at midnight just to get a bag of flavored Doritos
they couldn't find. That was fun

Hey yuuko

Welcome back Syndra-anon!
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Atago 007.jpg
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You've got the wrong guy or something
Hey ruri.

Heya ruby
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Sitting 9.jpg
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Keiner. Ich habe einfach rohe Kraft. Aber ich sollte Kjelle zum Dunkelritter machen. Diese Lebenssaugerfähigkeit die 50% deiner KP nach jedem besiegten Gegner heilt ist super. Sie ist eh die am besten ausgebildete: Sie hat super hohe Def., kann 5x in Folge in einer Attacke mit halben Schaden angreifen, kann Exitus, Sonne kann sie auch (genauso wie mein Char und Severa)....also selber heilen funzt schon mal. Ein toller General.
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Also check it.
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Mine, she's mine.
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>not waiting for me
Oh, okay

Just kidding, I'm waiting for the possibility that Tenten might get back on WoWs
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Cruisers are fine, but I am more of a battleship guy. Considering it was Space battleship Yamato that sparked my interest in navy stuff.
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Hey Ruri!
How are you doing today?

Haha. That's brilliant.
I'm also fairly tired after staying up till 7 am on this thread last night.
Let's get pissed together one day.
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Superior autism claimed.*
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What are you guys listening to?
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He's gone for 10 minutes, you want to grab some games with me while he's gone?
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We can inv u if u wanna but now i need 10 min brake.
>Thinking u play with someone
>Thats why i dont inv u sr
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Aaaaaaaha-ha-ha-hah~! She is so cute!
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Well now I'm watching ridicolous Yamato MADs because Atago was talking about battleships.
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BBs are 200% obsolete. I took out an Iowa with a Kuma FFS. Tenten can confirm.

[spoiler] CVs are better than everything [/spoiler]
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I might watch the last episodes by tomorrow, and I honestly have no idea of what to expect now
>History's always been my favorite subject
Delightfully best
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Obligatory claim.

>Sorry I've been not responding as much
>Been running back and forth doing stuff
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Sure, sounds good

(it's a playlist)
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Shiki 0372.png
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Nothing will obsolete my New Mexico
>~5 km range
>hit by Fuso, destroys 1 foward turret
>it ducks behind an island
>ready full broadside for when she gets out
>double cit 35k
>3 minutes late same game
>do the same to an omaha at 8km
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Auf Tanks empfehle ich eher 30% Heilung bei Rundenbeginn. Das mit dem Lebenssaugen klappt nur, wenn du der Angreifer bist.

Ich mag ja die Kombination aus Wirbelwind, Akrobat, Passieren und Bewegung +1, am besten im Team mit noch einem, der wenigstens Wirbelwind hat. Man rennt über Stock und Stein bis zu Ziel, bringt zwei Leute um und rennt wieder außer Reichweite.
Nur blöd, wenn das mit dem Umbringen einmal nicht klappt, denn dann steht man mitten in den Gegnern...


That's a really grim song. I like it!
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Ayyy, you still managing your vinyls?
Other two are GEMA, cant listen
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I thought it was fitting to post it since they said the song's name.
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What was your name again?
Sweet_Beat here
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Hey there Ruri!

Sadly not too many stories from last night. Some pictures, but that's about it.
Jesus, till 7am? I pass out after 2am. I applaud you for your dedication though
>Might do that tonight
We absolutely should! It was fun watching you post when you were drunk funny enough. I can do really any day after today

Welcome back Hand-kun. It's all good. Is it anything fun?
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Oh, my god... She is cute, isn't she. Uhuhuhu! I'll have to convince the Reich to spare you, my darling.
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Yes, I don't really have time to post today.
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Atago 084.jpg
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LoliLover (i got it from Shiro you figure it out)
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Oh you're in for a wild ride.
I guarantee you will love them!
Let me know what you think

Heh, thanks!
I can do someday in the week.
I have a bottle of vodka and some beers
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To live in a country of restrictions.
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Nightwish is usually fitting, despite changing their singers way too often
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Ich hab ja noch Sonne.....Hilft immer, auch wenn du Verteidiger bist.
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Not really, it's over with now so it's all good. Thanks for asking though.

Hey Ruri. I hope you slept well.
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Ah, thought you were done, its cool mate
How much vinyls do you think you have?
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I think that's actually why I like science fiction stories so much, especially ones with massive open worlds with their own history, because I've already studied all the big things in our own history.
Of course I'm always learning new things about our own history but shit I could probably be a Fallout historian with how much useless information I've read over the years.
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Atago 128.png
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>tfw I can't find a good torrent of the live action space battleship Yamato movie
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Tarja still the best singer.
Have something similar to Nightwish.
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Nice! I have some Coronas and two of those small bottle of Whip Cream flavored Vodka. It'll be a fun night.
How's the friends place going?

Holy shit that's amazing. Saved

Hey, it's done now so that's good! Now you can spend time in this thread with us!
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Tatsumaki (270).jpg
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Right an upwards of 200 or 250 Vinyls and 26 exclusive printings and rare stuff. I also have some more back at my parents house, maybe 50 or so.

I wouldn't say it's huge, but it's quite big.
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Hello there, my non-shitskin black folk.

Hey there Stocking!
I've been good, had pizza for lunch and it was pretty good, thank you for asking.
>How about you? I believe you're at a friends house?

Heyo there Ruby, glad to see you around again.
>Doing good?

I did, thank you hand buddy.
>Feel any better yet?
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Shiki 0615.jpg
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>Whip Cream flavored Vodka
That sounds terrible
Miho claimed
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[manical laughter].jpg
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Oh yeah, I look forward to it. Playing anything right now, Ruby?

Glad you slept well, makes me happy. Up to anything right now?
>It's pretty hot right now so it feels bad, but I'm okay.
>Thanks for asking, bud.
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It is big
Especially because I barely have 20
Maybe the reason is that I don't have anything to play them anymore
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Nicht übel.
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Sounds fun!
Still shit here, really bored and my phone is being weird and it's really hard to use rn

Good to hear!
I am indeed at a friends house, I wish I wasn't.
I'm sooooooooooo bored.
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Kek, that's a classic
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Nothing wrong with a constant supply of curiosity. I'm too busy right now to know if there are any recent sci-fi films worth watching, though. Any suggestions? I miss illegally downloading stuff
Will do!
>Tarja still the best singer.
All of my yes. I lost a little bit of interest at some point during Annete's era, it wasn't quite the same.
Indica sounds really, really great. Thanks anon!
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Don't have a turntable? You should buy one, it's a good investment. If you were a collector like me, you'd already have at least 2 or 3.
Currently a random playlist - all sorts of music, but mostly older music.
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Shiki 0473.jpg
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Reminder to always listen to this while playing wows.
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Tenryuu 9.jpg
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Der ist neu.

Hello Anomaly.
Sadly i know thisone already, but thanks.
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Used to have, it broke though. Maybe after I'm done getting shitton of viking stuff I will buy a new one
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Doing pretty good now. Was sore from exercise earlier but i'm better now. Glad to see you here aswell! How have you been?

It's shockingly good. Birthday cake flavor, however, is utter garbage

>Royalty Free Hitler
My sides

I was playing Cities Skylines earlier, but I got a bit tired from my city.Now i'm just lurking and blasting

I know that feel. It's always awkward chilling with a friend and just using your phone. Always need at least 3 people before its not awkward. How long you staying till?
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You just have a treasure trove of these videos, don't you?
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For real.
Unfortunately I'm here all night.
It's gonna be a long fucking night.
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Sometimes I don't even comprehend.

I know that feel, a bit too much of a pop-singer for my taste.
Also there's always Apocalyptica.

Well then, how are you anyways?
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Tenryuu 57.png
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I'm pretty good today. How about you?
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>I'll be back soon, gonna go for a walk.
>make sure nobody claims Stocking if there's new thread!
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Jeez, all night? You staying overnight too?
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Or you just go full DJ Goebbels mode
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Take care Stockinganon! Have fun
I'll claim for you if a new thread starts
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Glad to hear that, just sick and been playing WoT for most of the day.
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Tatsumaki (34).jpg
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Just remember, Vinyls are not CDs, you can only hold a Vinyl from it's outer edge and you must never even think about picking up the Vinyl while the turntable is spinning, it can leave some nasty marks that will almost certainly damage the record.
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That cutie didn't even stick around...
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Im so bored.
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I was just wasting my time on TF2, sorry about about the slow replies.
>Can you take any medications? sounds like you're not doing too well...

That sucks, I suppose you can't go back to your house either.
>Stick around with us if still can, that should help you pass the time!

Sounds great, what kind of exercise did you do?
>I'm fine, brewing some coffee right now, thank you for asking!
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Those guys are wizards of the strings, from "nothing else matters" to their song with Adam Gontier, absolutely great
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After seeing everyone talking about WoW i desided to download it. Anything i should know before jumping in?
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Yeah, Vinyl's are a bit more delicate than CDs
The last turntable fell down when I cleaned my room once, so I wont touch the Vinyls in the next time anyways
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Nice man, sounds like a good time. Listening to some music right now and just scanning the thread myself.

Never played the game myself.

I'm sorry you have to waste you Saturday doing that shit, Stocking. We'll keep you company through it though, hope that helps.

Enjoy your walk, Stocking. Stay safe.

Haven't taken any meds so far, I'm not dead yet so it doesn't really matter. Hope you had some fun on TF2.
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I played a few years back - remember to eat at least once / day, or you'll lose focus and stuff. Hunger pains suck whilst raiding, friend.
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Better to learn by doing, key is being very aware of how easy you are to hit and from what angle, IE don't sail in a straight line with your broadside against the enemy.
I'm rather certain that he is talking about World of Warships.
Better to use WoWs for that
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I did some PT with the military. I'm waiting to go to Boot Camp this summer so they just make us do ridiculous work outs. Bruised up my hands from it all, but it was good for me

It's really good. It's like if you take SimCity 5, throw it in the garbage, and make it the better, more addicting version that it should've been
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CC 131.png
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Sup folks, can anyone recommend me an anime to watch? I was thinking about Steins;Gate or Mirai Nikki.
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...oh... Well, alright, I don't know anything about that.
If you haven't seen Ore Monogatari, give it a shot. It's really cute!
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Atago 176.jpg
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We're talking about World of Warships. Is that what you meant? To avoid confusion, people say "WoWs" for Warships
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I'm pretty much like you, just starting, the experts are Tenryuu, Atago, Graf and Shiro (and I'm probably forgetting someone).
But I can suggest you to start with Cruisers, there are training missions and stuff, you'll learn quickly, things are easier when you begin, rivals aren't that hard and it's very intuitive. Don't take too many risks. When you manage to get tier 2 or tier 3 ships, ask the previously mentioned experts, they know wassup
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Tatsumaki (71).jpg
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Do any of you guys collect or listen to Vinyls? Just wanna know if I'm the odd one out.
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Love the unconventional instruments in metal songs.
Have something from probably my favourite band.
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Shiki 0853.jpg
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Space battleship Yamato 2199

Though out of those 2 definitely steins;gate, even if the vn is better.
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Omw to dinner so I got a small break, the division is fun but I wish I had someone to play with on pc
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No but my brother does.
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Nigger I got the game a week ago. Buuuut I'm maybe kinda good I guess? Scratch that, I'm Cruiser Jesus
No, thank you. Typing out the full title works just as well.
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No, I meant World of Warcraft, sorry.

I would if I had the money for it - spent a lot of time at my friend, who collects them, listening to old tunes - shit is cash, so to speak.
Ahh ill keep that in mind
Dont wory, we still love you...... Kinda
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I'm finishing up GATE and Jormungand. I've been on a weapons/action binge

Also recommend Kyoukai No Kanata, Fate/Stay Night and Sakurasou No Pet Kanojo
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Thank you for the reassurement, friend. I kinda-love you too.
Have you watched Black Lagoon yet?
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Not all heroes wear capes

Mine wear pigtails
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Damn, never played SimCity either. Still though, game's always looked fun. So I'd imagine it's pretty addicting.
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>Kyoukai No Kanata
Wrong knk
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You don't need to apologize. You're a model of perfection and Reich loves you.
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Is he collecting them casually or is he really invested?

If a record is in good condition and the equipment you have is good a lot of times it can sound better than CD quality, in my humble opinion.
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>I'm maybe kinda good I guess?
C'mon, don't let me down...
>I'm Cruiser Jesus
That's what I expected!
I've heard about them before on 4chan. Didn't have the pleasure of listening to their stuff. I might've been missing out.
Used to, now my old vinyls are in boxes covered in dust
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As dedicated as you can be with a limited student budget.

Though haven't seen his collection in a while
I think lower quality of sound is preferred even, in some vinyl cases. It gives a "old" feeling, if you know what I mean.

I aim to please, friend.
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Yup. My friends weren't hooked but I loved it. I'll watch any anime with Guns, Girls, and Good action

It really is. Logged in 202 hours and have all the DLC. It's really one of the few games I play as often as I do. I'd recommend it easily

Kara No Kyoukai is also really good. Been a while since i've watched it
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Just a word of caution, most of their older stuff is melodic death metal.
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That reminds me, if you haven't seen Ghost in the Shell you should.
Although don't take my word for it, I've seen like less than 20 animes in my life.
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Dust is one nasty bugger.

Building up a decent collection on a limited budget can be very hard. I wish only the best of luck.

I wouldn't say 'old sounding' is exactly the way to describe it, production is a lot heavier on Vinyl records, and there is a novelty other than aesthetic in collecting them for sure.
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>tfw you get attacked by 2 Fusos at the same time
>you scream for help because obviously 2v1 in BBs is impossible to win
>none of my teammates are reacting
>a DD joined the two Battleships
>i scream for help again
>only 1 DD is helping me
>rest of our team tries to cap the base despite being ~20 miles away from the base
>enemy is capping our base
>i scream for help again
>the two enemy BBs killed me
>Team calls me a faggot for not defending the base and getting killed by it

I think you should be allowed to track those people and should be allowed to kill them. And then they go to the forums and writing "WOWS HAZ NO TEAMWORKZ!!!1121431342!! THsS GAME IZ SO BAD!!!". And they wonder why this game has 0% teamwork.

>there is no Tenryuu pic discribing my rage which is equivalent to the force of 1000 suns
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Hopefully not too late to the thread!
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Shit, that's some serious dedication, man. Love that. I'll probably give it a looksy.

Of course not, hey man. Hope you slept well.
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Sometimes I prefer that "old sound" on any way of hearing, but .. yeah. I don't know what I'm getting at.
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We know that feel...
>I'll watch any anime with Guns, Girls, and Good action

Girls und Panzer/Kantai Collection/Upotte!
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Thanks, how's everyone doing today?
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>WoWs things
>Be a Fuso
>Sunk 3-4 enemy ships
>Cv call u faggot cause u dont def base and u are too slow

Soon 2nd season of kantaii collection
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Tatsumaki (50).png
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Vinyls > CDs ?
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I love Ghost in a Shell. That and Akira are two of my favorite movies ever. They're God-Tier

Rage is the universal language of gamers. Those are some shitty fucking teammates honestly.

It's worth the money, my man. Even the DLC
>Snowfall is kind of an exception

I've been meaning to watch Kantai Collection for a while. Now that I have free time i'll get to it!
And Girls und Panzer is great. Haven't watched Upotte! yet

Nay you're fine my man
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Still enjoyable and worth checking out, I'll probably like their old stuff too
I should take them out from time to time, one Simon and Garfunkel vinyl sounded especially well
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I'm open to join if there's one place free

If you'd know how much things i destroyed in a rage...
New thread yo
Don't mention it, man. I'm doing okay, feel like shit right now. But it's Saturday so oh well. You?

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