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Eurofag here. I cant understand how is Trump winning right now.

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Eurofag here. I cant understand how is Trump winning right now. Can someone explain?
Really? thats it?
People in America are dumber than other Americans thought.
he is pulling a Nixon and harping on the worst characteristics and dark sides of the average American voter
its all just a prank bro
All Americans are racist esp the rebulicans. Plus trump isn't a traditional politician so his actions get a different reaction then other politisians. Idk I'm retarded
tony robbins is a hell of a coach
Lack of serious competition and muh freedoms
Trump is not part of the so called "Establishment". I think it's safe to say that the majority of Americans want a president who is honest with good intentions. Trump is not a scripted actor like Hillary Clinton, Ted Cruz, etc. Trump says what he feels and doesn't feel the need to be politically correct. Basically, he's not a politician, and that's one of his best qualities.
Because it's not your election, gtfo and back to holding down your daughters for the immigrants
He can't be bought out by special interests.

These politicians: Where do you think they get their money from? Large companies that expect you to do their bidding in return.

Large banks donate to the campaigns like Hillary, and you expect her to do something about them? Fuck no! She'll talk a good talk because she knows you're too stupid and will fall for the same trick over again.

She'll do something different and just say: "Well, that was the best we could do"

She owes them.

Not just the democrats, the republicans also.

Now a guy comes along, knows how to make money, can probably run this country better than someone that has never run a lemonade stand as our current politicians.

So people vote for him.

It's not because they like him. He's not a politician and he's not going to bend over and take it because he needs donors.
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People are just sick of bullshit, they're sick of immigration problems, they're sick of muslim problems, they're sick of general political PR spin with little in the way of actually getting things done.

Out of the bunch, Trump is the only one who seems like he wants to actually get shit done, that's why, he's connecting with middle America.
Trump is using very adept rhetoric to sway people into empty promises that will never be fullfilled.
Right wing republicans hate obama...trump is running as a republican because that is his best shot at weaseling into the white house.
He will never keep any of his propositions and there is too much evidence to even begin to discuss that this is most likely the truth
I'm also from Europe and you are stupid cuck who will be killed soon by imigrants in European civil war
Trump is winning because everyone is telling us not to vote for him. Trumps enemies are the same people we've been dutifully listening to for the last 15 years and we're sick of these losers telling us what to do.
Think 1930s Germany. That's pretty much where the population is with anyone who isn't middle class or whitewash Christian.
Ok, I have friends in yurop and they say the same thing.

Let me explain it to you in a few short sentences.

Our political system is SO corrupt, that Trump and Bernie are the ONLY two candidates that actually care about helping our country. ALL the others just want to gain the office of president so they can pocket money and set themselves up with a cushy job after their presidency while doing as little for the american people as possible, just enough to stay in office.

The reason Trump needs to win over Bernie is that Trump is the only one with the cut throat mentality enough to take on our corrupt system and all the corrupt people in it that will fight him every step of the way. He will threaten and blackmail people into doing what's good for our country. That's what we need right now. Bernie is incapable of doing this. Therefore Trump is the savior America needs.

That is all,good day yurofriend.
bernie wants to run our economy to be like the failure europe, which no one wants.
hillary is just a general feminist asswipe

trump is the only dude who may do anything non-harmful to america
Trump is super troll.
Been a progressive, becomes "conservative".
Best way to destroy repub party, from "inside"
Play on fear and bias's of poor uneducated right
eurofag here. because he is is the best candidate?
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Trump is a Poe.
Lol read about the rise of Hitler and Stalin -- it's all there
The politcal system absoluty is corrupt here in America. Its all about money and shady business. Trump know these dealings probably better than anyone and actually might be able to help
The kids think he's funny and are voting for him ironically without understanding the consequences and the crazy/dumb people think he's right. At lest that's what I can figure?
But Trump is a fucking loser. He would be a nobody if it weren't for inheriting millions of dollars.
Can't spell Ameritard without tard.
>he wants to get shit done
even though he has no plan on how to do so.
The other candidates are splitting the 60-70 percent of the vote that realizes Trump is a windbag with no qualifications.
I have always been left leaning, but never affiliated with any party. Voted for Obama twice and usually democrats in local stuff.

Absolutely nothing appeals to me about Hillary or Bernie.

Trump is less entrenched in being a Republican party member then the other Republican candidates. I like that he's an unabashed asshole. He's charismatic.

He's touting some conservative social viewpoints to pander to a large base, but he's really more socially liberal than he's come off lately.

If it comes to it, he's the best of the worst.
>how is Trump winning

Because democrats fucked it up with their gun control politics, immigration politics and in general their goal to make the USA "more like Europe".

Europe is an over-populated, over-regulated socialist shithole that's being overrun by immigrants and tearing down it's own social welfare system through naive "it'll be OK if we just CARE enough" -politics. I should know. I live here.
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>people I don't agree with are just crazy/stupid!
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Go read a newspaper, faggot.

>republicans betray their electorate because muh free trade also muh we need hispanic vote
>milions of blue collar workers are angry at republican establishment but democrats are even worse
>also conservative voters are pissed, because republicans try to be PC to bring more moderates to the party
>Trump appear: great program, putting emphasis on bringing jobs, doesnt give a single fuck about PC culture, media, or party bosses
>also, quick on his feet, great sense of humour, brutally trashes anyone who dares to oppose him
>leads clever campaign, pic related
>repeat after me: PRESIDENT TRUMP
Plans to audit the fed and at least offers a chance to push out the donor class and the establishment at least a little. Also he's pretty much the only candidate that doesn't want WWIII with Russia for no fucking reason. Also He wants to prosecute Hillary.
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Another Eurofag here. I can't understand how faggots like you exist on my continent. Can someone explain?
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Trump is fucking based
Strong right wing leadership in US will mean strong influence in EU meaning, we will get MUCH MORE breathing space regarding stupid politically correct issues, such as accepting fucking immigrants from north africa that pretend to be from Syria
He's "winning" the regressive (Republican) contest, not the general vote. He's only "winning" because the other toolbags in his party won't drop out in favor of a single, alternative candidate to Trump, so they're dividing up all the remaining votes.
Because he will make America great again.
A large portion of this country is sick of niggers and human trash leeching off the few of us that actually work and contribute to society. Democrats have been taken over my socialist fucktards, and republicans are all religious freaks, so someone that is neither of these has appeal.
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It's because he is riding on the wave of nationalistic fervor. Hitler got voted in exactly the same way, saying he would make Germany great again and right the wrongs done against them after their defeat in WW1. I'm not saying Trump is going to start gassing jews and invading poland, but i doubt the actions and decisions he makes in office, if he gets there, won't resonate with the American people as well as his empty promises he is currently making.
underrated post
This. He's playing off of fears and biases. A number of Americans are also tired of the status quo in Washington and trump represents the biggest change from that.

There's no way he wins, however. Dems and other liberals will come out in droves in November to ensure either Hillary or Bernie get the election over a lunatic that would probably usher in world war 3 if elected.
Government is shady, so let's hire a shady failure of a businessman because he is a troll. He'll fix it!

Great fucking logic.
Piñatas don't crumple, they burst....
This is different than anyone else winning? Hillarys statements will come to fruition?
If the propaganda that parades as news is to be believed then everyone that doesn't like getting fucked by the establishment is Hitler. I'm Hitler.

Also the more the left and the media try to bury him the more he spins it to his own favor.
It's not different. All the speeches from Romney and others is just prep for the oligarchy to get shady as fuck.
He's just winning against the other republicans. He'll loose against Hillary in the elections. But I'm not sure if that's any good
shut the fuck up you fucking faggot
Yeh, and Hitler doing what he done worked out just peachy for Germany.
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Those other candidates - left and right - but their hearts are not pure enough. Soon Trump will ascend to heaven on a tower of skulls, take the throne of heaven for his won, establish a New Jerusalem, feast on the flesh of the serpent Leviathan with the 144,000 faithful, and dispense his sublime wisdom upon the audient masses.
Because you PC eurofags need to meet your maker and trump is the man who's going to make that happen faggot.
Because people forget, that at the end of the day were just primates, and like all primates, we see another primate with "power" who appears strong (doesn't pssy foot around like most politicians) and we fall into line. Same reason Hitler rose to power. We're all just stupid chimps, doing stupid chimp things, just on a much bigger scale.

And don't get on your high horse eurofags, you do the same shit
I.e David Camron (at least he's not crazy though)
USA- Losing wars since 1955
The People Hillary represents "the establishment" Funded Hitler you imbecille. George H.W.'s Father funded NAZI Germany through F.B. Farben. Killary's biggest Campaign contributor Geroge Soros was an actual Nazi. And don't give me this crap about Hillary is not a republican.... The two party paradigm is false and you have to be living under a rock to still believe in it. You don't want Hitler? Vote trump.
Americans are influenced to believe business men and then impulse buy things because it is our Capitalist way. When many ignorant Americans encounter a business man like Trump they are easily swoon by his lies and witty communication skills, never realizing who the true man is underneath.
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Also, dubs
america is retarded. all you need to know. just watch Idiocracy, it's pretty much a documentary.
Because the USA doesn't have a leftist biased media that portrays Trump as Hitler 2.0.
Do your research and you'll see its all lies and propaganda from euro commie media
I'm voting for him because I think it will be funny.

Funny as in watching him bring on American Civil War II: Electric Boogaloo.
American here. This is correct.
That's because most of us Eurofags are jelly that Americans are in the way of getting the best, we have nobody like Trump to rid us of the sandniggers because Europe is full of cucks.
Hopefully I can leave someday and watch as Europe becomes kebab.
Another American here. I second this
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European here, you're naivety makes me embarrassed.
1. Everything the USA has done was carried out exactly the way they wanted. If they wanted to win the Vietnam War according to your definition of win they could just drop a nuke on them.
The wars are about finance and every single one of them have paid off very well.

2. Eurofags haven't won a war since 1755 moron.
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>Eurofag here
He is winning because the American establishment is like CDU and just wants to fill the continent with niggers for no appearant reason.

Then Trump comes up with a viable plant to end that.

Also, a fact ignored by most of the idiots in this thread, is that none of the other candidates are smarter than Trump. And that they are just idiots shouting for a washed up commie idiot.
The only party in American history ever to win the vote has been the wealthiest.

So if your great grandfather was a paedophile, you should be punished for it? I couldn't give two shits about Clinton. America needs somebody but Trump isn't that somebody. He is too busy pissing everybody off in a world where the USA is fast losing friends in the international community due to the nonsense it has pulled in the last few decades. The state of the world is directly due to the US projecting it's beliefs on others.
you don't have to be a leftie to see that he is not but a clown and a fraud, and that he'll never be able to accomplish a bit of what he is promising to the redeneck hordes, even if he was willing to do it. which he's obviously not
>just drop nukes
>thinking USSR would have allowed that
Trump voter detected
Hillary and her compatriots are carrying the torch. They're the ones that created the current state of the world and only want to make it worse.
Let's make America great again!!!!!!!
Do we really need to explain why you syrian cucklord? Kek
Go to /pol and ask that. Almost everyone on this board is a uneducated shill s you're gonna get iffy answers
Because we see what Merkel has done for Europe.
Do not want.
On Vietnam. We didn't have to technology to launch intercontinental missiles back then so the only way to drop them would be by plane - like japan- how would USSR even know until it's too late?
what's naive about it? americans are retarded. trump is driving the dumb masses through emotion and middle school antics. you have to be pretty fucking dumb to think trump belongs in the oval office.
Autist detected
>referencing ussr

>He can't be bought out

That's a pretty common feeling and it infuriates me because it is so fucking wrong.

Why would a business man not want to get more money? Of course the fucker would take money from special interests. It is known that he donated money to politicians in the past and one would need to be an exceptionally thick fuck to think that he didn't ask for favors. Bottom line: if he's willing to bribe someone, he's definitely willing to take a bribe.
The Vietnam war wasn't a war of attrition "moron". It was a proxy war and an exercise in keeping the commies out of that stretch of land. Dropping a nuke would have done the US no favours in terms of combating communism. On the contrary, it would have further pushed the citizens of vietnam further in to the arms of communism as a shield from further nuclear attacks. A nuke would have wiped out a large number of pro capitalist personell as well. Incinerating your own troops and citizens isn't a smart way to keep up suppprt.
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Trump is MLG you newb. That's why.
>Eurofag here. I cant understand how is Trump winning right now. Can someone explain?

Easily: all your news outlet paint you a very biased version of Trump, which makes you unable to comprehend how anyone could vote for him.

You're welcome.
Top worple.
trump may not be counted as a politic, but that does not mean that he is not corrupt. just watch his career as a business man, he stinks to fraud and failure.
but i agree that he and sanders are seen as the only different candidates.
The USSR would have retaliated with their own nukes.
All else is heresy.
show us one single video of trump acting in an intelligent and presidential manner
Trump is the bluest Republican so far. You fuckers would be more worried about Cruz if you knew anything about him.
Becauzd somehow every candidate is worse.

>Hillary : big banking funded, under investigation by the FBI, literal cuck.

>Bernie: Jewish, SJW, pandering to stupid young people.
Actually it was about winning construction contracts in Vietnam. "faggot"

>a fact ignored by most of the idiots in this thread, is that none of the other candidates are smarter than Trump
>none of the other candidates are smarter than Trump
>a fact

Cite your sources for this fact, good sir.
I don't like Trump and don't want him as my president, but I can tell you that we're pretty sick and tired of business-as-usual politicians feigning honesty and down-to-earthness.

It's refreshing to have a guy up there behind the podium going "yeah I know I'm an asshole sometimes, but fuck you -- vote for me!"
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hillary and the other criminals who fund her literally at best should be imprisoned for life

i don't know that much about trump

if anything i'll vote for gary johnson, i don't want a leader at all though
I don't think you understand how it works sonny

Simple. Be Trump, win.
What amazes me is how many people can't understand why Trump is being successful. Like I'm a Eurofag as well and it is blindingly obvious if you watch any of his longer speeches. People must be just seeing the news articles where the pick out soundbites and then are like "hurr durr HITLER americans r dumb".

Trump is winning because people are sick of false politicans that are bought and paid for by corporations, who tell people what they want to hear and then do nothing but maintain the status quo once they get into power. This is only the start of a revolution, even if Sanders/Trump go down the cat is out of the bag. The media cannot control this by social programming any longer.
There was that one time where he was negotiating in a WWE ring.
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>show us one single video of trump acting in an intelligent and presidential manner

He redefines what it means to be president. Personally, I'm tired of ass-licking bullshit. At least I know Trump doesn't feel the need to lie or sugar coat ANYTHING. I may not agree with him on something, but I know he'll shoot it to me straight. For that alone, he's the best choice.

Apart from Carson. I'm Swiss, I would have voted for Carson because he's a neurosurgeon and I like his style; also, a black Republican is a sure sign of high intellect. If that was required, since the guy is a fucking doctor.
He's effectively a salesman. He can sell you the fact he will help America. Coupled with the fact that half the redneck inbred southerners are racist and somehow believe he will help the country's financial situation with his wealth is why he's there.
Well you see the thing is, we the people of the US don't want to be like Europe, and Trump is the best candidate for that idea. So hopefully this helps.
Hu3lander here, i wish trump was my president :,(
> USA drops nuke on vietnam
> USSR authorises nuclear strikes on US soil on the assumption of impending US nuclear attack on Russian territory.

Voila, nuclear war.
>knows how to make money

LOL ya, he also knows how to bankrupt himself pretty well too, so your point is moot as fuck
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>He can't be bought out by special interests.

he is the special interest ;3

>These politicians: Where do you think they get their money from? Large companies that expect you to do their bidding in return.

now trump can make policy that benefits himself and his rich white buddies all day long!

>Large banks donate to the campaigns like Hillary, and you expect her to do something about them? Fuck no! She'll talk a good talk because she knows you're too stupid and will fall for the same trick over again.

the irony here is absolutely magnificent,

>Now a guy comes along, knows how to make money, can probably run this country better than someone that has never run a lemonade stand as our current politicians.

because a country needs to be run like a business right? and when the weak and the poor flood out on the streets what will strong donald say to them?


>So people vote for him.

they would vote for malcom x himself if he promised them a "white man's country" to.

>It's not because they like him. He's not a politician and he's not going to bend over and take it because he needs donors.

almost as if the "establishment" just said "why don't we just cut out the middle man? there dumb enough!"

this election is a choice between us getting the puppet who might do good things,

and the hand that certaintly won't
American politics has been messed up for so long that the average voter has just stopped paying attention.

Both right and left have been sold on the dream that the government exists to make them happy. Since they're not happy, someone must have "lied" to them.
So here comes Trump and it's all "hurr durr he good at business, must be good at economy" from the same type of low info voters who ushered in a jr senator from IL simply because he was black.

Tl;dr, americans are fucking themselves over because we can't be bothered to pay attention.
A few reasons.

1 he seems to not be afraid to go after people who go after him. It's a change from politicians who let everyone walk over them

2 he wants to deport illegals and all white Americans also want this except for the liberal faggots (who live in all white neighborhoods anyway)

3 he wants to repeal obamacare and we all hate it

4 he wants to fix the economy, this will benefit everyone (including himself of course)

5 he has the best memes
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vote for the military-industrial complex, the war on drugs, the NSA, patriot act, NDAA, guantanamo, MDAA, murder countless people in Libya/Yemen/Syria........get to become president voted in by tens of millions
ayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy lmaoooooooooooooooo
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>reaction then
>I'm retarded

I guess you also believe jews destroyed the twin towers, the ISS is an orbital weapons platform, the moon is made of cheese and your dad is actually your dad?
If you drop a nuke anywhere in the world, you will turn everyone against you.
Not that a /b/tard would know anything about diplomacy or nuclear deterrence,
see i live in germany i couldn't give less a shit if he's the president or not
i think it would be funny
trump is corrupt as fuck. are you fucking insane?
Americans hate their politicians so much they're willing to elect a man who is not even trying to hide his psychopathy.

For every two people that hate Trump, theres three that love him. He is flamboyant, but when speaking one on one he's fairly calm and mature, ironically. People like him because he has balls to bring up issues in a way that people can't help but notice and talk about. He's also very friendly with the media, everyone in the biz likes him and the ones who don't get crushed because of his supporters. Its pretty complicated actually, if you only watch the clusterfuck debates and media clips you won't have any idea what he is actually like.
germany is not a failure. the only failure part of europe, really, is greece.

>strong right wing leadership
>Bitches about people writing mean things about him and wants to wipe his ass on the first amendment to keep people from doing that
>2 he wants to deport illegals and all white Americans also want this except for the liberal faggots
Even legit minorities want this. No one wants to live in the cul-de-sac full of Syrian rapefugees. No one.
yeah, like trump never employed illegal inmigrannts befor, and all of his business career is a success.
if you believe in his empty promeses, you are just as blind as a clinton voter.
The clintons are backed with billions of dollars corporations and media. Trump is backed by people who are tired of liars who take more and more rights away. Send jobs over seas and steal our money and waste it on feminazi and nigger lives matter.

Trump: Winning
The other candidates: Losing.
I think you have Trump confused with Cruz.

Otherwise I agree. I really hope Bernie wins the Dem nomination. At least he is honest about what he is.
America did it in 1945 and the world did not, I repeat did NOT turn against them.

This is the only example in history that you can use to justify your statement and it works against your favor, faggot.
Because a criminal who is being investigated by the FBI, and an old fuck who would rather you vote For the criminal are his competition.
>Send jobs over seas and steal our money
what is free trade?
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We Sanders now baby!
fuck, you americans have to be real depressed if you see trump as someone with appeal. in a shithole country like mine, maybe, but murrica?
so sad.
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Simple, you are brainwashed by your government who doesn't likes trump.
Trump will bring realism back remove any trace of political correctness, which leads to the manipulation of your libtard brain.
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The anti-Trump movement is largely about Israel. It’s also about immigration. Recall that the leader of the pro-immigration “Gang of 8” was a Jew, Sen. Charles Schumer.
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So your candidate is the one we should all vote for instead, because that's the one you think is best.
404 source not found

Lots of poor white people who are racist and have been screwed over by the ruling class are angry; throw their hats in with a raging narcissist from the ruling class.
You know what makes me sad? We basically had a Trump-like president in George W. Bush, and no one appreciated it.

Bush called things by their names. With Bush, terrorists were terrorists, radical Islam was to blame, and there was an axis of evil.

Bush took 0 shit. He stood atop that WTC rubble and TOLD US he was going to fuck shit up and we cheered for him. Then he delivered on his promise and we ragged on him for it -- constantly.

I guess you don't know what you got 'til it's gone. They paved paradise...

>tl;dr I want George W Bush back
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besides "opening up" libel laws and tearing apart the first ammendment?

besides "building a wall" and making a foreing country magically pay for it?

besides getting rid of "anchor babies" and dismantling the 14th ammendment?

oh and starting a nuclear war with russia because donny has no fucking conflict resolution skills other then

your "FIRE"d

the absolutely world record breaking time you trump supporters are gonna break when you change your tune on him the moment he get's elected will be an amazing sight.

at least with hilary, i know what i'm getting, a bad politician, but at least it won't be the 4th reich of trump.
He's lost. A child could see it. Why can't you?
bernie really seems like the only solid character. fuck trump and hillary.

oh yeah, well there is also GARY FUCKING JOHNSON. dude climbed Everest. and he's a libertarian.

Are you an actual potato?
literally irrelevant since only the US had nukes

And the Soviet Union literally did turn against them with that as one of the factors.

Stop trying. You don't know what you are talking about with your 8th grade education.
source is reality, faggot.
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Kek of course amerika is racist have you seen how many niggers they have.
Trump will end Pax Americana.
The thing that tops it all for me is when all these faggots call themselves "patriots" for voting Trump, when in reality the fuck dodged the Vietnam draft because his rich daddy bought him out of it with a bullshit medical certificate.

How the fuck can you have the audacity to call a vote for trump patriotism when he was too good to fight alongside all the other poor fucks who went in to the jungles of Vietnam without any choice and never came home?

He doesn't give a shit about you. Doesn't know what it's like to live pay cheque to pay cheque in a dead end job to support the kids. He was born rich and his biggest worry in life is his golf course in Scotland not getting finished.
I liked W too, and then he accidentally our freedom of privacy.

Now I respect him, but am glad he's out.
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When Trump wins the Florida primary election on March 15, watch the Jews go into full panic mode.
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Yeah found the delusional nigger who want free shit
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i can taste the irony from here.

have you ever been to a sci fy convention and there is a guy dressed up as chewbaca looking at the star trek guy's going "fucking nerd"

i literly could cut the irony here with a knife.
Calling on you here mr paul jr
Come stand with us
>be me
>Want to stand with rand
>Sign some bullshit
Please. Everything you like about Trump was pioneered by Cruz.
Meanwhile Donald was busy sucking the leftists cocks.
What's your plan Trump?
"Well, really what's a plan? Obamas plan sucked, but America needs a plan. I'm not saying I'm a master at planning, but I plan on making America great again."
This is literally the retard you're voting for anon.
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Moron, you said the EVERYONE will turn against you.
that did not happen, you are wrong, you are stupid and you should kill yourself.

USSR got pissed off... No fucking shit sherlock.
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He'll create more jobs than any president in American history.
Dear dumbass.
Trump already is tighter with Russia than anyone else, simply because Putin respects him, and refers to him as bright and talented.
So there goes your starting a war with russia comment.
14th amendment does not mean that if you come here illegally and pop out a beanlet then you and the rest of your family can remain here. Never did mean that.
I could go on but it's too easy refuting your made up bullshit.
>ff to now
>be getting 4628$5 emails from fucking rand
>dude isnt even running anymore
>ok justfor senate in bumfuckentucky
>feels bad for the fam back in portland
>all these emails
Cruz has been the only voice for sanity since Ron Paul.
Trump is trying to ride idiots to the top for his own selfish purposes.
He's going to stab you in the back.
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Maybe Trump doesn't want Muhammad and liberals to take over the US like they have EU

Pic related: No this isn't made up or a troll. Look it up.
he is funny, as hitler. You, eurofag, should understand even more
Why yes... yes he will. They'll also lose those jobs when his self-made creations flop like everything he's tried to do.
Because every candidate is a joke, most americans are fucking stupid and hes playing on islamphobia and the hatres of mexicans
Eurofag here. The choices are Trump, and a known liar that's done nothing her whole political career but hand money to banks.
It's pretty obvious.
I didn't specify a time period in that that EVERYONE statement, but good job using fucken 1945 to justify your hot argument, fagtron.
You kidding? It wasn't investigated because the government is riddled with people who like to fuck kids as well and don't want exposed. It had nothing to do with racism. It's all coming out now about the care system in the UK and how they hired convicted paedophiles to run them. Yeh, they were actually convicted prior to their employment. They looked after fucked up kids, the same kind these dickheads abused. And next time don't use the Mirror as a source. The next page probably has a story about some chicks husband being turned in to a fish finger by aliens.
He didn't doge the draft. That would have been illegal.
Show me any valid records that prove he dodged the draft. I'll wait. But it's not going to happen.
His selective service record is available for all to see.
there is a large group of americans who are uneducated white racist trash. and they love trump
Trump is billions of dollars / corporations
He backs himself. Don't be surprised when his own interests conflict with the interests of the country.
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dude, are you just going to ignore reality?

he want's to rip up free press,

make a magic wall that a foreing country will magically pay for, that's also made out of magic,

destroy birthright citizenship and the 14th amendment AKA equal protection with it,

he want's voters to "swear an oath"

he want's a "muslim database" for the turrorists

and he want's to 11 MILLION illegal immigrants, how the fuck is he going to do that? the TRUMP TRUCKS? just drive down your street and you see your neighboors dragged out of there homes and put in "fun camps?"

any of this sound familiar?

there are no good options here, it's hilary and trump, and hilary is the best bad option we have BY FAR,

ignoring reality is going to bring you alot of pain in this world, it's not a white man's country anymore and your gonna have to come to terms with that sooner or later.
It seems as if the American public has become VERY anti-establishment this election. You can see this with the explosion of Bernie, who was virtually unknown when he announced his presidential race, and with Trump, who goes without saying. For those unfamiliar with American politics, large corporate interests have had a huge impact on our government through various means, one large one being corporations donating millions to various candidates as "free speech". It seems that Americans have decided to support those that either are supported mainly be themselves (Trump) or by their followers (Bernie). We have finally grown hungry for a candidate that isn't already bought and paid for.

Trump also has the added benefit of not "seeming like the same old same old". He isn't a groomed career politician like his opponents, and it shows with his somewhat lack of tact seen during most of the Republican debates. This has actually endeared many people to his cause, as it makes him seem genuine and confident, which really resonates with the average voter. He is also a successful businessman, which also lends him support as much of the conservative base in the US holds the belief that the government is just a big company that should be run as such. The only real snag with him is him not being particularly religious, which seems to be how Cruz is keeping up somewhat. The real thing to watch in the next couple of weeks is how Rubio will respond. He has a sizeable 151 delegates, enough to make a difference but not enough to win. With Trump demolishing him on his home turf of Florida, he knows he can't win, so it will be interesting to see what his next move will be.
America doesnt want to be Europe, and that is where its heading now. the 99% are tired of having to cater to the <1%, despite a democracy at its core being "the majority rules".

Transgenders are weirdos, feminists are dykes, and african americans are liabilities. American's just want the ability to say that outloud again without being threatened with social exile from false white knights who are afraid of the same branding.
True that Patriot Act was fucking bullshit

But everything else he did was fucking ace.

Bombed the fuck out of Afghanistan, Iraq, would have fucked up North Korea at some point I bet if he had been given more time...

He pissed off women's rights groups literally every day of his presidency. Oh man, he was always signing and vetoing bills to protect unborn babies and shit...

It was just a really good time to be a white, middle class young man in America.
People are still donating, and apparently money wins elections.
I wish my fellow Americans had half the sense you have, brother.
These idiots are most likely going to elect Hillary.
Just like he created all them cleaning jobs for illegals
Trump has spent less money than any other candidate you fucking fagot

He's winning the Republican nommination he's still the highest unfavorability rating of any candidate in US History. He has no chance of actually winning the general election because millions of people aren't going to vote in it.
>pioneered by Cruz
How do you see Trump in that conservative extremist?
He is bringing together democrats and independents into the Republican Party. He's got a significant minority and blu collar following.
We are talking about dropping a nuke during the Vietnam War faggot. You don't have any evidence to back up the reaction you claim the world would have.
Congratulations on being a moron, your whore mother must be so proud
Well, I swing a little more libertarian so that's a pretty big caveat, but otherwise I agree completely.
>American's just want the ability to say that outloud again without being threatened with social exile from false white knights who are afraid of the same branding.
And how will government even affect this issue.
I am failing to see how any of this is a bad thing, remember you are preaching to /b
So who would be more susceptible to take a bribe.
Some one who has billions.

Pleas stop the bankrupt argument its to retarded , you didnt even watch the debates or you would know he bought those company's to make money of and never went bankrupt himself, 99% of his ventures are successful

What do you think happens now.

>rich white buddies
Dont be racist dude, not cool.

>because a country needs to be run like a business right?

Yes indeed a country is a business, the whole reason you have a deficit is because politicians run it like a charity with infinite fictive resources.
or some one who in the past got paid 1,25 million per lecture they give at large company's.
14th amendment, 14th amendment!
The 14th amendment does not allow for you to enter the country illegally, have a babby while you are here illegally, and then automatically you and your whole fucking family are Americans.
For fucks sake you just sound dumber than shit talking like that.
I'm sure Putin is being absolutely genuine and has no interests other than our election's success.

trump met putin once and exchanged a handshake? your gonna let the fate of the world rest on some horseshit trump said?

and if you are an immigrant, and you give birth to a human being on amerian soil, that human being is an amerian, i don't give a shit where your mommy came from, you get born on american soil, your a native born god damned american.
Ah, on a phone so I am not going to bother. Won't change your mind anyway. Damn brainwashed Trump fools.
>asking for evidence for a hypothetical situation
literally the most retarded thing uttered on this thread
Actually, I do too. I'm partly trolling to amuse myself.

If I had it my way, I'd put Ron Paul in office. (And no, I'm not trolling now. I'd be really happy with Ron Paul.)
>being buddy buddy with a literal democratic autocrat is a good thing
My Little Anon Cannot Be This Retarded
Your facetiousness aside, why doubt what he stated?
It's not in their best interests to always be feuding with us, or us them.
You think because it's illegal means it didn't happen? Lol. With the money the Trump family had in the 60's, they could do whatever the fuck they wanted, legal or not. He got off the draft hook because of "bone spurs" in his foot. These are almost always painless and easily treated. You see him affected in any way today by those spurs? I could link you to a hundred websites talking about it, but why the fuck should i do your work for you.
The shitty clothes that Trump sells are made in China.
We all look at Clinton and see the money trail. We see the same money trail with others too. The difference is that she's done better than most, and so actually has a lot of experience. That alone is enough to boost her popularity. On top of that, her husband was a relatively successful moderate with a powerful reputation. Ignoring all of those factors makes your argument a strawman.

And no, I'm not a Clinton supporter.
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please refer to


if your born here, your a fucking american, end of story,

if you commit a crime here, you get all the legal protections of an american, at the cost of the american government END OF STORY.

and if you are an "enemy combatant" we do not tourture, END OF GOD DAMNED FUCKING STORY

this is america, land of freedom and justice, not donny don's fourth reich of trump.
Americans are retards.
You're welcome.
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>Trump is a good businessman guise!! HONEST

Lets use the Numbers Trump used himself, in 82 he said he was worth 500 million he was estimated to be worth 200 million. If he had taken that money and put it into an S&P index fund he would be worth today, at the rate of increase because of the booming 80's at over 11%, $20 billion. If he had put it in an unmanaged index fund and never touched it, $20 billion and today he claims to be worth $10 billion so that's twice what he claims to be worth.

Now, that's what he CLAIMS to be worth the closest thing we have to a 3rd party analysis was deutsche bank who put it at $750 million, Forbes has him listed at $3 billion, Trump varies by many billions depending on the day. This is the guy who inherited anywhere between 40 and 200 million dollars from his father when he got started ok?

His business would have done better if he had done nothing with that money.

Btw, he SUED a publication for saying he was worth $250 million, twice, for $5 billion because he said they were lying and guess what, he lost TWICE in a court of law becasue the court deemed that the estimation of $250 million wasn't proven to be inaccurate by Donald Trump himself.

Let's recap, you have him going into a general with a deficit of Republicans, single highest unfavorability rating of any candidate running in the history of the USA, and running against Hillary will somehow magically win over a number of independents and Dems not seen in decades, who is a serial philanderer, lie about everything, inconsistent about anything until the last 6 months candidate.

But it's ok because you believe he's a good businessman, and you believe that because he inherited $200 million from daddy and nearly half a century later it's likely worth less than a billion dollars.

That's your play? Rlly?
Its a top down system, once politicians and those in positions of power start falsely placating to minority groups as a means of their own selfish self interests "un tapped dumb voters", they condemn anyone else to strengthen their false claims.

No one over the age of 9 cares about the homeless or groups of people predisposed to violence. If people could vote anonymously, you'd see them all blasted off to the sun, guaranteed.
i have one of his dress shirts. it's quite well made, actually.
Being a bit dramatic there aren't you sparky?

14th amendment does not cover being born here illegally.
And being born here does not give parents and siblings automatic citizenship. Look it up before you talk shit that isn't real.
>The 14th amendment does not allow for you to enter the country illegally, have a babby while you are here illegally, and then automatically you and your whole fucking family are Americans.

That's not what's happening you dip.
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>this meme again
you mean the creationist who thinks the pyramids were built by the biblical Joseph for grain storage?
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We are only backing a common-sense candidate. The burden is on the liberals who call common sense “hate.”
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A wealthy businessman isn't a part of the establishment? Hooooo-kay.
Yeah. Let's just fucken forget ukraine.

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And the same voters who just elect someone because they are female are voting this time too what is your point.
At least trump had to face reality instead of being a disillusioned career politician.
Not to mention one who gave nuclear ability's to a rogue state, one that is islamic not the less.
On wrong town bombed (the small village of Dabiq)and Muslims will believe its the end and set the nukes of (they have icbm`s ).

>false white knights
The thing about progress is that eventually the newer generation turns the fake into reality, at least partially. The older generations can never tell though. They remain jaded and convinced of everyone's falsehood.
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>Yes indeed a country is a business, the whole reason you have a deficit is because politicians run it like a charity with infinite fictive resources.
>or some one who in the past got paid 1,25 million per lecture they give at large company's.

yeah? and what happens to the retarded? the mentally ill? the sick? the weak? the poor?

are we gonna just let them rot in the street? fester to absolute desperation? watch the crime rates get unseen before in american history bad?

or are we gonna just do as our ancestors did, round them all up put them on a boat, AND SEND THEM OUT TO FUCKING SEA?

is that what we should do?

this country is a country, a society, not a business, we help the less fortunate, not murder them.
>Shillary detected
Go home, Hillaryfag. You aren't getting paid enough to represent your loser queen again. See you in another 4 years when she runs again and hopes we forgot all her lies and crimes by then.
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>can't be bought out by special interest
>Has taken 250mil in campaign donations from a small group of wealthy donors
He isn't worth billions of dollars, he couldn't prove he was worth more than 250 million dollars. His business would have done better if he had done nothing with that money.

You can't disprove this.
>there goes the stormfag again pulling out outdated stats again
Yes because the guys bankrolling political parties ate real estate tycoons. Oh wait, they are oil ogliarchies. Anti-trumpfags cant seem to understand that if neither side wants trump in, then he must be doing something right.
> as a politic
Autistic faggot
I'm not a Trump supporter. I'm genuinely curious.
People don't want Hilary in office because she's 1.) A woman and 2.) She's a power player with some thugs on her side.

People don't want Bernie in office because 1.) He's a jew and a jewish president backing Israel will send people into a rage. And 2.) There's no real dirt on him. Presidents are manipulated to make things happen and if lobbyists and power players have nothing to manipulate a person with, their agenda is fucked.

Then we have Trump. Anyone with a brain stem knows that this is all publicity. He might win because, let's face it, we put a fucking nigger in the white house so why not Trump? The options are a lose/lose for the corporations and big businesses that run this country so why not put the man who's all about money into office?
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>this blocking out reality again.
I quoted you and this video on my facebook page. Thanks for the words anon
Trump is winning because he's tapping into the voice of Americans that feel marginalized. Mostly working class young men, white typically, who have, for most of their lives, heard about how shit they are, how they're privileged, how they don't get to complain. While they've been told this, they see feminists and other shit heads corrupt our universities, get scholarships, and basically get a pass on everything.
It's cute when people say he's a failure at being a business man or bring up the fact he went bankrupt. Went bankrupt borrowed 1milion dollars then turned it into billions. America is trillions of dollars in debt he took a million dollars and fix his business and made billions out of it oh yea he's a fail of a business man I don't wanna votes for trump but I'd rather have so honest retard then a liar like Hillary
Please refer to actual law.
Yes the CHILD born here is American. Not refuting that point at all.
It's parents are not. Plus if it's proven you were here illegally while you had this child, you have a 3 year ban on entering the U.S.
Here more than a year illegally? 10 year ban.
So the illegals can either take their american born kid the fuck back home with them, or they can leave the little american here. By law.
Most accurate response in this thread >>673050886
America is sick of career politicians saying one thing and doing another while running the country into the ground as they all represent Wall Street.
I hate all candidates tbh
I just think trump is the worst.

dude, how many times do i have to tell you, legally, illegally, if your are born on american soil


not your mommy, not your daddy, YOU, and i do not want a government that seperates a mother from it's child so guess who stays here with the baby?

the mommy.

get used to it.
Russia and America might not be at war, but they are competing. In a competition, it's wise to consider your opponents possible motives. Putin has made his fairly clear.
Great response, very enlightening.
Tell us what is happening then.

Americans are that retarded.
>Hasn't even spent 250 mil
>Only donations from self and small individual contributions
>No super PACs
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What does he want to get done?
>Build a wall between us and Mexico that Mexico is going to pay for.
Never gonna fucking happen.
>Deport all current illegals in America.
Never gonna fucking happen.
>Deny immigration to all Muslims (aka violate the fucking constitution, the very document the president swears to uphold upon his inauguration)
Never gonna fucking happen.

These are all just talking points trump uses to rally up idiots like you to a frothing rabid anti-gubment tantrum. Enjoy your idiotic baboon of a candidate.
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He has buildings that are worth more than 500 million dollars.
bingo boingo

1. American's hate the current government
2. The Current Government Hates Trump
3. Therefore Americans Love Trump

The Enemy of your Enemy is your Friend
jeezus hillary
stop trying so hard
nobody with a straight face can claim trump isn't an ultra-successful businessman

you've tried pushing this crap for awhile and it always fails
it just shows you are delusional and undermines any legitimate points you might make
The political climate vs immigrants and political correctness whill chance if he wins, if hillary wins shits gone be the same and shit grows if you dont shovel it.

Btw what is going to happen in the middle east chances your country, you should care.
the past 8 years policies which Hillary was a big part off has led to the state that europe is in now.
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QF Fucking T
Oh, ok, you got me worried for a minute.
Nailed it, you win the internet for today.
ad hominem ad hominem ad hominem ad hominem.
Fuck Ukraine. I mean I feel for them, but we ain't their daddy.
and I don't want the US to suck Putin's dick, I would like us to have better relations with them.
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>believing copypasta propaganda that was debunked a million times

oy vey
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Proof it , or at least have a smart meme with that.
Because the right wing media apparatus had brain washed conservatives who at the same think theyre mavericks and are not influenced by anybody, when in reality they are

TL,DR Many Americans are dumb
>Everyone is telling us not to vote for him so that's why we're going to do it.
Everybody would tell your dad not to remove his own testicles with a rusty saw, would it be a really good idea for him to ignore that advice? Yes. Because then YOUR dumb ass never would have been born.
I like how the trump meme's are fascist asf
>Americans want a president who is honest with good intentions



>the government has to follow the constitution
Did you travel forward in time from before the civil war? It would explain how little you know about the world

i get that, but i don't want the mother seperated from the child, so the mom stays, at the government's exspense.

and if i as an american tax payer, have to pay for it, so be it.
So it's gotten worse?
Some of the same reasons that this guy was elected. Outsider with no political record. Browbeats the shit out of opponents. Light on policy. Charisma out the arse.
Holy fuck, you may be the biggest dumbass in this thread.
Some (1%) of the wealthy are part of the establishment.
Therefore, all wealthy businessman are part of the establishment.

FYI, Trump has been against Wall Street for decades now and been very vocal about it.

You're an idiot.

FYI, I support Bernie, not Trump.
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i hear ya buddy, i'm with ya.
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America should just abolish the executive office and get a prime minister instead.
underrated post
Really? Name one other secretary of state that lost 6 billion dollars, since you can see this money trail.
Name one other politician that has had a charity that gets donations for arms contracts.
Travel gate

Her whole career is just one con job on the taxpayers.
You're citing the traditional flaw of democracy, which is that it doesn't adequately represent minorities. That's why we have the bill of rights. Natural rights at least determine how the lowest common denominator can be treated.

In other words, your argument would have been great in ancient Greece.
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>nobody with a straight face can claim trump isn't an ultra-successful businessman

He couldn't prove, in a court of law, that he was worth more than $250 million.
Being this bad at pretending to be a leftist.
what a little faggot you are, no wonder your country is shit
Are you actually retarded? Don't fucking say how the world would react when you don't know. I'm not asking for evidence moron, I'm saying you don't have any evidence to back up your statement so shut the fuck up.
Funny because lest time i check the index was declining.

Ow and there is this thing where 1000 organised Muslims raped 150 women under the noses of its citizens and police.

Give me 50 armed organised men and i could cleanse a town of infidels in 12 hours.

>not citing a source to back up your statements

>or even the "debunking"
Stop repeating yourself just to hear your own voice, I understand and agree, if a baby anything is born on this soil, it's an American.

No one is separating parents, they are welcome to take the American baby home to their native country, and it can then denounce it's citizenship, or can remain an American and work with the family to get legal immigration.
That's the law, and the fact you don't like it doesn't matter in the least.
Speaking in short feel good sentiments isn't common sense, it's pandering. Even if if it was, in an argument, common sense is considered a fallacy.

Sanders offers some things that benefit this group, but then turns around and says shit like "we need to have a conversation about white privilege"

As someone who grew up below the poverty line, there is no white privilege. I saw all the dumb spics and niggers I went to school with get scholarships they didn't deserve, while none of my white friends, even the hard working ones, got shit.

Trump, while saying "racist" things, is the only candidate not racist towards my demographic.
>jeezus hillary
that's actually copypasta from a conservative pundit
Why is this being ignored?
>Tricky dick and tiny dick are pulling the same shit.


this election is really bad, it's between the bad and the worse,

but i think people are more scared of trump then hilary.
the difference is when the people vote "we want A"

the government says "we know better than you, we are going with B"

Often B isn't about civil liberties, but unfair advantages given to minorities (Affirmative Action) to placate to those minority groups.
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>i can't google shit
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Fuck yeah. Only Trump can turn back the brown tide and thinking Whites know this. Is Trump the ideal man? Nope, but he’ll do until the ideal man gets here.
It's not up to you. We have laws.
She is not going to be separated from her child, she can take it back to whatever country she came from.
None of this is hard to understand or unreasonable, I'm not sure why you are taking such exception to it.

dude, did you even read my post?

i like the law as it is now, in fact i like immigration,
This is actually untrue. The Kkk and racism towards African Americans as well as Jim crow laws etc came from democratic party leaders. Fact. This isn't to say that some from every walk of life were racist and not a part of the Republican party. Just that the gop actually fought to create equality in history. Democrats just realised instead of doing just say you are and make promises to get elected. Oh yea and much freedoms. We Republicans are not dumb shits we have a bottom of the barrel just like most you euro fag chat sloots
you must be an immigrant
Source faggot, cause that never fucking happened.
Trump has billions in assets but also billions in deficits. Add it all up and he's actually practically broke. Do some research dipshit.
Must have confused you with another response, apologies.
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Go, Trump, go!!
>considering government an enemy
Governments are created to serve us. It's our responsibility to make sure they do. Some say the only answer is small government. Others say that the only way is regulation. Most think there needs to be a balance.

So, where does Trump fit in this?
No where. That's my problem with him. He's not trying to fix government, he's just trying to get elected.
let me summarize for you OP.

USA is full of fucking idiots.

That's why
all my internetz/10
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>i post ridiculous horseshit and expect people to

>A take me seriously and believe what i say

>and excpect other people to research my bullshit claims

when you say some dumb shit, it is YOUR responsibility and YOURS ALONE back up whatever shit your talking, with facts,

it is never the responsibility of the reciever of a message to verify the validity of the message, nor to interpret it correctly,

you back up that shit your talking, no one is going to do it for you.

this is basic human communication nigger, welcome to the world of responsibility.
I don't think you understand how rich people stay rich.
They do not do it by "proving" how many millions they are sitting on. They do it by not legally sitting on millions, even though they have access to it all.
It is only the GOP primaries. In the grand scheme of things, they are very small and minuscule.

Trump is leading in the GOP primaries, due solely to the white male vote.

That won't mean diddly-squat in the general election because in order to win that, you need the black, latino, independent, and female votes. Trump won't get these because he is a sexist and racist.

TLDR; He may win the nomination for the GOP, but he can't possibly win the general election.
Eurofag here. I'd vote for Trump if I could.
Godspeed fellow Trump supporting Anons, Godspeed.

if she want's to take her baby back, AWESOME, whatever,

just as long as she isn't FORCED to. and has the free choice to keep her baby here and raise it as an american.
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Trump supporters will defend this.
If the government isn't doing its job, then it is not serving the people, and those within it ARE the enemy. Perhaps you can only see the definition and use of the word "enemy" through a tunnel visioned mind
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i am, my ancestors rode here on a little horse called the mayflower,

it's back east somewhere.
people are tired of pc progressive feminists dictating what they can and cant do and say.
hes popular with many groups you would expect to hate him
His momentum is slowing. He won't go much further OP.... trust me, I've seen this type of thing before.
Polarize moar.
>Amfatfucks /b/ shit 4 brain
>Amtarfucks gets shit cuz /b/ shit.
Rest of the world >laughing their balls off
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Because we're fed up with faggy socialist pansies like you.

Americans don't have a fetish for muslim and mexican cock fucking our daughters.
your actual ancestor were on the mayflower??

bollocks. you're no puritan native american killing descendent

you're a fag at best

Dubai doesn't let me stay if i push a baby out of my cunt. Why? Because that is not a talent that should be awarded with citizenship.
so his people say, but 2% of the latino vote isn't going to cut it.
just black cock

You don't know how the world works. Go back to MLP or some shit.

Liberals, man.
horses cant swim that far

If you consider yourself an immigrant based on that, you are part of the problem
>It's refreshing to have an unqualified idiot shouting nonsense in the middle of our political process, that's a real change of pace.

Fag, just go
>Says the faggot that believed dumb shit without researching it

You must be a nigger
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