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The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 325
Thread images: 109
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Second to last
Third to last
May I get some more owl drawings?
Requesting pokemon, any pokemon from anyone
Who are these guys? I am a newer faggot
robit actually still comes around from time to time.
Is he robot with the round head?
isn't that turbo?
I mean like a cylinder
File: SketchBoard2016-23-08_11_23_12.jpg (299 KB, 960x1600) Image search: [Google]
299 KB, 960x1600
I don't know never mind
File: SketchBoard2016-15-01_06_15_25.jpg (204 KB, 960x1600) Image search: [Google]
204 KB, 960x1600
Turbo has a bean head with the red eye, dubs has a round head with antennae, and Robit just has the cylinder head - usually blue
If you're taking requests:

Draw an antelope head butting a jeep through a tree.

With you in it.
Yeah I've seen him before
File: fud.png (71 KB, 600x600) Image search: [Google]
71 KB, 600x600
>requests please
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I am a big bug
Requesting arbok
This guys would make a great game boss characters
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281 KB, 960x1600
Autofellatio pls
Can I mutilate you?
Welcome back Hazel. Didn't get to say it the other day, how long until Ire's back?
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You've been acting lewder than usual lately, shadow, what's up with that?
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8 KB, 246x291
Gurofags should be euthanized to make America great again
I don't know, ask him.

Quiet Stu, your oven toast is nearly done... Also Stu being cucked while his wife is smothered in alien egg jizzums.
I am of disagreeings, for guro truly is the best fetish.
What steps have you taken to improve your health after getting blown the fuck out by Marc?
So you gonna mutilate or no?
Nope it's diaperfag tier fetish
Explain this whole marc/mutilater situation to me, will you?
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7 KB, 400x400
Talk to the hand, bitch
Marky marc made a joke hazel's being abused or something
What? Oh, I wasn't even around for that. I've had a fucking awful bout of the flu or something. I'm finally back on my feet.

Jesus fuck calm down I'm working.
File: IMG_20160308_114542.jpg (366 KB, 1897x1084) Image search: [Google]
366 KB, 1897x1084
What was this joke all about?
>I wasn't even around for that.
But you knew it happened so it doesn't matter. No need for damage control.
I still can figure if your character is goth or maso.
I don't know I wasn't there
Then fuck off, filthy meme of a human being
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148 KB, 800x640
Well, duh. Ire told me about it. You do know we communicate, right?
requesting porn of the big black bug
not trolling he's hot
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68 KB, 600x600
>sure are a lot of requests in here...
>we communicate, right?
Not really since whenever someone asks you something like
>how long until Ire's back?
you go
>I don't know, ask him.
Is that why he left?
Do you like commercial trucks?
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179 KB, 800x600
Who is this artist and what the hell is this bat-like thing?
Discrete turtle drew it he's pretty gud
Breast suckling of her please.
I'm not gonna speak on his behalf.
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>ignores requests
>complains about lack of requests
wew lad
Mom what is this?
File: Mice_gay_romance_by_Trinket.png (228 KB, 800x800) Image search: [Google]
228 KB, 800x800
Whole Thread Contest!

Give a name to one or both of these gay mice boys.
What is the bat thing though? Are there more pics of him/her?
Doritohead and Warmonger
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436 KB, 720x544
Draw pron of her pls
Is that Splatoon porn?
yes, I believe so
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226 KB, 450x650
/r/ this furfag being dicked
post character reference please
I don't know what that thing is and I haven't seen him draw any other pics of It either sorrry mate
File: fud.png (58 KB, 600x600) Image search: [Google]
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>not really
>Ugh fine
>only requests not done already were for auto fellatio and homo giant bug porn
Corb and tatum
Yes, it is.
Was a request...

Lurking, for now.
Macky and Murtameer.
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alien meeting.jpg
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File: Priscilla-2.jpg (3 MB, 4406x2465) Image search: [Google]
3 MB, 4406x2465
Requesting Priscilla performing a footjob or lifting her tail, presenting herself to the viewer.

My apologies if the artist in the last thread had any interest.
shitstain and dipshit
File: fatmanontank.png (18 KB, 817x561) Image search: [Google]
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More like this please.
File: blkdjh.png (8 KB, 400x400) Image search: [Google]
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I... what?
Chad and Alfredo
Thanks my nigre
Which is the website that does the voting thing for 4chan? I can't damn remember.
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2 MB, 250x188
What? You mean strawpoll?
File: Hana.jpg (147 KB, 1200x675) Image search: [Google]
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Requesting Hana Mutou knotted by a dog, or giving a blowjob to one.
You nigger
Never heard of that site
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100 KB, 500x500
Started to go for guro, buuuut here's some bondage instead.

Later thread.
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Sounds like eggs
I feel like this is a new meme
I'm sure this drawing will be a real hit.
No one wants to name your stupid homo furries. Fuck off.
Bye, bye
File: eh.jpg (280 KB, 530x750) Image search: [Google]
280 KB, 530x750
More requests plox
I need gladiators in my life

blood on the sand
Draw a monster with a chainsaw
Request she wears a straight jacket instead
I gave you one last thread after talking about my degeneracy but I'm not sure if you missed it or simply weren't interested (sorry if it was the latter).
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Draw Nicholson looking like this while petting an evil looking wolf thingy
File: Tates.jpg (110 KB, 659x312) Image search: [Google]
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I come in many forms
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149 KB, 691x365
you should post finished paintings

or give me a tumblr so i can gawk at them
I didn't know you were the bike nigger
Even if obviously not what I meant, you did give me a good chuckle. Thanks.
Requesting a fat girl with hairy legs riding an anon's dick
Its what I do, you're welco
Where's shitty bawble when you need them?
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>Appreciate it, thank you
I just realized Bawble is gone. Jubilations!
hmmm, it's true
Is gud
I already voted you nigger
I already answered you cuck
no bully, no hate pls
Can you be a tad more specific ?
Is gud indeed, I don't need to scrub that shit off my retinas on a daily basis anymore

File: Tates.jpg (173 KB, 713x556) Image search: [Google]
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My Tumblr is Scratchyrobit

It's like biggie smalls once said "well if you don't know, now you know, nigga"

I don't care about no mice
A pair of gladiators, each with their own weapon, going at it in any way youd like

preferably a smaller arena, because the coolest venues were just rings of sand and some walls to keep the mosh pits out
I will gib follow
You are a nigger, you know that?
I thought people liked the monsters they drew
File: Risk-Of-Rain-1.png (29 KB, 680x545) Image search: [Google]
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Who's up for a challenge?
Anyone drawniggers play Risk of Rain?

Can someone draw the Commando?
However, draw him sitting with his gun resting on his helmet (the helmet having many cracks and dents in it, like it's about to break), while monsters from the game are running towards him in the background. I'll draw a stick figure of it in my next post.
Oh I see what you fucking did! You clever bastard.
File: example.png (8 KB, 437x433) Image search: [Google]
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The pose similar to this.

Make him look exhausted. Don't point the gun directly at his head, just have it resting on his busted up helmet.
The other gun maybe he's leaning on.
>elbow next to butt
>butt elbow
Requesting a fat goth pig with tattoos showing off her big ass
/v/ drawthread is your place
I'm actually the whitest you can be in my country without having foreign blood, but okay.
Here's another reference point, for those who are interested.
Nah, I'm just kidding.
You should really respond to people when they reply to you though.
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26 KB, 306x425
good idea m90
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kahl will try
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1 MB, 540x765
I don't wanna die
Stfu chris
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oh goody
I could do that but then I would inflict on people more social awkwardness than necessary.

Tbh, when someone give me a request I consider but cannot promise to do outright, I prefer saying nothing rather than "maybe later" or outright "no".

If you're the chainsaw monster guy, you're on that specific case. Also pls be a tad more specific too, my imagination is limited to 300mo per day
File: fud.png (75 KB, 600x600) Image search: [Google]
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I am this >>672870649 anon. I understand not responding generally, but it the case of last thread it was more direct since we were talking.
Requesting Fat alien girl with droopy breasts firing a raygun
that's pretty bad
File: Tates.jpg (128 KB, 610x420) Image search: [Google]
128 KB, 610x420
Ayy, thanks friend

Welp I've slacked off enough, back to class
Love it. Would like the lips to be actually suckling if at all possible.
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File: fud.png (38 KB, 600x600) Image search: [Google]
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Cool story
Take what you get.
Wat r u talking about, the sideways titties r hot as fuck
Why did she leave?
hate harpoons
No one gave her requests because she was shit
Kahl, what's the name of that yellow lip bug girl?
Still is
Last time Bawble was here, she was sick though I've seen Bawble in /aco/ draw thread.
was a she?
Yeah I'd stick to sticks if I were you
File: fud.png (39 KB, 600x600) Image search: [Google]
39 KB, 600x600
Cool story
How long have you been drawing for, fud?
Wat r u talking about, that belly line makes me rock diamonds
Well that is sad
I used to give her monster requests
You think she'll be back?
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It doesn't matter.
You probably get off to kids crying too, you double nigger
File: IMG_20160308_124908.jpg (201 KB, 1259x978) Image search: [Google]
201 KB, 1259x978
Hmmm... Thread's funny.
none of this matters
Uhh ok?
he never did
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morning /b/. my head fucking hurts.

Requesting a fat nun getting her ass pounded.
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43 KB, 1280x720
Just tell me in words at least that anon got to directly milk both of those breasts. Pretty please?
>It doesn't matter.
>I'd suck no matter the time.
lol niggas my height don't fight.
Take your meds, MJN
>double nigger
Because you lack the insight to wank to abstract art
Maybe if she feels better.
Requesting Fud dominating Anons.
File: kahl0856832.png (314 KB, 1000x1000) Image search: [Google]
314 KB, 1000x1000
yep, working
you willing to wait for color?
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dude that outline is better than I imagined
File: fud.png (68 KB, 600x600) Image search: [Google]
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It doesn't matter, rando. I don't draw, I scribble shit that is almost appreciative but really isn't.
There's a 80% chance that if someone is giving me shit about my scribbles, it's a drawfag hiding.
Request anon giving you a belly rub
All this hate..
For no reason.

Just have fun.
Girls are cute
why you are stating obvious
what hate?
Requesting a fat southern cyclops girl winning a beauty pageant
Well i dont care what they say, i like wat you do
I have an important phone call coming in soon and I might be afk.

Can you email the final product to [email protected] ?
I want this but minus the fat
I've never been a drawfag
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I disagree
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Oh, believe it or not I simply have missed that message. Sorry, happens a lot.

Also yeah, the request was kinda out of my range of interest, sorry
File: fud.png (37 KB, 600x600) Image search: [Google]
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Yeah and I'm sure drawfags have never lied about hiding behind anon to avoid losing face.
File: cian.png (9 KB, 700x700) Image search: [Google]
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Fair enough, sorry for wasting your time there.
File: demonz.png (36 KB, 700x600) Image search: [Google]
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>It's a "No one was paying attention to Fud's whore character so now he's making an ass of himself" Thread

Oh joy...
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541 KB, 1415x1657
unfortunately the VITMINS i took are kind of shit. but they're chewy and i like chewy.

anon knows how to treat a cat
I guess I should try drawfaging
Lol you didn't wasted anything. Just because I don't take a request doesn't means it's a loss for anyone.
Fud is condescending piss
lol ^^
File: image.jpg (808 KB, 2448x2448) Image search: [Google]
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It's been a hot minute. My DS is dead and the precinct has been empty for about 10 minutes now. Entertain me.
I am in need of a stoner tiger, shark, or griffin. Help a /b/rotha out?
you sexy woman, you
File: 122025106215.jpg (36 KB, 650x550) Image search: [Google]
36 KB, 650x550
Is this a meme for drawfaging?
Requesting you giving an anon a hand job with your panties to soak up the mess
File: sergal.png (77 KB, 1000x1000) Image search: [Google]
77 KB, 1000x1000
But im not gay tho
File: Heretic.jpg (85 KB, 600x600) Image search: [Google]
85 KB, 600x600
But i'm not gay tho
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199 KB, 315x312
When you forget your tablet at school and can't draw..
File: thank you draw thread.jpg (1 MB, 1000x2800) Image search: [Google]
thank you draw thread.jpg
1 MB, 1000x2800
Hello draw thread.
This is going to be a long post so if you want there is a TLDR thingy down under.

For the past couple of months I was feeling down. I was feeling like maybe something was wrong. I was never a happy kind of guy. I am the silent guy you see in school.
I liked to draw even when my drawing where god awful I still drew and drew. It was fun for me. I grew up got a decent job family seem happy with me. But I just did not feel "full" if you know what I mean. I knew 4chan since 2007 and I was hooked. I would go on many boards looking at new posts and having a blast but not /b/ I never touched /b/. Its 2015 I am starting to wonder if I ever do get to do something with my "drawing skill" the most I got was to get a cute drawing I did for the mayor of my birth town to be In the local paper but i always knew I could do more. I started drawing some stuff to /pol/ like moonman and such. /pol/ seemed to enjoy it but they just liked the drawing for its racist qualities. I was starting to wonder maybe I should just stop drawing and get a new hobby. 2 months ago /pol/s quality was dropping sky high. I decided to Viet the infamous /b/. And the first thing I saw was a draw thread. At first I was not sure if to go in but I eventually did. After lurking for a month on /b/ I decided to write some stuff and even draw some stuff. I was shocked people where genuinely nice and happy to help and start a conversation. I was surprised that out of all the places on the Internet 4chan's draw thread brought me back into drawing.
So thank you each and single one of you here I cannot tell you how much this means to me. All of you made a big difference to me In a month and for that I say thank you with this comic because now you are stuck with this fag :3.

TLDR: draw threads are cancer but I love them any way.
Kill yourself
no, it's just me being baka xD
lol ^^
File: lazyflaca37.png (65 KB, 500x500) Image search: [Google]
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only if their at the age of 9.
Did you know that sharks have two dicks and females have one opening?
File: kahl0856832.png (427 KB, 1000x1000) Image search: [Google]
427 KB, 1000x1000
Sure, if you don't get it there just Come back and ask for kahl, usually around most of the day
can kahl ask why?
I don't get it
File: image_13.jpg (46 KB, 500x500) Image search: [Google]
46 KB, 500x500
Gee thanks.
This one time I picked up a turtle and it sprayed piss on me
look whos back, i missed you babe
Is joke fam I didn't read
you're gonna make me cry anon, for real
we love u too
>stating what drawfucks do is making an ass out of yourself when you've hid behind anon to fuck with other drawfucks
>coming out of anon to stir the shit pot with your presence
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26 KB, 525x481
>watching an image that has been stuck in my head for months come to life before my eyes
I like you Kahl.
Lemmie rub your belly rub
I know is joke.
I love you.
Oh, I just wanted to know. I like her.
what ? ^^ lol lmao
xD ^^ =) °u°
.u. lmfao
File: IMG_20160308_211650_528.jpg (83 KB, 1115x1080) Image search: [Google]
83 KB, 1115x1080
Give me a big hug.
Is this fud sperging?
Oh hey nool, sup? (SH/SHI here, in car about to come home.)
File: image.jpg (765 KB, 2448x2448) Image search: [Google]
765 KB, 2448x2448
>that sideways upload
I blatantly don't know what I'm doin and gobble loads of cock

You too

I'll ask Peep to dinner, thanks.

I, too, spray piss sometimes.
File: fud.png (37 KB, 600x600) Image search: [Google]
37 KB, 600x600
Why would I sperg? I'm just playing Punch Out.
But you didn't even mention Candlejack's name you fo
You better start drawing when you come home or I'll will come there and force you.
Punch is gud I like don flamaco
File: Heretic.jpg (95 KB, 600x600) Image search: [Google]
95 KB, 600x600
I-is that me?!?! in this lovely comic?!?!?
GOSH just flip the DANG picture
>force me to draw
Don't worry, I do that shit to myself already. You'll see me in 5-10 min
Hai Herelunatic.
File: ass_to_ass.jpg (238 KB, 1920x1080) Image search: [Google]
238 KB, 1920x1080
Your a weird person to act this way
never seen you here, what's your draw name ?
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File: demonz.png (38 KB, 700x600) Image search: [Google]
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>>stating what drawfucks do is making an ass out of yourself
>post bad drawing
>people say it's bad
>get defensive and accuse people of being drawfags under anon
>they weren't even trolling or going out of their way to be insulting
>just stating that the doodle wasn't that gr8

Yeah...making an ass out of himself...
File: SketchBoard2016-21-08_01_21_45.jpg (339 KB, 960x1600) Image search: [Google]
339 KB, 960x1600
I don't even know myself, but it doesn't stop there mang
^^^^^^^^^^^ no baka, it's just me acting baka desu !!
Where's peep tho?
File: eh.jpg (158 KB, 530x750) Image search: [Google]
158 KB, 530x750
WIP of the gladiator thingy
lookin good so far, thanks for puttin in the time mang
I draw memes and trash.
Sometimes porn when I feel like it.
File: fud.png (30 KB, 600x600) Image search: [Google]
30 KB, 600x600
>not wanting to hammer in opinions through thick skulls or argue over shitscribbles with EHG is acting weird
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72 KB, 600x600
Hey SH, how ya doing?
Lemme give u a hug
enjoy yourself, dude
No no no. I'm not the one. Stop it
Well you still are, kinda. Just in a really passive-aggressive way
I like this feeling I am feeling.
File: blkdjh.png (6 KB, 400x400) Image search: [Google]
6 KB, 400x400
He was
go back to being cute you ugly cunt
I was under the assumption that you were typing the strange text, and then acting like you weren't. Which could still be a possibility
Oh my goodness... Nool, that's deep... I-I am honored that you included me into it...
Shadow is more of a slut than I expected.
I am doing rather lovely, thanks! Just got home. About to get on drawing again
File: fud.png (32 KB, 600x600) Image search: [Google]
32 KB, 600x600
>>672878488 playing Punch Out?
Ayy, cheers mate. Thanks for sharing!

by even responding
It was just a thank you letter.
All of you people are amazing.
Shadow a cwootie.
Keep it up.
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File: windol the doodleguy.jpg (151 KB, 1080x1080) Image search: [Google]
windol the doodleguy.jpg
151 KB, 1080x1080
Nool, are you a newt or something.

Also did you want to be a part of this fucking trash tier web comic

Deep down inside, I'm sure everyone's a slut for something.
i am
LOL ^^
File: Entity.png (23 KB, 700x500) Image search: [Google]
23 KB, 700x500
>Tfw people were piss baby cunts about that joke
>tfw all you hear for three days is "you're the reason ire is gone DX"
>tfw one is back and here comes the other
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What if I...don't though.....
File: malk.png (353 KB, 468x353) Image search: [Google]
353 KB, 468x353
I eat garbage.
I am a trash man.
Not a newt.
Im green.
Your weird fud
who knows
Just say yes. Just say that he milked those boobies.
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2 MB, 3120x3178
>is drawing now
Hey. I got this? (Nice dubs btw.)
I hope that is incorrect...
>feeling picked out

does toothy ever into drawthreads anymore?
File: image.jpg (2 MB, 2592x1936) Image search: [Google]
2 MB, 2592x1936
My current drawing of zoran Lazervitch or sum shit from uncharted 2
her comp's borked but she's been doing traditionals of a list of drawfags she was given I think?
Fucking finally.
Will draw shit when I come home from my Dog.
In about 45 minutes.
Not since her computer borked
anon, that's a good waste of panties - i can't be throwing away lingerie like that!
File: hot s tuff.jpg (157 KB, 1080x1080) Image search: [Google]
hot s tuff.jpg
157 KB, 1080x1080
>There's a 80% chance that if someone is giving me shit about my scribbles, it's a drawfag hiding.

File: blkdjh.png (7 KB, 400x400) Image search: [Google]
7 KB, 400x400
Only cuteness can make me go
Looks great
oh wow and checked
That's pretty fuckin good dude.
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6 KB, 427x404
Fuckin adorable
Much appreciated!
File: IMG_20160307_213406.jpg (1 MB, 3120x4160) Image search: [Google]
1 MB, 3120x4160
Yes dawg.
Damn now that's some real talent. Keep it going strong frand.

Though the only complaint I have is the lack of flaccid dicks all over. Just a personal preference. >itsajokeok
Cute dog
File: Dog Hairstyle.jpg (19 KB, 286x281) Image search: [Google]
Dog Hairstyle.jpg
19 KB, 286x281
Adorable pupper.
Fucking newfag can't greentext
Do some catnip
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86 KB, 700x600

>not even cute
Nice try
File: Heretic.jpg (89 KB, 600x600) Image search: [Google]
89 KB, 600x600
Ok, that's pretty cute tbh
File: demonz.png (85 KB, 700x600) Image search: [Google]
85 KB, 700x600
Oh god drawing EHG like this feels so fucking dumb now

Well suicide is the only option now...
when was this?
File: IMG_20160308_133936.jpg (308 KB, 1357x1198) Image search: [Google]
308 KB, 1357x1198
Someone requested this...?
>whispers to ear.
Its a girl.
File: blkdjh.png (5 KB, 400x400) Image search: [Google]
5 KB, 400x400
Yes... YES... MORE!
File: IMG_20160308_204016_381.jpg (1 MB, 2179x2980) Image search: [Google]
1 MB, 2179x2980
Here, have this as a 'thank you' too. You made me smile at moments when I just had trouble seeing the light a day or two ago.
I agree. EHG is a cuteball.
EHG was better that about a mix of that EHG and the new EHG?...
Request she get spanked
File: Pater nostrum.png (83 KB, 1024x768) Image search: [Google]
Pater nostrum.png
83 KB, 1024x768
File: maxresdefault.jpg (28 KB, 1280x720) Image search: [Google]
28 KB, 1280x720
File: demonz.png (72 KB, 700x600) Image search: [Google]
72 KB, 700x600
>when was this?

Eehh~ I would GUESS around 2009?
File: much love.png (35 KB, 1080x1080) Image search: [Google]
much love.png
35 KB, 1080x1080
Cute enuff?

>that's the joke ;^)

request a beer bottle plugged in her brown star of love.

File: sergal.png (119 KB, 1000x1000) Image search: [Google]
119 KB, 1000x1000
qt pa2ti
marc stop
File: cian.png (9 KB, 700x700) Image search: [Google]
9 KB, 700x700
But can we go cuter?
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Thread images: 109

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