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The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 187
Thread images: 151
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good girl
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What else do i call 'em
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Bit desperate for the D, eh?
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Those taste weird.
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I guess you could say I'm D esperate. But no. Go suck eggs Snarf.
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How about I suck your eggs?
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As long as you promise not to scramble them.

League now.
but it's not ok
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So quiet.
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Because its Saturday morning.
Indeed. It is the worst of things.
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stupid cat-thing.
Stupid man-thing.
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stupid alive thing
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What is that creature from? Saw a plushie of it for sale at some weeaboo shop and could only picture it from the gay furry porn of it plastered over the internet.
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it's never been okay if you really think about it
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Wait.. they sell Mew plushies??? I kinda want one.
Nuffin wrong with being alllliivvveeeeee.

An anime called Space Dandy.

Doing ok stuff is boring, anyway.

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Space Dandy. And I want a Meow plushie.
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Meow plushies and hats for all!
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My cat would kill me.
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Cheers. Yeah it was a decent size aswell, atleast 2-3 feet, well made. Considering getting it for my furfag bf.
Bet they don't sell them in bongland
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but nothing is ok and it's boring all the time
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You just can't get anything in bongland, right?
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Never! My fucking mail didn't show up today either. Fucking cretins!
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But if nothing is ok and ok is nothing, what does that leave us with?
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Well they sell them here in the shithole, Australia. Just go look in one of those Japan Weeaboo/otaku/neet anime cringe shit shops. If you are alpha enough, just ask the chick at the desk if they can order one.
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It'll probably turn up mid afternoon knowing Royal Mail.

> Japan Weeaboo/otaku/neet anime cringe shit shops
I don't know if we even have any of those near here.
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How have you been?
Pretty good, thanks. And you?
There's already been a delivery, can there be more than one in a day?
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Been better.

Just trying to survive.
I doubt it, unless it's something that's being couriered to you.
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crippling depression and loniless
That's no good. We really ought to do something about that.
Hi RenRen
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It could be worse. It could be one of those things where you have to stay in and wait for something to arrive and they say it could arrive at any time between 9am and 9pm.
I've had that before.
Oh shit, yeah that's pretty sucky.
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Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey Rily. How goes you?
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Only some people can be helped. Everyone else just suffers silently until the day they die.
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Thanks based Amazon.

Still, I got a free computer case out of them after I got sick of waiting around and tried to cancel the order.
The case arrived half hour later.
I'm ok. and yourself?
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Probably about 7/10 atm. So fine. Pretty much just been playing Bravely Second all day.
just 7?
heh, how's that going?
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Pretty good game so far. So well polished and graphically great for a handheld game. Can see myself pumping 60hours into this game heh.

Played anything recently??
I still never got around to the first one :/

not much, just been switching between MGSV and Factorio today
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Factorio looks interesting.

You ok man? You sound rather flat today.
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it's just really hot and I still feel kinda shitty after getting drunk yesterday
Still my best furfag picture of all time
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Ahk, hungover, understandable.

Drinks with friends or party/out to town??
drinks at home alone
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Decent pic. But I prefer anything with Tays perfect boipussie.

Why did you drink alone?

A furfag after my own tastes.

Whats your poison?
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my dad picked me up from uni because I was at Waite and it was on his way home and we bought some ciders on the way

Ciders and rum mostly, though I'm open to try other stuff
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What brand
you'll have to be more specific
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I'd post porn but I literally only have this picture on here
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The ciders and rums. I really don't feel like it's that ambiguous of a question.
well, you could have been referring to one or the other, or to what I was drinking yesterday.Regardless, usually it's Somersby ciders and the rum I've forgotten the name of
Got the artist's name ? It's really nice
no idea, I saved it from here
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>forgotten the name of
If you have forgotten the name of what you drunk then that usually means you had a good time.
true, but I don't drink rum much because it's not cheap
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I mean, did you drink 11 brands? You could have just listed them all pretty easily.
I think it's Darkgem doing Wagnermutt's character or something.
This salsa is too hot
it doesn't look like Wagnermutt's character
Thanks, furanon
I rarely have rum.

Buut drinks I have enjoyed recently:
-Black label scotch whiskey; mixes amazingly with coke
-Russian standard vodka; like the way it goes down, doesnt have that horrible cheap vodka aftertaste
-Philandia Vodka Grapefruit flavour (ice cold only); amazing aftertaste
-and call me a faggot but I like Ruski
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Use less per chip.

Yes it does, when translated to Darkgem's style.
those sound nice, but I'm not really a fan of vodka

I don't remember his character having green eyes though
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Its good though.
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Mix it with some mild salsa.
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I have none and it's all gone anyways.
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I can't take hot stuff very well. Salsa can be good though.
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This stuff was labeled as medium. Shit's about as hot as you get from a real Mexican restaurant.
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What brand? And I mean the salsa, if that wasn't clear, because apparently that's an ambiguous thing to ask.
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I threw the container away.

Well crap.
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Were you planning on getting it again?
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I'm off. Goodnight people.
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I might just go with my regular newmans brand salsa.

This stuff was almost unbearable for me.
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Well, if it was good the mild variant might be worth a shot.
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hey asshole, stella is great and you're a twat
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Had a nice smoky flavor without being over powering.

That might have been my mouth burning though that I was tasting.
nice pic
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Are you sure you weren't dipping your ships in scalding candle wax?
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thx it took a lot of effort to upload
glad someone appreciates me
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stop trying to be nibi
only nibi can be nibi
you aren't that glorious
I'll always appreciate you anon
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Nibi lives in Milwaukee. I'll never be as low as Nibi.
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Pretty sure.
no, you'll never be on his level cause you're even lower
nibi is a saint tho dont you dare talk about him like that
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why do people make those
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If Nibi is a saint, I am euphoric.
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for the glory of santa and his elves of course
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hi euphoric, i'm anon
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I recognise those horns, I made those
No, it is suppose to be autistic.
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Well, this thread looks poor quality.
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then i stole them and put them on an unsuspecting victim
or two
im sorry
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just a bit slow
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it's all yours friend ;)
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What did I do to you?
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avatars are gonna make it so much better amirite
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they tend to
what game is that?
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>implying making it any better is my obligation
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thanks, riley.
don't worry, he's just jealous
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that picture will never cease to amaze
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Guilty Gear 8: The False Suffering
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you're welcome anon
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then don't whine about it while you're making it worse.
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big rigs over the road racing
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A thread is like a garden. It takes a lot of love and a little work each day.
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that's a nice nuke
65 of them, in fact
are you well my good sir
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Fuck, its morning. Why am I awake?
W h a t *
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why thank you
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I wasn't whining, just stating my opinion.
Doesn't seem like you get out much.

I'd like to tend to an actual personal garden some day.
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cause you missed me
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The sun is out, therefore your guns are calling to be out.

Sounds like a filthy disgusting nightmare.
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hai snorf
do you dread waking up each morning too

you are most welcome
i go out plenty, dont worry
you were whining.
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It's not so bad if the garden isn't too big.
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A love that can not be.

I have no guns.
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Whatever I guess.
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you da best

it is not meant to be
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I could handle one planter before going crazy.

Next thing you'll tell me is that you can't even speak French.
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You love to exaggerate.

I guess it's not really your thing.
nice gpu fam
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done be like that bby
aww youre just sayin that, silly
just sayin it's dumb to complain about it being bad, then making it worse.
thx fam got it yesterday
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Hey Para
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I hope you really didn't though, with pascal and Solaris coming
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nah, it's true
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That's your opinion.
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Those people who have entire vegetable gardens are insane if you ask me. My neighbors spend like 3 hours a day gardening on top of working full time.
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don't worry i'm way too poor for that
and i dont need it anyway
aww im blushing already, you're too kind.
not my problem you don't want to accept the truth
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Unless it has something to do with specific culinary terms, fuck French.
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How are you
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my goal has been achieved
Tired. But I need to stay awake to reset my sleep schedule.
Oh, I see.
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Heya Geo

Yeah, don't wanna dedicate too much time on it.

Not my problem you have unwarranted self importance over your opinion.
What's good with you?
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I thought you loved Frenching.

Maybe you could just imagine having a garden instead.
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Sold a couple of things.

Trying to recover some money because I bough that expensive as fuck tool.
How did y-
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If I really wanted to, I would play Farming Simulator for that. But I don't.

Lucky guess.
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Do you imagine playing Farming Simulator instead?
Oh.. Well played then. How are you doing on this fine weekend?
No, I have better things to imagine about.
Like cuddling.

I'm alright, though I need to get some shopping done, but that's about it.
Maybe you should join your school's wrestling team and just perform really poorly. That's almost like getting cuddled by muscular athletic men.
I'm feeling mad at the postman for not bringing my mail today.

Also cuddles are gewd~
Only your butthole.

Is it at least helping with your turn-over?
Thread replies: 187
Thread images: 151

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