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The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 224
Thread images: 151
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I wanna be inside a shark grills belly
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give the dog a bone?
How many of you are cat owners?
Kinda. He lives with my mom for the moment.
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I pray that my children won't have horrible birth defects, or be born without arms or legs. That's fucked.
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I have a 16 year old cat, sweetest thing you could ever imagine
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Mine too. Sounds like a qt.
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I'm anti cat, so that's a -1.
I wish I had normal thoughts like all you normal people, and didn't get paranoid and think the world is sorta evil
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p o s t h e r m s
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It's not evil, just indifferent to individuals or even tribes and entire species.
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Make a thread. I've got stuff.
this thread is fine for herms
Yours is that old too? Mine actually had to live with terrible owners for about 3 years of its life, from kittenhood, and they were him to put her to sleep because she wasn't young and as cute, but I swooped in and took her, and her mental state has been improving since, but it's been a real slow journey to get here. When I first tried to pet her, she would bite me, and now she'll be on my lap almost all day, and I seem to be the only human she trusts. It just feels very satisfying.
I swear they're out to get me, but they ain't ever met me
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Every time my heart beats, my ear pulses, and it makes noise in my pillow, making it hard to fall asleep.
Do other people agree?
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most people like herms
Holy fuck, me too. So fucking annoying.
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This is an s/fur thread. There's already an h/fur thread. That one h/beggar can piss right off.
Four of them. Had them now since the early 200s's they're getting pretty old now.
i swear this picture is alway the second one.
same guy posting it ?
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But there are some vehement haters who think they're hot shit because they're here often.

And I'm not entirely sure I'm not being tricked into shitposting.
Thank you. I'm pretty bad at saying no, even when it makes sense to.
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"I SWEAR I'll just post one, fap, and then straight to bed!"
Very nice. I don't understand people who try to get rid of kittens when they grow into adulthood. Doesn't make sense to me at all.
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qt deer cumming thru
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Every time. We're 3 threads in. I still haven't fapped, and likely won't.
Fap Fap Fap
heeeeeeerms pleeeeeeaase
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Its face is melting.
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Yesterday I had to stop because I was getting sore from that multi-thread edge. I love you guys too much to stop posting, though.
got any zoroark for a lonely zoroark?
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Trouble with the bills?
Fuck you, pay me.
Trouble with the cops?
Fuck you, pay me.
My tiny female cat just barged in here right as I type, tryin' to boss me around trying to get me to lay down on the bed with her, of course.

I've always had animals around me courtesy of my animal-lover mother ane sister (as you may suspect in such a thread, I am an animal lover too). When I was a baby this one old cat (was young at that time), named Rosie, was always around, she would watch me like a little tiny guardian sleeping next to me in my crib. I remember growing up with her always around in those times, she had the scratchiest raspy meow-voice I have ever heard from a house cat.

I'll never forget that cat...
I don't understand why people would do that myself either...
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ya, actually. i'm a few hours away from being 100% broke. but i'm spending that time here with my furbros
Oh, you had a fire?
Fuck you, pay me.
Place got hit by lightning, huh?
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stag party.webm
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No matter what.... Fuck you, pay me.
I've seen so many of these threads I Googled some actual bestiality the other day. I doubt I will again, but the point is I never thought I would.
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I drew this am I a furry now
Aw, that's sweet. My cat is always rubbing up against my hand while it's typing, rubbing up against my face while on my lap... She's just adorable. I also had a mom who loved animals, she had 16 cats at one point, not even kidding.
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Never go full beast. Real animals are gross and off-putting. Stick to 2D and 60% furry at most.
Doubt it.
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the human aspect is generally what's appealing about this
Nah, even 100% furry is good
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nicole watterson.jpg
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or rather, the balance of human to animal

prove it
Jokes on you I was a furry the whole time
I think it was also because I've played the game Breeding Season a lot so the sight of a woman blowing a horse wasn't as shocking as it should have been.
I've had three dogs, twelve cats, and dozens and dozens of rabbits all at the time back about fifteen yesrs ago (we did live in a rural territory at the time, so we had a bit of space to work with).
Also courtesy of my sis and mom. lol
The amount of rabbits wasn't entirely intetnional (the expession "fucking like rabbits" exists for a reason I tell you! haha),
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all at the same*** time
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I'd stop at 75%.
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wiiFit now
Nothing on hand. Haven't seen any in a while. Also, I occasionally masturbate to beast, and beast is even legal in my state.
That free game in alpha?
Alright, now about to watch the part 2 of "The Gang goes to Hell"
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Now I feel casual.
Yeah, rural would help, we were in a suburb, but that's still a crazy amount of pets to have. I grew up around alway 10-16 cats and I thought that was crazy, guess I was wrong
That's the one.
90%, take it or leave it.
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I've played that for a bit, never really got into it. Seems most breeding doesn't have scenes, but maybe I'm doing it wrong.
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Anyone got the comic about a hell slutty furry who gives head all the time? I lost my folder
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85%, and they must still be able to manipulate objects, otherwise they'd be useless as a sidekick.
Most don't but it's being updated all the time.
I'd take it, I guess
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Wish they had a list of which do. Would be convenient. Absolutely am watching it though, could be fun when it gets completed.
Google search history:
>what state is beastialty legal in
>alabama real estate
>horse for sale

also found out that my state explicitly prohibits interactions between male sex organs and animal orifices, but not animal sex organs and male orifices.
It was the only time that I lived outside the city, other than when I was a toddler back in the late eighties. I live in the suburbs nowaways too.
And I don't condone that kind of thing, like I said we didn't really mean for that. It is a crazy amount of animals. You have to be able to support them too of course.
I feel the more you go over four or five the more crazy it gets. My mom likes to joke somtimes that she's like the 'Crazy Cat Lady' from the Simpsons.
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Oh God help me. I think I was slightly turned on by the sound of cats getting ready to fight, somewhere below my window.
I don't even like cats.
Yeah, caring for 16 cats would probably take a good three hours for feeding/scooping litter, plus more for when they cause trouble, throw up, and so on. I like just having this one, easy to take care of, don't have to divide attention, it's good. The problem with my mom was that cats just kept showing up at our front porch, and she kept taking them in. She even managed to tame feral cats who were over a year old, which I thought wasn't even possible. Good times.
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That's it for tonight. I've gotta charge my phone and sleep.
is that an expression?
My mom would do the same thing
With the all of the felines I had through the years I can't recall a single non-stray cat that wasm't living on the streets. Including that first one.
If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice
16 cat mom here, I can only remember us ever having two non-strays while I was there.
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I got one male cat. he recently turned 18 years old. he's still at good health.
he's a real sweetheart, sleeping in my arm every night...
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s/fur thread? More like cat discussion thread
I have been just lurking, not posting pics
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Shark bellies
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Disgusting art.
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bump for cats
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bump for hungry sharks
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no feline lovers around?
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yay, kitties!
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Saber 18.jpg
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I'll help, I suppose...
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Saber 5.jpg
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Saber 7.jpg
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Saber teeth are sexy!
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got way too few saber toothed cuties on my phone
got any monster hunter
Does anyone have that picture of the bee making toast with her "honey" It makes me kek everytime. I need to add it to my collection.
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nope, sorry
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guys? someone left in here?
I am.
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Dumping and bumping.
just lurking
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I'm at school, on phone.
can't contribute much, sorry
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can't contribute anymore, have to pay attention to class.
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10/10 would jump in.
Any of you Cucknadians molesting Syrian children
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Im back in it to win it
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is thread kill?
>do not distribute
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cause this be boring tho
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this is /b/. there are no rules in this place.
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late reply, this?
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late as fuck yo
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u mean this?
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So what are you guys up to?
cause im bored as fuc
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iskra (5).png
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Coming down with something maybe
Tooth just became a little more messed up while I brushing, put the 11th season of Sunny on a loop for now.
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youtube and smoking...thats about it really
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fr95 (2).jpg
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Was about to smoke myself, but a little hesitant niw with this cough I seem to have, yet I am feeling a little miserable right now so I don't know if I care
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Dang anny idea how you got that shit?
And if you just brushed i don't recommend smoke.
Tastes like shit.
Honestly don't know other than my sister seems to be getting sick too.
That's how zombie apocalypse starts usually.
Kill her with an ax, just in case.
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Well lets hope its nothing long lasting
I think I gave her the sickness first, but I'll do it just in case.

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Obviously you must kill yourself too.
To save us all from the evil fate.
Do the sacrifice!
I'm too tired right now
Maybe later
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I'd say become the zombie you'll probably turn into the alpha zombie if you're the first like in all the movies
Infecting your sister with a deadly virus - okay every time of day 24/7, just call.
Helping to clean the stuff after yourself - noo too lazy will do next summer.
gonna post butts
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aight :D
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>wont post herm
>will post vore
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The speed tho holy shit
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4chanx autodump yo
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The power of chirst compels you!
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thred is kill, my work here is done
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Boarly legal.jpg
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>Jewish fuck
Thread replies: 224
Thread images: 151

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