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Waifu claiming thread. Claim your waifu and discuss. Obligatory

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 184
Thread images: 151
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Waifu claiming thread.

Claim your waifu and discuss.

Obligatory claim.
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Still waiting on those noodles

>Best idol claimed
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Music Mugi here

I have her reserved from now on.
Miho claimed
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>Sexiest goth waifu claimed
>except Ruri

Couldn't have said it better myself! A New Hope was just a perfect start.
I get ya on ROTJ though.
We have way too much in common!
I'm pretty sure I was just the result of some night where my mum wanted to bareback and it bare backfired
>fuck you dad I win

I think it's a combo of making me uncomfortable and them just feeling the need to tell me.
I dunno.
End me.

>new song:
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awe waifuuuu.gif
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whazzzzz guuud
best waifu ever
hey hoe
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patpatpat Claimed.
hey hoe
How's it going mai-anon?

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so pretty.jpg
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I'm about to give up. Will you hate me? I'm miles from home :(
I refuse to end you Stocking
whut it do
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Yeah, it's crazy how much do.

Fucking ewoks, they could have just been wookies or something.
>Glad it backfired.
>You're great.

Don't even get me started on the prequels.....
I agree. Stocking is a very crucial part in these threads. Stocking shall not be ended!
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hows the hoe life hoe? hoeing yourself much??
just went to baes house, drinking garbage booze
stocking must live!
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Well you gave it your all so I can't get mad. I'll just make my own instead. Besides it's the thought that counts.
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You're telling me I have to do it myself?

Fuck those ewok faggots.
Thank you! Glad you're here too!
Oh god let's not get into the prequels thanks

Awh, thank you!
It means so much to hear that

You guys are making my night
im hoeing the hoe life right now i feel like a hoe
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Does she count?

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I thought many thoughts and walked many walks but alas... I have failed you
I'm concerned
If you do I'll kill you lol
hoe's tend to feel like hoes
i think thats pretty standard for hoes
>the flashbacks
Glad you're doing well. What have you been up today before thread?
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I tried to rewatch ROTJ and the second the Ewoks popped up I just laughed and said "Fuck this shit." And I immediately turned it off. Took a lot of self convincing to watch it in it's entirety again.

I'm really glad you're here too.

The soundtrack for the prequel trilogy is sublime though, really one of John William's best works. His new music for TFA is horrible, really was disappointed. Movie wasn't horrible though, felt like a Star Wars movie.
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Hey you're fam!

You are too!

And you too!


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yes jenny counts
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nice tits

How long has everyone been on the waifu claiming thread? Just curious, since I've been here but a week
not me
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Thanks, Mugi. You're a really nice guy.
why not? ;(
Hi again
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Few months, I don't really keep track. I just enjoy coming to the thread.
alright i think im off to bed for real this time im tired as hell
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Lurked for a month, claiming since december
Music Mugi wins.
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Thanks man
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Alright man, hope you sleep warm and well.
going to answer this real quick.
i think ive nearly been on here for a week now
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not sure
hello former rival current idefk :)
2 sexxii 4 me
I do too, think I'm becoming a regular, I don't have many people to just chat with for fucking hours
get to the damn point already
sweet dreams love, no wet dreams though, I forbid it
why lurk? why not just hop right in?
yw man, anytime
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Don't even think about it
K, have a good night
i had dubs when i claimed her this thread though
I appreciate the noble effort.

Goodnight famaroni

I used to lurk and I didn't start conversing until maybe 2 or 3 weeks ago.

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I guess I have no choice then heh.

Fuck the ewoks man, they're so stupid
>still not the Christmas special though
>oh god no
The music was stellar though for sure. I actually really enjoyed TFA. I can see why people didn't but I thought it did a lot so well.

Thank you! You are the best Mugi for sure!
Please claim Mugi first all the time!

I've been here a few weeks now I believe.
I'd say I've made myself fairly well known.
>mfw I've been on these threads for just over 12 hours today

Goodnight Mugi!
Sleep well.
Doesn't matter. I've claimed her with quints once
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>why lurk
Oh god my sweet summer child. Plz.
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Best snek claimed
I'm the best Mugi you fackin cunt
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ok holy shit good god o-o
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>fellow nube
I'm glad
like I asked other anon, why lurk though?
I thought you'd been here for way longer than that tbh
no I'm serious, why lurk
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>Be strong, Clarence.
>Be strong for mommy.
>hello former rival current idefk :)
I was your rival?
Get it over with already
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>Opens Christmas present
>It's the Star Wars Christmas special
>distant wookie howls
I'd watch it on VHS though just to appreciate what not watching it is like. I wouldn't watch that shit alone though, need a good friend to do it with. Too bad I live in the South where everyone just likes Michael Bay movies.
>kill me

I liked TFA, was much better in comparison to the prequels. Really likes Poe and Finn's characters, felt well done. I appreciated the effort put forth into the movie. We sure are agreeing on a lot of shit.
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yes because you attacked my waifu for not being moe and it hurt man it hurt so hard
>cries uncontrollably
I quit, no longer care
What a fucking fagot
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To get the feel of the thread first, if I hadn't I probably would've just shitposted memes and other miscellaneous stuff.
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I can't answer that positively...I'm sorry.
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I come here every day for at least like 6/7 hours so I'd say I've fit in nicely!
Doesn't matter how long you've been here though, it's easy to fit in here!

Id do that shit but I'm basically the same
>tfw people still like Michael bay
The relationship between Poe and Finn felt so genuine! That was done beautifully
>we are too alike holy shit
>It is currently 6:05 am
>I've been here for 12 hours now
>Tomorrow is gonna be rough
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The smug queen waifu is back!
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I don't care anymore.

I feel you
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I can't watch it with anyone because people don't really like movies as much as I do. They just watch them and say "Yup, I liked it!" and get on with their lives. Oh well.
>Apparently most people who watch movies just like to turn off their brain while watching
>Why fund these hack frauds?
Oh yeah, I walked out loving the chemistry between the two. It felt so real, it was great.
>It's been 12 hours? Talking to you makes time go by really fast, Jesus Christ.

No worries, bud. I'll walk you through it.
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Moo mooo.
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happy pats 7.5.jpg
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I'm lost, what
seeeeee, its painful!!
I would have most likely hated you then lol
thank you!
*hugs back, like super fucking hard, til you can't breath, cuz still a little mad*
I totally agree, I was worried the first day when I was pretty ignored but I realized I just had to make my voice heard and vwala!
>sexii udders
>took too long
>now your candy's gone
>that's what happened
>humanity is doomed
we are all absent minded zombie pawns to society
>the end is nigh
why so grumpy anon
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Heyo, Holsts.
Do you have any plans on getting new artwork?
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That's insane. I'm just a general nerd tbf.
>love vidya
>love movies
>love anime
Full on generic nerdyfag
>12 fucking hours
>still not tired
You guys are ruining me kek

Moo moo moo

For real!
Just gotta talk to anons here by responding to things they put and you'll get noticed!
Then once you're a regular it's so amazing to come and talk to everyone. I feel so welcome and loved.

I really love that picture
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Hug me harder senpai
I want to fuck XJ9. Happy now?
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Da best.
Eventually yeah, lot of stuff I got to take care of first to get into a position where I can actually use the money and get a picture or 20 out of it but yeah there's about to be as much new Holstaur art work as I can afford.
Mooo moo moo mooooo moo.
>no cow ears for pats
I'm sorry.
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kek yeah I realized these threads are way too nice to shitpost in. You all are wonderful people to spend time with.
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I'm just a nerd/geek hybrid. I feel your passion, have a full comic of The Dark Knight Rises and a stack of random Marvel comics, Batman comics, and some other stuff.

>Full on generic nerdyfag
Pretty much the same.

>You guys are ruining me
You're still not tired? Poor thing.
I feel so loved
>love pours through all orifices
>hugs until your ribs break
hard enough? or nah??
what anime is she from?
glad you game to your damn senses
also hawt
my wife is sexy as well
Slightly annoyed and angry jenny is bests jenny
>The Dark Knight Rises
Meant "Returns". Too tired for this shit. Great comic though.
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Moooo moo mooo!

Think I might move to mobile and lay in bed so I can at least begin to drift off. Actually have things to do when I wake up kek.
>Are we the same person?

My night has been so great thanks to you guys
I think i was more of a spazz.

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There's never any cowgirl mods for any games.
Not from any anime.
Moo moo moo!
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>Are we the same person?
Sure as hell feels like it. Yeah, that would probably be best, I at least want you to get some sleep so you can enjoy your Saturday. Hope you get a bit tired soon so you can sleep.
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happy pats 4.jpg
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I gotta go to bed for a funeral tomorrow, keep her head warm for me guys!
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So did anyone else watch My life as a teenage robot? Didn't get into it until around 2001- 2002 when i got my own TV
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waifu with the noms.gif
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happy to make your night, I have even more love to give
If you're interested
>breaks my own arms from hugging so hard
I think that's probably enough?
then whats the source?
have a good funeral
sweet dreams patpat anon
I watch the fucking shit out of it, for a good year or so in my like pre-teens it was my favorite show alongside Danny Phantom
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2d waifu
I'm glad I did too. It's like a combo of cute and sexy.
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Moo mooo!

I'm laid in bed now.
Still not tired.
It's 6:30 am and actually light outside.
I feel like I'm not sleeping tonight.
Thanks for giving me a good night though guys! Over 12 hours well spent.

I'm always interested in more love!
The more love, the happier I am!
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Orgasms from the pain.
>Reverse google
Nah its called the Monster Girl Encyclopedia.
Moo! Moooo mooo moooo!
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>Thank you
One of my favorites as well!

You need to rest if you got stuff to do tomorrow, Stocking.
>Please let me know when you leave
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Poor thing, sorry to keep you up so late if that's the case. Wish you could have at least gotten some sleep. I'm always happy to spend nights with ya, Stocking-kun. It's my pleasure.
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I was about 11 at the time, i watched most afternoons until it was left on re-runs.

>MFW this post took longer than usual because files corrupting after transfer
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Good night beautifuls
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waifu tits.jpg
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not sure that counts.....
our wives or the sexiest in the thread I firmly believe
>love pours out of eyes
more love?
you kinky bastard I love you
Ohh, shall check out now
also hot A++
I could only watch her at my grandma cuz I had basic cable so I never got the full experience
awe, goodnight
Not me silly.
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Mooo moo mooooo.

Of course I will. I'm going to leave very soon I think.
I need to get at least a couple hours sleep

No need to apologise!
I chose to stay up and I'm definitely glad I did!

Maximum love please!!
Yeah man, i know how that feels, didn't have foxtel until a month or so after moving out from my parents.
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>you kinky bastard I love you
>also hot A++
>forgot image
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I'm glad you did to. If ya ever need someone to talk to, we're always right here. Yeah, you should get some sleep man. Hope you can at least get a few hours of sleep, buddy. Probably going to go to sleep as well considering I'm running on fumes and I feel like shit.

Hope y'all sleep well, thanks for the conversations.
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Moo mooo.
Prepare for extreme lewd when you do.
Moooo moo moo.
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I realized that as soon as I posted..
I'm dumb
what would you define as "maximum love"
I'll try to satisfy
I still have basic, just use netflix
A+++++++++++ hotter
I can stand by that claim

Have a wonderful night hand-kun
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Well this is definitely it for me.
I made it until 6:40 am, new record!
Goodnight everyone, I've had an amazing night!
>Hand-kun or Ruri, please claim Stocking for me in upcoming threads tonight. I want to sleep knowing she's still mine.
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Im use to MGS V ranking.
S++ = God tier

Looks like Ruri is gonna have to do it.
>Sorry Tomoko didn't show up tonight, I'm sure he misses you and he couldn't make it for personal reasons

Sleep warm and well, Stocking-kun.
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haha, just how lewd are we talking here, haven't found much so far
we should hook them up for a little team action
where are you from?
too lewd?
night moo tits
Have a wonderful rest Stocking.
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Nightly claim.
Best way to spend a Friday night, am I right?
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Never too lewd

I too am going to add on to the growing chain.
Good night everyone. You're all beautiful
Texas? why?
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Been thinking about netflix actually, only just recently came out over here.

Good night, try to sleep well
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Hell yeah sounds lewd.

Goodnight Yuuko.

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sleep well my friend
I agree 100 100
how lewd is too lewd?
just wondering, I'm from Ohio and our grading scale is so different
I mean if its new to you it'll be great, but I run out of decent stuff to watch all the time cuz I bingewatch
so lewd, but the best lewd

>my waifu likes it kinky
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I'm not going to sleep yet.
Its mostly just a lot of lewd reading but there's plenty of pictures on the actual encyclopedia website, actually now that I think about it none of them are technically nsfw because of the stupid rule that since its a public website you can't post porn to it.
So nothing too lewd.
Ay beststate bro.
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Goodnight, my beauties.

I'll do it, hand buddy, don't worry about it.

Heyo again, Reianon.
Glad to see you once again.
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MGS V is a video game.
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Yeah but im in VA right now.
Suppose i'll check it out, i often watch stuff a few episodes a day so it might be worth trimming my foxtel package for it.
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All lewd is best lewd
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ahhhh, gotta keep it sfw -.-
its from a video game right?
that's what my boyfriend told me
ah guess he was right
no thanks
ohhhhhh, how you like the shitty weather on the east coast
I watch seasons in a day, I have a problem, but yeah check it out
its cheap
lewd 4 lyfe

does anyone know when I can find more sexy pics of Akane cuz I'm having the worst fucking time
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I'm glad to see I'm no the only on that feels that way.

>how lewd is too lewd?
Exactly that lewd.

Good to see you too!
How've you been?
Been warm the last few days.
Tomokoanon, or at least one of them, is also from Texas.
>its from a video game right?
Not yet technically, guy who created the whole thing has said he has plans to make one though.
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Okay anon thanks.

>MFW i messed up thinking i was watching teenage robot in 2001 instead of 2003
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This is a site I use for images sometimes. Not sure if they have exactly what you're looking for though.

Being here is completely enjoyable.
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oh my....

how are you tonight?

same here but it was chilly today and its FREEZING now
>fuck Ohio weather
oh a hypothetical game
I see...
mistakes happen
life goes on
welcome welcome

to be fully accepted into this thread you must be at least 5'5 and no younger than 18, but no older that 57

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>also from Texas
what area?
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got it.jpg
40 KB, 225x350
undastood mang
File: Thegoodlife.jpg (411 KB, 953x700) Image search: [Google]
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If he ever does get around to it its a long way off.
The guy who claims Tomoko, hasn't been here in a while though for reasons.
Eastern part, pretty sure I'm closer to Louisiana than I am Houston though, let me look that up.
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42 KB, 400x400
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Ok i was from the Dallas area.
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235 KB, 499x528
I'm doing alright, waiting for the next thread to claim and sleep already.
Thank you for asking.
How about you?

How I wish he wasn't kill.
Suppose i'm done for the night. Sorry i couldn't stay much longer but i've got work tomorrow.
File: dl6.jpg (42 KB, 500x500) Image search: [Google]
42 KB, 500x500
I'm doing better now that lewd hour is over.
How have you been?

Gotta stake the claim.
I appreciate a person with their priorities straight.
I applied for a job and I don't think the manager liked me.
So I pretty much wasted 2 hours of my day today.
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File: waifu sleeping.gif (85 KB, 245x245) Image search: [Google]
waifu sleeping.gif
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its telling me there's no results... did yours have pics?

I'm looking for more like ecchi and panties and stuff than full on hentai

>rules are bullshit
well for your sake I hope he follows through
oh bb so hawt
night anon
sorry for all the lewd, I didn't mean to start a trend lol
welcome welcome
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File: Sheele owns.gif (2 MB, 500x281) Image search: [Google]
Sheele owns.gif
2 MB, 500x281
IDK what to post, so I'll post my waifu cutting a bitch
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So was I until I moved down here, I didn't realize how close I am to the Louisiana border until now though. Used to live in Richardson though.
I wish the same, your conversations were fun.
I'd actually like the game more for the fact that it would make a lot more people happy. Would give a lot of people who have other monster girls from the encyclopedia art of their waifus, and it'd probably lead to a lot more attention to the encyclopedia and monster girls in general which would lead to even more art of all monster girls. And as a consequence of that there would be more Holstaur art so that's good too.
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>mfw boyfriend shows me pixiv and its the best thing ever
this makes me happy
badass waifus ftw
>spreading the fandom and consuming the planet
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Yeah the link to me to 7 pages of pictures but it seems you found an alternative. I'm sure Pixiv has some good stuff.
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More fans means more artists taking an interest, more artists taking an interest means more art and more places to commission more art, more art means happier me.
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Never been there before.

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Claimed 1-2
claimed 2-2
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Don't let the thread die
I'll cry

bump bump bump

It has mostly garbage, but the occasional goldmine

just have to keep searching
it seems there aren't as many fans as I would have thought there would be
or they all suck at art
happy happy joy and smiles
my eyes dude
my eyes
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this one
File: FieldOfDreams.jpg (257 KB, 894x894) Image search: [Google]
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Trust me there's plenty all over the world, but its still more of a niche /d/ish idea. With the Monster Musume manga and its rampant success though that's looking like it'll hopefully change.
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Gotta search high and low for the real treasures I guess.
File: waifu with puppy.jpg (862 KB, 1200x852) Image search: [Google]
waifu with puppy.jpg
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is it for only the truest of weebs
I've found some good ones

>like this one
>such good art

the thread is dying D;
File: WellDeservedRest.png (412 KB, 1000x1280) Image search: [Google]
412 KB, 1000x1280
Well its very late so I'm gonna head off to bed now.
Goodnight everybody that's left.
Goodnight Holsts.
I doubt there'll be another thread, though.
aweee, ok goodnight, sleep well

>the thread thins further
keep faith, I'll still be around if there is one, who knows maybe we'll get some new peeps
night -Miho

That actually looks really cool.

>Nice filename

Have a nice night.

Well It's about that time for me too, gotta wake up and go for a run tomorrow so I need some rest. I enjoyed talking to all, have a nice night!


new thread if anyone's still around

if not I suppose I'll give up
Thread replies: 184
Thread images: 151

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